
Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2019


When user browse to tm1web site, they get a warning in web browser that “your connection is not private”.

If you check the certificate – by click on the padlock in the browser – windows says the certificate is OK.

Subject Alternative Name Missing The certificate for this site does not contain a Subject Alternative Name extension containing a domain name or IP address.

Certificate Error There are issues with the site’s certificate chain (net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID).


Order a new certificate for your TM1WEB server that contain a Subject Alternative Name, that is the server-name or DNS alias.

The certificate you have today, if you open it in MMC, under Details tab, there is no line for Subject Alternative Name, only a line for Subject.


More Information:

Security certificate does not specify subject alternative names


Planning Analytics Workspace

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


After patch or restart of the Windows server, sometimes the PAW does not come up.

Suggested solution:

In Daemon.json file shutdown timeout settings update and changed to 600 sec from 180 sec

Found in folder C:\ProgramData\docker\config

Registry key settings update WaitToKillServiceTimeout increase to 20 sec from 5 sec

  • WaitToKillServiceTimeout: Windows normally waits 5 seconds for background services to clean up and close when you tell your computer to shut down. Some applications may change this value when you install them, giving their background services extra time to clean up. Windows forcibly shuts down background services after this period of time. This value controls how many seconds Windows waits before doing so. Windows will automatically shut down if all services close successfully before the timer expires.

It should be created in regedit under this branch:


Change the Service type of ‘Docker Engine’ to manual from automatic.

Create a task scheduler so that this ‘Docker Engine’ service should start only after 15 minutes of the server restart.

More information:


Planning Analytics 11.0.911.20-0


After upgrade of Cognos Analytics fix pack, then the login to Tm1Web does not work.

Error: No webpage was found for the web address:  http://servername/ibmcognos/bi/tm1/web/tm1web.html…



On the CA11 servers, ensure that the folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\bi\tm1\web exist, and contain the tm1web.html file.

The fix pack installation of CA11 can remove files from cognos folders, like variables_tm1.xml

The tm1web.html file should contain a list of the formats that you are going to access the tm1web with.

var tm1webServices = [“http://SystemName:PortNumber“,”https://SystemName:PortNumber“];


More information:



Planning Analytics


When was a version released?


List from IBM.



More Information:

End Of Support Summary

  • PA2.0.0 to PA 2.0.8 inclusive: 30 Sep 2022
  • 10.2.2: 30 Sep 2019
  • 10.2.0: 30 Sep 2018
  • 10.1.x: 30 Apr 2017
  • 9.5.x: 30-Sep-2015
  • 9.4.x and Executive Viewer: 30-Sep 2013

IBM Planning Analytics TM1


Planning Analytics 2.0.9.x

Microsoft Windows 2012 server

When login with TM1 Architect you get a DNS error or a blank page.
The TM1 instance is setup with CAM security together with Cognos Analytics.

It works to login with TM1 Architect from another laptop computer.

Possible Solution:

The Internet Options for the user of TM1 Architect does not have the URL used in the TM1S.CFG file as trusted zone.

Check the TM1S.CFG file for the URL at line:


Test above URL in a web browser (internet explorer) from the computer where you have issues, do you get same error?

Go to Internet Options from the windows control panel.

Select security tab.

Select trusted sites.

Click Sites button.

Enter the from ClientCAMURI line and click Add button.

Restart TM1 Architect and does it work now to login to a TM1 instance?

The settings in Internet Options is for each person on the computer, so if a different person use the same computer or server, he or she need to add the URL to there trusted sites in internet options.

Recommendation is also to have Security level to Medium-low to make it work.

Other solution could be that the DNS server did not know the TM1 server name. Then you can try the IP address instead in the ClientCAMURI line. Does the two computers use the same DNS server?  Or you can clear the dns cache with command:

ipconfig /flushdns

Purges the DNS Resolver cache.

More Information:


Planning Analytics Workspace 74
Microsoft Windows 2019 server

To install PAW74 or later on Windows 2019 server, you need to first install the docker runtime.


