Planning Analytics 2.0.9

Microsoft Windows 2019 server

How to stop a TM1 instance from other computer?

Suggested Solution:

Enter below in notepad++ and save as a powershell script named tm1script.ps1

#REM powershell script
#REM enter first the command then the tm1 instance
#REM Get-Service -ComputerName computername -Name servicename | Start-Service

#REM get the server name from a text file that you prepare before
$computers = Get-Content c:\temp\servers.txt

#REM get the command parameters
$action = $args[0]
$tm1instance = $args[1]

#REM if stop do this else do that
If ($action -eq “stop” )
{Get-Service -Computername $computers -Name $tm1instance | Stop-Service }
ElseIf ($action -eq “start” )
{Get-Service -Computername $computers -Name $tm1instance | Start-Service }

#REM if none of above, then enter a line in windows event log
write-eventlog -Computername $computers -logname Application -source EventSystem -eventID 1000 -message “something else happened.”

Create a text file with the servername for the windows server that you have tm1 installed on.

Place the text file in c:\temp folder on the computer where you want to run the script.

The account running the script need to be administrator on the target host machine to be able to connect and stop windows services.

Enter command: ./tm1script.ps1  stop “planning sample”

The tm1 instance need to be inside ” when it have a space in the name.

More information:

PowerShell Basics: ElseIf Statement

Microsoft Windows 2019

Message when you try to add a schedule


On the local server use Local Security Policy manager:

  1. Click START and type secpol.msc then press Enter
  2. Expand Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment node
  3. Double click Log on as a batch job
  4. Click the Add User or Group button and add your service account user
  5. Click OK

You should use a service account that is part of the administrator group, to ensure it have rights to do the task you have in your cmd script file.

More Information:

Cognos Analytics 11.1.x
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When you enter url http://servername/ibmcognos then you do not get logged into Cognos Analytics, instead you get a blank screen.


Add a rule to allow Cognos Analytics pages to load without a trailing slash in URL. Start IIS Manager and go to IBMCOGNOS.

  1. Click the ibmcognos alias.
  2. Double-click URL Rewrite
  3. Click Add Rules > Inbound Rules > Blank Rule
    • Name is Add Trailing Slash
    • Pattern is ^bi$
    • Action type is Redirect
    • Redirect URL is {R:0}/
    • Check Append query string.
    • Redirect type is Permanent (301)
    • Click Apply and Back to Rules.


More information:


Cognos Controller Web 10.4.2

User can not enter the date in a form. See / instead of – for the date format.

The date format is controlled by the Windows region settings in your laptop or on your citrix server.
Keep in mind that some date format is in the other order e.g. day-month-year can be month/day/year.

Go to control panel – region, to change the settings to Swedish if you want.

Other information:

Cognos Controller 10.4.2

After change of SQL server to Cognos Controller, ERO reports does not work.

Error message:

Ask the DBA to ensure that the SQL login (frango) you are using to the Controller database have the server roles: bulkadmin and public

You check what SQL login you are using in Cognos Controller Configuration.


More information:

Cognos Controller Web 10.4.2

When open a period to work with you get this error

Invalid forms
There are invalid forms for Submission 1. Please check the form definition and process the form layouts or contact your administrator

Suggested solution:
Check a other period and company if that works.
Can be that this period contains forms that you do not use, like forms that do not contain any accounts, they will not work in controller web.

More information:

To open a company for submission click on the z icon.

Cognos Controller 10.4.2
Cognos Analytics 11.1.7
Microsoft Windows 2019 Server

To run a optimization the users need to be out of Cognos Controller – how can i force users off Cognos controller at night?

Suggested Solution:
The Cognos controller code that handles users are inside the IIS application pool, so a restart of the IIS server will force all Cognos controller users out.

Suggestion is to also restart your Cognos Analytics service at the same time. This simple batch script can do it for you, if you run it from a scheduler with desktop access.

REM restart of IIS and then Cognos
echo ——– >> d:\temp\restartlog.txt
echo %date% %time% >> d:\temp\restartlog.txt
net stop W3SVC
net start W3SVC

echo Cognos Analytics Restart Begins….. >> d:\temp\restartlog.txt
CALL “d:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\bin64\cogconfig.bat” -stop
echo Services Stopped >> d:\temp\restartlog.txt
REM rename the cognos server log file for later inspection
rename “d:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\logs\cognosserver.log” “* %Date:/= % %Time::=.%.txt”

REM wait before start
PING -n 31 > nul

CALL “d:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\bin64\cogconfig.bat” -s

echo %date% %time% >> d:\temp\restartlog.txt
echo Services Started successfully >> d:\temp\restartlog.txt


If you have more than one Cognos server, you need to restart the CA11 Content Manager first, then the rest.  Leave at least 15 minutes between the servers restarts.

If users are logged into Cognos Controller Client during restart, they will see this message when they try to do something inside Cognos Controller Client after a restart.
They need to exit there client.

Note: If Cognos Configuration is left open on the Windows server, then this script will not work and Cognos will not start. It is important that you close Cognos Configuration before you exit a Remote Desktop session with the server.

The drawback is that windows event log will have entry like this:

Faulting application name: cogbootstrapservice.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5daf2515
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.17763.1728, time stamp: 0x6e7b7e33
Exception code: 0xc0000374
Fault offset: 0x00000000000fa689
Faulting process id: 0x128c

More Information:

Cognos Controller 10.4.2
Windows Server 2012
When open Data Entry – Reported Values, the field are in wrong order.

The normal look of data entry is like this:

The rows can be moved, by you click on them and drag them to new position in the dialog.

The settings are stored in the ccr.config file for your user in her windows profile.

To reset the values, we suggest that the user close cognos controller client and go to folder


and erase file ccr.config.

Then start Cognos Controller client and it should be back to normal layout.

Inside the ccr.config file this lines control above dialog:

<add key=”DE_ROW_ACTUALITY” value=”1″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_PERIOD” value=”2″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_COMPANY” value=”3″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_CONSTYPE” value=”4″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_GROUP” value=”5″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_CURRTYPE” value=”6″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_SUBMISSION” value=”12″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_FORM” value=”7″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_CLOVER” value=”8″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_JOURNALTYPE” value=”9″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_DIM1″ value=”10″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_DIM2″ value=”11″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_DIM3″ value=”13″ />
<add key=”DE_ROW_DIM4″ value=”14″ />


More information:

BigFix Client
Microsoft Windows 2012

How install the Big Fix client/agent on the Windows server?

On the ILMT linux server you can search for the client files with find . -name ClientMSI*

Copy the files you need over to your Windows server

Copy BigFixAgent.msi setup, its .mst files and the actionsite.afxm masthead file to a folder of your target computer, for instance C:\install\bigfix. Actionsite.afxm file is in the /var/opt/BESInstallers/Client folder of the Linux server.

Then create a CMD file with following content:

msiexec.exe /i “BigFixAgent.msi” TRANSFORMS=”1033.mst” REBOOT=ReallySuppress MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=Disable /qn

Start a DOS prompt as administrator and go to the \install\bigfix folder

Run your installagent.cmd file, to install.

If you run the BIGFIXAGENT.MSI it can look like this

You will have a new “BES Client” windows service on your computer after the installation.

You must copy the actionsite.afxm file to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client to make the client start.

Client/Agent can be downloaded from

More information:


Microsoft Powershell

You are low on disk space, or the Cognos BI have created some large file (dump files or log files) and you want to know where they are.

Enter below text in notepad++ and save as checksize.ps1 in your c:\temp folder

$folder = “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos”
Get-ChildItem $folder -recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |Sort-Object length -descending| Select-Object -first 27 @{Name=”MegaBytes”;Expression={“{0:F2}” -f ($_.length/1MB)}} , Fullname | Export-Csv c:\temp\LargeFiles_Report.csv

Start Powershell from Start menu
Go to temp folder with command cd /temp
Enter ./checksize.ps1 to run the script

Open the Largefile_report.csv in notepad++

You need to change the first line to your folder for Cognos products e.g. $folder = “D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics”

Then you check the list to find the files that you do not need, and can remove them, to get more space.

More Information: