Cognos Analytics 11.1.5
Microsoft Windows 2012

In a Cognos solution where you have a multi-server setup of Cognos Analytics, more than one Cognos BI server, you get strange errors in teams or story’s.

In newer versions of CA11, can you test the Configuration Group to ensure it works.
Right click on Configuration Group inside Cognos Configuration and select Verify.

If the windows server with CA11 installed, have more than one network card, it is important to enter the network cards IP for that card that is used for communications between the CA11 servers.

Group contact host should be the IP to the Cognos Content Manager server that act as Configuration Group master.
Member coordination host should be the local windows servers IP number, that will be used for communications between the servers. This is often the same IP number that is used by client if they access the CA11 direct on port 9300.

Enter Ping from you client computer to find the possible address to use.

Cognos Controller 10.4.2
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server
Microsoft SQL server

How upgrade a new restored database to the latest Cognos Controller version?

When a database backup from a previous version is restored on the SQL database server, it needs to be upgrade after it is connected.
You need also to update the data sources in CA11 by click on repair button, in Controller Configuration.

Login to the Controller server (if you have more than one controller server, you need to repeat the first step to configure the new controller database in controller configuration on all servers).
Right click on Controller Configuration and open it as an Administrator.

Go to Database Connections
Click on the icon for a new connection
At database type select SQL Server

Fill in the name of the database, as the users in cognos controller will see it.
Enter the provider to be SQLNCLI11.1
Enter the user id, to the SQL login you have for the database.
Enter the SQL user password.
At Initial catalog, you enter the name of the database as seen on the SQL server.
At data source you enter the name of the windows server that run SQL server.

(if unsure of what to enter, check on the previous database setup parameters)
Click on the test icon, to ensure you got it all right.

Click save.  (Only Above need to be done on the other controller servers too.)

Click on the green arrow to start the DBConv program.

Click on Connect Button to connect to the new database and see what version it have today.

Click on Upgrade Button to upgrade the database to latest Cognos Controller version.

When done, and no errors are shown, click on Close.

Now you have to update the BI database connections, by go to Report Service, in Controller Configuration.
Click on Check icon.

Click on Repair button.
Close Controller Configuration.

Then on the Controller Web server, you need to start a CMD prompt as an administrator.
Inside CMD you need to move to folder C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb

cd C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\ccr_64\fcmweb

Type the following command to update Controller web:

SyncDBConf.bat    ..\Data   wlp\usr\shared\config\datasources

Now the ControllerWeb application should know about the new Controller Database.

Best is to restart the Windows servers where Cognos Controller is installed, to make the changes noticed. You need to restart the CA11 servers in correct order.

At least you need to restart the IBM Cognos Controller Batch Service.

If you have several controller servers, the Controller Batch Service must only be running on the Controller Master server.

More information:

Cognos Analytics 11.1.4
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

Cognos Analytics uses a lot of CPU on the server and creates a lot of DMP files that fills up the hard disk.
A restart of the windows server does not help, Cognos Java process start up and uses a lot of CPU.
Even though there are no users in the system.

On the Windows server, set the IBM Cognos service to manual.
Stop the IBM Cognos Service.
(to be sure, reboot the windows server, to clean out any lost processes)
Clean out temp report files by renaming the \temp and \data folders.
Check in Cognos Configuration the location of the temp and data folders.
Change C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\temp to C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\temp_old
Do the same for the \data folder.
Create a new \temp and a new \data folder.
Start IBM Cognos service.
Check that Cognos Connection is working, and there are no unusual CPU activity.
If all is OK, change Cognos Service to automatic.
Remove the temp_old and data_old folders.

To prevent BIBUS dump files to be created, change value in the file /configuration/cclWinSEHConfig.xml to


            <env_var name=CCL_HWE_ABORT value=0:0/>


To remove dump files from the Query process, you need in Cognos Configuration go to Administration tab.

Click on system – click on the dispatcher listed – select QueryServices – right-click and select Set properties.

Go to “Additional JVM arguments for the query service (Requires QueryService restart)” on last page.
Enter value:  -Xdump:heap+system:none
Press OK.

Exit Cognos Connection Administration.

More Information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.8
Planning Analytics Workspace 46
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

When going to Planning Analytics Workspace Administration dialog some of the TM1 instance are grey, in the area for memory and cpu usage.


On PA Agent version, you can find this kind of error in the file c:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\paa_agent\wlp\usr\servers\kate-agent\logs\messages.log
00000048 SystemErr R while getting windows registry details: ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value
00000048 SystemErr R getting the registry details: local variable ‘return_object’ referenced before assignment
00000048 E Error occurred while updating the server info json file
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “kateagent/scripts\”, line 1053, in <module>
NameError: name ‘data_directory’ is not defined
0000005d E Exception


A space have come into the TM1 application name in the TM1S.CFG file, and when registered with Microsoft Service, got a extra space in the name.
The PA Agent can not parse the space in the name, and therefor will not display all values.

Stop the TM1 instance.
Edit the tm1s.cfg file to correct value.
ServerName= proven techniques
should be changed to
Delete the TM1 instance in Cognos Configuration.
Check that the instance is gone – if not, you may need to delete it from a DOS command line.

sc delete ” proven_techniques”
in the elevated cmd prompt.
Now the windows service should be gone.
Go into Cognos Configuration again,
Add the new TM1 instance and enter a correct name “proven_techniques”
and point out the folder for the configuration file.
Start the service from inside Cognos Configuration.

Surf to PAW and check that the administration page is correct.

Cognos Analytics 11.0.8
Microsoft Windows 2012 server

How much memory are the content manager service using?

Log on to the CA11 server.
Go with file explorer to folder d:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics\bin64\utilities\cm\cmtools
Click on CMTools.exe

Login to the Cognos Analytics CM tool, with a user who is system administrator in cognos.
In menu Windows select Open Perspective and select CMtools.
In menu Windows select Show view and select CMTop.
Click on System tab.
Click on Refresh icon on the right side.
Now you see memory usage.

The max memory is adjusted in cognos configuration at “Maximum memory for Websphere Liberty Profile in MB”.

Surf to to see who is active content manager.

More Information:

Cognos Analytics 11.1.5
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

For a dedicated content manager server, what services should be running?

For a CA11 server dedicated to only content manager, this services should be set to true in Cognos configuration tool.

Content Manager service enabled?  True
Event Management service enabled?  True
Job service enabled?  True
Metadata service enabled?  True
Monitor service enabled?  True

More Information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.5
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

How do i copy files from one server to another server and keep the NTFS security?

Check you have a file share on source server.
Create a file share on destination server.
Give everyone full access to the share.
Ensure that the user running the script is local administrator on both servers
Open notepad
Enter below line (modify it for your server names)
robocopy \\serverSource\ShareA \\serverDestination\ShareA /MIR /COPYALL /DCOPY:T /R:1 /W:1 /NP /TEE /LOG:d:\temp\ShareA-RobocopyResults.log
Save file as d:\temp\robocopyfiles.cmd

Open a command prompt as administrator
move to the folder where the script is

Check the log files for errors when it is done.

(solution is from this site
TITLE “Copying ShareA from TestSource to TestDestination”
robocopy \\TestSource\ShareA \\TestDestination\ShareA /MIR /COPYALL /DCOPY:T /R:1 /W:1 /NP /TEE /LOG:C:\Logs\ShareA-RobocopyResults.log

The switch functions are as follows:

/MIR – Creates a mirror copy.

/COPYALL – Copies ALL file attributes

/DCOPY – Copies (ie retains original) Directory Creation/Modified Timestamps. If you don’t include this, all directories will be recreated with NEW timestamps

/R:1 – Retry copy once on failure

/W:1 – Wait 1 second between retries

/NP – No Percentage Completion written to output

/TEE – Output progress to Command Window (I guess TEE = Terminal Emulation)

/LOG – Write out and save to a specified Log File

More information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.8
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When you click on a TM1 application Web link in Cognos Connection (from Cognos Analytics 11) you get a error. You also noted that the SSO did not work to your Cognos Analytics 11 webpage.
You can also get into pmpsvc page, but with wrong colors.

error, see logs

To make a link from CA work to Planning Analytics Web (PMPSVC) you must login correct to Cognos Analytics (CA11) first.
Ensure you surf to http://servername/ibmcognos and not to http://servername:9300/bi/v1/disp

Please also try to, in Internet Explorer change the Compatibility view settings to be blank.

“Display intranet sites in Compatibility View” should be checked off.

More information:

Planning Analytics Workspace version 36
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

After some time use, the user can not access the paw. They can not login.
This happen after the server have rebooted during a Microsoft Windows Patching.
To find out if your PAW installation is damage, check this steps:
When you run a docker ps command, you see services listed as restarting.
When you run a ./paw.ps1 stop command, you see services that does not stop, even after 20 minutes.

Error message:
503 The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Follow this guide lines to troubleshoot:

If nothing helps do this:
– increase to 8 cpu cores on your Microsoft Windows 2016 box
– turn off your anti virus software (McAfee and Symantec)
– turn off Windows Defender Real-Time Protection
– uninstall latest windows patch applied before last reboot of Windows server
– run paw.ps1 command as is, to repair containers (if they exist with strange names)
– remove paw and install it again
– restore your paw database backup with the ./restore.ps1 script

If you do not have a backup of paw database content, you need to do this steps;
– set docker service to manual
– stop cognos and planning service
– reboot the windows server
– after windows have started fine, manually start the docker service
– in powershell, enter docker ps, to monitor that the containers have started
– enter the command ./paw.ps1 stop
– when all containers is stopped, run the ./backup.ps1 command to get the backup zip files created.

Remove paw
– copy the configuration files from folder d:\ibm\paw\config to a different temp folder
– copy the backup files from folder d:\ibm\paw\backup to a different temp folder
– run ./paw.ps1 stop to stop all containers
– run ./paw.ps1 down –rmi all -v
– run docker ps -a to list all containers
– run docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) to remove all containers
– run docker images to list all images still there
– run docker rmi <image-id> to remove any Hello-World containers
– run docker network ls to show the docker networks
– rename the d:\ibm\paw\log folder to log-old
– create a new empty d:\ibm\paw\log folder
– copy the config/paw.ps1 file to a temp folder
– remove the d:\ibm\paw\config\paw.ps1 file

In case you need to remove docker, follow the steps last on this page

To install docker on Windows 2016, follow this steps

Run below command to test that docker works, before installing PAW.

docker container run hello-world:nanoserver-sac2016

Reinstall paw

– start the IBM Cognos Planning Analytics Services
– run ./Start.ps1 answer Yes to both questions.
– Inside the Administration web page, enter all the values (check in your old paw.ps1 file for values)
– click on validate
– click on update
– you may get a error, open the newly created d:\ibm\paw\config\paw.ps1 file in notepad++
– add manually the configuration values for $env:PAGatewayHTTPPort=”9580″ and $env:ProxyTimeoutSeconds=”600″ to the config/paw.ps1 file. Check from you backup config/paw.ps1 file what values you used last, when it was working.
– Inside the Administration web page, click on restart
– wait for paw containers to start
– surf to your paw page, does it work, but the folders are missing?
– run the ./restore.ps1 d:\temp\backup\yyyy-mm-dd  command to restore from your backup
– surf to your paw page, hopefully all is there.

If you still have issues, please contact IBM Cognos support for better instructions.

There can be new versions of other software that have issues with Docker containers;
If the system goes down after a few minutes, try to stop the VMware Tools service to see if that helps.

More information:

To prevent this from happening, you must:
Always run the ./paw.ps1 stop script before you restart docker service or reboot the server.
Every week run the ./backup.ps1 script, to make a zip backup of the content inside PAW.
Exclude the docker folders from your anti virus software.
Turn off Real Time Protection.
Set the Docker service to Automatically (Delayed Start)
Ensure there is at least 100 GB free space on the hard disk for docker files.
Add ./shutdown.ps1 script to windows shutdown policy.

More info about Anti-virus software:

“We find out with premier support that normally when container starts NET_LUID index for an NDIS loopback interface is allocated from registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\NDIS\IfTypes\24\IfUsedNetLuidIndices and when container stops it will be released.

But if you restart computer where is running containers then those values will not be released and if you have multiple automatically starting containers and scheduled restarts then eventually that registry key value will run out of free indexes and you are not anymore able to start containers”

Planning Analytics 2.0.9
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

After upgrade to Planning Analytics 2.0.9, user of TM1 Application web (contributor) get a blank page or below error in web browser when they try to open a link.


Clear the web browser cache before you surf to PMPSVC webpage.

You can also try a script to clean the browser cache, please test the script in your lab first.
Below script will clean Chrome browser cache:

REM echo %username% > C:\ProgramData\user.$$$

ECHO       Clearing Chrome cache
taskkill /F /IM “chrome.exe”

REM Set /p uname=< C:\ProgramData\user.$$$
REM set ChromeDataDir=C:\Users\%uname%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

set ChromeDataDir=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
set ChromeCache=%ChromeDataDir%\Cache
del /q /s /f “%ChromeCache%\*.*”
del /q /f “%ChromeDataDir%\*Cookies*.*”

set ChromeDataDir=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
set ChromeCache=%ChromeDataDir%\Cache
del /q /s /f “%ChromeCache%\*.*
del /q /f “%ChromeDataDir%\*Cookies*.*”
ECHO      Clearing Chrome cache DONE

More Information: