Planning Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2019 server
How can i find data path to TM1 session?
Search the internet and use the code to build something like this, it will check if the TM1S.CFG file is in the data or a \config\ folder, and then load the data from TM1S.CFG file to a dimensions, that you later can ask in your code for information from.
#Section Prolog
#****Begin: Generated Statements*** #****End: Generated Statements**** # -- get the data folder if the logs folder is logs or logfiles --- sLogDirName1 = LOWER ('Logfiles\' ) ; sLogDirName2 = LOWER ('Logs\' ) ; sConfigDirName = LOWER ('Config\') ; sDataDirName = LOWER ( 'Data\' ) ; sBackupDirName = LOWER ( 'Backup\' ); sLogDirPath = LOWER( GetProcessErrorFileDirectory ); nLScan1 = SCAN (sLogDirName1, sLogDirPath) ; nLScan2 = SCAN (sLogDirName2, sLogDirPath) ; IF ( nLyckadScan1 <> 0 ); # sDataDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLScan1, LONG (sLogDirName1)) | sDataDirName; # sBackupDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLScan1, LONG (sLogDirName1)) | sBackupDirName; sConfigDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLScan1, LONG (sLogDirName1)) ; ELSEIF ( nLyckadScan2 <> 0 ); # sDataDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLScan2, LONG (sLogDirName2)) | sDataDirName; # sBackupDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLScan2, LONG (sLogDirName2)) | sBackupDirName; sConfigDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLScan2, LONG (sLogDirName2)) ; ELSE; # the log folder can be the same as the datafolder sConfigDirPath = sLogDirPath ; ENDIF; CFGpath = sConfigDirPath ; pParamsList=UPPER(':adminhost:ServerName:DataBaseDirectory:PortNumber:ClientMessagePortNumber:ServerCAMURI:LoggingDirectory:MTQ:HTTPPortNumber:IntegratedSecurityMode'); Dlmtr=';'; LenDtr=LONG(Dlmtr); DataSourceType='CHARACTERDELIMITED'; # -- change the folder options to match your setup --- sAfolder = 'config\' ; ConfigFile = 'Tm1s.cfg'; IF (FileExists(CFGpath | sAfolder | ConfigFile ) = 1 ) ; DatasourceNameForClient= CFGpath | sAfolder | ConfigFile; DatasourceNameForServer= CFGpath | sAfolder | ConfigFile; ELSEIF (FileExists(CFGpath | ConfigFile ) = 1 ) ; DatasourceNameForClient= CFGpath | ConfigFile; DatasourceNameForServer= CFGpath | ConfigFile; ELSE; # -- will use tm1s.cfg in the data folder -- DatasourceNameForClient= 'Tm1s.cfg'; DatasourceNameForServer= 'Tm1s.cfg'; ENDIF; DatasourceASCIIDelimiter='='; DatasourceASCIIHeaderRecords=1; DimName='SYS_ServerParameters'; IF( DimensionExists(DimName) = 0 ); DimensionCreate( DimName ); ENDIF; IF( CubeExists( '}ElementAttributes_'|DimName )=0 ); AttrInsert( DimName , '' , 'Value' , 'S' ); ENDIF; IF( CubeExists( '}ElementAttributes_'|DimName )=1 ); IF(DIMIX( '}ElementAttributes_'|DimName , 'Value' )=0 ); AttrInsert( DimName , '' , 'Value' , 'S' ); ENDIF; ENDIF;
#Section Metadata #****Begin: Generated Statements*** #****End: Generated Statements**** #Section Data #****Begin: Generated Statements*** #****End: Generated Statements**** IF( SUBST( Param , 1 , 1)@<>'#' & Param @<>'' & SCAN(UPPER(Param) , pParamsList)>0 ); IF( SCAN( ';' , Value )>0 ); CurPos=1; ValueList=Value|Dlmtr; ParamNum=''; i=0; WHILE(CurPos>0&LONG( ValueList )>0); CurPos=SCAN( Dlmtr , ValueList ); Value=SUBST( ValueList , 1, CurPos-1); ValueList=DELET( ValueList, 1, CurPos+LenDtr-1); #LOGOUTPUT( 'INFO' , Param | ParamNum |' = '| Value ); DimensionElementInsertDirect(DimName, '', Param | ParamNum ,'N'); AttrPutS(Value, DimName, Param | ParamNum , 'Value' ); i=i+1; ParamNum=NUMBERTOSTRING(i); END; ELSE; #LOGOUTPUT( 'INFO' , Param |'='| Value ); DimensionElementInsertDirect(DimName, '', Param ,'N'); AttrPutS(Value, DimName, Param , 'Value' ); ENDIF; ENDIF; #Section Epilog #****Begin: Generated Statements*** #****End: Generated Statements****
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