Planning Analytics 2.0.9
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

After upgrade of Planning Analytics you get a error when you start Performance Modeler.
CCLMsg: system text=’Argument value is null’

On your computer, uninstall Performance Modelere from Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features.

Then install it again manual, from folder D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\rcp_installs\PerformanceModeler64.msi

To make the installation be for all users, run it with this cmd command as administrator
msiexec /i “d:\install\pm\PerformanceModeler64.msi” /L*V “d:\install\mypm.log” TARGETDIR=”d:\Program Files\pm” ALLUSERS=1

More Information:

Cognos Controller 10.3.1
Microsoft Windows 2016

User is stuck inside Excel when using the buttons for the controller add-in.

Close excel and cognos controller clients.
Login to Cognos Controller as the user with the problem.

Click “Maintain / User / Personal Defaults > tab Layout (2)”
Untick the box ‘Save Window Size’
Click Save
Logoff from Controller, and re-launch the Controller client.

Go to Company – data entry – and try again.

More Information:

Cognos Analytics 11.1.6
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

How do I put the company name on the CA start page?

Logon to your Cognos Analytics server and go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\samples\themes. Unzip in a new folder.

Open spec.json file in notepad++

Change the company name to your name and save the file.

You need to change the logo png files to your company logo with a picture software. Go to the images folder.

You must keep the size the same of the original png file.

The logo_large.png are 364 x 200 pixels.
The logo_small.png are 54 x 30 pixels.
Open your company png file in Windows Paint, and select change size. Enter the new format.

Save as large.png
Change the format again to small, and save that picture as small.png
Copy the two png files to your sample images folder.

Remove the old logo_large.png and logo_small.png files.
Rename your files to logo_large.png and logo_small.png respectively.

Rename the folder to your company name, in our example PAC.

Open spec.json again in notepad++

Change the name to your company name, in our example PAC.
Save the file.

Go to the folder above, e.g. samples.

Zip your new folder to a zip file.
Login to Cognos Analytics as a administrator.

Click on Manage and Customization.

Under Themes, click on upload team icon.
Find your new file and select it.

When it is loaded into Cognos Analytics select it and click apply.

You need to logout and in again to have the new team shown.



If you want to change more, like the background picture and text, you can do this

Upload the Samples_for_Install deployment archive. (To ensure you have all demo reports)
Use Manage > Administration console to open IBM Cognos Administration.
On the Configuration tab, click Content Administration.
On the toolbar, click the New Import button.
Select Samples_for_Install in the first step of the New Import wizard and complete the remaining steps of the wizard.

Find the file in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\samples\extensions
Extract the zip file in a separate folder. Change the name of the folder to Welcome.

Open spec.json file in notepad++

Search and replace Sample_Welcome with Welcome.

Replace the titles to your company name.
Save the file.
Go into the image folder.

Change logo_large.png to your logo in format 374×200 pixels.
Change welcome_background.jpg to a picture of your office in size 1920×1280 pixels.
You can find free pictures at
You can resize a picture at
Go to the C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\samples\extensions\Welcome\js\views folder and update the SampleWelcomeView HTML file with correct path.

You may remark or update the other text in HTML file for you company information.

On line 10 set <!–  …..  –> to remove the video link in the example file.

save the file.

Go up one folder, and zip the welcome folder to file.

Login to Cognos Analytics as administrator.
Click on Manage.
Click on Customization.
Click on Extensions.

Click the upload icon.
Find your zip file in C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\samples\extensions folder.
Open it and see the extension load.

You need to change the home page to make it be visible.

Go to Manage-Customization-Views-home and select the new view PAC.
Click Apply.
Log out and in again.

The selection of Themes control the text in the top blue banner.
The selection of view, tell what extension will be used at the main canvas (perspective).

You can preview at

You can set that users that belong to a cognos group, will see a specific view.

Go to Manage – Accounts – Cognos – Analytics Explorers – Customization – Home page Default – PAC.
Click Apply.

More information:

Cognos Analytics 11.1.6
Microsoft Windows 2016

How do i install CA 11 on Windows 2016?

Check here how to install CA11.1.x

Here are the new features of 11.1.6

Suggested Solution:
Download the software from IBM; ttps://
Download from Passport Advantage.

Part Image Category
IBM Cognos Analytics Server 11.1.6 Microsoft Windows Multilingual CC5HYML Required
IBM Cognos Analytics Installer 2.0.200319 Microsoft Windows Multilingual CC5I5ML Required
IBM Cognos Analytics Client 11.1.6 Multiplatform Multilingual CC5I4ML Recommended
IBM Cognos Analytics for Jupyter Notebook 11.1.6 Linux x86-64 Multilingual CC5IHML Required
IBM Cognos Analytics for Jupyter Notebook 11.1.6 Microsoft Windows Multilingual CC5IIML Recommended
IBM Cognos for Microsoft Office 11.0 Microsoft Windows 32-bit Multilingual CNPX0ML Recommended
IBM Cognos for Microsoft Office 11.0 Microsoft Windows 64-bit Multilingual CNPX1ML Recommended
IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 32-bit 2.0.47 Microsoft Windows Multilingual CC469ML Recommended
IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 64-bit 2.0.47 Microsoft Windows Multilingual CC46AML Recommended
IBM Cognos Transformer Microsoft Windows Multilingual CC3L6ML Recommended

Update the Microsoft Windows 2016 server to latest fix packs.

Download the latest fix pack for Cognos Analytics. You must install the fix pack.

Set IE Enhanced Security Configuration to off, in Server Manager – Local server.

Set Data Execution Prevention (DEP) off (Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only) and set Power Options to High Performance in Control panel.

For many cognos program, it may be needed to also install this on the server;

Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistribution Package

Install SQL 2012 native client

Install NET Framework 4.7.2

Install IIS by in Server Manager go to Roles and Features and click on Add Roles and Features.

Select Web Server (IIS) and click OK

Select HTTP Activation and click Add Features.

Select HTTP Redirection and WebDav Publishing.

Select Windows Authentication and IIS Management Scripts and Tools.

Select WebSocket Protocol.

Copy the Cognos files to a file share that you can access from the windows server.

Start the installation by running the ca_instl_win_2.0.2003191.exe file.

Press next on most dialogs, on the dialog to choose a file click choose.

Select the file and click open and next.

Select IBM Cognos Analytics and click next.

Select “Make shortcut visible to all users in the start menu” and click next.

Select Custom and click next.

Select all and click next and click install.

The driver JAR file sqljdbc42.jar is the file you need for IBM® Cognos® Analytics. Download sqljdbc42.jar from

Copy file sqljdbc42.jar into folder c:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics\drivers

Start Cognos Configuration as administrator, most localhost values should already be replaced with windows full servername. Ensure that all servernames are in lowercase minuscule.

Enter IP address to servers in configuration group if your servers have more than one network card.

Suggest you limit access to cognos analytics to people that are part of any of the cognos security groups. Inactivity timeout in seconds can be set to a higher value, like 28800, for cognos controller installations.

Create a namespace for you Active Directory connection.

If you want to setup LDAP follow this guides

Set the Namespace ID to the same as the namespace, and add the host and port to you DC.


Set Allow anonymous access to False.

Add the domain and any other cognos server names to the allowed CAF list.

Delete the DB2 content store and create a new Content Store for SQL server.

Enter the sql server name and port number and the other values.

If you use a lot of scheduled reports, you may benefit to have a separate notification database.

Setup mail connection

Save and start the cognos service.

Test to login by surf to your server at

On your IIS web windows server download and install the Application Request Routing.

Install rewrite_amd64_en-US.msi and requestRouter_amd64.msi

Manual setup of IIS here

Get the script to run for IIS from folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\cgi-bin\templates\IIS

open the CA_IIS_Config.bat file in notepad++

Enter you Cognos Analytics server and your jupyter notebook servername and port. Set True to use SSO. Save the file and run CA_IIS_Config.bat from a elevated command prompt.

Press Y

Test to surf to

To create a easy SSO, add this parameters to Cognos Configuration, under Security – Authentication – AD – Namespace – Resource Properties – Advanced properties:
singleSignOnOption  =   IdentityMapping

Save and Restart the cognos service.  (Your CA IIS script need to enabled SSO first).

