Planning Analytics Workspace 98

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


How do i get a weather report inside my book?


Use one of the free sites that provide plug-ins for things like weather to your website. – book hotel online

Create a crafted picture that is run and updated on there site.
Enter that code to a standalone webpage, and use that URL to the webpage inside PAW.

You have to enter the location, and then grab the code for a picture.

Place the code in a html page, you then reference inside PAW url like:

More information:

IBM Planning Analytics Local 2.1.9  tm1server = 11.8.02900.8
Microsoft Windows 2022 server


How install PAL 2.1.9?


Download the latest version from IBM

Download only the Windows installation files from the different parts.

IBM Pafe x86 is for you if you have a 32 bit version of excel installed (this the most companies use)

IPA workspace win 2022 is the installation package for PAW for Windows 2022 server.

Before uninstall previous version, take a backup of changed files, like certificate store and samples in C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\ folder.

Unzip the packages to get the installation media out, and copy it to a folder on the server.

Run the install from file: analytics-installer-4.0.5-win.exe

Select language and click next

Click next

Click next

Verify the hard drive you are going to install to and click next

Click Yes

Click next

Click Install

Click done


To install the TM1 admin service, you must go to a CMD prompt, and move to the bin64 folder:

C:\Program Files\ibm\tm1_64\bin64  and enter command: Tm1admsd -install

Before you install the TM1 instances, check the tm1s.cfg file to have the correct values for: (some must be unique for each application)



ServerName=Planning Sample








To install a instance to be in Windows service, enter:

tm1sd.exe -install -n "nameofapplication" -z "D:\TM1Data\SData\Config"

Where nameofapplication should be the same as you have entered as ServerName=nameofapplication

Think about the naming of the application will affect how it look in Windows services. Do not use non-english letters in the name.

Click on each TM1 service, and go to properties, and change the settings to Automatic. This to make them start when the server reboots.
To stop a TM1 instance, you have now go to Windows services and right click and select stop. Be aware that big TM1 instances, may crash during stop, and need to recover from log files when started.

If you have enter the wrong name, remove the TM1 instance with command tm1sd.exe -remove


Backup all TM1WEB configuration files, before doing any installation.

Run the installation of TM1WEB with file analytics-installer-3.7.37-win.exe

Select language and click next

Click next

Click next

Check the hard drive and click next (note; that tm1web install to the old folder)

Click yes

Click install

Click done

The service is automatic registered as: tm1web  – right click and start all TM1 instances and TM1WEB.

You change the port tm1web are listen to in file : C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1web\wlp\usr\servers\tm1web\server.xml

Default port is 9510.

You update tuning values in file : C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1web\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\configuration\tm1web_config.xml

Change the values, from your notes of previous installation, and save the file and restart the service.

When you get it to work – it should look like above.  Browse to http://servername:9510/tm1web

The version of the installed TM1 program is now in other txt files than before.


(You must install PAW on a separate server, to be able to work with your TM1 instances.)

Please note that Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel require that the client (laptop) have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 installed.

PAL 2.1.9 only support this versions of Windows server e.g. 2022.

PAW 2.1.9 demands Mirantis runtime on Windows to work.

On Linux there is other demands.

More Information:


IBM Cognos Controller CONTRL_UPDATE_version=CCR-AW64-ML-RTM-11.1.1002.5-0

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


How upgrade the client?

Suggested solution:

This are the steps we do on a laptop to upgrade the IBM cognos controller client program.

In excel the add-in is installed as this:

Some values can be found in the registry at Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Excel

Uninstall the previous version first, from windows control panel. That is in folder C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM Cognos Controller Local Client.

After you have uninstall Cognos Controller, you get this message when you start Excel.exe.  The above folder is gone and the files in it.

When you go into the excel options add-ins you find this message, it looks like the add-in is installed – but it is not.

Should this be removed before installation of the new Cognos Controller client? If the installation works as it should, it will handle it as is.

Run the installation of the cognos controller client from CCRLocalClient64.msi file.

Click Next

Enter the FQDN name to the cognos controller server here and press Next.

Click Next (notice the new folder to the program)

Click Install

Click Finish

The new IBM controller client is installed.

Start the IBM controller program from the start menu.

Select your database and enter your name and password if needed.

When logged in try to only start Excel from inside Cognos Controller client program, by press the excel icon.

And excel start without any controller tool bar – then the com add-in have been disabled.

You need to go to the options – add-ins – com add-ins and mark the above controller link for microsoft excel and press ok.

Restart Excel and Cognos Controller program.

Go into cognos controller and press excel icon – it should start up the Excel with this controller options.

If you look inside Excel options – add-ins it should look like this.

There should only be two controller link for microsoft excel, and they should point to the correct folder.

In many cases when above does not work, it can be error in REG VALUE


“OPEN”=”/R \”C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\IBM Controller Local Client\\adxloader64.Controller.ExcelLink.dll\””

Check the registry from a working installation, and compare to the not working installation of Excel.

If you have issues with the Cognos Controller link to excel, do a reinstall of your Microsoft Office program first.

If the installation is done correct, the files should have the same date. There is 282 files in the Controller client folder for version 11.1


If you get the error “Cannot run the macro ‘cc.CompareDb’. The macro may not…” when try to open Data Entry form, it is caused by multiple Controller clients being installed. Check that you do not have installed both the old and new ccr.exe on the citrix server. Uninstall all Cognos Controller clients from the computer, and ensure it is clean, before you install the correct version of IBM controller software.

You can in rare circumstance need to search the registry (after you uninstalled cognos controller client) for references to the old version at “IBM Cognos Controller Local Client”. Clean the registry before you install the correct version.


If you get a error like this: (then the database connection is not working and the sql username and password is not correct)

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. —> System.ArgumentException: Login failed for user ‘cognos’.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)
at ControllerServerCommon.RaiseErrSrv.RaiseError(String sUser, Int32 lErrNo, String sErrSource, String sErrDesc, String sErrHelpFile, Int32 lErrHelpContext)
at FrServerB.ServerInfo.GetDBRelease(String sGuid, String sUser)
at Cognos.Controller.Proxy.CCRWS.ServerInfo_GetDBRelease(String sGuid, String sUser)
— End of inner exception stack trace —

If you get a error like this when you try to run a report: (You have to go into Excel – options – add-ins and COM add-ins, and mark the controller link for Microsoft Excel, to make it active).

If you try to remove the excel add-in you should get a message like this – only admins can remove the add-in.

If both the excel add- ins are inactive, then nothing happens in the excel. You need to go into both Excel add-ins and COM add-ins and active the controller link for Microsoft Excel.

If you get a error in the Excel add-in dialog like this; (then you have deactivated the add-ins in wrong order)

Exception from HRESULT: 0x800AC472
at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application.set_EnableEvents(Boolean RHS)
at Cognos.Controller.ControllerForms12.clsDataEntry.DoLogoff()
at Cognos.Controller.XL.ControllerXL.xllController.ExitXll(Boolean LoggingOff)
at Cognos.Controller.XL.ControllerXL.xllController.DoLogout()


More Information:

  • Your client computer needs this:
  • Microsoft Excel for Microsoft 365.
  • Microsoft Edge Runtime.
  • Microsoft .Net 4.5 or later.

IBM Cognos Controller 11.1 CONTRL_UPDATE_version=CCR-AW64-ML-RTM-11.1.1002.5-0
Microsoft Windows 2022 server


When testing Controller Web in a new installation – you get error: Unable to load requested view. Displaying home view instead.  This is when using Native security in Cognos Controller, and installed on a single server.


The new version of IBM Controller Web use a different port for the end user, browse to

then it will work.

You may also need to update the config files, before it will work. The steps to setup controller web are from IBM this



This steps are similar to previous version of Controller Web setup.

Go to the C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb\wlp\etc and open server.env in notepad++

change the line to

JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/IBM/cognos/ccr_64/fcmweb/jre

save the file.

Open CMD and go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb

Run command:

SyncDBConf.bat ..\Data wlp\usr\shared\config\datasources

Go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb\wlp\usr\servers\fcm.web

Open file in Notepad++  ( please note the name: )

Add the lines


Save the file.

(adjust the path/url to your server setup).

Stop the IBM controller services  – and start them for the changes to take affect.

But you need to do this changes to:

Go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\frontend

Open config.js in notepad++

Enter the servername url in this 3 places, use FQDN instead of only servername as I do in the example.

Then further down enter the servername (fqdn), and change the port number on line 71 from 9086 to 9085.

Keep the Apostrophe sign as is.

Go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb\wlp\usr\servers\

Open server.env in notepad++

Normally you only need to change the c: to d: if you have installed the cognos controller program to the d: drive with default paths.

Save the file.

Open in notepad++ if you have change any other files, to use a different port.

Normally you do not need to change above file.

Restart the Windows server and see if it works.

Log files can be found in a folder like C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb\wlp\usr\servers\fcm.web\logs


If you get error like: Not Found
The application or context root for this request has not been found: / you are going to the wrong port. The User should browse to this address:


From IBM documentation:



When it works – it should look like this:

More Information: 



IBM Cognos Controller 11.1
Microsoft Windows 2019 server


New installation of IBM Controller 11.1, when the client run a standard report in Cognos Controller client program. The EDGE or adobe acrobat is also started and show the PDF file – even the PDF file is show inside the Controller program dialog.



1. Ensure no one is logged into cognos controller client.

2. Logon to the Controller application server

3. Browse to the folder ‘ControllerProxyServer’. Can be C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\ControllerProxyServer

4. Create a backup copy of the file: web.config

5. Use Notepad++ to edit the file web.config

6. Locate the section <appSettings>

7. Add the following line into that section:

<add key="useInternalPdfViewer" value="true" />

8. Save the file and restart the service.


More information: 

Planning Analytics 2.1.7 TM1_version=TM1-AW64-ML-RTM-
Microsoft Windows 2022 server
IBM Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services


After upgrade of tm1web, when start up the Tm1web page in the browser, you get a error:

Unsupported protocolSSL_TLSv2


Stop the tm1web service (IBM Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services)

Go to folder D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1web\wlp\usr\servers\tm1web

Rename jvm.options to jvm.options.old

Rename to jvm.options

Start the tm1web service.



More Information:

The parameter is needed.

Microsoft Power BI portal / service


How move a dataflow gen1 from one workspace to a another workspace?


From source workspace, click on the 3 dots … and select export json file.

Save the file on your hard disk.

Change the powerbi workspace to the new workspace where you want to import the dataflow

Click on “new item” and select Dataflow Gen1

Click on “import model”

Select the json file you have saved – and click open.

When the dataflow is imported, you need to update the credentials to connect to the data source.

Click on the 3 dots … and select edit.

Click on the edit table icon for one of the tables in the list.

You may get a message like: Credentials are required to connect to the SQL source.

Click on options.


If you use a power bi query gateway to access your SQL database, you need to select it at data load, and click OK.

Click Save and close.

Now it should work to update (refresh) your dataflow.

If it does not help, you may need to go to manage connections, and try to set a different user to access the data source.


More Information: 

Move dataflows across workspaces with the Power BI REST API 

IBM Cognos Controller 11.1
Microsoft Windows 2022 server


After a new install of IBM Cognos Controller 11.1, the reports give a error inside the client, something like this


Even the documentation say, The installation of IBM® Cognos Analytics is needed only for using the Cognos Access Management authentication. You must enable the embedded report system to make it not ask for CA11 support.

Go to the Windows server where you have installed Cognos Controller 11.1

Go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\ControllerProxyServer

Open file web.config in notepad++

Add the line <add key=”ccrReports” value=”” />

Save the file.

Open file server.env from folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\ControllerProxyServer

Add the line JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/IBM/cognos/ccr_64/fcmweb/jre

Adjust the paths to your setup, like if you have installed on d: drive it should be JAVA_HOME=D:/Program Files/IBM/cognos/ccr_64/fcmweb/jre

Save the file.

Restart the windows server.

Now the cognos controller client does not need the CA11 services, as long you use NATIVE security mode.

Looks like you can leave this at default values, when you use NATIVE security mode:

Then you need to setup the client distribution server correct.

Next issue you will have is to configure EDGE on the client to open inside the cognos controller program, and not outside as a separate PDF reader.

You can try this (but it may not work):

To make Microsoft Edge open PDFs in an external application instead of the browser, follow these steps:

Method 1: Change Edge PDF Settings

  1. Open Edge and go to edge://settings/content/pdfDocuments
    • You can also navigate manually:
      • Click the three-dot menu (⋯)
      • Select Settings
      • Go to Cookies and Site PermissionsPDF documents
  2. Enable “Always download PDF files”
    • This forces Edge to download PDFs instead of opening them in the browser.
  3. Set a Default PDF Viewer in Windows
    • Right-click any PDF file in File Explorer
    • Click Open withChoose another app
    • Select your preferred PDF viewer (Adobe Acrobat, Foxit, etc.)
    • Check “Always use this app to open .pdf files”
    • Click OK

Now, when you click on a PDF in Edge, it will download and open in your default PDF viewer.


More information:

IBM cognos controller 11.1
Microsoft Windows 2022 server


When you start the cognos controller client you get a error, like this:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. —> System.ArgumentException: Access to the registry key ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\FrangoController\Settings’ is denied.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)
at ControllerServerCommon.RaiseErrSrv.RaiseError(String sUser, Int32 lErrNo, String sErrSource, String sErrDesc, String sErrHelpFile, Int32 lErrHelpContext)
at FrServerB.LocalConnectionBusiness.SetSelectDb(String sGuid, String sUser, Boolean bSelectDb)
at FrServerB.ConnectionBusiness.SetSelectDb(String sGuid, String sUser, Boolean bSelectDb)
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)
at Cognos.Controller.Common.RaiseErrCli.RaiseError(Int32 lErrNo, String sErrSource, String sErrDesc, String sErrHelpFile, Int32 lErrHelpContext)
at Cognos.Controller.Direct.ConnectionDirect.SetSelectDb(Boolean bSelectDb)
at CCR.AppContext.SelectDb()
at CCR.AppContext.Login()


Change the DefaultAppPool on the IIS server to use localsystem as the user for the service.

Go to IIS manager

Expand the application pool

Select the pool used by controllerservice

Click on advance settings

Change identity to localsystems

Click ok

Restart the iis from inside IIS manager.


More Information:

IBM Cognos Controller 11.1
Microsoft Windows 2022 server


When you check the controller com+ components, you get a error in the web browser like this:

Server Error in ‘/’ Application.

The resource cannot be found.

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.  Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /ibmcognos/controllerserver/ccrws.asmx

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.8.4494.0



You may not have created the virtual directory’s correct under the virtual directory IBMCOGNOS, therefor they are not visible.

Create the cognos controller directory’s in correct place.

Then when the test works, it should look similar to this:


Other issues, could be, that not all files was installed. Run the installation of IBM Controller again on the server.


More Information: