Planning Analytics 2.0.6
Cognos Controller 10.4 FAP
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

How export FAP cube data to csv file in the FTD format?

Suggested Solution:
The Cognos Controller standard export of data to file, from inside the cognos controller client, menu transfer – export data, create files of the cognos controller data. It will export the data you select, commonly limit by period and group/company.

You can get the output in unencrypted ASCII format, to import the data to other systems (e.g. SAP).
The output file format is similar to the columns of the XDB tables in the Cognos Controller database.

There is one XDB table for each year (xdb00-xdb99). These tables contain the period values. The amount is stored in xdb.belopp. The transaction amount is stored in xdb.trbelopp. These amounts are accumulated year to date value. The field vtyp is used to tell how data has been entered into the system.

Perakt Period + Actuality
Bol Company
Vkod Currency Code
Konto Account
Dim1 Extended Dimension 1
Dim2 Extended Dimension 2
Dim3 Extended Dimension 3
Dim4 Extended Dimension 4
Btyp Journal type
Etyp Automatic Journal type
Ktypkonc Consolidation Type + Group
Vernr Journal Number
Motbol Counter Company
Ursbol Original Company
Travkd Transaction Currency Code
Motdim Counter Dimension
Belopp Amount
Trbelopp Amount in Transaction Currency
vtyp Currency Type (G=Group Currency, C=Converted Currency, K=Consolidated)
ino Unique record identifier
HID “Happening id” = Functional area that created the record.
Null indicates unknown.
PDF “Prepared for delete” = Other value than 0 only while Controller is processing data.


The FAP service, will copy data from the Cognos Controller database to a cube in your TM1 (Planning Analytics) installation. Here doing some adjustment to the structure to make it work in TM1. You must have the FAP service working before you can export any data.

Start TM1 Architect, and check the cubes that your Cognos Controller FAP solution have created.

Create a TM1 TI process to export data from a view of the cube FAPMonthlyCompanyDetails (this cube is mostly used to export period values). Use a view that take all dimensions, and then edit the TI process to select only the dimensions element you need in your export ( for example only for a specific company ). Change the variable names to more understandable names, as shown in below picture.

Set all to be “string” and Contents to be “other” in the variables tab of the TI process.
Create parameters to make it possible for the user who run the TI process to select period and actuality to limit the output.

In our example we will hard-code the company that is exported.

In PROLOG tab enter code similar to this (you need to updated the script for your data):

#****Begin: Generated Statements***
#****End: Generated Statements****

# one single process to create view and export data to csv file
# for export from controller fap cube FAPMonthlyCompanyDetails
# updated date: 2019-08-12
# ———————————————————————————————–

# specify the location of the file – .. moves up one step from starting folder for tm1 data
sFilepath = ‘..\temp\’;

# specifiy the file name
sFileName= ‘scriptview.txt’;

# check that it is correct length
vcheck = LONG ( numbertostring ( pPeriodMonthly ) ) ;
if ( vcheck <> 6 ) ;
textoutput (‘..\temp\debug1.txt’, ‘prolog break – wrong date’);
sPeriod = SUBST ( numbertostring (pPeriodMonthly) , 3,4);

# add the period to the file name
# check if a period is in the filename, if not add FTD at end of filename
nFileName = SCAN ( ‘.’ , pFileName );
if (LONG(pFileName) < 20);
if (nFileName <> 0 );
sFileName = sPeriod | pFileName ;
sFileName = sPeriod | pFileName | ‘.FTD’;

# create the full file name including path
sFileName = sFilePath | sFileName;

# ————- create a view with script —————————————
# pCube: Specify cube name
# ——————————————————-
pCube =’FAPMonthlyCompanyDetails’;

#pDim1: Specifiy first dimension name – region = country code
#pElement1: Specifiy element name for pDim1

#pDim2: Specifiy second dimension name
pDim2=’Counter Dimension’;
#pElement2: Specifiy element name for pDim2

#pDim3: Specifiy second dimension name
#pElement3: Specifiy element name for pDim3


pDim5=’Transaction Currency’;
pDim6=’Consolidation Perspective’;
pDim7=’Closing Version’;
pDim8=’Contribution Version’;


# check that it is correct length
vcheck = LONG ( ( pActualityMonthly ) ) ;
if ( vcheck <> 2 ) ;
textoutput (‘..\temp\debug2.txt’, ‘prolog break – wrong ActualityMonthly’);
pElement10= pActualityMonthly ;

#  — we list all variables here – but use them not in the code – so you can remove some of the rows
pDim11=’Origin Company’;
pDim12=’Counter Company’;


pDim14=’Journal Number’;

# format should be this
# pElement15=’201907′;
# add it to the period from parameter
pElement15= numbertostring( pPeriodMonthly ) ;


# set the name of the subset and view
# are time stamped to prevent collision when several users run process at same time
sView = ‘FAP_Export_’ | TIMST(NOW(), ‘\Y\m\d_\h\i’, 1) ;
sSubset = sView;

# not all dimensions need to be specified in a subset view
# remark ViewSubsetAssign line to show all elements for that dimension

# Step 1: create View
If( ViewExists( pCube, sView ) = 1 );
ViewDestroy( pCube, sView );
ViewCreate( pCube, sView );

# Step 2: create first subset
If( SubsetExists( pDim1, sSubset ) = 1 );
SubsetDeleteAllElements( pDim1, sSubset );
SubsetCreate( pDim1, sSubset );
# Step 3: add the first element to dimension subset
SubsetElementInsert( pDim1, sSubset, pElement1, 1 );

# ————— do not include region subset (first variable) by remark out ViewSubsetAssign ——————–
# Step 4: Assigned the subset to view
## ViewSubsetAssign( pCube, sView, pDim1, sSubset );

# Step 5: create second subset and assigned it to view if needed
If( SubsetExists( pDim2, sSubset ) = 1 );
SubsetDeleteAllElements( pDim2, sSubset );
SubsetCreate( pDim2, sSubset );
SubsetElementInsert( pDim2, sSubset, pElement2, 1 );

# Step 6: Assigned the subset to view
## ViewSubsetAssign( pCube, sView, pDim2, sSubset );

If( SubsetExists( pDim10, sSubset ) = 1 );
SubsetDeleteAllElements( pDim10, sSubset );
SubsetCreate( pDim10, sSubset );
SubsetElementInsert( pDim10, sSubset, pElement10, 1 );
# for ActualityMonthly – this is already selected in FAP export program
# for the export vi only run one at a time

ViewSubsetAssign( pCube, sView, pDim10, sSubset );

# defined a limit number of company — we try with a MDX
If( SubsetExists( pDim13, sSubset ) = 1 );
SubsetDeleteAllElements( pDim13, sSubset );
SubsetDestroy ( pDim13, sSubset );

## should not be created as the subsetcreatebymdx demands that the subset does not exists
## SubsetCreate( pDim13, sSubset );
## SubsetElementInsert( pDim13, sSubset, pElement13, 1 );

# —  improve code in future by use variables for repeated values.
pAlias = ‘Company Code’;

# —————————————————————————————————–
# we want to export only companies that have STO, ST1, ST2… ST7 in there name.
# mdx filter to include some groups by search for letters in name
# use this format { FILTER( {TM1FILTERBYLEVEL( {TM1SUBSETALL( [MyDim] )}, 0)}, INSTR([MyDim].[MyAlias], “SubString” ) > 0 ) }

# —————————————————————————————————–

StringMDX = ‘{ FILTER( {TM1FILTERBYLEVEL( {TM1SUBSETALL( [ ‘ | pDim13 | ‘ ] )}, 0)}, ( INSTR([ ‘ | pDim13 | ‘ ].[ Company Code ], “STO” ) > 0 ) OR ( INSTR([ ‘ | pDim13 | ‘ ].[ Company Code ], “ST1” ) > 0 ) OR ( INSTR([ ‘ | pDim13 | ‘ ].[ Company Code ], “ST2” ) > 0 ) OR ( INSTR([ ‘ | pDim13 | ‘ ].[ Company Code ], “ST3” ) > 0 ) OR ( INSTR([ ‘ | pDim13 | ‘ ].[ Company Code ], “ST4” ) > 0 ) OR ( INSTR([ ‘ | pDim13 | ‘ ].[ Company Code ], “ST5” ) > 0 ) OR ( INSTR([ ‘ | pDim13 | ‘ ].[ Company Code ], “ST6” ) > 0 ) OR ( INSTR([ ‘ | pDim13 | ‘ ].[ Company Code ], “ST7″ ) > 0 ) ) } ‘;

# next step – you need to modify this for your company structure in your cognos controller data

# ——————————————————————————

# apply the MDX to the dimension
SubsetCreatebyMDX( sSubset ,StringMDX);

# add subset to view
ViewSubsetAssign( pCube, sView, pDim13, sSubset );

If( SubsetExists( pDim15, sSubset ) = 1 );
SubsetDeleteAllElements( pDim15, sSubset );
SubsetCreate( pDim15, sSubset );
SubsetElementInsert( pDim15, sSubset, pElement15, 1 );
# this is PeriodMonthly that should be selected
ViewSubsetAssign( pCube, sView, pDim15, sSubset );

If( SubsetExists( pDim16, sSubset ) = 1 );
SubsetDeleteAllElements( pDim16, sSubset );
SubsetCreate( pDim16, sSubset );
SubsetElementInsert( pDim16, sSubset, pElement16, 1 );
# this is the Measures that should be same month
ViewSubsetAssign( pCube, sView, pDim16, sSubset );

# IMPORTANT: set view parameters
# Specify 1 to exclude consolidated values from the view extract. Specify 0 to include consolidated values.
ViewExtractSkipCalcsSet( pCube, sView, 1 );
ViewExtractSkipZeroesSet( pCube, sView, 1 );

# change the subset view to be used by the TI process to be the one you have defined above


In METADATA tab enter code similar to this (you need to updated it for your data):

#****Begin: Generated Statements***
#****End: Generated Statements****

# add below to remove ” from output file
DatasourceASCIIQuoteCharacter = ”;

# print the first column as a value of two columns
sFirst = subst ( vPeriodMonthly ,3,4) | ( vActualityMonthly );

# debug print out to show all values in original order
#  we hard code the last columns in the FTD file to 000000 and L.
textoutput (‘..\temp\debug3.txt’, vPeriodMonthly , vActualityMonthly , vCompany , vCurrency , vAccount , vRegion , vActivity , vCounterDimension , vTransactionCurrency ,
vConsolidationPerspective , vClosingVersion , vContributionVersion , vOriginCompany ,
vCounterCompany , vJournalNumber , vMeasures , vValue , ‘0,000000’ , ‘L’ );

# format to fixed decimals
nResult1 = SCAN ( ‘,’ , vValue ) ;
if (nResult1 = 0) ;
sResult1 = vValue | ‘,000000’ ;
# values with more than 6 decimal values is rounded up — this can affect the result.
vValue = numbertostring( ROUNDP( stringtonumber(vValue) , 6) ) ;
nResult1a = 6 – ( LONG (vValue) – nResult1) ;
## textoutput (‘..\temp\scriptview3debug2.txt’, numbertostring (nResult2), vValue);
sResult1 = FILL (‘0’, nResult1a) ;
## textoutput (‘..\temp\scriptview3debug2.txt’, sResult1 );
sResult1 = vValue | sResult1 ;

# add spaces to name so we have a fixed with column
sResult2 = FILL(‘ ‘, 6 – LONG (vOriginCompany));
sResult2 = vOriginCompany | sResult2 ;

# set to blank if specific values e.g. values that start with @
# the FTD file often contain blank values for middle columns
if ( vCounterDimension @= ‘@TOT’);
vCounterDimension = ”;

if ( vTransactionCurrency @= ‘@None’);
vTransactionCurrency = ”;

if ( vConsolidationPerspective @= ‘@None’);
vConsolidationPerspective = ”;

if ( vClosingVersion @= ‘REPOBT’);
vClosingVersion = ”;

if ( vContributionVersion @= ‘BASEET’);
vContributionVersion = ”;

if ( vJournalNumber @= ‘0_’);
vJournalNumber = ‘0’;

if ( vCounterCompany @= ‘@None’);
vCounterCompany = ”;

if ( vMeasures @= ‘Monthly’);
vMeasures = ”;

# set to space if it is blank in cell
if ( vTransactionCurrency @= ”);
vTransactionCurrency = ‘ ‘;

# change the formatting to match that of a FTD file
# ———————————————————————————
slongline = char(34) | sFirst | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) | vCompany | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) |
vCurrency | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) |
vAccount | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) | vRegion | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) | vActivity | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) |
” | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) | ” | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) | vClosingVersion | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) |
vContributionVersion | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) |
vMeasures | char(34) | char(59) |
vJournalNumber | char(59) | char(34) | vCounterCompany | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) |
sResult2 | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) | vTransactionCurrency | char(34) | char(59) | char(34) | vCounterDimension | char(34) | char(59) | sResult1
| char(59) | ‘0,000000’ | char(59) | char(34) | ‘L’ | char(34) ;

textoutput ( sFileName , slongline);

In EPILOG tab enter code similar to this:

#****Begin: Generated Statements***
#****End: Generated Statements****

if (pView @= ‘Y’) ;

# remove the view
ViewDestroy( pCube, sView );

# destroy all subsets
i = 1;
# loop through all dimensions of the cube
while (tabdim(pCube,i) @<> ”);
SubsetDestroy(tabdim(pCube,i), sSubset);
i = i + 1;

# ======= end of code =========

There is better and nicer ways of doing the export of data from a TM1 cube, but this is only to show an example of it. Keep in mind that the FAP cube is rebuild at every IP (Initial publish) from the FAP service. So you must recreate the views for the export, therefor use a TI script to do it.  You need to change above code examples to work in your setup of Cognos Controller FAP. This is only a starting point.

The output file should have a format like this, to be like FTD:

“1908F6″;”STOZYX”;”EUR”;”5600″;”AT”;”AO”;””;””;””;””;””;0;””;”STOZYX”;” “;””;123,560000;0,000000;”L”
“1908F6″;”STOZYX”;”EUR”;”5900″;”AT”;”AO”;””;””;””;””;””;0;””;”STOZYX”;” “;””;789,000000;0,000000;”L”

Use this tool to make your work in TM1 Architect easier:

More information on MDX


More information on FAP

Planning Analytics 2.0.6
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

The vValue need to have 6 decimals in the output and the string vOrigincompany need to have fixed width of 6 characters.

In TM1 write TI code like this:

# format to fixed length of 6 decimals
nResult1 = SCAN ( ‘,’ , vValue ) ;
if (nResult1 = 0) ;
sResult1 = vValue | ‘,000000’ ;
# values with more than 6 decimal values is rounded up
vValue = numbertostring( ROUNDP( stringtonumber(vValue) , 6) ) ;
nResult1a = 6 – ( LONG (vValue) – nResult1) ;
sResult1 = FILL (‘0’, nResult1a) ;
sResult1 = vValue | sResult1 ;

# add spaces to name so we have a fixed width column
sResult2 = FILL(‘ ‘, 6 – LONG (vOriginCompany));
sResult2 = vOriginCompany | sResult2 ;

# There exist other ways to solve this, but this is a suggestion.

textoutput ( ‘c:\temp\filename.txt’ , sResult1 , sResult2 );

More information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.6
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

How to remove temporary views in TI code?


Use a parameter in the TI process, to ask if the views should be removed. pView will have the value Y if they should be removed.

Create the views in Prolog

# pCube: Specify cube name
pCube =’FAPMonthlyCompanyDetails’;

# set the name of the subset and view
# with a time stamped
sView = ‘FAP_Export_’ | TIMST(NOW(), ‘\Y\m\d_\h\i’, 1) ;
sSubset = sView;

Use the views in your code

# Step 1: create View
If( ViewExists( pCube, sView ) = 1 );
ViewDestroy( pCube, sView );
ViewCreate( pCube, sView );

# Step 2: create first subset
If( SubsetExists( pDim1, sSubset ) = 1 );
SubsetDeleteAllElements( pDim1, sSubset );
SubsetCreate( pDim1, sSubset );

SubsetElementInsert( pDim1, sSubset, pElement1, 1 );

remove the views in Epilog

if (pView @= ‘Y’) ;

# remove the view
ViewDestroy( pCube, sView );

# destroy all subsets
i = 1;
# loop through all dimensions of the cube
while (tabdim(pCube,i) @<> ”);
SubsetDestroy(tabdim(pCube,i), sSubset);
i = i + 1;


More information:

Cognos Controller 10.4
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

During reporting period when using data entry, one some forms, you get a message that the sheet is protected. When you try to unprotected it in excel you are ask for a password. This is a sign that the form is corrupt and need to be created again.

Error message:


First open the form for edit, and then select standard colors, update layout, save layout.
Exit Excel and Cognos Controller. Then test again if the data entry form works.
In some cases you need to run optimize database from inside Cognos Controller.

If above does not work, then it may be faster for you to create a new data entry form. Go to Maintain – Form Structure – Define.
Create it with a new name, you can reused the rows definition, but most likely need to manually recreate the columns definition under new name. Save it and attach it to the right groups for linked structure. If it works, remove the old not working form, and rename this to the old name (make it easier for the users to use same name as before). You need to update the linked structure again.

More information:

Cognos Controller 10.4
Microsoft Windows 2016 server
Oracle database 12c

How backup and restore a oracle database (to send to cognos support).

To make a backup run this command:
expdp SYSTEM/password@databaseServiceName schemas=FRANGO directory=data_pump_dir dumpfile=controllerlive.dmp logfile=controllerlive.log

Zip the files before sending them to cognos support.
After unzip the files, restore them using this command:
impdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=expdp_file1.dmp,expdp_file2.dmp,expdp_file3.dmp,expdp_file4.dmp,expdp_file5.dmp,expdp_file6.dmp,expdp_file7.dmp,expdp_file8.dmp logfile=log01.log SCHEMAS=FRANGO

Replace scott tiger with your user/password for your oracle database.
“data_pump_dir” should be your folder where the unzipped files are stored on your oracle server.
Change the name of the dmp file to match the filename you are using.
More information:

Cognos Controller 10.4 local
Microsoft Windows 2016 server
Oracle Database 12c

When try to run the store procedure to load data into Cognos Controller, with use of staging table, you get a error.

Error in SQL developer:
Error report –
ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
ORA-06512: at line 5

Include formatting information in the call to the store procedure for oracle.
Inside Oracle SQL developer enter this command to execute:
xx number;
— Call the function
xx := FRANGO.usp_triggerimportbatchjobs(‘1a’,’EUROIMSP’,’D’,”,’ADM’,1,to_date(‘2019-07-03′ ,’yyyy-mm-dd’));

Replace FRANGO with the schema you want to update.
The 1 say it will run now. Replace 2019-07-03 with today date.
EUROIMSP is the name of the controller import specification, that should be used during the process.

Inside the cognos controller database are some tables that you use to load data into Cognos Controller.
One table is XSTAGEFACT, that is used to load data into Cognos Controller.
Before loading data into the table truncate it with this command:
(replace frango with the schema name of your database)

Prepare a csv/xls file with the same columns as in the table.

To make a easy import from file, ensure the first rows name exactly match the columns names, e.g. ST_PERIOD

Column ST_ID should be a alphanumeric identifier, in our example we use “1a”.
Column BATCH_ID should be blank, as here will Cognos Controller add the batch work number.
Use the wizard in SQL Devloper to import your data from file to the xstagefact table.

Ensure you have “import specification” that works with a csv file first, then you need to update that (make a copy) to be ready for use with Controller Staging Tables. Two of the things you need to do, to make it work for staging tables are;

Change the general settings to “Controller Staging Table”

Go through the fields and set the to origin to “Controller Staging Table” and operation to “None”.

Save the new Controller Import Specification.

Then you need to start the store procedure, for testing direct from SQL developer.
xx number;
— Call the function
xx := FRANGO.usp_triggerimportbatchjobs(‘1a’,’EUROIMSP’,’D’,”,’ADM’,1,to_date(‘2019-07-03′ ,’yyyy-mm-dd’));

The parameters for the usp_triggerimportbatchjobs is:

@pImpId, this is the value in the st_id column identifying the lines are to be imported.

@pImpSpec, this is the NAME of the import specification that is used for this import. This must exist in Cognos Controller.

@pImpSpecType, this is the code to identify the information that is to be loaded, it could be any of the following values: D=Data A=Account R=Currency Rates C=Company 1=Dim 1 2=Dim 2 3=Dim 3 4=Dim 4 . D means values will be read from xstagefact table.

@ImpSepcParams, this is the list of any additional parameters that need to be sent to the import spec, we leave it blank.

@CtrlUser, this is the user ID in Controller to be used for the import, in most cases ADM, even when you use CAM security.

@SchedType, this is the parameter that decides to import immediately or schedule for later date, it can include the following values: 0= Hold 1=Immediately 2=One time only. We use 1.

@ExecTime, this is the date and time for scheduled import to be carried out. The format should match the database server date format.

If you want to test run the SP again, with same data, then you need to clear the BATCH_ID column first with the command:


For other database, you can use command like this to start the controller store procedure:

On the DB2 server, launch ” DB2 Command Window – Administrator
2. Type the following command:

db2 connect to <database_name> user <username> using <password>

NOTE: <username> must be the exact same user (for example ‘fastnet’) that Controller is configured to use. In other words, the same user that is specified inside the ‘database connection’ inside Controller Configuration.

3. Type a command similar to the following:

db2 call usp_triggerimportbatchjobs(‘110′,’#ST_DATA’,’D’,”,’ADM’,1,to_date(‘2007-11-01’));

On Microsoft SQL server:
Execute the stored procedure via the following SQL Script:

EXECUTE db_owner.usp_triggerimportbatchjobs ‘<parameter1>’, ‘<parameter2>’, ….

Next step, is to make the loading of data automatic with some tool. Like Microsoft SSIS, IBM Data Stage or other tool.
Then you from that tool schedule the start of the store procedure to active the batch load of data into Controller database.

More information:

Cognos Controller 10.4
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

How show a nice company background picture inside the Cognos Controller client?

Take your nice team.jpg picture and copy it to the Cognos BI webserver.
Place the file in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\team.jpg
(that is in most cases the default webserver for CA11)
Start Internet Explorer (IE) from your computer and surf to
Did it work?
Nice, now you have the picture in place.

Now you need to go into Cognos Controller Client.
Click ‘ Maintain – Installation – Local Preferences’
Inside the field ‘Key’ enter the value: startpageurl
Inside the corresponding box ‘Values’ enter the relevant website (i.e. the one that your web designer has created for this purpose), for example:

Please keep the picture small in pixels. You can use a online tool to make the picture less than 1024×768 pixels.
Click save.
Close Cognos Controller client program.
Login again, and now you should have the nice background picture inside Cognos Controller.

The value is stored inside the local file C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Cognos\ccr\ccr.config

<add key=”startpageurl” value=”http://ca11servername/ibmcognos/team.jpg” />

If you want to prevent users to have this, you enter this in Cognos Controller Client:

Logon as a super-user (administrative) account
Click ‘Maintain – Configuration – General’
Click on tab ‘Server Preference’
Inside the field ‘Variable Name’ enter the text: ENABLESTARTPAGE
Inside the corresponding box ‘Variable Value’ enter the value: F

This will prevent the use of this function for the Controller users.

More Information:

Cognos Controller 10.4
Microsoft Windows 2016 server
Oracle Database 12c

When a user in a upgrade Cognos Controller installation opens Group – Command Center dialog, they get a error: Problem Occurred…

Error message in log:
17:45:48,191 ERROR [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Failed when invoking method, Corrupted data in database: Extended dimension member XYZ has a reference to itself
17:45:48,207 INFO [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Finished inUserRightsModelDAO.load (136 bytes): 266 ms, memory usage [kb]: max=2 097 152 | total=40 128 | free=13 962 | total free=2 070 986
17:46:51,409 INFO [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Executing inConfigpropertyModelDAO.getLatestSequenceNumber…

Update the database table xkod, by removing the wrong values.
(take a backup of your cognos controller database before you do this steps)
Open Oracle SQL Developer
Connect to your controller database
Enter this commands

select * from xkod where kod = ‘XYZ’;
delete from xkod where kod = ‘XYZ’;
select * from xkodt where kod = ‘XYZ’;
delete from xkodt where kod = ‘XYZ’;

Exit SQL Developer
Go into Cognos Controller Client
Turn into single user mode
Run a optimization of database
Exit Cognos Controller client

Login to Cognos Controller and test again in same database.

More information:

Cognos Controller 10.4
Microsoft Windows 2016 server
Oracle 12c database

How write the date to a text file to keep a log of a batch file. For example we use a SQL COMMAND to optimize the controller database from the outside.

Use the WMIC function in new Windows to get the date, this will work independent on of the region setting on the windows server.

Create a BAT file with this contents:
REM —- Start of file —-
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

REM only get the time – date is found in wmic command
REM SET MyDate=%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%
set MyTime=%time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2%

REM Get date and time in YYYYMMDDhhmmss format for filename
for /f “tokens=2 delims==.” %%a in (‘wmic OS Get localdatetime /value’) do set “dt=%%a”
REM put underscore in the middle of date and time stamp
set CTRLTIME=%dt:~0,8%_%dt:~8,6%

set MyDate=%dt:~0,8%

set FilePath= D:\script\logs\Controller_%CTRLTIME%.log
echo %MyDate% %MyTime% “Optimization Started” >> %FilePath%

REM below is call on a oracle command, then in the sql statement will call a PRC_ANALYZE_SCHEMA process.
sqlplus /nolog @”D:\script\db_optimize.sql”
REM timeout 10

REM get new time values when it was started
set MyTime=%time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2%

echo %MyDate% %MyTime% “Optimization finished” >> %FilePath%
REM —- END of FILE —-

Run optimize of controller database schema every week.

The SQL file should contain something like this, please test before using;

More information:

Cognos Controller 10.4
Microsoft Windows 2016 server
Planning Analytics 2.0.6

When doing a FAP IP, you get a error in the log tab that say the user does not exist on the server.

In most cases that is for controller users, who are still in the controller rights-user list, but are not included in Cognos Analytics (BI). Check if user can log in into Cognos Connection (CA11 portal). You can have left the company, and are not part of the Active Directory groups, that are linked to the Controller Users group in Cognos Connection.

Add the user to Controller Users in Cognos Connection, to get away from the error.
or inside Cognos Controller remove the user – if he left the company.
or inside Cognos Controller remove the mark for TM1 user, then his account is not copied to TM1.

If you are not set as a IBM TM1 user, then your credential is not copied over to the TM1 server.

If you are a IBM TM1 user in Cognos Controller, but not part of any group in Cognos Connection, this will give above error. The user and credential is copied to the server anyway.

If you are a IBM TM1 User and also part of the Controller Users group (or any other cognos BI group) then your credentials are copyied to the TM1 server, and there is no error in the FAP transactions log. As you are part of a Cognos BI group, you can login, and use TM1 Architect.

More information:
“IBM Cognos TM1 User group members can access Controller data in a published FAP cube in TM1 if they were granted access to the cube. An Initial Publish transfers all active TM1 users to the TM1 server. Inactive TM1 Users and inactive IBM Cognos Controller Users are not transferred to the TM1 Server.”

The following super groups can be created:

Super Group Other – All CCR users need to be included in this group to be able to view anything in TM1 (all users need to belong to at least one group in TM1 to be able to see anything)
UCSuperGroup – All CCR users that are entitled to see all companies will be included in this group
UFSuperGroup – All CCR users that are entitled to see all accounts/forms will be included in this group
UVSuperGroup – All CCR users who have the right to review all closing versions (manual journal types) will be included in this group
U1SuperGroup – All CCR users who have the right to review all elements in the extended dimension 1 will be included in this group
U2SuperGroup – All CCR users who have the right to review all elements in the extended dimension 2 will be included in this group
U3SuperGroup – All CCR users who have the right to review all elements in the extended dimension 3 will be included in this group
U4SuperGroup – All CCR users who have the right to review all elements in the extended dimension 4 will be included in this group