
Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


How keep settings cube values in test, when you copy the production tm1 data folder over?


Use two data folders – one for the cube you do not want to copy and the other folder for the rest.

Setup your TM1 instance, and create the data folder.

Create your sys.settings cube and other you need in your application.

Inside TM1 Architect click on Save Data.

Stop the TM1 instance.

Create a new data folder called: data_syssettings

Move the sys.settings cube to the new folder.

Update the TM1S.CFG file for the new data folder.

# Example:
# DataBaseDirectory=C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\Custom\TM1Data\PlanSamp\
LoggingDirectory=D:\TM1 data\FAP\Logs

Save the TM1S.CFG file and start the TM1 instance.

Changes to the cube in the other folder will only be written to that folder.


A other way is to store the environment values in a text file on the server, and then have a TI process that you run that will update the sys.settings with the correct values for this server. Run that TI process every time after you have copied over the data folder from PROD to TEST server.


More Information: 

You can specify that you want IBM TM1 Server to use multiple data directories by separating the directory names with semicolons. When you specify multiple data directories, TM1 does the following.
  • Accesses cubes and dimensions from each of the specified directories. If there is a duplicate object, TM1 accesses the object from the first directory specified.
  • Writes changes to the directory where the object is located. When you create a new object, TM1 writes to the first directory you had specified. 

The ASCIIOutput and TextOutput TurboIntegrator functions do not work with the output path of \\data\s on the Planning Analytics system. Instead, use ./ to indicate a relative path to the TM1® data directory and shared folder on your Planning Analytics system in the cloud. 



Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


Can i change the background picture in tm1web?


There is no guide for this – but the images used are found in folder like D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1web\webapps\tm1web\scripts\tm1web\themes\carbon\planning\images

SVG images are dynamic in size and should be edit with a software that can save in SVG format.

D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1web\webapps\tm1web\scripts\tm1web\themes\carbon\standalone\images\login\PA_Header.svg is the file that create the background in the TM1WEB.

You can edit the file at

The change to the pa_header.svg file is direct visible in tm1web.

You can download inkscape to edit the SVG file, and add some text to it.

When you add some text, it will look similar to this, last in the SVG file if you edit it in Notepad++

id="tspan3">chrome </tspan></tspan><tspan


You maybe can find out how to edit the SVG file direct in notepad.

Chrome may not show the text, but Internet Explorer will do it – depends on the font you select to use. Also space in the font name can give you trouble in chrome. 

Take a backup of your SVG file before you start edit it.


More Information:

Using a custom web fonts in *.svg


Planning Analytics TM1_version=TM1-AW64-ML-RTM-11.0.913.10-0

Cognos Analytics 11.1.7 FP6 kit_version=11.1.7-2210041400

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


A new setup of PAL and CA11 on the same windows server, where you have configured SSO and CAM security.

Login to IBMCOGNOS works fine, also login to TM1 Architect is working.

When a user try to login to TM1WEB, they get a error after selecting the TM1 instance to use.

The webpage cannot be found
HTTP 404
Most likely causes:
•There might be a typing error in the address.
•If you clicked on a link, it may be out of date.

The url say something like:


The tm1web.html file is missing from folder D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\bi\tm1\web.

Copy the folder D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\tm1 to D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\bi\tm1.


If you get error PRS-PRH-0221 The file “portal/variables_TM1.xml” could not be opened.  Rename the file variables_TM1.xml.sample to variables_TM1.xml in folder D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\templates\ps\portal.

The url in IBMCOGNOS is something like:….

D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\templates\ps\portal\variables_TM1.xml file does not need to be edit any longer. The default variables_TM1.xml needs to stay as is. It is still required (if configured in the tm1s.cfg), but the application will be using the specified tm1web.html file, instead, to redirect the user from the BI (after being authenticated by CAM) to the tm1web server.  Looks like the CA11 in some configurations require this file.

More Information:


Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2022 server


In a setup where TM1 authenticates with Cognos Analytics 11.2.4 (CAM login) and have a working SSO login. After adding SSL (HTTPS) to the CA11 gateway, you get a warning message when you login to TM1WEB.

The information you’re about to submit is not secure – this is from the web browser that warns that you switch between HTTPS and HTTP websites.

You click Send Anyway and you are logged into tm1web.


Ensure that you also use HTTPS on your TM1WEB site.

Set it up from this instructions:

Ensure that all DNS names and alias for you Cognos/Tm1 servers are part of your certificate.


More Information:


Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


How move data folder from server A to server B and keep the tm1websheets that are created in applications?



The TM1WEBsheets you publish from TM1 Perspective, are stored under the data folder, in a folder named }Externals.

Take a backup of that folder ( D:\TM1 Data\tm1instancename\Data\}Externals )

Copy the data folder from server A to server B.

Put back the }Externals folder, and you will have your previous websheets the same as before.

More Information:

  • TM1 copies and saves uploaded files to the TM1 server in the following directory: <server_data_dir>\}Externals directory.
  • When a file is uploaded to the TM1 server, the file name is appended with a time/date stamp.For example, if you upload the file US Budget.xls to the TM1 server, the file is saved as US Budget.xls_20040702193054.xls.
  • When you delete an uploaded file from a TM1 application, TM1 deletes the copy of the uploaded file from the }Externals directory. The original file, outside of TM1, that the uploaded file was copied from, is not deleted. 



Planning Analytics Workspace 75

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


When in PAW administration, and you click on the databases and select one to see the treads – you get a error message.

“There has been an issue processing this request. Please try again later.”

Possible solution:

Change the httpportnumber in use in the tm1s.cfg file to a port that is open in the network firewall between the tm1 server and the paw server.


If the Tm1s.cfg file does not contain the PortNumber parameter, the TM1 server uses port 5000.

When you install a new TM1 server, the default HTTP port number is 12354. Valid port values are between 5000 and 49151.

If the Tm1s.cfg file does not contain the HTTPPortNumber parameter, then you can not use the OData v4 Compliant REST API.

Or open more ports in the firewall, between the servers.


More information:


Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


How set that a user group only see some tm1 web sheets and not all in tm1 web for a TM1 instance?


Inside TM1 Architect, you create the Applications, and add web sheets or files or views to the application. Create a extra folder (application) for normal users and a folder for admin users. Then drag the views to the different folders, and publish the web sheet to the different folders. This give that you have two folders under the main application folder.

Right click on your first application – and select new – application, that gives you a new folder.

Then right click on the top folder and select security – security assignments.

Set NONE for everyone except for the administrator group, on the admins folder. This will give that only people part of the admin group will have access to the folder and any content inside it, like web sheets or links.

In the left you see the objects, like the folders, and then in columns you have the groups you have defined. If you use CAM security, you can add the CA groups to columns. Mark on cell for a user group and the folder you want to change security for, set NONE, if no access should exist. Click on OK.

By creating applications (folders) and set security on then, you can add views and websheet to the folder, and they will have the same access as the folder.

Remember to make the folder and tm1websheets public, after you have made them part of the application.


More Information:

Creating a TM1 Contributor Model


Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


How easy create a parameter cube, where we can store common values like file paths or servername, that change when we move the TM1 application between servers.

Suggested solution:

Create a TI process with this PROLOG – update the values to your need:

# process to create a simple parameter cube

CubeName1 = 'SYS.ParameterCube';
DimName1 = 'sys.value' ;
DimName2 = 'sys.function' ;

# create dimension
IF ( DimensionExists ( DimName1 ) = 0 ) ;
DimensionCreate ( DimName1 ) ;

IF ( DimensionExists ( DimName2 ) = 0 ) ;
DimensionCreate ( DimName2 ) ;

#add elements to dimension
Elname1 = 'ExportFileArea';
Elname2 ='String';
Elname3 ='Number';
Elname4 = 'Explanation' ;
ElType1 = 's'; 
ElType2 = 'n';

DimensionElementInsert (DimName1, '' ,ElName2, ElType1 ) ;
DimensionElementInsert (DimName1, '' ,ElName3, ElType2 ) ;
DimensionElementInsert (DimName1, '' ,ElName4, ElType1 ) ;
DimensionElementInsert (DimName2, '' ,ElName1, ElType1 ) ;

# then only add extra rows for other functions
# Elname5 = 'Servername';
# DimensionElementInsert (DimName2, '' ,ElName5, ElType1 ) ;

# create a cube
IF( CubeExists( CubeName1 ) = 0 ) ;
CubeCreate ( CubeName1 , DimName2 , DimName1 ) ;

# add default values to the matrix
sFirstPath = '\\servername\filesharename\' ;
sExplain = 'The path to be used in beginning of filepath used in file exchange' ;

CellPutS ( sFirstPath , CubeName1 , Elname1 , Elname2 ) ;
CellPutS ( sExplain , CubeName1 , Elname1 , Elname4 ) ;



Run the TI process to create the dimensions and cube.

Then on the TI process that should use the parameters, include a code like this:

# use the values to write a file

# define variables
CubeName1 = 'SYS.ParameterCube';
Elname1 = 'ExportFileArea';
Elname2 ='String';
vFile = 'magicfile.txt';

# get value from parameter cube
vReplacePath = cellgets ( CubeName1 , Elname1, Elname2 ) ;

# create the new path and file name
vPath = vReplacePath | 'data\' ;
vFilePath = vPath | vFile ;

# write to the file
ASCIIOUTPUT ( vFilePath , 'This is the text written to the file' );


This code can be improved – that is up to you.

More Information: 


Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


In tm1server.log file there is reference to wrong ODBC connection. Like this

TM1.Process Process “second.process” run from process “main.process” by user “AD/donald”
TM1.SQLAPI Checking Driver Capabilities for database “TEST”
TM1.SQLAPI Driver supports SQLFetchScroll

Possible solution:

As the Data Source tab is pointing to the TEST odbc connection, a test connection is made and written in the log file.

Change the ODBC name in the Data Source tab to the expected ODBC connection like: PROD

You can still have the TI process change the ODBC connection to correct one in the prolog tab, with code like this:

# Set source with values from variables you have defined before
DatasourceQuery = sDataSourceQuery ;

# open the connection to the database ODBC connection
ODBCOpen(sODBCconnection, sUser , sPassword );


# this will change the ODBC connection, and the metadata and data tab will use the new ODBC source.

The DatasourceNameForServer= variable will set the ODBC source used by the process when run from a chore.

More Information: 


Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


You have create a TM1 WEBSHEET in excel (Tm1 perspective) with a ACTION BUTTON that run a process.

This works fine in TM1WEB, but not in TM1 APP WEB (old contributor). When you in the web page (inside contributor session) click on the button icon, nothing happens.


To be able to click on websheet buttons in Tm1 Application Web, you need to first take ownership.

Click on the icon  take ownership.

Then the buttons in the websheet will work in the Tm1 App Web (contributor session).

When you are done, you need to relase the owner ship, so other can access that company node.



More information: 

Adding or editing data in the web client allows you to submit information to your datastore. To modify data, your system administrator must grant you access.


Data that you can edit has a white background. Read-only data has a gray background. If you are not the current owner, the data opens in a read-only view. To start adding or editing data or click on button, click Take Ownership Take ownership icon.

You can edit data only if it has a workflow state of Available Not started icon or Reserved Work in progress icon. The icons indicate the workflow state.

Ownership availability for a particular node can be changed depending on how the parent node is opened. For example, contributors and reviewers who open the parent node in IBM® Cognos® Insight are not able to take ownership of the node. See the TM1® Performance Modeler documentation and the Cognos Insight documentation for details on ownership and nodes.

After taking ownership, use the Release Release ownership icon icon to release the data so other people can use it . In Cognos TM1 Application Web, you must submit all nodes at the level at which you take ownership and you can only release ownership at the level you have taken ownership.

You can insert an Action button into a worksheet so users can run a TurboIntegrator process and/or navigate to another worksheet. Users can access these buttons when working with worksheets in Microsoft Excel with TM1, or with Websheets in TM1 Web.

The action buttons will work in TM1 application Web, too, even not stated in the IBM documentation.