Cognos Analytics 11.1.7 if9
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

You have downloaded the interim fix of CA11 and put it on a file share to install from.

The user you install with have only READ-ONLY access to the file share shared folder.

When run the installation you get strange errors, like:

The installation is unable to continue. Please make sure all product services have been stopped and applications have been closed.


Ensure the user that you install with have full rights to the windows share where the cognos media files are.

Connect to \\servername\d$ if needed, to get the correct rights.

The installation program need write access to the folder where the media is stored.

More Information:

Cognos Controller Web 10.4.2
Microsoft Windows 2019 server


After applied a DNS alias to the Cognos Controller server, the users can not login to the Controller Web.

They get a error like Server is not reachable or still initializing, please refresh the page in a few seconds


You must update the D:\Program\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\frontend\config.js file with the URL the end user will use to access Cognos Controller Web.

If you change it from a server-name to a DNS alias, then open config.js in notepad++

 //Details for Controller UI service 
"expressJs": {
"host": "", //interface used by Controller Web UI Service
"port": "9080", //port used by Controller Web UI Service
"options": {

Change the interface value to your DNS alias. The controller web backend connection at line 14 can be left with the server host name.

Save the file.

Restart the 3 Controller web services.

More Information:

Planning Analytics Workspace 74
Microsoft Windows 2019 server

To install PAW74 or later on Windows 2019 server, you need to first install the docker runtime.


From a workstation with internet connection.
Create a folder like c:\install\docker

Go to the folder in powershell as administrator

Enter this command to get the installation script

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -o install.ps1

Enter this command to download the media only

.\install.ps1 -DownloadOnly

Then copy this files over to the server, and place them in some folder like d:\install\docker

On the new server start powershell as administrator and go to the folder to start installation with command

.\install.ps1 -Offline

When installation is done, it is common to change the drive for docker. Update the file c:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json

The value data-root point to where you want all the docker images for PAW. In windows you must enter the path with double slash. Save the file.

To start the docker service enter:

Start-Service docker

If you get error;

fatal: unable to configure the Docker daemon with file C:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json: invalid character ‘P’ in string escape code

then you have missed the \\ in the file.

To check version of docker enter:

docker version

Should give response: Client: Mirantis Container Runtime

Version: 20.10.11

API version: 1.41

More information:

Cognos Controller 10.4.2
Microsoft Windows 2019 server

After upgrade of Cognos Controller to a new version, the users get a error message when they start Cognos Controller Client program.

“The version of Controller requires database version 992.”


Wait for the IT department to upgrade the Cognos Controller Client installation on the Citrix server you are using. Cognos Controller 10.4.2 use database version 1010.

More Information:

Planning Analytics Workspace 74

TM1_name=IBM Cognos TM1

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


How much disk space do i need for PAW on my new server?


The install folder (where you downloaded the software) takes around 15 GB.

The PAW folder (where log files are) takes 10 GB.

The DOCKER folder (where the images are) takes around 52 GB.

The program folder for planning analytics takes 7 GB.

The folder for your TM1 instance – is very depending on your solution and how much data you have in TM1.

The Windows folder take around 18 GB.

Normally you have windows on C: and all the rest on your D: drive.

Recommendation is to have above 100 GB free on the C: and D: drive before you start.


More information:

Cognos Controller 10.4.2
Microsoft Windows 2019 server

When you login to cognos controller client, you get a error message of this kind;

Number: 76
Source: mscorlib
Description: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Users\nnnnn\AppData\Roaming\Cognos\CCR\ADMdb_cognoscontroller.local,1433CognosControllerdatabase’.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)
at Cognos.Controller.Common.RaiseErrCli.RaiseError(Int32 lErrNo, String sErrSource, String sErrDesc, String sErrHelpFile, Int32 lErrHelpContext)
at Cognos.Controller.Common.RaiseErrCli.RaiseError(Int32 lErrNo, String sErrSource, String sErrDesc)

Suggested Solution:

Click OK to get past the error message, and still login to Cognos Controller Client program.

Clear the local cache by going to Maintain – Special Utilities – Clear Local Cache.

Close Cognos Controller program and try to login again. Did the error go away?

Can be garbage in the cache of files in folder C:\Users\nnnn\AppData\Roaming\Cognos\ccr, that are cleared by this action.

More Information:

Cognos Controller 10.4.2
Microsoft Windows 2019 server

When open FAP.UDL file with DBCONV.exe program to upgrade the database you get a error.

ERROR: java.lang.NullPointerException

Possible solution:

The UDL file does not contain a password.

Copy the fap.uld file to folder D:\Program files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\Data

Open the file in Cognos Controller configuration and add a password.

Click on test connection icon.

Click on arrow to start the Database conversion program.

Select FAP DB.

Click Connect.

Check if the numbers are different, then you need to click on Upgrade button.

Close the program.

Remove the fap.udl file from the \ibm\cognos\ccr_64\Data folder.

Also, ensure the SQLJDBC42.JAR file is in the folder D:\Program files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64

More Information:

Planning Analytics Workspace 73
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When user browse to PAW portal, some of the text is in other language than English.

The edit fields are controlled by the settings in your web browser.

How change language in Chrome:

Go to Settings

Expand Advanced

Click on Languages – expand the dialog

Add the language you want the text in PAW toolbar to be the chosen language for your browser.


You create translated values by adding a caption attribute, and then by assigning caption values for every language that you want to make available. You add caption attributes and caption values by creating TurboIntegrator processes.

Planning Analytics Workspace uses the browser language setting to determine which language to display, so a user can view cubes, views, dimensions, and so on, in their own language without needing any additional configuration.

If you enabled the display of translated names on your TM1 server, then cubes, dimensions, elements, and attributes display in your local language as determined by the language setting of your Web browser. If translation is not enabled, object names appear as they were originally created on the TM1 server. In websheets, only elements that are returned by SUBNM or TM1RptRow functions are translated. All other element and object names in websheets display as originally created.

More information:

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Captions

Cognos Controller 10.4.2 if8 CONTRL_UPDATE_version=CCR-AW64-ML-RTM-10.4.2000.1064-0
Microsoft Windows 2016 server
Planning Analytics  TM1-AW64-ML-RTM-11.0.911.20-0

After upgrade of TM1 (Planning Analytics) to a newer version than then the Cognos Controller FAP does not work.
The FAP IP stop with a error.

The TM1ProcessError can be:

Cannot convert field number 17, value “123456” to a real number

Error: Data procedure line (0): 01004[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation


Upgrade Cognos Controller software to a later version.

  1. Install Controller 10.4.2 IF 17
  2. Stop the Windows service of the TM1 server that is connected to FAP.
  3. Stop the Windows service IBM Cognos FAP Service.
  4. Manually delete the existing <…>MonthlyCompanyDetails_TextImportData TI process from inside TM1 Architect.
  5. Start the Windows service of the TM1 server that is connected to FAP.
  6. Start the Windows service IBM Cognos FAP Service.
  7. Do a full FAP IP.


More information:

These errors occur because Planning Analytics and later does not support FAP jobs with comments containing more than 2047 characters.  The existing <…>MonthlyCompanyDetails_TextImportData TI process that you upgraded from your previous TM1 environment does not adhere to this new limitation.

If you upgrade Planning Analytics 2.0.9, you must upgrade Cognos Controller 10.4.2 to a later version.

Cognos Controller 10.4.2
Microsoft Windows 2016 server


We need to install a fix pack/interim fix to cognos controller – do we also need to upgrade the cognos controller client?

Suggested solution:

Do a test upgrade in your test environment, and see if the client works without upgrade the Cognos Controller client.

When you do a installation of a new version, you must upgrade the cognos controller client. But if you only install a Interim fix then the client installed can be used without upgrading.

Any fixes that are in the client side, like help – content issues, will not be solved.

Recommendation is to always upgrade the cognos controller client too.

Before installation we had in the client this version:

IBM Cognos Controller Version 10.4.2000.293
Integration Version 10.4.2000.145
Installer/Updater Kit Version 10.4.2000.1064

after installation we had this in cognos controller client – help – system info:

IBM Cognos Controller Version 10.4.2000.293
Integration Version 10.4.2000.145
Installer/Updater Kit Version 10.4.2000.1111

The client looks like it is working, but not any bugfixes that are in the Cognos Controller client code is not part of the solution.

Supported is to have both cognos controller client and cognos controller server at the same version.

You can check the version of cognos installed in the cmplst.txt file, often found in folder D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64

CONTRL_UPDATE_name=IBM Cognos Controller Update
[Main Applications]

When doing a upgrade of cognos controller to a interimfix it is important that you;

Note down cognos controller configuration for report server URL.

Specifically, stop the following Windows services:

  • IBM Cognos
  • IBM Cognos Controller Batch Service
  • IBM Cognos Controller Consolidation
  • IBM Cognos Controller Java Proxy
  • IBM Cognos Controller Reports
  • IBM Cognos Controller Web
  • IBM Cognos Controller Web Spreadsheet Service
  • IBM Cognos Controller Web UI
  • IBM Cognos FAP Service
  • WWW service

Stop COM+ object for Cognos Controller.

Backup the controller web folder

D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb and D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\frontend

Check that no JAVA processes is running, before you start the upgrade.

After upgrade, Cognos Controller Web need to be reconfigured.

More information:

Currently Supported Versions of Controller (incl. Interim Fixes):

Updater Kit Build CCR Version DB Version Comment
10.4.2000.1111 10.4.2000.311 10.4.2 IF17 1010 Generally available (FixCentral)
10.4.2000.1108 10.4.2000.300 10.4.2 IF16 1010 Generally available (FixCentral)
10.4.2000.1098 10.4.2000.300 10.4.2 IF15 1010 Generally available (FixCentral)
10.4.2000.1079 10.4.2000.300 10.4.2 IF14 1010
10.4.2000.1078 10.4.2000.300 10.4.2 IF13 1010
10.4.2000.1076 10.4.2000.300 10.4.2 IF12 1010
10.4.2000.1073 10.4.2000.300 10.4.2 IF11GA 1010 Generally available (FixCentral)
10.4.2000.1070 10.4.2000.296 10.4.2 IF10 1010
10.4.2000.1067 10.4.2000.296 10.4.2 IF9 1010
10.4.2000.1064 10.4.2000.293 10.4.2 IF8 1010
10.4.2000.1063 10.4.2000.292 10.4.2 IF7GA 1010 Generally available (FixCentral)
10.4.2000.1018 10.4.2000.270 10.4.2 IF3 1010  
10.4.2000.1013 10.4.2000.267 10.4.2 IF2 1010  
10.4.2000.1002 10.4.2000.259 10.4.2 IF1GA 1010 Generally available (FixCentral)
10.4.2000.185 10.4.2000.252 10.4.2 RTM 1010 Available via Passport Adv. (full install)