From a workstation with internet connection.
Create a folder like c:\install\docker

Go to the folder in powershell as administrator

Enter this command to get the installation script

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -o install.ps1

Enter this command to download the media only

.\install.ps1 -DownloadOnly

Then copy this files over to the server, and place them in some folder like d:\install\docker

On the new server start powershell as administrator and go to the folder to start installation with command

.\install.ps1 -Offline

When installation is done, it is common to change the drive for docker. Update the file c:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json

The value data-root point to where you want all the docker images for PAW. In windows you must enter the path with double slash. Save the file.

To start the docker service enter:

Start-Service docker

If you get error;

fatal: unable to configure the Docker daemon with file C:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json: invalid character ‘P’ in string escape code

then you have missed the \\ in the file.

To check version of docker enter:

docker version

Should give response: Client: Mirantis Container Runtime

Version: 20.10.11

API version: 1.41

More information:

Planning Analytics Workspace 74

TM1_name=IBM Cognos TM1

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


How much disk space do i need for PAW on my new server?


The install folder (where you downloaded the software) takes around 15 GB.

The PAW folder (where log files are) takes 10 GB.

The DOCKER folder (where the images are) takes around 52 GB.

The program folder for planning analytics takes 7 GB.

The folder for your TM1 instance – is very depending on your solution and how much data you have in TM1.

The Windows folder take around 18 GB.

Normally you have windows on C: and all the rest on your D: drive.

Recommendation is to have above 100 GB free on the C: and D: drive before you start.


More information:

Planning Analytics Workspace 73
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When user browse to PAW portal, some of the text is in other language than English.

The edit fields are controlled by the settings in your web browser.

How change language in Chrome:

Go to Settings

Expand Advanced

Click on Languages – expand the dialog

Add the language you want the text in PAW toolbar to be the chosen language for your browser.


You create translated values by adding a caption attribute, and then by assigning caption values for every language that you want to make available. You add caption attributes and caption values by creating TurboIntegrator processes.

Planning Analytics Workspace uses the browser language setting to determine which language to display, so a user can view cubes, views, dimensions, and so on, in their own language without needing any additional configuration.

If you enabled the display of translated names on your TM1 server, then cubes, dimensions, elements, and attributes display in your local language as determined by the language setting of your Web browser. If translation is not enabled, object names appear as they were originally created on the TM1 server. In websheets, only elements that are returned by SUBNM or TM1RptRow functions are translated. All other element and object names in websheets display as originally created.

More information:

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Captions

Planning Analytics Workspace 74

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


After migrate reports from old PAW to new PAW; some workspace does not show, they are blank instead of showing the table or graph.

Possible solution:

Ensure that inside Planning Analytics Workspace Administration, that the URL for TM1 Application Server Gateway URI point to your TM1WEB server and port.

This settings are also found in file d:\IBM\PAW74\config\paw.ps1

PAW uses the TM1WEB to render the websheets, so this must point to correct port.

If it point to the pmpsvc instead, you will get a blank page, where there should be a websheet in the dashboard.

You migrate the books and reports with the PAW lifecycle function from old PAW to new PAW; but the web sheets are migrated with the TM1 data folder.


If there is only the websheet that are blank in the PAW book, then it can be the IBM Cognos BI Gateway URI that point wrong, it should point to the IIS weburl in case when you use SSO in your Tm1 application. It should match the settings in the TM1S.CFG file. Try by change it to:

from the old value;

The IBM Cognos BI Dispatcher URI should always be;


The other valus in the IBM Planning Analytics Workspace Administration Tool ( ) should be:

The TM1 Admin Server URI

TM1 Application Server Gateway URI  (port depending on setup as listed above)


More information:

Websheet is blank in PAW

Planning Analytics Workspace 74
Microsoft Windows 2019 Server


Can not expand proven_techniques in databases under modeling tools in Planning Analytics Workspace.

Other TM1 instance work.

Possible solution:

The TM1 instance HTTPportnumber is not open in the firewall.

PAW uses REST API, HTTPportnumber, to communicate with the TM1 instances.

Change to a port you now the firewall let trough, by edit the tm1s.cfg file.


Save the TM1S.CFG file and try again.

PAW have access to the TM1 Admin service, therefor the TM1 instance is listed in the tree.

More information: