Planning Analytics Workspace 73

Microsoft Server 2016


During Start.ps1 checks at the start of the upgrade of PAW, you get message that docker-compose is to old.

Command: Docker version

will list your docker version, in our case it was 17.06.2-ee-14


Ensure server have connection to internet.

Start powershell as administrator.

Run this commands:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

Above to active TLS1.2

Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $Env:ProgramFiles\Docker\docker-compose.exe

Above to install docker-compose version 1.29

Then try to install PAW again.

More information:



Cognos Controller 10.4.2

Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

Microsoft  SQL server 2019


After change in Windows Server for SQL database, to not allow TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 protocol the Cognos Controller and FAP program can not connect to the SQL database. You have not enabled HTTPS in Cognos Configuration, therefor Cognos is not using SSL to the clients.

Cognos Analytics who uses the SQLJDBC42.JAR driver, works fine.

Error message:

TM1.SQLAPI   08001[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]SSL Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

TM1.SQLAPI   E16) Cannot connect to ODBC data source “ControllerDatabase”  08001[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]SSL Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

Above error when you test the UDL connection to the SQL server.

Above error when you try to login to Cognos Controller.

Microsoft SQL server Native Client 11.0 Client unable to establish connection
TCP provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
in Windows event log:

Could not connect to database. Database CTRL blacklisted. It will be considered again in 20 minutes.
Client unable to establish connection
TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.


Upgrade the SQLNCLI.MSI program to a later version.

Download a new SQL 2012 driver from Microsoft and install that in your Controller Windows server.

Also install same SQLNCLI.MSI driver on your TM1 server where you have the FAP service running.

Above is the working driver, you should download from Microsoft. Driver version 11.4.7001.0 is correct.

Go to the Control Panel on your Cognos Controller computer and check installed version of SQL 2012.

Above is the working version of SQL 2012 driver, if you not have it – you must install it for Cognos Controller.

Above drivers does not work when you have turned off TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, to the SQL server.

When you install the new SQL client, you need to stop IBM Cognos Controller Batch Service and IBM Cognos FAP Service. Otherwise you will be reminded as below.

More Information:


Microsoft SQL server 2016


SSIS job fail with error:

Could not find database ID 42, name ’42’. The database may be offline. Wait a few minutes and try again.

Check if the database have change ID.

select * from sys.databases

Above will list the database name and id.

When you do a detach and attach on a database file, you can if you are unlucky, get a new ID on the database. Then old SSIS job that worked yesterday, will fail.

Repeat the detach and attach process to get the database back to correct number.

Move file locations with ALTER command instead; this script will list the commands for each database

SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [Database] 
, name AS [LogicalName]
, type_desc AS [FileType]
, physical_name AS [FilePath]
, 'ALTER DATABASE ' + DB_NAME(database_id)
+ ' MODIFY FILE ( NAME = ' + name + ', FILENAME = ''' + physical_name + '''); 'AS Command
FROM SYS.master_files
WHERE database_id > 4
ORDER BY database_id ASC, type_desc DESC;

You have to change the path to new location before you run the command.

Also copy the database files to the new location before you run the script.


More Information:

Understanding different SQL Server database states




Microsoft SQL server 2016


Some tables are not visible in SAS client program, even do the same user can see the tables in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or Tableau.

As the same user can see the tables inside Microsoft SQL Studio, it is not a permission issue.


Change the tables and views in SQL to have shorter names. SAS can not show SQL tables or views that have a name longer than 32 characters.


More Information:


Planning Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2019 Server


Newly installed TM1, when start the TM1 application, the first starts, but the second application does not start.

Following error in tm1server.log while starting the second Planning Analytics server : ” TM1.Server E15) Server unable to listen on port 5001. Please check the log file for further details ”

Possible solution:

The Tm1 instance can not read the tm1s.cfg file, and therefor defaults to the standard value of HTTPPortNumber; that is port 5001.

The first starts, the second tm1 instance try to use same port and crash.

Can be that you have missed to include HTTPPortNumber in the tm1s.cfg file.

Add HTTPPortNumber to every tm1s.cfg file with a unique number.

Can be that you inside the tm1s.cfg file you have “Configuration Directory” set to the data folder, but the tm1s.cfg file is in a different folder.

Remove “Configuration Directory” from the tm1s.cfg file.

Let only the path for the Tm1 instance in cognos configuration point out where the tm1s.cfg file is located.


More Information:

TM1/PA REST API Part 1: Introduction – Getting it Right

Planning Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2019 server

Can not start IBM Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services service (tm1web).

Error in windows event log:

The IBM Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services service terminated with the following service-specific error:

Incorrect function.


Suggested solution:

Change the user account that run the windows service to local system and try if that works.

Can be that a windows service account – do not have full access to files or memory.

Check the log files in folder D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1web\wlp\usr\servers\tm1web\logs

More information:

  1. Planning Analytics – December 21, 2021
    IBM Planning Analytics Local version and the cloud release of IBM Planning Analytics with Watson version includes updates for IBM TM1 Server version 11.8.9.

Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

You have a working Dynamic SQL query, but when you schedule it, it stop working.

Suggested solution:
Rebuild your query to not use Dynamic SQL, to make it possible to schedule it in PowerBi.

See if you can change to use fewer different data sources.

More Information:

Microsoft PowerBI report server  Version 1.10.7737.32652 (January 2021)
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

Some of the powerbi reports does not refresh from the portal or on schedule. You get a error message like this;

2022-01-19 : |ERROR|63|Error Processing Data Model Refresh: SessionId: , Status: Error Failed to refresh the model, Exception Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException: Failed to save modifications to the server. Error returned: ‘COM error: Microsoft.PowerBI.ReportServer.ASEngineManagedRoot, Datasource … is not found..
COM error: Microsoft.PowerBI.ReportServer.ASEngineManagedRoot, Datasource … is not found..
The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.

The powerbi report can be refreshed from PowerBI for Desktop. Also the report works from a different PowerBI server.

You can check error messages in folder c:\Program Files\Microsoft Power BI Report Server\PBIRS\LogFiles


Suggested solution:

Restart the windows PowerBIReportServer service, to release memory or cache that is used by PowerBI server.


More information:

ERROR|19|Failed to get connection string for model | RequestID =  ClientSessionID =  Microsoft.PowerBI.ReportServer.AsServer.AsConnectionException: Failed to get connection string for model

error in the log file can be because you have 2 data sources in the model pointing to the same database, where the database name was all lower case in one source and upper case in the other. Use the advanced editor in PowerBI desktop to rename them to be unique and then there was one source and data refreshes fine. You must use the same letter format on all fields. 

Planning Analytics 2.x

Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

User have removed some sheet in a excel workbook and publish it again to TM1WEB.

But can now not open the application view in TM1WEB. User gets a error “Failed to open the target workbook. Make sure that the file has not been renamed or deleted”.

Check the excel workbook for reference errors.
If there are formulas that referee to the deleted sheet, this can give this error.

Ensure that all formulas point to existing columns and sheets in the workbook.

Also ensure you do not have inserted unsupported object into the workbook, like word documents and links to pictures that may not work in TM1WEB.

Redo the workbook, and publish it again.

Also ensure you do not have empty columns on the right side in your spreadsheet, that can also affect TM1Web performance.

More Information:


Planning Analytics Workspace
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

PAW does not respond and most users do not get reports shown.

On the TM1WEB server you find this in log file D:\Program\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\logs\message.log


Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space



Go to Cognos Configuration for TM1

Go to Environment – IBM Cognos TM1 – Maximum memory for WebSphere liberty

And increase value to 8192.
Right click and restart IBM Cognos TM1 service.

Check in task manager that you still have free RAM memory on your server.

Check if the websheet and reports now work in TM1WEB or PAW.

More information: