Microsoft SQL server 2016
How log start and stop times of SP in your database?
Suggested solution:
Create a table to store time values, and create a SP that you call from other SP to update the table.
Create the log table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[_log_logged]( [LogID] [BIGINT] NULL, [starttime] [DATETIME] NULL, [endtime] [DATETIME] NULL, [iscomplete] [INT] NULL, [runstatus] [INT] NULL, [durationInSeconds] [INT] NULL, [whatProcess] [VARCHAR](100) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
Create the SP to call to create log values:
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[_logger] @LogID [INT], @StartTime [DATETIME],@EndTime [DATETIME], @WhatProcess [VARCHAR](100), @NewLogID [INT] OUT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @RunTimeSeconds INT, @RunStatus INT, @IsComplete INT, @NewLogRowID INT, @myDuration NUMERIC(20,10) IF @LogID IS NULL SET @LogID = 0 IF @LogID = 0 BEGIN SET @RunStatus = 1 SET @IsComplete = 0 SET @LogID = (SELECT ISNULL((MAX(LogID)),0) + 1 AS maxID FROM _log_logged) INSERT INTO _log_logged(LogID ,StartTime ,runStatus ,IsComplete ,WhatProcess ) SELECT @LogID, @StartTime, @RunStatus, @IsComplete, @WhatProcess END ELSE IF @LogID != 0 BEGIN SET @RunStatus = 0 SET @IsComplete = 1 UPDATE a SET EndTime = @EndTime, IsComplete = @IsComplete, RunStatus = @RunStatus, whatProcess = @WhatProcess, DurationInSeconds= DATEDIFF(SECOND,@StartTime, @EndTime) FROM _log_logged a WHERE a.LogID = @LogID END SET @NewLogID = @LogID END GO
Add below code to your SP, to enable them to log values to the above table.
-- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_ThisIsTheTest] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; declare @StartTime datetime = GETDATE(); declare @EndTime datetime declare @logid int DECLARE @NewLogID INT DECLARE @whatProcessText VARCHAR(100) = 'Your name of the sp to be logged'; EXEC [dbo].[_logger] @LogID = 0 ,@StartTime = @StartTime ,@EndTime = NULL ,@whatProcess = @whatProcessText ,@NewLogID = @NewLogID OUTPUT -- ============================================= -- Here should your code be for the process to execute WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10.000' -- ============================================= -- Log the end of the sp process with this call: SET @EndTime = GETDATE() EXEC [dbo].[_logger] @LogID = @NewLogID, @StartTime = @StartTime ,@EndTime = @EndTime ,@whatProcess = @whatProcessText ,@NewLogID = @NewLogID OUTPUT END
Run the SP to test the log table.
The result can look like this:
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