Cognos Controller 11
Microsoft Windows 2022 server
You click on the excel icon in cognos controller to start Excel program. The excel program starts very small.
Remove the ccr.exe properties to adjust screen resolution (change high DPI settings) or
open a excel document first in excel, before you login to cognos controller from excel, and run a report.
You have change the ccr.exe properties to not make cognos controller shrink when you open a java menu inside the cognos controller program. This is done by go to C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM Cognos Controller Local Client folder.
Right click on CCR.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Change high DPI settings > Check Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by: System (Enhanced).
If user need to send report to Excel, they need to have an Excel book open first before run send to Excel. Otherwise the Excel will shrink after apply setting.
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