Planning Analytics 2.0.3
IBM Cognos TM1 Applications
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When user inside Cognos TM1 Applications (contributor) are reporting there numbers. Then they click on X to close the window, they get a error message: 54: ObjectNameInvalid, when they press OK the application exits as it should.

Only when you use CAM authentication.

Suggested Solution:
You are using Internet Explorer in wrong emulation mode.

Press F12.
Select Emulation.
Change Document mode to Edge or 10, from 11.
Go into the node again and test.

To get to TM1 Applications you surf to

This error can also be found if the name of the TM1 application is to long, so the total length of the temp files BLB is more than 255 characters on the Windows server. During start of the Contributor session a blb file is created with the user name as filename in the datafiles folder, if this file is not created (due to its name is to long), when you exit your Planning Analytics Contributor application you get above error, because TM1 can not find the file and erase it.  All work, but you get a irritating error.

Solution is to have TM1 instances installed with short names like d:\tm1server\112\datafiles or similar.

You can also find in the tm1server.log error like this NAME INVALID error and that causes TM1.Blob FileCreateOpenDelete.

Planning Analytics 2.0.3
Planning Analytics Workspace  (
Microsoft Windows 2016 server
Red Hat Linux server

When inside PAW, and you try to expand a node of a TM1 instance, you get a error message.

Session can not be established for server proven_techniques 500 (internal server error) “code” “explorer” “refID” “message” .”Failed to get children for server cubes”. “cause”.” No route to host”.

In one case this is because of DNS and routing problems in network. The PAW server and PA server have both two network cards, and can only communication on one of them.
You must in TM1S.CFG tell Tm1 instance what network card it should use.

Add the line
in TM1S.CFG and restart the TM1 instance.

Replace the ip number with the correct ip address of your Planning Analytics server.
Important that the IP address are inside ” double quotation mark.

Planning Analytics Workspace
Planning Analytics 2.0.3
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

When user surf to the PAW, they are not administrator and can not add other users.
Surf to
Click on the user — and see there is not a option for Administration.
This is a new PAW setup with CAM authentications.

The first users that you add in a TM1 instance as ADMIN will be admin in paw when you login to paw. Therefor you must add CAM users to a native TM1 instance first.

Open up a Tm1 application in Native mode. Like Proven_Techniques.
Open C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\Proven_Techniques\tm1s.cfg in notepad++.
Add the lines;
Close TM1 architect.
Update the C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Applix\tm1\tm1p.ini file with
AllowImportCAMClients = T
CognosGatewayURI =

Start PAW administration console and surf to
Setup like this (change to your servers name);
TM1 Admin Server URI:
TM1 Application Server Gateway URI:
Authentication Mode: TM1
TM1 Login Server URI:
Click validate and update.

(This TM1 instance you point out with the HTTPport number is the instance that will define the first ADMIN in paw, even if you use security mode 5).

Start TM1 Architect and login to Proven_Techniques as Admin.
Go to Security – Client/Groups. From menu Clients select Add New Client.
Add your CAM user from your AD domain, that you want to be ADMIN in paw.
Mark the user to be ADMIN in TM1 Architect. Click OK.
Exit Tm1 Architect.

Open C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\Proven_Techniques\tm1s.cfg in notepad++.
Change; IntegratedSecurityMode=5
Save the file and restart the TM1 instance.
Now TM1 instance is using CAM authentication.

Update PAW admin console by surf to
TM1 Admin Server URI:
TM1 Application Server Gateway URI:
Change to Authentication Mode: CAM
Set IBM Cognos BI Gateway URI:
Set IBM Cognos BI Dispatcher URI:
Set IBM Cognos BI Authentication Namespace ID: AD
Click Validate and update.
Click on status tab – wait until CPU usage is below 1%.

Surf to
Login as the CAM user you have given ADMIN rights in Proven_Techniques.
This user should now have a ADMINISTRATOR option under its name.

The list will only show name for people who have already try to login.

More Information:

Cognos Tm1 10.2.2 Fix pack 7 (10.2.5270.108)
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server

When click save in TM1 Cognos Configuration you get a error message that you can not save, but can save in plain text.
The Cognos TM1 Application Web is using the value Environment – group properties – Gateway uri as default values in http://localhost:9510/pmpsvc setup.
If localhost is used in Cognos Configuration, the BI services (if it exist) on the local server is used as key for the creation of the crypto files.

Error details:
[ ERROR ] CAM-CRP-1132 An error occurred while attempting to request a certificate from the Certificate Authority service. Unable to connect to the Certificate Authority service. Ensure that the Content Manager computer is configured and that the IBM Cognos services on it are currently running. The HTTP result code ‘500’ was returned from the server.

but first you may get
when you try to save Cognos Configuration.

Possible workaround:
In Cognos Configuration, select Local Configuration, click the and then click Add.

Type StandaloneCertificateAuthority in the Name box.
Type True in the Value box.
Click OK.

This will make the TM1 cognos configuration not use the BI values to create the crypto keys.

Check also that you have not installed a fix pack over a TM1 installation that uses custom key certs.
Check that you have access to the Cognos BI server by in IE surf to http://cognosbiservername:80/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll
Check that the Cognos Controller FAP or Cognos TM1 admin services is stopped when you update Cognos Configuration.
Check that you do not have doublets of the Cognos TM1 admin services.

More information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.2
Planning analytics workspace 2.0.25
Microsoft Windows 2016 standard server
How install PAW with Microsoft 2016 Docker files?
When using the Microsoft 2016 server with Docker EE, there is no need to have a Virtualize active in VMWARE, therefor is this a better solution. (If you not use Linux OS). Docker EE also does not cost anything extra, as it is part of the Microsoft 2016 licenses.
But to make this work you must:
– The Microsoft Windows 2016 server must be connected to Internet to download the Docker EE.
– Update Microsoft Windows 2016 standard server to the latest fix pack.
– You must use FQDN to access all servers.
– You must have 70 GB free disk space on the Microsoft Windows 2016 server.
– Turn off the Antivirus program on the Windows 2016 server where PAW is installed.
– After you start PAW you must always wait 10 minutes before you try to access it.
– Recommend that you only have ONE network card on the Microsoft Windows 2016 server for PAW.
Above only for your test server, on your laptop.
There is possible to download Docker EE and move it to a different server, according to this page,
I copy some of the information here:
Use the following steps when you want to install manually, script automated installs, or install on air-gapped systems.

  • PS> Expand-Archive -DestinationPath $Env:ProgramFiles
  • # Extract the archive.
  • Copy the zip file to the machine where you want to install Docker. In a PowerShell command prompt, use the following commands to extract the archive, register, and start the Docker service.
  • PS> invoke-webrequest -UseBasicparsing -Outfile
  • # On an online machine, download the zip file.
  • In a PowerShell command prompt, download the installer archive on a machine that has a connection.
  • # Clean up the zip file.
  • PS> Remove-Item -Force
  • # Install Docker. This will require rebooting.
  • $null = Install-WindowsFeature containers
  • # Add Docker to the path for the current session.
  • PS> $env:path += “;$env:ProgramFiles\docker”
  • # Optionally, modify PATH to persist across sessions.
  • PS> $newPath = “$env:ProgramFiles\docker;” +
  • [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable(“PATH”,
  • [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
  • PS> [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(“PATH”, $newPath,
  • [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
  • # Register the Docker daemon as a service.
  • PS> dockerd –register-service
  • PS> Start-Service docker
  • # Start the Docker service.
  • Test your Docker EE installation by running the hello-world container.
  • PS> docker container run hello-world:nanoserver

But for this installation, we will have the Microsoft Windows 2016 server connected to Internet.

Download the latest PA Workspace file (ipa) from IBM Fix Central

In these instructions we use the version 25. Note; take the WIN version, the other is for Linux (or Windows 2012).

Unzip the file and place it on the Microsoft Windows 2016 server in a folder, e.g. \install\paw


The Start.ps1 file indicate that you have downloaded the correct program for Windows 2016.

Check that Microsoft Windows 2016 is update in control panel

You can go to settings from Server Manager or enter Settings in the search box.


By the way, we have IE Enhanced Security Configuration and DEP off during the installation. Turn off the Windows firewall during installation and first testing. Start up the firewall later.

After the update you need to reboot your Microsoft Windows 2016 server.

How install Docker EE


PowerShell Package Provider (recommended)

Microsoft maintains a PowerShell package provider that lets easily install Docker on Windows Server 2016.
Run the following in an Administrative PowerShell prompt:

Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Force
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force
Restart-Computer -Force

So, ensure the server is connected to internet, and right click on start, and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).

Enter the below commands:

Install-Module DockerProvider -Force

Install-Package Docker -ProviderName DockerProvider -Force


For the questions about update the NUTGET, press Yes.

Then the download is done as shown in above picture.

Restart the Microsoft Windows server


Above error comes when you run Start.ps1 and you have not downloaded docker compose.

Download docker compose from here



Copy to the file to \program files\docker folder and rename the file to docker-compose.exe.

Install IBM Planning Analytics Workspace

The Microsoft Windows 2016 server will need at least

  • 13308 MB of memory
  • 4 CPUs
  • 70,000 MB (70 GB) of storage

Here the official instructions


Then go to the powershell admin and run ./start.ps1


Click Y to start the admin tool


Accept the licenses


You must accept both the license tabs


Click OK and you are into the setup dialog.


If you want CAM security (then you need to fill in all above)


But for our test we will use Native TM1 security, then we only need to fill in above values.


The HTTPPortNumber is found in the TM1S.CFG file for the TM1 application that you will use as Authority to the PAW program. Above we use the Planning Sample application.

All users that will use the PAW program must be part of that application, so the users must in most cases be part of TWO TM1 instances, the “login” TM1 instance and the “Application” instance – where they should work on their Budget solution.


Fill in the server name and port number and click on Validate.


If you get above error, this can be a DNS or Network problem, change to use FQDN, even do the ping to the server is working.



Now you see the HTTP ports number the different TM1 instances are using on your server.

Click on UPDATE to start the services.



Go to the Antivirus software, in above dialog it is Microsoft Defender, and click on Settings to turn it off.


Turn off Real-time protection.


Start Internet explorer and surf to you server to test the installation of PAW , surf to your IP address of your Windows server.


Login with the user and password for the planning sample application. Now you need to test the installation by creating a workbook.

To check the version of docker enter: docker version


Enter Docker stats to see what memory is used by the services


Press CTRL+C to exit the session.

How to backup the PAW database

To take a backup of the databases inside PAW, recommend to run every week the ./Backup.ps1 script from the scripts folder. This will stop and start the services, making the backup possible.


The backup files are placed in the backup folder.


How stop PAW in a secure way:

Start a powershell prompt in administrator mode and enter ./paw.ps1 stop


When that is finish – then you can shut down the Microsoft Windows 2016 server.

Docker stats should show an empty page, if all services are closed.

You can start the PAW from the PowerShell prompt with commando ./paw.ps1 start

How upgrade PAW to later version:

Depending on the version of PAW the steps are different, but in general for version 25.

You must first backup your existing PAW data by use of the backup_for_upgrade.ps1

Copy the zip backup files to a save location.

Procedure from IBM site;

Copy the <paw_install_location>/config/paw.env file from your current installation to the new installation location.

Copy the <paw_install_location>/config/certs directory from your current installation to the new installation location.

Perform Installing of new Planning Analytics Workspace.

Reply “y” when you are prompted to install the Docker images. Reply “y” when you are prompted to open the administration tool.

In the Planning Analytics Workspace administration tool, restart all the services.

After you got all up and running, run the new Restore.ps1 script, and point to your saved files to read that data into the PAWs databases.

How do i see PAW

Docker is running as a service in Windows 2016, and you have the PAW solution inside the docker service. Check Windows Task Managers details, to see if the PAW parts are running.

In new version of PAW you can set security better than in older versions, more information here

In new version of PAW you can share a view, here more information on how

Note that version 25 of PAW does not support Single Sign On (SSO). That maybe will be accessible in a future version.

You cannot install more than one PAW on a server, due to network configuration issues.

All TM1 applications use SSL for communications between the programs, using their default certificates.

If you get error:

Unable to invoke ‘docker’. Ensure docker is installed and is on the PATH.

Then you have not reboot the server, after docker installation.

If you get error:

This error (HTTP 404 Not Found) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the website, but the page you wanted was not found. It’s possible that the webpage is temporarily unavailable. Alternatively, the website might have changed or removed the webpage.

For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.

Then the PAW is not started completely.


Above error show that the PAW underlying services are stopped. Check in Task Manager.

PAX (Planning Analysis for Excel) setup, is not covered in this article.

In the task manager you can see the processes that make up the Docker solution, under the details section;


MONGO database is running here.


REDIS database is running here.


The COUCH database is running here.


When all the services inside docker are stopped, there is no CPU activate or memory used.

More Information:

How setup SSO

How setup PAX

The latest functions in the different PAW versions

Please note; that the PA 2.0 LOCAL PAW is released a few months later than the PA on cloud. Local is around 3 versions after.


Planning Analytics 2.0.2
Centos Linux to install PAW (ipa_workspace_local_2.0.22.832.2)
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server for the TM1 main install.
Docker version docker-1.12.6-32.git88a4867.el7.centos.x86_64
Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core).

How install Planning Analytics Workplace on Linux?

This is a suggestion on how to do it in your lab – please follow official documentation in first place. You must have a Linux expert with you when you do the installation at a company production site.

Download products;
IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.22
with file (2.06 GB)
from here

Download Linux Centos file CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso from here

Different versions of Linux and Docker can give you other issues.
Download PUTTY from here
Download WINSCP from here

For TEST purpose you can setup a VMWARE image on your laptop, select New Virtual Machine Wizard. Point to your ISO file at Installer disc image file (iso) and click next.
Select Linux (version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64-bit) at Guest Operating System and click next.
Enter a name like CentOS and point to a empty folder on your harddisk and click next.
Set maximum disk size to 200 GB and mark “Store virtual disk as a single file” and click next.
cent 2
Click on Customize hardware and set memory to 10088 MB, set Number of cores per processor to 2, Remove USB and Sound Card and Printer.
Leave network at NAT. Click close and Finish.
cent 3
Click on “power on this virtual machine” in WMware Workstation.
Click in the black area with your mouse to get the focus inside the VMware session, go with arrow up to select Install CentOS Linux 7 and press ENTER.
cent 4
This acpi error is nothing to be concern about – let the installation start.
cent 5
Let English be your choice and click Continue.
Fill in date and time and keyboard for your country.
cent 6
cent 7
Then scroll down and click on Network.
cent 8
cent 9
Change the HOST name to something better – like centospaw.lab.domain and activate the network to see what ip you get from the DHCP. Enter the host name in small letters.
cent 10
Note down the IP address, and click on the Configure button at lower right corner. Click on IPv4 Settings tab and select Method to Manual (you must use manual ip on your PAW server) and click on Add button to fill in the IP values.
cent 11
Enter the ip address you had on the screen before.
Click Save and then click Done in the top left corner.

cent 12

cent 13
Click on Begin installation.
Click on ROOT Password to set it to Cognos17 (or something better)
Using this weak password will demand that you click on Done twice to move forward.
cent 14
cent 15
Click on USER Creator and enter your name. Mark “make this user administrator” (this will make it possible for him to use SUDO command in linux)
and set password to Cognos17 (or something better)
click Done twice.
Click on Finish Configuration.
cent 16
Wait until it is complete installed and click on Reboot button.
cent 17
Enter your name and your password, as you set it up before.
Now you are inside your Linux OS.

Linux is case sensitive – so enter all commands in lower case. They are only shown in capitals letters in this text to stand out.
Best is to add a text editor, so because this is CENTOS you need to enter YUM SEARCH NANO to see if the text editor NANO exist for installing. If this had been Ubuntu you have to enter APT-GET

Install NANO

cent 18
cent 19
Enter SUDO YUM INSTALL NANO to install the editor. You need to provide your password for it to act on the command.
cent 20
First it will list what it will download, so you must click Y to allow it to download and install your selected program.
cent 21
Enter Y to other warnings.
cent 22
Now the program is installed.

Now you have setup the VMWARE to have 10 GB of ram and 200 GB of hard disk and installed Linux CentOS version. You have also tested to install a program into Linux. This may require that you have access to Internet from your Linux machine.

Install DOCKER
Enter SUDO YUM INSTALL DOCKER to install docker into your machine.
cent 23
Enter Y to install the DOCKER program.
cent 24
Enter SUDO YUM UPDATE to update the Linux OS to latest fix pack.
(Note that Linux is case sensitive, you must enter program commands in lowercase).
cent 25
After the installation it is best to reboot the Linux server, enter SUDO INIT 6 or REBOOT NOW.
cent 26

Install Docker-Compose
Before you install Docker-Compose you need to create a folder to store it in.
Enter PWD  (in lower case) to see what folder you are in.
cent 27
The Linux disk is build up of several folders, recommendation is to install all cognos to folder OPT. Change to folder with commando CD /OPT (the / tell it to start from the top).
cent 28
Enter LS to see if there are any files in the folder.
Enter SUDO MKDIR COMP to create the folder comp.
Enter LS to see the folder now (in blue text).
cent 29
Enter LS
This is a new folder so it should not have any content.
Enter CD .. to go up one folder in the file structure.
Enter LS -L COMP to see the rights on the folder.
Enter SUDO CHMOD A+X COMP to set full rights for all users on folder COMP.
cent 30

Now you need to enter this line to download Docker-Compose.
curl -L “ -$(uname -s) -$(uname -m)” -o /opt/comp/docker-compose
cent 31
cent 32
Enter SUDO CHMOD A+X DOCKER-COMPOSE to make the file executable.

Sometimes the download of Docker-Compose only give you the HTML page — you can check your download by open it in your text editor, in our case NANO.

start nano to check docker file

nano docker compose only html

If it show readable text, you have not downloaded the program.  Remove your download with the RM DOCKER-COMPOSE command.

Then you should try this URL instead;
curl -L “” -o /opt/comp/docker-compose

cent 55

new download of dockercompose
Note the size of the received bytes, if to small then you did not download the correct file.

Now you need on your Windows laptop, install below program to access the Linux virtual machine
Install PUTTY
Install WINSCP

Install PAW
Create the folder /opt/apps/ibm/paw to store it in.
cent 33
Enter SUDO CHOWN ROGER: PAW to set owner on the folder paw
cent 34b
install unzip in your linux OS
cent 34
Enter Y to download and install the unzip program.

To check that you have access to Linux server from you laptop open a CMD prompt and enter PING, this should give a good reply.
Copy the PAW files to your linux server, start the WINSCP program.
Click New Site
Enter the Host name to the ip address and enter the user name to your name in linux and the password you have set there.
cent 35
Click save and login
cent 36
Click Yes to the question about adding the host key.
Navigate on the left side to the folder on your laptop where you have the ipa file you have downloaded.
cent 37
Navigate on the right side on the linux box to your new created folder /opt/apps/ibm/paw.
Drag the ipa file from the left windows to the right window, and the copy starts. You can also click on UPLOAD.
cent 38
When done exit WINSCP program.
In CentOS linux go to the /opt/apps/ibm/paw folder.
cent 39
cent 40
Remove the large ipa file with commando SUDO RM -F filename
cent 41

Start Notepad++ and enter below in a new file.
###### begin of file ##########

# This script exports required environment variables needed
# set to autostart docker program with linux os
systemctl enable docker

# set ip address – change to address of your server

# set area to path where docker-compose is
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/comp

# create docker group
groupadd docker
usermod -a -G docker roger
usermod -a -G docker root

#create folder
mkdir /root/bin

# set rights on the folder to be able to run files
chmod -R a+x /root/bin

# map (link) docker to the a root area
ln -s /opt/comp/docker-compose /root/bin/docker-compose

# lower security
setenforce permissive

# open port in firewall
firewall-cmd –add-port=8888/tcp
firewall-cmd –add-port=8888/tcp –permanent

###### end of file #######
Save the file as on your laptop.
Use WINSCP to copy the file to your linux paw folder.

Start putty on you laptop.
Enter the ip address at Host Name, and enter a name at Saved Sessions and click on Save.
cent 42
Click on Open to connect.
cent 43
Click on Yes to add the server key to your local machine.
Enter your username and password
Enter PWD to see where you are.
Enter CD /opt/apps/ibm/paw to change to the paw folder.
cent 44
Change so you can run the files in the paw folder by enter SUDO CHMOD A+X *
cent 45
Enter SUDO ./ to run the script
Run it as Root will work best.
cent 46

Let your Linux expert validate your steps before you run them.

cent 48 run as none root
Above when you run the script without correct user permissions.

cent 50
Set execute rights on the script files with command SUDO CHMOD A+X *

If the script does not work, then you have to enter this values manually before you run the script.

cent 49

Or better is to add this lines to start of the script;
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/comp

..then when is run this is executed as the correct user.

Check if they are set with command ENV.

cent 56

cent 47 docker error1

Above when the folder where docker-compose file is not part of the PATH.

Run paw
Go to the paw folder on your CentOS linux server
Enter SUDO ./
(Note that linux are case sensitive, you must enter

cent 52 Press Y

cent 54 The second run will ask if you want to update the images.

cent 57
DOCKER PS -A will list the running services. Here only the admintool.

Start a Internet Explorer and surf to

cent 58

Scroll down and press Accept

cent 59

Press OK, and select the other tab

cent 60

Scroll down and press Accept and OK.

cent 61

Change the servername to point to your TM1 server.

cent 62

In our example we use the IP address of the TM1 server.

The TM1 Login Server URI port number is to the TM1 instance that will control the access to the PAW (in native mode).

The port number is found in the TM1S.CFG file.

cent 63

cent 64

Press validate – this will also show the TM1 applications on that server.
Click on Update button to start the PAW services.

cent 65

Click on Status tab to see the process start. Press Refresh to get a update of the status. When the CPU% is low the PAW is started. Then you should be able to browse to it on address

cent 66

cent 67

Enter Admin and apple to login to your sample application.

cent 68

If you have a terminal to the linux server, you can there enter DOCKER PS -A to see a similar list of status on how the PAW all services are working.

cent 69

Now you are in PAW. If you are missing options in PAW, please try a different browser – like Chrome instead.

Command to see the running docker images;


Command to see list of installed images;


Command to see content of file;


cent 72 If you enter ctrl-c here, you only stop the AdminTool – the paw will still run.

How run a backup of the instance

From a terminal windows – check that the process are running by enter DOCKER PS -A

Then move to the script folder of your PAW start folder.

CD /opt/apps/ibm/paw/script

Here you can run the SUDO ./ command to create the backup of the databases in folder /opt/apps/ibm/paw/backup

cent 70 will stop the services, take a backup and start the services again. Recommended to run this every week at least.

cent 71

Please check the other scripts files in Notepad++ to learn more.


cent 53 - error admintool
/opt/comp/docker-compose: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline’
/opt/comp/docker-compose: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>’

Download Docker-Compose again, you did not get the right file.

ERROR: for admintool  Cannot start service admintool: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint admintool (81344b5025415739036ed6be09366f4f76076d1ce835733547889d727cc77a5c): exec: “docker-proxy”: executable file not found in $PATH
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

The docker file does not exist, in this version of docker it have a different name. Make a link in the folder from the new name to the old name, so the program can find the file. Enter a command like this:

ln -s docker-proxy-current docker-proxy

ERROR: for admintool  Cannot start service admintool: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint admintool (52dcfb86a67c6f953074c223aefe27e5a85aca9b250df6e5c5d2fa34acb4ce7f): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

Restart the server, the last try made the ports to be allocated, but no service started.

To ensure you get a new log file, you can erase the old log file with the commando;

rm admintool/up.log

Error response from daemon: Container 81344b5025415739036ed6be09366f4f76076d1ce835733547889d727cc77a5c is not running.

The user that run the service (root) does not have docker files in its path.

Make symbolic links to the folder for all files, from the USR/BIN folder, that normally is in the ROOTs path.
cd /usr/bin
ln -s /usr/libexec/docker/* .

More info about setup of CAM with PAW:

#CognosAnalytics and #PlanningAnalytics Integration – Walkthrough – Part 3

More Information about PAW versions:

How to install DOCKER CE for Centos on a RED HAT Linux

Recommendation is to only use supported environments.

Cognos TM1 10.2.2 Fix Pack 7 (or Planning Analytics 2.0.2)
TM1_name=IBM Cognos TM1
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server

How write and debug TI code more easy?

Use the free TI debugger tool.
You download it from here

On your TM1 server create a empty folder c:\debugger
Save the 20161214_TurboDebugger [v6].zip file in that folder.
Unzip it in this folder so you get 3 files.
Open TurboDebugger.bat file in notepad.
Add the path to your java folder to the first line, then it can look like this;
start “TM1 Turbo Integrator Debugger” “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\jre\7.0\bin\javaw.exe” -jar TurboDebugger.jar
Save the file.
Create a Shortcut on the desktop to your TurboDebugger.bat file.

In your TM1S.CFG file you need to add EnableTIDebugging=True and then restart the TM1 instance.
For Planning Sample you find the file in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\PlanSamp.
# TM1 Server HTTP Port
# Sets the server port number for HTTP access. Like PortNumber above, it is used to distinguish between multiple servers running on the same computer. When multiple TM1 servers are installed on a single computer, each server must use unique values for port number and HTTP port number.
# Type: Optional, Static
# When you install a TM1 server, the default HTTP port number is 12354. Valid port values are between 5000 and 49151
# If the Tm1s.cfg file does not contain the HTTPPortNumber parameter, then you can not use the OData v4 Compliant REST API.

Click on the bat file in Windows explorer to start the debugger.
At the login enter the TM1 windows server name and the HTTPportnumber for the application you want to connect to.
You find the HTTPS port number in the TM1S.CFG file for your TM1 application.
Enter the username and password to connect to your TM1 application.

This give you a improved TI editor.
You can search and replace text, and more easy update the TI processes.
On the right side you will see the TM1 variables values when you step though the TI process.

Changes you make to the code can be save with the save button on the top right side.

More Information:

Planning Analytics 2.0 Local (TM1)
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server
Microsoft SQL 2014 database server

How setup PA 2.0 Local?

This will describe the steps to setup PA 2.0 local with Security mode 5 connected to Cognos Analytics 11 (CA) and install of Toolbox docker and PAW. This doc will not cover SSO or how-to setup a reverse proxy for CA 11.

Newer versions of Planning Analytics use a different setup, please check the official documentation.

Ensure that you have a big virtual Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server, with at least 4 CPU cores, 16 Gb ram and 200 Gb hard disk space. Recommended is to have more RAM – like 64 GB ram.

Download software from IBM web site (easiest is to search for the PART NUMBER)

IBM TM1 2.0 Microsoft Windows Multilingual (download also the latest version from the links below) CNG5RML
IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0 Multilingual CNG5UML
IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 64-bit 2.0 Microsoft Windows Multilingual CNG5WML
IBM TM1 Client 64-bit 2.0 Microsoft Windows Multilingual  (TM1 Perspective) CNG5TML
IBM Cognos Analytics Server 11.0.5 Microsoft Windows Multilingual (for cam security)

You should download the latest version – at least version 11.0.6 from link below.

IBM Cognos Framework Manager 11.0.5 Microsoft Windows Multilingual CNG25ML
IBM TM1 Client 32-bit 2.0 Microsoft Windows Multilingual (if you have 32 bit Excel) CNG5SML
IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 32-bit 2.0 Microsoft Windows Multilingual (if you have 32 bit Excel 2010) CNG5VML

RTM versions are listed here

Download IBM Cognos Analytics from here (ca_srv_win64_11.0.6.17031315.exe)

IBM Planning Analytics Local 2.0.2 is now available on Fix Central (tm1_winx64h_2.0.2.138_ml.tar.gz)

IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.20  (

IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.20  (cor_win32_2.0.20.17_ml.tar.gz)

Fix pack information can be found here

To get the fix list info in mail

This is only a suggestion for the setup of PA 2.0 Local – you should follow the instructions that come from IBM in the first hand.

If you install to Microsoft Windows 2016 – you should use version 2.0.21

Download Docker Toolbox  if PAW is going to be installed on Windows 2012 server.

Check that on the Windows 2012 R2 server, you have installed:

  • NET Framework 4.6.1
  • C++ 2010 x64 redistributable (vcredist_x64.exe)
  • 7zip (to unpack the media files)
  • Telnet client (for testing of access to ports)
  • SQL drivers (sqlncli_x64.msi and sqljdbc4.jar files)

Turn off DEP

  1. Log on to the server.
  2. Open Windows Explorer.
  3. Right-click Computer > Properties.
  4. In the System Properties window, click Advanced System Settings.
  5. On the Advanced tab, under the Performance heading, click Settings.
  6. In the Performance Options window, click the Data Execution Prevention tab, and then select Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only.
  7. Click OK and then restart your system to enable the change.

DEP – Data Execution Prevention, can also be changed like this;
To do this from the Start menu select All Programs, then go to Accessories and then finally right-click on Command Prompt and click Run as Administrator.
Once the command prompt is open, you can now disable the DEP by entering the following command line.
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOff

Now restart the server
To reverse the action, simply type this command line to enable DEP back on again.
bcdedit.exe /set nx AlwaysOn

Turn off IE enhanced security

To disable IE enhanced security in windows server 2012 R2, launch the Server Manager, on the left hand side click on Local Server. On the right hand side click on the On link next to IE Enhanced Security Configuration.

You will now see the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration box. Click on Off to turn off the IE ESC for both users and administrators.

Switch to the High Performance power profile

To configure this using a GUI, go to the Start Menu, search for “Choose a Power Plan” under Settings, then select the “High Performance” option. To configure this from a command line, use “POWERCFG.EXE /S SCHEME_MIN”.

By default, hidden files and folders are not visible, change this to make the work easier.

  1. Start Control panel.
  2. Click Folder options.
  3. Click Folder and search options.
  4. Click the View tab.
  5. Check show hidden files, folders and drives.
  6. Scroll down until you notice Hide extensions for known file types, un-check this line by clicking the check box.
    Note; To hide file name extensions, check this line.
  7. Click OK

If you are going to install CA11 and PA 2.0 Local on the same Windows server you must install CA11 first. If they are not on the same server (it is recommended to have them on separate servers) you can install PA 2.0 Local first and set it up with “localhost” in Cognos Configuration Environment tab.

Copy all media files to a folder on the Windows server, like D:\install

Unzip all gz media files to different folders, and remove the .tar files to save space.


Create an empty database on your SQL server, name the database to “contentstore”.

Create a SQL login named cognos with the password Cognos202.

Ensure the SQL login cognos is DB_OWNER on the database “contentstore”.

Turn off On-Access-Scan in the server’s Anti-virus software before installing.


Right click on ca_srv_win64_11.0.6.17031315.exe file and select “run as administrator”.

Click next to run the installation in English.

Select IBM Cognos Analytics, and click Next.

Select to Accept the license agreement, and click Next.


Enter the installation directory to d:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics and click Next.


Select the Custom installation type, and click Next.

Select the First Install option and click Next.


Select all components and click Next.

Click on Install.


If you get a warning from the Windows firewall, check all and click on Allow access to continue the program installation.

When finish, click on Done.


Start up Cognos Configuration by right click and select “run as administrator”.


Check to ensure the Windows server name is under Environment instead of localhost for the important URLs. Should be same server name everywhere instead of localhost.


The Content store need to be change from IBM DB2 to a SQL Server database.  Under Data Access – Content manager, right click ‘Content Store’.  Select ‘Delete’.

Right-click New Resources -Database.  Name the database ‘Content Store’ and select the type ‘Microsoft SQL Server database’.

In the right-hand pane at ‘Resource Properties’, fill in;

Database server name with port number (the sql servernamn:1433)

User ID and password (in our example cognos and Cognos202)

Database name (in our example contentstore)

Click on save icon and wait.


To enable login to Active Directory, you need under Security –  Authentication,

Right-click New Resource – Namespace.  Provide a name of the domain ‘AD’ and select ‘Active Directory’.  Click OK.

Enter the Namespace ID to be the same as the Authentication name like ‘AD’.

Enter the host and port to the domain:

Click the save icon. You must change and the server-name to meet your environments need.

Right click and test to see that the AD connection works, you must provide an AD users name and password for the test.

Click save and click on start (triangle) to start the CA 11 service.

Surf to ‘http://servername:9300/bi/v1/disp’ to test the program.

You should get to the page without the need to login.


To test the network speed to the AD server, open a DOS prompt, and enter


This should give you how far it is to the DC server, if Time value is above 50ms you need to talk to IT department.


Change allow anonymous access to ‘False’ under the cognos namespace in Cognos Configuration.

Save the change and restart the Cognos services from the restart icon.

Test to surf again to http://servername:9300/bi, this time you should get a login dialog up.

Login to ensure the connection to Active Directory (AD) is working.


SETUP PA 2.0 Local

Turn off the anti-virus program on the server before installing.

Go to the folder where you have unzipped the PA media files.

Right click on file D:\install\pa 2.0.1\pa_2.0.1_win_ml.tar\winx64h\iisetup.exe and select ‘run as administrator’.

Click Next to get English as installation language.

Click I agree to the IBM License Agreement, and click Next.


Enter the path to the installations folder and set the server use type to Production (if this is the production server) and click Next. Server use type can be used by ILMT software to list the server as production or not.


Select all components and click Next.


Mark ‘Make the shortcuts visible to all users’ and click Next.

Click next to start the installation.

It should finish without any errors.


Go to the folder for the latest version of the PA 2.0 Local media and run the setup again in same folder. Ensure you install to the same folder as before. (maybe it is possible to run the setup direct with this refresh media file tm1_winx64h_2.0.2.138_ml.tar.gz)


Right-click IBM Cognos Configuration for IBM Cognos TM1 – 64. and select Run as Administrator.

Go to Environment and enter the server name of the BI (CA11) server (if BI is not on same server as PA, then some fields should point to PA) instead of localhost.


Click on save icon.  If you get message from Windows Firewall , click on Allow access.

Right click on TM1 Admin server and select start.

Go to TM1 applications and enter the server name of the TM1 server you are configure instead of localhost. Click on the save icon.

Right click on IBM Cognos TM1 under IBM Cognos TM1 services and select start.

Go down to TM1 servers, and start the SData and Proven_Techniques sample TM1 data models.

SData is default used by Opsconsole as the holder of user’s login.

We use Proven_Techniques to test the CAM security later.

Close Cognos Configuration.


Start TM1 Architect and test that you can login to Sdata.

User name is Admin and password is apple.


To access the PA 2.0 Local from other computers, you need to open some ports on the Microsoft Windows firewall on the 2012 server.

On the Start menu, click Run, type WF.msc, and then click OK.

In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, in the left pane, right-click Inbound Rules, and then click New Rule in the action pane (upper right corner).


Select Port and click next.


Specify the local ports to: 80,443,9300,9510,9513,5495,5498, 5895,5898,9362,9580,9543
(ports 80,443,9510 are for End Users, the rest is for TM1 developers)

Click Next.

Ensure ‘allow the connection’ is select and click next.


Mark all options for the rule to apply and click next.


Enter a name, like “Cognos Tm1” and click on Finish.

Repeat the above for a new rule for the TM1 applications ports.

Here is best to open a series of ports – can be this suggested range;

PortNumber Range 12340 -12350
HTTPPortNumber Range 12540 -12550
ClientMessagePortNumber Range 12440 -12450


We may have missed some needed ports, like 1433, that you also need to open in the Windows firewall on the server.

If there exist router firewalls between the servers, then you also need to open the ports in there.


Ensure the PA 2.0 LOCAL server is in the Trusted Zone in your Internet Options for your IE browser. Add both the server name and the *

Surf to http://PAservername:9510/tm1web to test tm1web.

for IBM Cognos Performance Management Hub use:

for TM1 Operations Console use:

TM1 applications should you not setup yet, if you are going to use CAM security.



Start Cognos Configuration for CA 11, and change to not allow anonymous login.

Save and restart the CA 11 windows service (IBM Cognos).

Open Cognos Configuration for PA 2.0 and in Environment section copy the URL for gateway and internal dispatcher to notepad. This should be used in your TM1S.CFG file.

Close TM1 architect, if it is open.


Click start and select Command Prompt (admin).

From the cmd dialog enter notepad and press enter.

This will start a notepad in admin mode that can write to \program files\ folder.

From inside Notepad select open and find tm1s.cfg in folder d:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\Proven_Techniques\.

You need to change notepad to show all files and not only .txt.


Add this values to the tm1s.cfg file






Update the values for ports to this





Add these values









See here for more values to tm1s.cfg

Save the tm1s.cfg file for Proven_Techniques

From inside Notepad (in administrator mode) open the tm1p.ini file for your user.

You will find it in folder C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Applix\TM1

Change AllowImportCAMClients = F to AllowImportCAMClients = T.

Add CognosGatewayURI = http://biservername:9300/bi/v1/disp


Save the file and close notepad.

Check that Cognos BI service ‘IBM Cognos’ is running.

Restart your TM1 services, like IBM Cognos TM1 Server – proven_techniques.


Start TM1 Architect and login to proven_techniques.

Use the native login of Admin and password apple.

When inside, select the application and right click and select security – clients/groups.

From menu clients, select add new member.

At the login prompt enter the AD username and password you have.

You should get to Cognos Connections add users dialog where you can select Cognos and your AD namespace.

Go to you AD namespace, and search for the Windows users you want to be able to work in your application. In this test, only add one user (you).

You can also click on TYPE in upper right corner and enter the username like this;


Where first is your AD namespace name and after the slash is the NT user name.

Click on the arrow to add the user, and it should resolve to display name.

Click OK to add the user to your TM1 application.

Mark ADMIN for that user before you exist TM1 architect.

Close TM1 Architect.


Start NOTEPAD from Admin command prompt.

Open the tm1s.cfg file from d:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\Proven_Techniques folder.

Change to IntegratedSecurityMode=5

Save the tm1s.cfg file and exit notepad.

Restart the TM1 windows service proven_techniques.


Wait a long time to allow the services to start.

Start TM1 Architect and login to proven_techniques, you should be prompted with the CA 11 login page, and come in as the user you have just added.


You need to repeat above step of adding users for your TM1 applications, so you get the first CAM user to be Admin inside the TM1 application.


To get TM1WEB and PMPSVC to work with CAM security you need to update some file in your Cognos BI (CA 11) server.


On your PA 2.0 Local (TM1) server unzip the file d:\program files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bi_interop\ to a new folder.

Stop the Cognos Analytices service (IBM Cognos)

Copy the webcontent to the folder d:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent to merge the content.

Copy the templates to the folder d:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics\templates to merge the content.

Start Notepad from a admin command prompt, to be able to save the files later.

From inside notepad open the file d:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\planning.html


// Update the following to point to the location of the planning service(s)

var planningServices = [“”];

to point to the new PA (TM1) server

// Update the following to point to the location of the planning service(s)

var planningServices = [“”];

Save the file.


From inside notepad open the file d:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\pmhub.html


// Update the following to point to the location of the pmhub service(s)

var pmhubURLs = [“http://mypmhubserver1:9510″,””];

to point to the new PA (TM1) server and to the PAW server, like this

// Update the following to point to the location of the pmhub service(s)

var pmhubURLs = [“″,””];

Save the file.


From inside notepad open the file d:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\tm1\web\tm1web.html


// Update the following to point to the location of the TM1Web service(s)

var tm1webServices = [“http://localhost:8080”, “http://localhost:9510”];

to point to the new PA (TM1) server

// Update the following to point to the location of the TM1Web service(s)

var tm1webServices = [“”];

Save the file.

Start the CA 11 ( IBM  Cognos) service. Wait until it is started.

Startup PMPSVC for the first time, now when you have cam security in your application and support for it setup in the cognos bi (CA 11) server.

Surf to


Ensure you can select your TM1 application in the dropdown list

(if the list is missing – please try a different web browser)

All url should be correct populated.

If you are missing information – check the TM1 Cognos Configuration section. You may have a localhost line there.

Mark the Cognos BI dispatcher and click OK to save the settings (they are save to the file d:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\configuration\ fpmsvc_config.xml).

Now only applications with the same security (IntegratedSecurityMode=5) will work in TM1 application portal (pmpsvc).

User who need to access the admin functions in pmpsvc, can need to be part of the first TM1 application you added to the list of PMPSVC TM1 applications (instances).

The new Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) in IntegratedSecurityMode=1 point to ONE TM1 instance, that must contain the admin users who can change the PAW settings.

PAW only work with IntegratedSecurityMode=1 applications or IntegratedSecurityMode=5 applications, you cannot mix IntegratedSecurityMode for applications that interact with the PAW.

Simplest is to use IntegratedSecurityMode=1 in your application, but then the TM1 super user need to handle the name and password administration.

With IntegratedSecurityMode=5 you can use the Active Directory (or LDAP) functions, and user and password administration can be handled by your IT department.


Before installing docker;


Check that VTX are enable on the Microsoft Windows 2012 server, by download and install the Intel processor identifier. Download it from here:
Run the utility, and go to the cpu technologies tab. The Intel VT-x with EPT must read a value of Yes. If No, you must active VTx in your system before we start installing PA 2.0 Local PAW.


This mean your VMWARE guru need to change in HOST BIOS, enable VT-X support in the HOST VMware console, and for change VT-x support for the image you plan to run PAW in.

Note; that some versions of Hyper-V or VMWARE does not support VT-x, here can you not install PAW.

Best is to create a folder, d:\vbox, for the virtual machines on your server.

Go to Control Panel \System and Security\System.

Click on Change Settings.

Go to “Advance” tab.

Click on Environment Variables.


Set the “MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH” system variable to point to folder d:\vbox


Go to CMD prompt and enter SET to see a list of all variables in use.

Check that the MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH is listed correct.



For Microsoft Windows 2012 you must download the “docker toolbox” installation program.

Right click on DockerToolbox.exe and select “run as administrator”.

Untick ‘help Docker improve Toolbox’ and click Next.


Enter the path for the program (d:\program files\docker toolbox) and click Next.


Choose Full Installation and click Next.


Uncheck ‘Install VirtualBox with NDISS driver’ and click Next, at additional tasks.


Click Install.


If you get the question to install ‘Oracle Corporation Universal Serial Bus’, click Install.


Uncheck ‘View Shortcuts in File Explorer’ and click Finish.


This should give you some new icons on the desktop for Oracle VM VirtualBox.

To get VBOX to run as a service you need to download VBoxVmService-5.1-Plum.exe from

This will only work with VirtualBox Version 5.1.

The Only help I found was here;



Important to reboot the Windows server before installing the PAW program.

You need to download the latest PAW installation file from IBM Fix Central.

Unzip the file to a folder on the server.


Place the files in an easy accessible folder, because you will check the log files here.

The start.bat file contain values you can change.


Open it in Notepad before installation, to change the memory the PAW image will use and the Ports the program will use. If it is run one its own server, then leave the default ports at 80 and 443.

In the case we install it on the same server where we have Cognos BI or IIS installed, then change the ports to 9580 and 9543 (so they will not collide with IIS port 80).

You should not change the CPU COUNT to less than 4 CPU, then it will become slow.

But your host server must have at least the same amount of CPU, and best if it have 2-4 Gb ram more than the PAW will use.

If your VMware host use the network 192.168.40.x you should change the Networks values to a different not used network.


Example of START.BAT shown below:

@echo off

REM Start up a bash shell and run the Windows start script for IBM Planning Analytics Workspace














REM Avoid a breaking change in Docker Compose 1.9



REM Share the parent directory with the Virtual Machine

cd %PAW_DIR%/..


cd %PAW_DIR%




SET VALUE_NAME=”InstallPath”


FOR /F “tokens=2*” %%A IN (‘REG.exe query “%KEY_NAME%” /v “%VALUE_NAME%”‘) DO (set GIT_PATH=%%B)


IF NOT “%GIT_PATH%”==”” (

SET BASH_PATH=%GIT_PATH%\bin\bash.exe

) ELSE (

SET BASH_PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe



if exist “%BASH_PATH%” (


start “IBM Planning Analytics Workspace Administration” “%BASH_PATH%” –login -i “scripts\”

) else (

@echo on

echo Install Docker Toolbox for Windows and try again.

explorer “”




On the Windows server right click on start and select ‘command prompt (admin)’.

In the CMD window, CD to the folder where you have your Start.bat.


Enter START.BAT to start the PAW installation.

You must enter START.BAT, if you enter only START it will fail.

The program will check the ports,

and give you an option to change the memory and cpu usage.

Creating the virtual machine “paw” takes a very long time.


Press Y when you get the question about starting the Administration Tool.


This will start a IE Browser one your host accessing the Admin page, accept both license before you can move on.


In the Configuration tab you should enter your TM1 servers name.

TM1 Admin server URI =

TM1 Application Server Gateway URI =

Under Authentication Mode when using TM1 you should point to the Window server where you have your TM1 instance using a specific port, that will be your TM1 application to control who will have access to the Administration tool.

TM1 Login Server URI=

(Note: that all new functions use the new HTTPport for access)


Click on validate button, to check the values you entered are working.

If you get an Error: Request timed out after 10010ms, you maybe  have entered the wrong port number.

Click UPDATE when you get the Validate to work.


The start of PAW will take some time, click on STATUS and then on REFRESH to see the progress.

When CPU usage is low like 1%, then it is ready and you can surf to the PAW (Planning Analytics Workspace).

Surf to http://PAwservername:9580/


Login with the user and password you have in your TM1 application.


In our test, click on a new book and expand and drag some view of the cube onto the canvas.


Click on Save icon up at the left side to save your designs.


Here some Error messages you may get when installing PAW

(The log files are found in folder d:\install\ipa_workspace_local_2.0.20.770.4\log\admintool)


Docker Machine is not installed. Please re-run Toolbox Installer and try again.


Reboot your Windows server.


Creating CA: D:\vbox\certs\ca.pem

Creating client certificate: D:\vbox\certs\cert.pem

Running pre-create checks…

(paw) Image cache directory does not exist, creating it at D:\vbox\cache…

(paw) No default Boot2Docker ISO found locally, downloading the latest release…

(paw) Latest release for is v17.05.0-ce

(paw) Downloading D:\vbox\cache\boot2docker.iso from…



Good you had internet connection, so it could download the file.


Running pre-create checks…

Error with pre-create check: “This computer doesn’t have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in the BIOS is mandatory”


Change the VMWARE host to support VTX.


Invalid command line. Found extra arguments [–virtualbox-no-share –virtualbox-hostonly-cidr –virtualbox-memory 6144 –virtualbox-cpu-count 4 –virtualbox-disk-size 20000 paw]


You have been changing the file \scripts\ in attempt to get past the VTX issue.

Check that you have not missed a space.


Running pre-create checks…

(paw) Image cache directory does not exist, creating it at C:\machine\cache…

(paw) No default Boot2Docker ISO found locally, downloading the latest release…

Error with pre-create check: “Get dial tcp: lookup getaddrinfow: No such host is known.”


Place the file boot2docker.iso in correct folder, d:\vbox\cache

Try again to run the Start.bat file



If not already started, run START.BAT, and select NO on update PAW, instead say YES to start the Admin configuration.


Here at the Configuration tab click on CAM button and fill in the values for the BI server.

IBM Cognos BI Gateway URI =

IBM Cognos BI Dispatcher URI =

IBM Cognos BI Authentication Namespace ID = Exact the same Namespace ID you entered in Cognos Configuration for CA11 (this is case sensitive).


Click on validate and OK.

Go to status tab and click on the RESTART button to make the changes take effect.


Error you may see when working in PAW;


Cannot get the data.

Cannot create the session for server SDATA.

The SDATA application use Native security and you have setup PAW to use CAM security.

Only use CAM security enabled TM1 applications with your PAW installation.


The server it temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Wait or reboot the services.


Important to reboot the windows server before configuring PAW to be run as a service.

Rigth click on VBoxVmService-5.1-Plum.exe and select run as administrator.


Mark “I accept the agreement” and click next.


Click install.


Click finish.


Open the file d:\vms\VBoxVmService.ini in notepad.

Looks like this;
















Change it to point out your location for images that is d:\vbox\machines

Change it to handle the paw image and take away the last image.

Should look like this now









Save the file.

Restart the server.

The log file will be written to d:\vms\VBoxVmService.log

Check the log file to ensure the service start up correct.

You must test reboot of the Windows server to find the best settings for this vbox service settings to work with PAW.

Example of Error you can get:

Callee RC  E_FAIL (0x80004005)

You have too little memory free, the last shutdown of the vbox did not work.

Reboot the Windows server.



Run the START.BAT from a command prompt to get to a java prompt.


Enter scripts/ stop to stop the server


Enter scripts/ to stop paw services and make a backup and start them again


All the example scripts you can use, are in this folder, d:\install\ipa_workspace_local_2.0.20.770.4\scripts

Explore and create better scripts for your use.


The backup files are stored in a folder under d:\install\ipa_workspace_local_2.0.20.770.4\backup.


The TM1 application, can you backup with a bat file that contain this lines (you need to adjust the paths for your environment);

REM execute the backup command on data folder

“d:\program files\7-zip\7z” a d:\pal\planning\work\backup\ -r d:\pal\planning\datafiles\*.*

TM1 reboot

Stop these WINDOWS services before you reboot your server with PA 2.0 Local









When TM1 instance is down, you can also make a backup of the log files folder.

More information:

Note: in code you need to replace “ with ” to make it work.

How  install new PAW on new Windows version:


Cognos Analytics 11.0.6


Cognos Analytics 11.0.6 adds support for Planning Analytics Local. Here are the new integration highlights in version 11.0.6.

Dashboard support for packages with TM1 and Planning Analytics cubes

As of version 11.0.6, you can make Cognos Analytics dashboards using packages from TM1 or Planning Analytics cubes. As always you create the packages in the Cognos Administration console or with Framework Manager. See Dashboard Enhancements in Cognos Analytics 11.0.6 for information on the OLAP support now available in dashboards.

REST connectivity to Planning Analytics

Cognos Analytics connects to TM1 data sources using TM1 client software which needs to be installed on the Cognos Analytics server. Cognos Analytics connects to Planning Analytics using the TM1 REST API which doesn’t require any additional software to be installed. You create a connection to Planning Analytics from the Cognos Administration console by selecting the IBM Planning Analytics data source connection type.

If you are upgrading from TM1 to Planning Analytics, within the Cognos Administration data source you can replace the TM1 connection with a Planning Analytics connection. Subsequently you need to re-publish any packages that refer to that data source, but no need to make any changes to the associated reports.

Support for Planning Analytics hierarchies

Sometimes referred to as “attribute hierarchies” and “named alternate hierarchies”, they are commonly known as simply “PA hierarchies” and are arguably the most important new TM1 server feature in Planning Analytics Local. Here’s a 3 min video on them.

Planning Analytics hierarchies appear and behave no differently than any other OLAP hierarchy in Cognos Analytics, but now you can have a TM1 dimension that has multiple hierarchies.

You need to use a Planning Analytics data source connection to see multiple TM1 hierarchies within a dimension; if you try to use a TM1 data source connection only the first or default hierarchy will appear within each dimension.

Support for localized Planning Analytics cubes

TM1 10.2.2 introduced the ability to localize objects in a cube without needing alias tables as documented here. This is supported in Cognos Analytics via a Planning Analytics REST connection only.

Cognos Analytics users can see a localized Planning Analytics cube in their language by either setting the Content Language in their user preferences or by setting the report language in the report properties. Note that you do not need to use the language settings that appear when creating a package for Planning Analytics cubes as those are for the legacy alias table localization functionality only.

Link to the CA 11 versions

Above text from:

Cognos Analytics 11.0.6 support for Planning Analytics


Planning Analytics 2.0 local
Microsoft Windows 2016 server Version 10.9.14393

Can I install PAW on Windows 2016 server with the native docker that come with Windows 2016?

No. PAW does not support native docker on windows 2016. PAW in current state, need that you install the “docker toolbox” on your windows server.  The new version Planning Analytics Workspace 21 includes a native install for Windows Server 2016.

More Information:
This is the steps to install the docker that is part of Microsoft Windows 2016. But this does not work with PA 2.0 Local.

Install Microsoft Windows 2016 server.
Ensure that Windows is connected to the internet.
Update the Windows 2016 server to latest fix pack version.
Start a power shell session as a administrator.
Right click on the power shell icon and select run as administrator.
Paste this line to install DOCKER
Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Force

install docker1
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Windows\system32> Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Force

NuGet provider is required to continue
PowerShellGet requires NuGet provider version ‘’ or newer to interact with NuGet-based repositories. The NuGet
provider must be available in ‘C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies’ or
‘C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies’. You can also install the NuGet provider by running
‘Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force’. Do you want PowerShellGet to install and
import the NuGet provider now?
[Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is “Y”): y
WARNING: Unable to download from URI ‘’ to ”.
WARNING: Unable to download the list of available providers. Check your internet connection.
PackageManagement\Install-PackageProvider : No match was found for the specified search criteria for the provider ‘NuGe

You will be asked to update NUGET – above error happens when you do not have internet connection from your Windows 2016 server.
Ensure you have internet connection from your Windows server.

Run the command again in Power Shell:
Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Force

Then run this:
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force

install docker2

This text will be the response:
WARNING: A restart is required to start docker service. Please restart you machine.
Name: Version: Source: Summary:
Docker 17.03.1-ee DockerDefault Contains Docker EE for use with Windows Server 2016…

Restart the Windows server with this command in power shell:
Restart-Computer -Force

You will now have a windows service called Docker that is running. There will also be a new network adapter called vEthernet (HNS Internal NIC).

To test you can enter this in power shell:
docker run hello-world:nanoserver

It will start by download the container and then run it.

Give above if it works.

If you in CMD enter:
docker version
you will get the version like this
C:\Windows\system32>docker version
Version: 17.03.1-ee-3
API version: 1.27
Go version: go1.7.5
Git commit: 3fcee33
Built: Thu Mar 30 19:31:22 2017
OS/Arch: windows/amd64

Version: 17.03.1-ee-3
API version: 1.27 (minimum version 1.24)
Go version: go1.7.5
Git commit: 3fcee33
Built: Thu Mar 30 19:31:22 2017
OS/Arch: windows/amd64
Experimental: false

Here to download Docker Toolbox

Here to understand Docker