The system cannot find the file specified


Planning Analytics Workspace 96
Microsoft Windows 2019 server


When in PAW use the file manager function on a TM1 instance, you get a error message:

The following administration agent error occurred – {“errorMessage”:”..\\..\\..\\..\\paaAgentCache\\serversInfo.json (The system cannot find the file specified.)”,”query”:”/pakate-agent/v0/filemanager/donalds%20budget/files”,”httpStatusCode”:500}


Check if the name have a space last in the registered windows service name.

Go to Cognos Configuration for Planning Analytics and delete the application “donalds budget ”

Edit the tm1s.cfg file with Notepad++

# Server name to register with the Admin Server. If you do not supply this parameter, TM1 names the server Local and treats it as a local server.
# Type: Optional, Static
ServerName=donalds budget

Save the file with the new name, without a space last.

Create a new instance in planning analytics configuration, name it donalds budget, and point out the folder where the config file is.

Save and start the TM1 instance.

Now the name should be registered in windows services, with the correct name.

If you have a space accidentally in the servername in the tm1s.cfg file, the Tm1 instance will not work well in PAW administrator.


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