Cognos Planning 10.2.1 PLANADMIN_version=PLANADMIN-AW32-ML-RTM-10.2.1000.1-0
Microsoft Windows 2016
Microsoft SQL 2016 server

Can not start Cognos Planning client programs on new computer where the new Client software is installed for Cognos Planning.

Download cognos planning from here:

Error message:

A fatal error has occured in the startup section of the application.

The application will be terminated.

Please report the following information:
Section: Message Init
Could not create or read file:  c:\program files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\bin\Language\English\MESSAGES.AMC



The user that start the planning programs first time, they need to have write access to the folder where the program is installed. Because the program will create a file called MESSAGES.AMC.

On the client computer go to the folder c:\program files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10 and right click.
Select Properties.
Select Security tab.
Select Users in list and click Edit.
Select Users and click in Modify at the Allow column.
Click OK.
Click OK.

This should give all users on that computer write access to the folder C10, try to start your Cognos Configuration or Cognos 10 Planning Analyst program again.

More info:

Planning Analytics 2.0.4 (TM1)
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

TM1 Architect is connecting the TM1 applications on the wrong network card on the Microsoft Windows server.

Possible solution:
The default network card with the lowest metric value is selected from all network cards to be the default network card. Use Get-NetIPInterface to see metrics.

Start Powershell on the Windows server
Enter: Get-NetIPInterface
This will list the network interfaces on the server.
Check the value for ifIndex and InterfaceMetric (A low value indicates a higher priority.)
The card with lowest value for InterfaceMetric will be used by TM1.
Is this the correct one? or is it for a backup network?

ifIndex InterfaceAlias AddressFamily NlMtu(Bytes) InterfaceMetric Dhcp ConnectionState PolicyStore
——- ————– ————- ———— ————— —- ————— ———–
18 Ethernet 2 IPv6 2800 20 Enabled Connected ActiveStore
1 Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1 IPv6 4294967295 50 Disabled Connected ActiveStore
18 Ethernet 2 IPv4 2800 20 Disabled Connected ActiveStore
12 Ethernet IPv4 1500 10 Enabled Connected ActiveStore
1 Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1 IPv4 4294967295 50 Disabled Connected ActiveStore

Change with Set-NetIPInterface, for example:
Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex -InterfaceMetric
Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex 12 -InterfaceMetric 50
Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex 18 -InterfaceMetric 10
Above will make card 18 to be the new default.
Check the ip address of the card by enter IPCONFIG
Ethernet adapter Ethernet 2:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::a8cd:d4c4:120e:3ed1%18
Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address. . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Start TM1 Architect
Expand an TM1 application
See in the right side the IP address that will be used.

More information:

Cognos Controller 10.3.1 (version 10.3.1100.166)
Cognos Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server

After upgrade of Cognos Controller Client on Citrix server, the help menu does not work.

Error message:
Error Launching menu item “Help”.
Could not find a part of the path ‘c:\program files (x86)\IBM\IBM Cognos Controller\ctrl_ug_fapug_contectlinks.csv’.
at system.Net.FileWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResultasyncResult) at…

Possible solution:
The file ccr.exe.config contain the wrong path. Open C:\Program Files\ibm\IBM Cognos Controller Local Client\ccr.exe.config in notepad.
Change the value

<add key=”CASUrl” value=”C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\IBM Cognos Controller\”/>


<add key=”CASUrl” value=”C:\Program Files\ibm\IBM Cognos Controller Local Client\”/>

Save the file and try again.
Check also that <add key=”HelpUrl” value=”“/>  point to the correct web address.

Example of the ccr.exe.config file:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
# =====================================================================
# IBM Confidential
# OCO Source Materials
# IBM Cognos Products: ccr
# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2014
# The source code for this program is not published or otherwise
# divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been
# deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
# =====================================================================

<sectionGroup name=”profile”>
<section name=”Settings” type=”System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, Custom=null”/>
<section name=”log4net” type=”log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net” requirePermission=”false”/>
<add key=”SelectDb” value=”true”/>
<add key=”Language” value=”2057″/>
<add key=”CASUrl” value=”C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM Cognos Controller Local Client\”/>
<add key=”WSSUrl” value=”http://servername/ibmcognos/controllerserver”/>
<add key=”HelpUrl” value=””/>
<add key=”InstallExcelLink” value=”false”/>
<add key=”CacheDir” value=””/>
<add type=”ClientExtension, ControllerExtension” priority=”0″ group=”0″/>

<level value=”ERROR”/>
<appender-ref ref=”CCRClient”/>
<appender name=”CCRClient” type=”log4net.Appender.FileAppender”>
<staticLogFileName value=”false”/>
<file type=”log4net.Util.PatternString”>
<conversionPattern value=”${LOCALAPPDATA}\CCRClientLogs\%date{MM_dd_yyyy}.txt”/>
<appendToFile value=”true”/>
<layout type=”log4net.Layout.PatternLayout”>
<conversionPattern value=”%date %-5level %logger – %message%newline”/>

Then in the users profile, check the same values are correct, in the file /appdata/roaming/cognos/ccr/ccr.config.

Cognos Planning Analytics Workspace version 30
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

In a Planning Analytics (TM1) environment where native security is used, you get a error when you try to add content to workspace from the PA databases on left side of screen.

Error Message:
unable to fetch data for content tree. Session can not be established for server: BUDGET 401 (Unauthorized) (“errorMessage”.””.”query”.”https://…..

Possible Solution:
Log out from Workspace
Go into TM1 Architect.
Set a password for all users, do not use blank (empty) as a password. That will not work for workspace. Also ensure that the ADMIN account have a password like apple.

After the user have a password set, exit TM1 Architect and surf to Planning Analytics Workspace again.

Planning Analytics 2.0.4 on Microsoft Windows 2012 server
Planning Analytics Workspace 30 on Linux server
Cognos Analytics 11.0.9 on Microsoft Windows 2012 server

Have setup PA with SSO to CA11 as above link, but when a user surf from Internet Explorer to PAW at address –  the user end up logged into the CA11 portal (cognos connection) instead of the PAW page.

Start PUTTY and login to the Linux server
Enter sudo -su to a root user.
Go to the ../paw folder.
Go to the /paw/config folder.
Enter more paw.env  to see the settings used in Planning Analytics Administration Tool listed on screen. They are saved to this file paw.env
Enter nano paw.env  to be able to edit the file.
Change the IBM Cognos BI Gateway URI and IBM Cognos BI Dispatcher URI fields, to both end with /bi/v1/disp


(in later versions of PAW the IBM Cognos BI Dispatcher URI should be

Two lines in paw.env should look like this;
export IBMCognosGatewayURL=””
export IBMCognosServlet=””

Press CTRL+X to exit the NANO editor in linux.
Press Y to save the changes to paw.env file.

In the paw/scripts folder enter ./ down  to stop the PAW services.
In the paw/scripts folder enter ./ to load the PAW services again.
In the paw/scripts folder enter ./ start  to start the PAW services.
Wait 10 minutes.
Surf to  to test if it works.

This change can also be done in the Planning Analytics Administration Tool, but then you first need to turn off SSO in IIS and change to security mode 1 in tm1s.cfg file.

More Information:

Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.4
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When starting the PAW administration tool you get a error when updating settings.

Error Message:
Failed to fetch the status. Ensure the Administration tool is running.

If you from a power shell prompt test the installation by running the command ./paw.ps1 ( from folder d:\install\paw\scripts\) you get this error:

Error: for pa-gateway Cannot start service pa-gateway: failed to create endpoint pa-gateway on network NAT. HNS failed with error: The object already exist.
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Execution failed with exit code 1.

Use the scripts/paw.ps1 script instead of Administration tool from power shell prompt.
Enter scripts/paw.ps1 to ensure all services are running and up-to-date.
Enter scripts/paw.ps1 ps to see status of all services.

Above may show that you have a pa-gateway already running.
Check that no other application is using port 80 and 443.
Start IE on the server and surf to http://localhost/ – what does that give?

Stop all PAW with scripts/paw.ps1 down
Then start it again with scripts/paw.ps1

Did it help?

Enter docker ps -a to see all running containers. Any duplicates?
Then to remove a container enter docker stop <container-id> ; then docker rm <container-id>.

Check the log files in folder D:\install\paw\log\pa-gateway\error.log
If you see this; AH00558: httpd.exe: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using fe80::5db7:f898:8a1:858c. Set the ‘ServerName’ directive globally to suppress this message. Then that is nothing to be concerned about.

To remove installation of PAW on Microsoft Windows 2016 do this steps in paw folder:
scripts/paw.ps1 stop
scripts/paw.ps1 rm -v
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
…after that you can install again with ./Start.ps1

You can recreate the docker network with below commands (try this first):
Stop the docker service: stop-service docker
Make sure the hns service is running: start-service hns
Now run this PowerShell command: get-containernetwork | remove-containernetwork
Start the docker service again: start-service docker

If it still doesn’t work, you can also try the same steps except with get-netnat | remove-netnat:

Stop the docker service: stop-service docker
Make sure the hns service is running: start-service hns
Now run this PowerShell command: get-netnat | remove-netnat
Start the docker service again: start-service docker

After that is done, go to the d:\install\paw\scripts folder in power shell.
Start the PAW with ./paw.ps1 start.

Check the file D:\install\paw\config\paw.ps1 contain the values you have set in the administration tool before. Should look similar to this;
# paw.ps1 file generated by the Administration Tool

Surf to servername to see if paw is working e.g.  http://labwin2012ca.lab.local/

To get more detail debug info on screen,
stop the docker service.
Run the Docker daemon in debug mode:
C:\Program Files\Docker\dockerd -D

More Information:


Cognos Analytics 11.0.10
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

When you try to install the ExternalDiskCache_amd64_en-US.msi you get a error.

Error Message:
IIS version 7.0 or greater is required to install Microsoft External Cache Version 1 for IIS 7

You can resolve this problem by modifying registry.

Open run dialog and enter regedit, to open the Registry Editor.
Find MajorVersion in the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters.
Open the value MajorVersion and select Decimal radiobutton.
Change Its value from 10 to 9.
Click OK.

After finishing the steps above, you can install External Disk Cache and Microsoft Web Farm Framework successfully.

You can also try download a new version from here

More Information

Planning Analytics 2.0.4
Planning Analytics Workspace 30
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

You have installed docker, but before you install PAW, you realize that you do not have the needed 50 GB of free space on C drive. How do I tell docker to create the images on the D drive?

Create a folder d:\docker\images
Stop the docker service
Open Notepad and enter this
“data-root”: “d:\\docker\\images”
save the file as c:\programdata\docker\config\daemon.json

docker1 docker2
Start the docker service

Any previous created images in C:\ProgramData\docker\containers\ are not moved.

How Install Docker on Windows 2016 – Get Docker EE for Windows Server
Docker EE for Windows Server 2016 is simple to install.
1. Installation

Open a PowerShell command prompt, and type the following commands:

Install-Module DockerProvider -Force
Install-Package Docker -ProviderName DockerProvider -Force

2. Test your Docker EE Installation
Test your Docker EE installation by running the hello-world container:

PS> docker container run hello-world:nanoserver

Unable to find image ‘hello-world:nanoserver’ locally
nanoserver: Pulling from library/hello-world
bce2fbc256ea: Pull complete
3ac17e2e6106: Pull complete
8cac44e17f16: Pull complete
5e160e4d8db3: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:25eac12ba40f7591969085ab3fb9772e8a4307553c14ea72d0e6f98b2c8ced9d
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:nanoserver

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

Download a working docker-compose-Windows-x86_64.exe file;

Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $Env:ProgramFiles\docker\docker-compose.exe

Rename it to docker-compose.exe and copy it to the c:\program files\docker folder.

Then after a reboot of the Windows 2016 server, turn off your Anti-Virus software and start your PAW installation from a administrative powershell prompt with the command ./Start.ps1

More about docker:

Installation videos on planning analytics workspace:

Planning Analytics 2.0.4
Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.4
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

When you run Start.bat under Windows 2016 to install PAW you get a error.

Error message:
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
Install Docker Toolbox for Windows and try again.

Possible Solution:
You have follow this instructions to install Docker for Windows 2016.
But you have downloaded the wrong PAW file that is for Windows 2012 and try to install that.
Here how setup Windows 2012 with docker
If you have the correct PAW file for Windows 2016 you should start a powershell file called Start.ps1.
Download the correct file from below link

and from a powershell prompt enter ./Start.ps1 to install PAW.

Planning Analytics 2.0.4
Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.4
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

When you in powershell run ./Start.ps1 from paw_2.0.4_win16_ml folder you get a error.

Error message:
unable to invoke ‘docker-compose’. Ensure docker-compose is installed and is on the PATH

Possible solution:
Check that the file docker-compose.exe exist in folder c:\program files\docker
Enter PATH at a DOS prompt to check that c:\program files\docker is part of your path string.
In a DOS prompt enter DOCKER-COMPOSE VERSION, do you get a message that
‘docker-compose’ is not a recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file?
Go to the docker folder with command cd \program files\docker and try the DOCKER-COMPOSE again.
Same error, try enter DOCKER-COMPOSE.EXE. Does that work?
If you get a list of possible docker commands, it works.
But the DOCKER-COMPOSE.EXE file can be corrupt.
Erase the DOCKER-COMPOSE.EXE file and copy a new file to the docker folder.
Rename the new DOCKER-COMPOSE-Windows-x86_64.exe file to DOCKER-COMPOSE.EXE and try again to enter only DOCKER-COMPOSE.
If that works, and you get a list of commands, then the file was corrupt.
Please try ./Start.ps1 again from your powershell session.