Cognos TM1 10.3 on the cloud
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2

How update a cell in cube with added values from file?

You can use a formula in the TI process Data tab where you get the value in the cell and then add the new value and put it back. Will be a long line something like this;

CellPutN(CellGetN( sCube ,vDim1,vDim2,vDim3,vDim4,vDim5,vDim6,’Gross Order Intake’)+vGrossOrder, sCube ,vDim1,vDim2,vDim3,vDim4,vDim5,vDim6,’Gross Order Intake’);

In newer version you can use incremental update with this kind of line;

if(cellisupdateable(sCube, Dim1, Dim2, Dim3, Dim4, Dim5, Dim6, measure)=1);
cellincrementn(units, sCube, Dim1, Dim2, Dim3, Dim4, Dim5, Dim6, measure);

The CellIsUpdateable function allows us to test if a cell in a cube can be written to. If true, the function returns a 1, if false a 0.

CellIncrementN inserts a number into a specific intersection of a cube, adding onto any value that is already there. It does not overwrite that value, rather it increases it.

CellIncrementN can be used in TM1 Turbo Integrator Processes only.

More Information:


CellIncrementN TM1 Function: Use and Syntax

Cognos TM1 10.3 in the cloud
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server

When user run a TI process from a button on a web sheet (TM1WEB) there is a error “Process Fail”, but if a ADMIN user run’s it then it works.
There is no error in log files.

The user does not have READ rights on the TI process.

Login to TM1 Architect as ADMIN
Right Click on Processes and select Security Assignments
Go down to the line for your TI process.
In column Cognos\Everyone_CAMID(_Everyone)
Click OK

By setting READ people in that Security Group can run the process.

More Information:

With the later TM1 10.2.x versions you have a function called
Data Reservation modes
Data Reservation modes allow you to configure the Data Reservation feature depending on how you want to control write-access to your data. When you enable the Data Reservation feature for a cube, you choose one of the available Data Reservation modes.

The available Data Reservation modes include:

Off (OFF)
Required (REQUIRED)
Required Shared (REQUIREDSHARED)
Allowed (ALLOWED)

You can create a TI process with this value in PROLOG to set the value to blank for your Cube:

sValue = ”;

cellputs ( sValue, ‘}CubeProperties’, ‘Demand Plan’, ‘DataReservationMode’);

Change ‘demand plan’ to the name of your Cube in the TM1 application.

Planning Analytics (TM1 10.3 in the cloud)
Windows 2012 server

How do you copy my data folder to a zip file for backup during development?
Program is installed to C:
And TM1 instance is installed to S:

Drag and drop the 7za.exe file to the desktop in the cloud from your computer when you are in a Remote Desktop Session to the TM1 server.

Place the file in folder S:\prod\tm1\Work\7za920\.

Login in TM1 Architect as ADMIN.

Create a new TI process and enter below in PROLOG tab.

##############START OF CODE##########################

sExec = SC_QUOTE_COMMAND | 'S:\prod\tm1\Work\7za920\7za.exe' | SC_QUOTE_COMMAND;
sBackupDir = SC_QUOTE_COMMAND | 'S:\prod\tm1\1 Backup\';
sDataDir = 'S:\prod\tm1\Data\';

sFileName = 'TM1_backup_' | TIMST(NOW(), '\Y\m\d_\h\i', 1) | '.zip';
sArgs = ' a -tzip ';
sCommand = sExec | sArgs | '   ' | sBackupDir | sFileName | SC_QUOTE_COMMAND | '  ' | sDataDir | '*';

###  Use text output to find the rigth use of " to make the command work
### ASCIIOUTPUT  ( 'S:\prod\tm1\Work\test\debuginfo.txt', sCommand );

##############END OF CODE##########################

Save above PROLOG as TI process SYS.BACKUP.
If you copy the text from the web to the TM1 architect, you need to replace ´with ‘.
SC_QUOTE_COMMAND need to be put around path strings that contain a space.

Test to run it.

Should give you a file of this format in folder S:\prod\tm1\1 Backup.
If it works you can create a core in TM1 Architect that first do a SAVEDATAALL and then this backup process from above, set it to run at 2 AM every Sunday.

7za.exe is found from here;


Cognos TM1 10.2
Windows 2008 R2 Server

How do I automatic backup my TM1 data folder with a process?

Install a Zip program, like 7za.exe from on your TM1 server.
From the download page – get the file for 7-Zip Command Line Version.

Place the 7za.exe file in folder d:\tm1 data\7za920\.

Login to TM1 Architect on your TM1 application.
Create a new Turbo Integrator process.
In the PROLOG tab enter below code:

sExec = SC_QUOTE_COMMAND | ‘D:\tm1 data\7za920\7za.exe’ | SC_QUOTE_COMMAND;
sBackupDir = ‘D:\tm1 data\FAP\Backup\’;
sDataDir = ‘D:\tm1 data\FAP\Data\’;

sFileName = ‘FAP_backup_’ | TIMST(NOW(), ‘\Y\m\d_\h\i’, 1) | ‘.zip’;
sArgs = ‘ a -tzip ‘;
sCommand = sExec | sArgs | ‘”‘ | sBackupDir | sFileName | ‘” “‘ | sDataDir | ‘*”‘;

Replace FAP with the name of your TM1 application, and update the path to the files in the 3 first lines to be according to your setup.

The SC_QUOTE_COMMAND = Char(34); is the ” character, and is needed if the first path contains a space. If you do not use spaces in the path names to exe files, you do not need this variable.

Save the Process as TM1.Backup name.
Create a new Chore.
Select a process you have previous created that do a SAVEDATAALL call.
Select the process TM1.Backup and click next
Set to be active
Set date and time to be run
Suggested to run once every week.
Click to save.

Cognos TM1 10.2.2 TM1 Architect
Windows 2012 R2 Server

When open Advance Rule Editor in TM1 Architect 10.2.2 (64 bit) you get a MS error when you click on “Check Syntax” icon, and then the TM1 Architect crash and you need to close it.
Inside ARE you have no name of the rule in the top toolbar, this is a sign that you are in the wrong version of TM1 Architect.

How to get the advance Rules editor to work in 32-Bit TM1 Architect version 10.2.2.

1) Verify that parameter AdvancedRulesEditor = T has been correctly set in the right tm1p.ini, which should resides in “C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Applix\TM1”

2) Verify that the following component is installed:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64 or x32 depending on the OS version)

3) Verify that the following component is installed:
Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1 Framework

In Server Manager, click Manage and then select Add Roles and Features to start the Add Roles and Features Wizard.
On the Select installation type screen, select Role-based or feature-based installation.
Select the target server.
On the Select features screen, check the box next to .Net Framework 3.5 Features.
On the Confirm installation selections screen, a warning will be displayed asking Do you need to specify an alternate source path?. If the target computer does not have access to Windows Update, click the Specify an alternate source path link to specify the path to the \sources\sxs folder on the installation media and then click OK. After you have specified the alternate source, or if the target computer has access to Windows Update, click the X next to the warning, and then click Install.

4) Run the following MSDOS command from directory “C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727” :
regasm.exe “\bin\TM1RuleEditor.dll”

Start TM1 Architect from C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin\tm1a.exe, to run the 32 Bit version.

5) If point 4 does not work, then retry with the /codebase parameter :
regasm.exe /codebase “\bin\TM1RuleEditor.dll”

6) If nothing works, take a look at the installation log file in \instlog. Its name should be isconfig-PLANANALYTICS-date_time.log or isconfig-TM1CLIENT-date_time.log :
verify that the registration of TM1RuleEditor.dll was OK.

7) Check whether this problem occurs on both Architect and Perspectives. If the problem occurs only with Perspectives then there must be some problem related to Excel installation. If so, then contact IBM Cognos Customer Support.

Important warning:
Advanced Rules Editor is no more supported since 10.1.1

– Supported environments ending with Cognos TM1 10.1.1 :

Cognos is ending support for the following environments and/or features in an upcoming release.
Components Advanced Rules Editor in TM1 Architect and TM1 Perspectives

– Deprecated and discontinued functionality in IBM Cognos TM1
Advanced Rules Editor in TM1 Architect and TM1 perspectives is no longer actively supported as of TM1 10.2 (note: capability is available “as is” in TM1 10.2)

Cognos Tm1 10.2.2 (updated version 10.2.5240.167-0)
TM1 Perspective (version 10.2.5200.235-0)
Microsoft Excel 2007
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2

When create a WEBSHEET that should call a TM1 TI process with more than one parameter, then when you uploaded/updated to the TM1WEB, the parameters change to only one.
This will make the Process Fail.

Error message in log file:
Error: Prolog procedure line (187): Dimension element not found
Error: Prolog procedure line (155): Name “ xxxx “ contains an invalid character.

Update you Microsoft Excel 2007 version to Microsoft Office 2007 Fix Pack 3 or later.
Install file like office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-sv-se.exe

TM1 10.2.2 does not demand that Excel 2007 is Fix Pack 3 or later to make it work. But it is needed.!

IBM Cognos TM1 10.2.2
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server
Microsoft Excel 2013

When starting TM1 Perspective and try to connect to a TM1 server with SSO login though CAM (Cognos Access Manager) it is slow and ends up with an error message:

“(N33) Connection Failed”

When you select the TM1 instance, Excel is stuck for a moment, and the dialog will ask for Native user name and password. Then you can suspect that the SSO will not work.
A TM1 instance on same Windows server without SSO works without an issue in TM1 Perspective.

It works to connect to other TM1 instances on the same Windows server, this suggest that the port used is not open in some firewalls or other application use the same port.

On The TM1 instance with SSO, change the port number used for TM1 in the TM1S.CFG file.
Change it from today’s value to a value close to the one used in the TM1 application that works.

Set value in TM1S.CFG to:
PortNumber = 12348
ClientMessagePortNumber = 12349

Save the file.
Restart the TM1 instance service.
Start TM1 Perspective on client laptop and test again.

More information:

IBM Cognos TM1 10.2.2
Windows 2012 R2 server

When try to run the test script to call a Java code from a TI process outlined here
get an error in the TI process.

Error message:
Error: Prolog procedure line (11): Errors occurred during execution of process “my.scripts.MyTestTI”. Check error log file for that process for more details



Check the tm1serverlog file for text like this;
2472 [] INFO 2016-07-25 13:30:30.643 TM1.Process [] – Insert new extension: C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\javaextensions\user\myextension.jar
2472 [] ERROR 2016-07-25 13:30:31.018 TM1.Process [] – Extension has invalid extension.xml: C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\javaextensions\user\myextension.jar
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.parse(Unknown Source)

This mean that the jar file is corrupt.
Stop your TM1 application and then from the JAVA IDE recompile the file with ANT.
This is done by save the project after a small change.
Remember to stop the TM1 application service before any change to the jar file.

It is good to only have the jar file in one folder, in the example it should be in folder for your Tm1 application, can be like this:

More information:

Cognos TM1 10.1.1
Microsoft Windows 2012 server

Error when saving in TM1 Cognos Configuration, after adding a new TM1 server.

Error message:
[ ERROR ] The cryptography information was not generated.
[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1064 Unable to process the PKCS #7 data because of an internal error. Unable to find the encryption certificate with alias ‘encryption’ in the keystore ‘D:/Program Files/ibm/cognos/tm1_64/configuration/encryptkeypair\jEncKeystore’.
The parameter named ‘User ID and password’ located in ‘TM1 Application Server’ is currently invalid.

Possible solution:
In the Cognos configuration, remove the TM1 server you are trying to add…or re-add.

This is for TM1 10.1.1
Then save the configuration in plain text.
Select File – Export to clear text file
Select a folder to save the file in, like d:\temp
Name the file to cogstartup_backup.xml
Stop the Cognos TM1 servers (including IBM Cognos TM1 Application Server) on that physical server.
Close the TM1 configuration.
Go to the following install folder: Driver_letter:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\configuration.
Rename the CSK, SIGNKEYPAIR, and ENCRYPTKEYPAIR folders (add _old after the name).
Rename the cogstartup.xml to cogstartup.xml.old
Copy the file d:\temp\cogstartup_backup.xml to folder \Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\configuration\
Rename cogstartup_backup.xml to cogstartup.xml
Open the Configuration tool.
Click save, to test that it works now.
This should allow the encryption files to be recreated.
Then add your TM1 server and save your settings.

Below how to update the keys for CA11 or PA2 Local:

Steps to regenerate the cryptographic keys are as follows:
1. Stop the running of your service in Cognos Configuration.

2. On the Content Manager computer, click ‘File > Export As’.

3. Choose ‘Yes’ at the prompt and save the file. For example, name it ‘backup.xml’ which will be stored in the c11\configuration folder.

4. Close Cognos Configuration.

5. On the Content Manager computer, create a backup of the following files and directories before moving them to a different, secure location (as during the cryptographic keys regeneration process they will be re-created):

The files are:

· c11/configuration/cogstartup.xml

· c11/configuration/caSerial

· c11/configuration/certs/CAMCrypto.status

· c11/configuration/certs/CAMKeystore

· c11/configuration/certs/CAMKeystore.lock

· c11/temp/cam/freshness
The directory is

· c11/configuration/csk

6. In the c11\configuration folder, rename ‘backup.xml’ to ‘cogstartup.xml’.

7. Open Cognos Configuration, save the configuration and start the services.

More Information

Cognos TM1 10.2.2
Windows 2012 R2 server

When try to login to TM1 Application web (pmpsvc) you get an error 500 message.
To surf to TM1WEB is works fine, and you can enter the TM1 application from TM1 architect.

Error message:
HTTP Status 500 –
type Exception report
message java.lang.NullPointerException
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NullPointerException

root cause

note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/6.0.35 logs.
Apache Tomcat/6.0.35

On the TM1 server – stop the IBM Cognos TM1 Application server.
In windows explorer go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\configuration\

Rename the file fpmsvc_config.xml to fpmsvc_config.xml.old
Rename the file to fpmsvc_config.xml
Start the IBM Cognos TM1 Application server.

Surf to http://localhost:9510/pmpsvc
And enter new TM1 applications to the server.

The file fpmsvc_config.xml can have been corrupt when you added a new TM1 instance.