Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.
Linux Red Hat 7
After change/crash of PAW, the system is starting but user can not login. They get the message “Planning Analytics Workspace is unavailable. Try again in a few minutes”
On the Linux server you run command to check that all containers are up, and they all show the same number of seconds to be up. This make it look like the PAW is working.
sudo docker ps
If you check the logs for a container, with below command, you can see if there are any errors giving more information.
sudo docker logs share-platform
cp: failed to extend ‘’: No space left on device
cp: error writing ‘’: No space left on device
Check the date before in log file, above can be a fill up disk of log files that have crashed the PAW before.
Check space with command: df -h
sudo docker logs pa-gateway
This may show AH01114: HTTP: failed to make connection to backend: share-platform, that tell us that it does not speak with the share-platform container, who had a problem before.
Recreate the images, they can have been corrupted of the space outage you had earlier. This may remove the books you have inside PAW, so take a backup first by run script /ibm/paw/scripts/ to create a backup file under backup folder.
Go to the /ibm/paw/scripts folder on Linux server. Enter below command to stop PAW
./ stop
Backup the config folder and it sub-folders; cp -ivR config /tmp/cognos (will copy all files in config folder to /tmp/cognos folder)
Kill all running containers
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
Delete all stopped containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Delete all images
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Then go to the PAW folder of your installation on the Linux server and run to create the images/containers from scratch.
Answer YES on both questions.
You can in Linux test that the PAW is up by entering command (replace with your server DNS alias):
curl -k
this will return the html page as plain text – check for errors.
More Information:
To limit docker log files you can edit the daemon.json file in folder /etc/docker
This sample configuration will limit the json log files to 10 megabytes, and will only keep the 5 most recent logs:
“log-opts”: {
“max-size”: “10m”,
“max-file”: “5”