
Planning Analytics Workspace 88
Microsoft Windows 2019 server


How setup the smtp mail function?


Check that the port 25 is open from the TM1 server to the SMTP EXCHANGE server first.

Check that the SMTP EXCHANGE server accepts mail from the TM1 server – talk to the e-mail people at the company.

Update the bootstrap properties file located in folder D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\paa_agent\wlp\usr\servers\kate-agent


Set these properties for un-encrypted mail internal at the company:








After changes – you need to restart the windows service: IBM Planning Analytics Administration Agent

Then go to the PAW and the administration agent tab and click on the Test email button – enter your mail address at the company.

Then you can setup Alerts, so you will get a email when the disk is full.

To get the share book function to have a email option, you need to update the paw.ps1 file on the PAW server, with information like this:



You need to stop and start the PAW for the changes in paw.ps1 should take effect. run  .\paw.ps1 stop   ,then  .\paw.ps1  in the scripts folder.

if you get error – check the log file (app.log) in folder D:\PAW88\log\share-app on the PAW server.

Error [ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID]: Hostname/IP does not match certificate’s altnames:  can be that the EMAIL_SMTP_URL server name not match the DNS altnames. Change to other server name.

From Declan, Tm1 champion:

Setup in paw server

The obvious starting points are to gather details of your SMTP server, the port it uses (for sending email) – it can often have multiple ports available in which case – find out the “preferred” one. Generally speaking:

  • 587 – for TLS
  • 465 – For SSL
  • 25 – This might work (it does for office 365 at least) but general consensus is to not use it as it’s often blocked due to SPAM.

Also, gather the relevant account’s email and password.

Relevant Material

Based on googling the examples provided in the documentation:

I believe that node.js is being used to send the emails, and has documentation covering most of the parameters used in the examples (e.g. ?Secure=true)

This doesn’t cover the tls.rejectUnauthorized=false that is used in the example, but looking that up suggests that in the event that your server can’t be verified it will go ahead and send the email anyway… so that sounds like a parameter that I would be cautious about using!

What Worked


  • $env:EMAIL_SMTP_URL=”smtp://<MyUserName>:<MyPassword>″
  • $env:EMAIL_SMTP_URL=”smtps://<MyUserName>:<MyPassword>″
  • $env:EMAIL_SMTP_URL=”smtps://<MyUserName>:<MyPassword>”

In all cases:

  • $env:ENABLE_EMAIL=”true”
  • $env:SENDGRID_API_KEY=””
  • $env:EMAIL_FROM=”<An email address that the credentials used in $env:EMAIL_SMTP_URL have access to send from>”

Planning Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2019 server

How make a TM1 Ti process who read values from a file and add them as alias to a dimension?


Create a text file with the first column with the elements in the dimension names, then the second column with the text you want to have in the alias.

Above we have two alias that we want to add to each element.

Create a new TM1 TI process and load the file similar to this: (you have to upload the file first, and then in the TI code change to location from where the file is read)

In the data source tab, enter the Variables name and change to String type.

Enter the parameters you need, to make the process work with any dimension and alias name that you need in future. When you run the process, you change filename and path etc to the values that are correct for you.

Enter a script similar to above. You can add code to check for it the alias exist, and not delete the attribute and then only update the elements listed in the text file.  Run the process and enter your filename.

The alias attribute are listed in the dimension.

You can view an icon indicating the attribute type in column headers. Click Settings icon and enable the Attribute type option to see the attribute type on column headers. Disable this option to hide the attribute type on column headers.

More Information: 

Accomplish Attibute Update in Cognos TM1 Smartly! 

AttrPutS in TM1: How to Use and Syntax 

Planning Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2019 server


Error in TI process when run at random times.

Suggested solution:

Error: Prolog procedure line (9): Unable to register subset
Can be that the destroy of the subset did not work, as a view is around using that subset.
Check what views you have open.

Error: Prolog procedure line (103): Subset “xxx” not found in dimension “Period”
Can be that the subset is not around anymore, the subset have already been deleted.
Can be if you use the SubsetCreate(‘Region’, ‘Northern Europe’, 1);
Change to 0 (zero) in the TI process and see if that helps.

SubsetCreate(DimName, SubName, [AsTemporary]);

This is an optional argument that specifies whether the subset being created is temporary. 1 indicates a temporary subset, 0 indicates a permanent subset. If this argument is omitted, the subset is permanent.


More Information: 


Planning Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2019

The time value in log file is not correct.



# Specify GMT or Local timezone

to your file that should be in the same folder as your tm1s.cfg file.

This should give you have logfiles with same time stamp as the clock on the server.

To test create a TI process with this in PROLOG:


In the log file you will see lines like this:

13972 [4a] INFO 2023-11-03 15:17:41.836 TM1.TILogOutput This is the end of the process !!!
13972 [4a] INFO 2023-11-03 15:17:41.836 TM1.Process Process “S. 10 Test of time value”: finished executing normally, elapsed time 0.02 seconds
When GMT is set, the time in the logfile will be ENGLISH TIME (GMT), and depending on time difference it will differ from the server time. Check
15296 [4a] INFO 2023-11-03 16:27:43.826 TM1.TILogOutput This is the end of the process !!!
15296 [4a] INFO 2023-11-03 16:27:43.826 TM1.Process Process “S. 10 Test of time value”: finished executing normally, elapsed time 0.00 seconds

With Local set in the file – the time in the logfile should be the same as the windows server clock.

In the text file will the time be shown as above – this is always the computer time of the server. Function NOW give the server time.

The Chore is run at local time when you select local. If UTC is selected it will run at the GMT time shown.

18032 [4] INFO 2023-11-04 07:14:29.923 TM1.Chore Registering chore: “S. 10 test of time” Start time: 2023/11/04 06:15:45 Frequency: 01:00:00:00
15736 [] INFO 2023-11-04 07:15:45.050 TM1.Chore Chore “S. 10 test of time” executed by scheduler

15736 [] INFO 2023-11-04 07:15:45.050 TM1.Process Process “S. 10 Test of time value” executed by chore “S. 10 test of time”
15736 [] INFO 2023-11-04 07:15:45.053 TM1.TILogOutput This is the end of the process !!!
15736 [] INFO 2023-11-04 07:15:45.053 TM1.Process Process “S. 10 Test of time value”: finished executing normally, elapsed time 0.00 seconds
15736 [] INFO 2023-11-04 07:15:45.053 TM1.Chore Chore “S. 10 test of time” time = 0.00 seconds
15736 [] INFO 2023-11-04 07:15:45.054 TM1.Chore Chore “S. 10 test of time” finished executing

Recommend to use Local time setting in chores, if you do not have servers in different time zones.

The line in log file for when you set the start time will always be in GMT time, like Registering chore: “S. 10 test of time” Start time: 2023/11/04 06:25:45 Frequency: 01:00:00:00, even do you have selected local server time in the chore and choose to start at 7:25 AM.

To setup a chore:

  1. In the Server Explorer, select the Chores icon beneath the server on which you want to create the chore.
  2. Choose ChoresCreate New Chore.

    The Chore Setup Wizard opens.

  3. In the Available list, select the process for which you want to create a chore.
  4. Click the right arrow icon.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click a date on the calendar to specify a start date for the initial execution of the chore.
  7. Enter a time to specify the start time for the initial execution of the chore.
  8. Set the fields in the Chore Execution Frequency box to define the interval at which the chore is executed.
  9. Select a Run Chore Time option.
    • Local Server Time – Runs at the local server time, including during Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time periods.
    • UTC Time – Always runs at UTC, regardless of local Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time.
  10. Fill the Chore Schedule is Active box.
  11. Click Finish.

    The Save Chore As dialog box opens.

  12. Enter a name for the chore and click Save.


More Information: 

How to set up Turbo Integrator Chores to run Advanced Scheduling 

Planning Analytics Workspace version 88


How to select the lowest leaf members in the subset editor in workspace?

Suggested Solution:

On the left side, select all leaves to list only the members.

Click on replace icon, to move all selected on left to the right, and replace any previous values there.

Click Apply to update the view with the new subset.


More Information: 

Planning Analytics Workspace Version 88
PAA Agent version  ( version found in file D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\paa_agent\wlp\usr\servers\kate-agent\version.txt)


Planning Analytics Workspace Administration page can not display information about the TM1 instances.

You need to check the PA Administration Agent log files to get more information.

The message.log files are found in folder D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\paa_agent\wlp\usr\servers\kate-agent\logs on the TM1 server.

You have some TM1 instance that there name is shown in garbage character – you are probably using a character only used in your language, and not in English.

Even that you stop your TM1 instance with the none-english name, the PAW administration page does not give you access to the other TM1 instances.

Error message in log file:

[10/6/23 9:30:58:542 CEST] 00000069 SystemErr R while getting windows registry details:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “kateagent/scripts\”, line 904, in get_win_registry_detail_batch
p = subprocess.Popen([“powershell.exe”, service_cmd],
File “D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\paa_agent\wlp\usr\servers\kate-agent\apps\expanded\PA_KATE_AGENT.war\WEB-INF\lib\jython-standalone-2.7.2.jar\Lib\”, line 892, in __init__
self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
File “D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\paa_agent\wlp\usr\servers\kate-agent\apps\expanded\PA_KATE_AGENT.war\WEB-INF\lib\jython-standalone-2.7.2.jar\Lib\”, line 1361, in _execute_child
args = [fileSystemDecode(arg) for arg in args]
UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode bytes in position 437-438: invalid data
[10/6/23 9:30:58:542 CEST] 00000069 E Error occurred while updating the server info json file
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “kateagent/scripts\”, line 1025, in <module>
configPaths = get_win_registry_detail_batch(allServers)
File “kateagent/scripts\”, line 922, in get_win_registry_detail_batch
return mapped
UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘mapped’ referenced before assignment


Suggested Solution:

The PAA agent will run a python script to check for what Tm1 instance exist and other information, on line 922 it will read the windows registry to find the started TM1 instances – in key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services – check at that location in REGEDIT.EXE program. If there is any non-english character, like in service name or “DisplayName”=”IBM Cognos TM1 Server … then this can be the issue.

The error say it found a character that it can not understand with UTF-8, and therefor have problem scanning for more information.

Inside Cognos Configuration for Planning Analytics, remove the application with the strange name, and register it again with a name that only use English characters.

It can be that you have created the TM1 instance from the command prompt and not from the Cognos Configuration program, then it can be registered with wrong codepage.


tm1sd.exe -install -n”TM1 Production Server” -z”C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\Custom\TM1Data\PData”

Check that the values in registry is readable, and then restart the kate-agent (IBM Planning Analytics Administration Agent)

More information: 

The python code to find the information;

def get_win_registry_detail_batch(service_names):
paths = []
for n in service_names:
service_cmd = "Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path {} -Name ConfigPath".format(", ".join(paths))
p = subprocess.Popen(["powershell.exe", service_cmd],
out, err = p.communicate()
vettedResults = [line.strip()
for line in out.replace('\r', '').split('\n')
if line != '' and re.match(r'^.:\\', line)]
mapped = zip(service_names, vettedResults)
if p is not None and p.poll() == None:
if err and out is None:
logger.error('Error while getting windows registry details: {}'.format(err))
except Exception as e:
logger.exception('Exception while getting windows registry details: {}'.format(e.message))
return mapped




Planning Analytics Workspace


List of versions that match other parts like the server and the workspace.


Check the web for a list of matches.



*IBM recommends that those who use Custom Reports and Dynamic Reports upgrade to Planning Analytics for Excel 2.0.89 immediately. For more details, see this Flash Alert.

*IBM recommends that customers upgrade to Planning Analytics Local For more details, see this Flash Alert.

The version of PAW to use with PAX is the same version number or one above or one below. For example, if you have PAX version 2.0.50 installed, then use PAW version 2.0.49, 2.0.50 or 2.0.51.

New version for Planning Analytics Workspace, Planning Analytics for Excel comes out every 15-40 days, for Planning analytics new version comes out every 3-6 months.


More Information:

Planning Analytics workspace version 88
Microsoft Windows 2019 server


OS report that all memory is used on the Windows server.


First check the task manager to find what application is eating the memory.

It can be the anti-virus program is using all memory. If registry or msmpeng.exe is using all page pools then that can be that (anti-virus) program who is using all memory.

Exclude the TM1 PAW folders from the anti-virus scanning and restart the windows server.




C:\Program Files\docker


The docker program is listed as dockerd.exe in task manager.

More information: 

Planning Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2019 Server


When running TI process that have worked before we get error random like this;

Error in process completion: Unable to save subset “computed subsetname here” in dimension “Version”

Possible Solution:

That the a new anti-virus software is installed, that blocks the TM1 TI process from delete old subset files in data folder.

If you have MS Defender, ask to exclude the data folder and subfolders from the scanning. E.g. d:\tm1\budget\data

The anti-virus software is running from folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\4.18.23080.2006-0

More Information: 


Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


TM1 TI process that have worked before, crash now with error:

Error: Data procedure line (0): Exception Occurred during process execution: TM1MemoryException: Temporary pool exceeded

Possible Solution:

Change in the Tm1s.cfg file for your application to have a bigger value for MaximumViewSize, like MaximumViewSize=1000.

Restart the TM1 service, and run your process again.

MaximumViewSize is a per thread limitation.

More information: 

By default MaximumViewSize checks individual view processing. For example, if 10 views are processed in a single transaction, the threshold is crossed only if the processing of any single view crosses the threshold. See MaximumViewSize.

With ApplyMaximumViewSizeToEntireTransaction=T parameter set to True, the cumulative memory usage of all views processed in a single transaction is compared against the threshold value. This allows the memory size threshold to catch more transactions that consume large amounts of memory.