Microsoft SQL Azure
What processes are running on the SQL database server?
In SSMS enter this:
select r.session_id, s.login_name, c.client_net_address, s.host_name, s.program_name, st.text, s.status from sys.dm_exec_requests r inner join sys.dm_exec_sessions s on r.session_id = s.session_id left join sys.dm_exec_connections c on r.session_id = c.session_id outer apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) st where client_net_address is not null and text is not null and s.status = 'running'
Copy the content of the text column out to notepad to see the query running in detail.
To see if it is CPU or I/O that is used most the last hour, enter in SSMS this:
SELECT database_name = DB_NAME() , UTC_time = end_time , 'CPU Utilization In % of Limit' = rs.avg_cpu_percent , 'Data IO In % of Limit' = rs.avg_data_io_percent , 'Log Write Utilization In % of Limit' = rs.avg_log_write_percent , 'Memory Usage In % of Limit' = rs.avg_memory_usage_percent , 'In-Memory OLTP Storage in % of Limit' = rs.xtp_storage_percent , 'Concurrent Worker Threads in % of Limit' = rs.max_worker_percent , 'Concurrent Sessions in % of Limit' = rs.max_session_percent FROM sys.dm_db_resource_stats AS rs --past hour only ORDER BY rs.end_time DESC;
Data IO show 100%, here is the bottleneck, maybe the SQL QUERY PLAN is using more TEMPDB than it should.
To see what SQL plan is in use, install, and use:
sp_blitzwho @GetLiveQueryPlan=1
Click on live-query plan, and you will get the SQL plan in used shown inside SSMS.
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