Silent install of ILMT

IBM License Metric Tool on Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 or a higher 7.x version
How install ILMT on Linux in one step
Suggested Solution:
You need to install on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 or a higher 7.x version, but for this test we will use CentOS Linux
Install CentOS with a fix IP address, so you can easy connect to the Linux server.

Download the installation file “ILMT_Install_Lnx-x86-64_V9222.tar.gz”

Copy the file to your linux server with WinSCP program.

Check disk space with command df  -h

Install the needed programs

yum install byobu

yum install libnsl

yum install libstdc++

yum install ksh

yum install pam*i686

yum install numactl*x86_64

yum install libstdc++*i686

yum install libpng12.x86_64

yum install fontconfig.x86_64

yum install libXext.x86_64

yum install libXrender.x86_64

yum install unixODBC.x86_64

yum install nano

yum install wget*x86_64

Unzip the tar file with command:  tar  zxvf  ILMT_Install_Lnx-x86-64_V9222.tar.gz

Copy the install_response.txt to a new file with command: cp install_response.txt response.txt
Edit that file in nano response.txt

Change the following values;




#RSP_DB2_ROOT=/opt/ibm/db2/V11.5  (if you want DB2 installed in a different folder)


#RSP_IEM_WR_WWW_PORT=8083 (if you want to change the port number used by BigFix)

#RSP_TLM_ROOT=/opt/ibm/LMT (if you want ILMT installed to other folder)

#RSP_TLM_HTTPS_PORT=9081 (if you want to change The port for administration server web UI)

Save the file, and run below command to start the installation:

./ -i silent -f /ibm/response.txt

You must install to Red Hat.  For this test we enter export disable_platform_check=true

Then the check in the script file will skip the check (if [ “$disable_platform_check” != “true” ]

Go to /root folder and enter command to unzip the log files:

tar zxvf LMT_9.2.22.0_20210514-113503_16243_logs.tar.gz

Check the log file with commando:

tail  LMT_9.2.22.0_20210514-113503_16243_logs/LMT9.2.22.0/Server.log

Solve the issue and run the ./ -i silent -f /ibm/response.txt again.

Add the BigFix port and ILMT port to the firewall on Linux server with commands:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=52311/tcp

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=9081/tcp

firewall-cmd --reload


Copy windows client files to your windows share for clients with winSCP

Create a CMD file with this text to run the installation locally on the windows clients:

BigFix-BES-Client- /s /v”/L*vx! \”C:\temp\ClientInstallLog.txt\” SETUPEXE=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=Disable /qn”

Check the client windows services for “BES Client”, to see that it was installed.

Copy BIGFIX console files to your windows computer with winSCP

The files are in folder /var/opt/BESInstallers/ directory.

Run the BigFix console setup on a computer, and ensure the clients are listed in the Go to Sites – External Sites – IBM License Reporting (ILMT) – Fixlets and tasks – Install or Upgrade Scanner, task.

Browse to https://yourservername:9081/ in Chrome.

First time you log into ILMT webpage you should get above dialog, to import the data from BigFix server.

For more help contact your IBM partner.

Vår nya ILMT expert – Christer Borg

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