Open firewall ports 80 and 443 for clients, and ports 9300, 9362, 4300, 5701, 9301 for additional Cognos servers.

Setup webdav in IIS;

To stop old dump files, open the cclWinSEHConfig.xml file from the C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration folder. Set “CCL_HWE_ABORT” value=”0″

Import Audit report samples, and create a Audit database. 
Set logging to Basic.

How setup jupyter notebook:

How setup SSL for Cognos:

More Information:

Cognos Analytics 11.1.6
Product_version=11.1 R6
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server


When browse to IBMCOGNOS and login with SSO, you get a error;
Microsoft Visual C++
Runtime Library: Runtime Error! Program
c:\windows\system32\intersrv\w3wp.exe R6025 – pure virtual
function call

Cognos Installed from file.

If you browse to http://servername:9300/bi/v1/disp, then the login works fine.

Download a later version of CA11 from Fix Central

interim fix: 11.1.6-BA-CA-Win64-IF001
Cognos Analytics 11.1.6 Interim Fix 1
The following files implement this fix. (5.01 GB)

To upgrade;

Stop the Cognos service and put it to manual.
Export the cognos configuration as a backup.
Reboot your windows server, to ensure all cognos java process have stopped.
Start the installation again with ca_instl_win_2.0.2003191.exe and select the file
Install on top of previous installation.

Open Cognos Configuration, save the configuration and start the services.

Test to surf to

More Information:

Cognos Analytics 11.0.12
kit_name=IBM Cognos Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

User can not login to Cognos.
Cognos service does not start.

If you check, the CA certificate have expired.

You can check it by go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\jre\bin
Start program ikeyman.exe
Click on open icon and go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\certs
Open the file CAMKeystore

Enter the password (default: NoPassWordSet)
Double click on the personal certificate named encryption

There you see when the certificate is created and when it stop working, 2 years later.

Start Cognos Configuration (on your Cognos Content Manager server) as an administrator.
First try by click SAVE icon, and then RESTART icon inside Cognos Configuration. If that does not help then do the other steps from Cognos Configuration program.
Stop the Cognos Service.

Export the Cognos Configuration to a text file. Select File – Export as.

Click Yes to export the content.
Name the file “backup.xml” and save it in the configuration folder.
Close Cognos Configuration program.
Move this files to a backup folder (c:\temp\backup)

C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\cogstartup.xml
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\caSerial
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\certs\CAMCrypto.status
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\certs\CAMKeystore
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\certs\CAMKeystore.lock
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\temp\cam\freshness

Move this folder to a backup folder (c:\temp\backup\csk)
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\csk

In the c11\configuration folder, rename ‘backup.xml’ file to ‘cogstartup.xml’.
Open Cognos Configuration, save the configuration and start the services.

Repeat steps on all computers that have Cognos Analytics Server components installed.

Check the result by go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\jre\bin
Start program ikeyman.exe
Click on open icon and go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\certs
Open the file CAMKeystore
Enter the password (default: NoPassWordSet)
Double click on the personal certificate named encryption

Now is the Cognos self-signed certificate valid another two years.

More Information:

Cognos Analytic 11.1.6
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When you browse to http://caservername/ibmcognos you get an error;

Service Unavailable
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

This is in most cases is this that the application pool is stopped.

Go to IIS manager and start the ICApool.


More Information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.7
Cognos Analytics 11.0.x
Microsoft Windows 2012 server

During change of CA11 server, you can not login to TM1 Architect or TM1WEB.
You get error: SystemServerClientNotFound
The new windows IIS for the Cognos BI gateway server is using HTTPS.

Inside tm1s.cfg file ensure the values for IntegratedSecurityMode=5 point to correct part of Cognos Analytics.


If the Cognos BI dispatcher also uses SSL, then set it up like this

More Information:

Cognos Controller 10.3.1 interim fix 13
Microsoft Windows 2012 server

After update with a interim fix to Cognos Controller, user get a error when start of a JAVA based dialog, like JOBS DEFINE or COMMAND CENTER.

On the IIS manager, for the application folder CONTROLLERSERVER set to allow “Anonymous Authentication”, and only have “Windows Authentication” on virtual folder IBMCOGNOS or SSO.


More Information: