Planning Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2019 server
How get the month before today?
In TM1 TI code you can write something similar to this in prolog:
## sMonth = 1 ; ## remove sMonth = below and test with above line sMonth = ( MONTH ( TODAY ) ) ; sYear = ( YEAR (TODAY) ) ; IF ( sMonth = 1) ; pMonth = numbertostring ( 12 ) ; pYear = sYear - 1; ELSE ; pMonth = numbertostring (sMonth - 1 ) ; pYear = sYear ; ENDIF ; IF (LONG (pMonth) = 1) ; p2Month = '0' | pMonth ; ELSE ; p2Month = pMonth ; ENDIF ; pVersion = (p2Month) | ' - ' | numbertostring(pYear) ; ASCIIOUTPUT ( 'd:\temp\debugtestdate.txt', numbertostring (sMonth) , numbertostring(sYear) , (p2Month) , numbertostring(pYear) ) ;
Will give a test file with this result:
If you want to have the year in 4 digits, you can add it like this;
IF ( sMonth = 1) ; pMonth = numbertostring ( 12 ) ; pYear = '20' | numbertostring ( sYear - 1 ) ; ELSE ; pMonth = numbertostring (sMonth - 1 ) ; pYear = '20' | numbertostring ( sYear ) ; ENDIF ;
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