Cognos Planning Analytics 2.0.6
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server

The log files for opsconsole fill up the C drive, where the software is installed. Can we change the logs file to be created on a separate hard disk named L:\?

Login to the Windows server where you run TM1WEB (also the opsconsole)
stop the service IBM Cognos TM1
cut the folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\opsconsoledata
paste it at L:
rename L:\opsconsoledata to L:\opslogs
start a command prompt as admin
enter command:

mklink /D  “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\opsconsoledata”  L:\opslogs

start the service IBM Cognos TM1
Now the logs are on the L drive….

NOTE: This is not a supported function, and should not be used in production environments.

Surf to opsconsole at the following web address:   http://servername:9510/pmhub/pm/opsconsole

More information:

Cognos Analytics 11.0.x
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard

Users are prompted with login during there session with Cognos Analytics and some icons are missing from the main page.
SSO is setup and working, but you still get a windows login dialog now and then.
To ensure SSO is correct check this:

Error message when you try to create a new report:
Error: Startup Request Failed: Webbegäran misslyckades.:401 – unauthorized
URL: ../images/common_icons.svg

Suggested Solution:
On the CA11 web server (gateway) go to the file manager and go to folder c:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\bi\images
Right click on Images folder and select properties
Click on security tab
Ensure that the following groups at least are there:

If a group is missing, add it.

In one case the group Users where missing, meaning that a person that did not belong to the Administrator group on the server got above issues when surfing to Cognos Analytics portal. Adding the local server Users group solved the problem.

Planning Analytics 2.0.5
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

How change the number of columns shown and loaded in tm1web?

Suggested Solution:
Update the file tm1web_config.xml, that are in folder
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\configuration on the TM1WEB server.
Change below lines to a number that works for your application:

<!– CubeViewerRowPageSize: Number of rows to fetch in a page of cubeviewer –>
<add key=”CubeViewerRowPageSize” value=”250″ />
<!– CubeViewerColumnPageSize: Number of columns to fetch in a page of cubeviewer –>
<add key=”CubeViewerColumnPageSize” value=”100″ />

In TM1 10.2 FP1 two settings, controls the number of columns and rows that are loaded in TM1 Web Websheets,
WebsheetRowThreshold and WebsheetColumnThreshold.

In the documentation for Planning Analytics 2.0 these settings are not found, instead you find settings CubeViewerRowPageSize and CubeViewerColumnPageSize.

The do not have WebsheetRowThreshold and WebsheetColumnThreshold settings.

The old parameters can configure the amount of rows and columns in a websheet that completely fetch on loading. If the sheet fits roughly within the number of rows and columns specified with the new parameters, it will be fully loaded on start up.
If a sheet is larger than the values set with the parameters, then Cognos TM1 Web fetches additional data on demand as you scroll beyond the buffers of the previously loaded data.

New Planning Analytics have a better TM1WEB solution, and will cache values different, and above old parameters should not be needed for new TM1WEB.

The parameters in this file, tm1web_config.xml, control the following IBM TM1 Web features.

  • View node
    Cube Viewer page size
    Number of sheets to export from a Cube Viewer
    IBM TM1 Web startup and appearance settings
    Session timeouts