Planning Analytics
Planning Analytics Workspace version 96
Microsoft Windows 2019
The csv files amount have changed from period to comma for decimals when we run the TM1 TI process?
Possible Solution:
Depending from where you start your TM1 TI process, the local region settings will affect the decimal separator in the file.
If you run a TM1 TI process from PAW in EDGE set to Swedish for language and spelling, then the value will have a comma (,) as a decimal separator.
If you run a TM1 TI process from PAW in EDGE or CHROME set to English for language and spelling, then the value will have a period (.) as a decimal separator.
Check the web browser options – language and ensure that you have English as first choice to get a period as decimal separator like 100.99
TM1 Architect will use the region settings of the users value in Windows control panel.
You can set values in the TM1 TI process, to make conversion of value work, but the ASCIIOUTPUT may not be affected.
DatasourceASCIIDecimalSeparator TurboIntegrator local variable sets the decimal separator to be used in any conversion of a string to a number or a number to a string. If you set this variable you must also set the DatasourceASCIIThousandSeparator variable. This will affect NumberToString (value) but not ASCIIOUTPUT (value).
The character specified must be a standard ASCII printable character, with a decimal value between 33 and 127 inclusive.
Either of the following examples sets the comma character (,) as the separator.
More Information:
What is the syntax for NumberToStringEx?
NumberToStringEx(Value, NumericFormat, DecimalSep, ThousandsSep)
- Value = any real number
- NumericFormat = TM1 numeric format string e.g. #,0.##
- DecimalSep = Decimal separator to be used in the output
- ThousandsSep = Thousands separator to be used in the output