Cognos Controller 10.3
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server
Error when you start Cognos Controller client and login to the program. Happens when CAM authentication is selected.
If you surf to Cognos Connection with IE, that works fine.
Error message:
The user currently logged in is not authorized to use this method
This can be different causes, please check this:
Ensure the user is part of the Cognos security groups
Controller Users or
Controller Administrators
Ensure that Cognos Configuration for authentication have then the setting “Allow Anonymous Access” configured to be “FALSE”
Error message:
AAA-AUT-0013 The user is already authenticated in all available namespaces.
Ensure that the user exist in the Cognos Controller database and that he have rights to login.
Ensure that you are not already logged in to a different session.
Ensure in Cognos configuration gateway URI is configured with server name instead of the localhost
Ensure CAF should be set to False
Make sure namespace bind credential password is set in Cognos Configuration
Ensure the correct LDAP server is connected in the namespace.
You can check file C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\logs\pogo_YYYY-MM-DD.log for more information.