Cognos Analytics 11.0.7
kit_name=IBM Cognos Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server
Silent installation of new Cognos Analytics does not work. No error message.
Possible solution:
Turn of the anti virus software on the server during installation.
The anti virus software on the Windows server have a rule that prevent EXE files to run from users TEMP folder.
When the Install Anywhere software start, after you click on the EXE, it will unpack a javaw.exe and a ANALYTICS_BI.EXE file, in the users temp folder. After unpack the Install Anywhere will try to start the JAVAW to continue with the installation of your cognos software, but here the antivirus will stop the action. Then the installation quits without error messages. There is also no log file from Install Anywhere.
If you click on your antivirus software (McAfee) and check the log file for it you will see message similar to this;
9/15/2017 3:00:31 PM Would be blocked by Access Protection rule (rule is currently not enforced) domain\username C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE C:\USERS\username\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\I1505480296\WINDOWS\RESOURCE\JRE\BIN\JAVA.EXE Common Standard Protection:Prevent common programs from running files from the Temp folder Action blocked : Read
or C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE C:\TEMP\I1505483120\WINDOWS\ANALYTICS_BI.EXE Common Standard Protection:Prevent common programs from running files from the Temp folder Action blocked : Read
How to do a silent installation:
Copy your install file ca_server_win64_11.0.7.exe to a folder like c:\install\media on the Windows server.
Run the installation with below command to create the response file, do the installation as you normally should do.
c:\install\media\ca_server_win64_11.0.7.exe -r c:\install\media\
Now there is a response file created.
Uninstall Cognos Analytics.
Create a CMD file and enter below line to make it possible to start the silent installation;
c:\install\media\ca_server_win64_11.0.7.exe -i silent -f c:\install\media\
Start the above CMD file from a administrative prompt.
This will run the installation with your choices as before.
You can include in your CMD file, that you copy the database drivers (sqljdbc4.jar) you need to the drivers folder.
Create a folder c:\install\media\drivers and place the jar file in there. Then add below line to you CMD file.
copy /Y /V c:\install\media\drivers\*.* “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\drivers\”
Also you can include in your CMD file that you copy any pre-adjusted XML (cogstartup.xml) files to configuration folder.
copy /Y /V c:\install\media\configuration\*.* “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\”
When the installation is done, you start Cognos Configuration on server, adjust the values for your environment and click save.
Then start the Cognos service. (please note there is more steps to get CA11 up to run, this is only the silent installation).
Below example on a file.
# Tue Sep 05 09:27:57 CEST 2017
# Replay feature output
# ———————
# This file was built by the Replay feature of InstallAnywhere.
# It contains variables that were set by Panels, Consoles or Custom Code.
USER_INSTALL_DIR=C:\\Program Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\Uninstall_IBM_Cognos_Analytics.lax=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\resource\\iawin64_x64.dll=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\resource\\iawin32.dll=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\resource\\win64_32_x64.exe=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\resource\\remove.exe=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\resource\\invoker.exe=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\configuration\\preserve\\preserve.txt=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\configuration\\preserve\\.ca_base_preserve.txt=Yes
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