PRS-TRS-0902 The “XSLT” transform instruction encountered an error while processing

Cognos Analytics 11.0.12  (kit_version=
Microsoft Windows Server 2016

When in Cognos Connection you go to Administration console. Click on system in left column to have a view of the system health. You get a error instead of the Metrics-system tab.

Error Message:
PRS-TRS-0902 The “XSLT” transform instruction encountered an error while processing the source at location “/cogadmin/transforms/gen-ui-markup/metrics.xslt”.
PF-COM-6204 The complete error has been logged.

Possible cause:
After replace the oracle driver in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\drivers to ojdbc7.jar file, the restart of the servers was not done correct.

Restart the content manager server first.
Wait to it is finish.
Then restart the other CA (BI REPORT) servers.
Wait until they all are up.

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