Cognos Analytics 11.0.13
kit_name=IBM Cognos Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2012 server
What is Director Administrator counted as kind of license?
Guessed Solution:
Director Administrator is classified as a administrator license.
Inside Cognos Analytics you can get a list of the users that have access to the system.
Go to Manage – Licenses – Export to get a list of user.
The view show only users who have logged into Cognos.
If you change a user from Administrator to User, that person must login to Cognos, before above list is updated with his correct license status.
The exported csv file, list all people that have somehow connected to cognos security.
The level 3 is a Analytic Administrator and level 1 is a Analytic User.
-1 in level show the user have not logged into Cognos, but he is listed in the security groups.
To be sure about license talk to a IBM partner or read the license documents:
More information:
To get a detailed report of users capabilities, you can install and use Cognos 11 audit extensions;