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Microsoft Windows 2019 server

How send mail with powershell from Tm1?


Create a folder on your tm1 server called d:\script\ , and in there create a file SENDMAIL.PS1 in Notepad++ with this content:

# Define the paths to your text files
$messageFilePath = "d:\script\message.txt"
$recipientFilePath = "d:\script\recipient.txt"

# Read the content of the text files
$messageBody = Get-Content -Path $messageFilePath -Raw
$recipient = Get-Content -Path $recipientFilePath -Raw

# Define the email parameters
$smtpServer = ""
$from = ""
$subject = "Your Subject Here"

# Send the email
Send-MailMessage -From $from -To $recipient -Subject $subject -Body $messageBody -SmtpServer $smtpServer

Update the $messageFilePath and $recipientFilePath variables with the paths to your text files.
Make sure to replace “” and “” with your actual SMTP server and email address.

Create a file “message.txt” with the text you want to send as body.
Create a file “recipient.txt” with the email person with the receiver of the mail.


Then create a TM1 TI process with above prompt, and below code:

#Section Prolog

#--- set variables ----
vFileMessage = 'd:\script\message.txt' ;
vFileRecipient = 'd:\script\recipient.txt' ;
toPerson = ' ;
toMessage = 'This is a test - something went wrong' ;

#--- check the prompts -----------
isMail = scan ( '@' , pReciver) ;
IF ( isMail <> 0 ) ;
toPerson = pReciver ;

IF ( LONG (pMessage) <> 0 ) ;
toMessage = pMessage ;

# --- Change to get clean text in the text file
DatasourceASCIIDelimiter = ',';
#--- try change this value to support other characters than english ------
setOutputCharacterSet (vFileMessage, 'TM1CS_ISO_8859_1');

#-------write the files-------------
TextOutput( vFileRecipient, toPerson ) ;
TextOutput( vFileMessage, toMessage ) ;

#Section Metadata

#Section Data

#Section Epilog

# call the powershell file to send the mail
ExecuteCommand( 'Powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -file "D:\script\sendmail.ps1" ', 0 );


Run the process, to test it.

More Information:

Microsoft Power BI Desktop


How do in Power BI connect a card (that show a single number) to only a few selector widgets (slicers) on a page?


To connect a card to a selection widget (like a slicer) in Power BI Desktop without affecting other visuals on the same page, you can use the Edit Interactions feature.

Create Your Card and Slicer:

First, ensure you have both the card visual and the slicer visual on your report page.
Select the Slicer:

Click on the slicer visual to select it.
Edit Interactions:

Go to the Format tab in the ribbon.
Click on Edit Interactions. This will show interaction controls on all other visuals on the page.
Set Interaction for the Card:

On the card visual, you will see two icons: a filter icon and a no filter icon.
Click the filter icon to ensure the slicer affects the card.
For other visuals that you don’t want to be affected by the slicer, click the no filter icon.
Turn Off Edit Interactions:

Once you’ve set the interactions as desired, click Edit Interactions again to turn off the interaction mode.
This way, the slicer will only filter the card visual and not the other visuals on the same page


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