Cognos BI 10.2.1
Windows 2008 R2 server

When run a report and then click on link to drill down to other report (or same report with other parameters) you get an error message.
Error Message:
Unable to load balance the request because no nodes in the cluster are available, or no nodes are configured for the service: reportService.

Possible solution:
Check the report in Report studio.
The link is pointing to a report that does not exist, probably have you changed the name of the report, and not updated the links inside the report to this new name.
The error is misleading that there is a platform issue, first check that the report exist with the name that is requested.

Cognos BI 10.2.1 Cognos Connection

User cannot replace a report in a folder with a different report he copied from a different folder. This is because the report to be pasted has different security settings for the user than the report in the target.
In the source folder you only have read, this means you can see reports and use them in report studio.
In the target folder you also have write access, this means you can create folders and paste reports there. But you cannot replace a report with a identical report from the source folder, because there the report is set with only READ access and not READ/WRITE.

In the target folder you must have SET POLICY to be able to paste a report with other rights that the report you try to replace.
Workaround is to erase the report first, and then paste a new report into the folder. A new report does not change policy, and therefore can you save a report in a folder where you have write access.
If you only add new object to the target folder in Cognos Connection, you can manage with WRITE rights.
To work with a report or package you need to have READ, EXECUTE and TRAVERSE rights. If you only have EXECUTE and TRAVERSE you can run the report, or use the FM package in a report, but you cannot edit it in a Report Studio.

Cognos BI 10.2.1
Windows 2008 R2 server

How to move reports and keep reference link intact?

Drill through reports are linked with path and report ID, which gives this effect when you adjust the report.

When renamed a report, all involved links will be changed accordingly.

Copy and paste to new folder
All involved links will be changed accordingly.

Cut and paste both source and target report to new folder
All involved links will be changed accordingly.

Cut and paste target report to new folder
All involved links will be changed accordingly.

Move target report to new folder (found under More actions)
All involved links will be changed accordingly.

Open it and save as same name
All involved links will be broken, including drill through, portal page and Job

Open report A
Copy report to clipboard,
Change XML,
Open report from clipboard
Save as report A

Copy to another folder, then change it, then copy back
All involved links won’t be impacted

Copy report A to My folder
Open report A from My Folder
Change report A from My Folder , add color to a column.
Copy report A from My folder to original folder and overwrite old report

Copy to another folder, then copy report to XML, change XML and then save it as same name, then copy back
All involved links won’t be impacted

Copy report A to My folder
Open report A from My Folder
Copy report to clipboard from My Folder
Change XML,
Open report from clipboard
Save as report A in My folder and overwrite report A
Copy report A from My folder to original folder and overwrite old report

Copy to another folder, then save any other report as same name, then copy back
All involved links won’t be impacted

Copy report A to My folder
Save any other report as report A in My folder and overwrite report A
Copy report A from My folder to original folder and overwrite old report

Merge two drill through target reports to one
Given Source report A -> Target report A, Source report B -> Target report B,
request to change Source report B ->Target report A

Delete Target report A
rename Target report B to Target A

More Information:

Cognos BI 10.2.2
Windows 2012 R2

The tree prompt is starting all over again and is not showing the next 20 rows of selections as it did in previous version of Cognos BI.

Go to the Framework Manager Package icon in Cognos Connection that is used of that report.
Click on MORE
Click Modify the package configuration
Change the Default member limit in a data tree level to 200 from 20
Change the Maximum member limit in a data tree level to 500 from 50
Click OK
Test runs the report again.

Cognos BI 10.2.2
Windows 2012 R2 server

After upgrade from Cognos BI 10.1.1 to Cognos BI 10.2.2 the creation of PDF reports takes several minutes, when it before take only seconds.
HTML reports are as fast they were in the older version of Cognos BI.
If you remove the pictures in the report, then the PDF file is created fast.

Possible Solution:
Copy all the images to the Report BI server, in old version the images that are in reports are on the Cognos BI Gateway server only. Now it is recommended to have them on all BI servers.
Update all servers to have the pictures in the folder .. \samples\images.
D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\samples\images

The PDF creation looks locally for the pictures at first, before going to the gateway.

IBM Data Studio 4.11
Windows 2012 R2 Server
DB2 database

To save money the Cognos TM1 project does not want to use TOAD, and instead the free Data Studio – to allow the Developers have access to the data.

When run lanchpad.exe to install the DB2 Data Studio you get a installation screen without buttons. There are no links to select and install the product. Only a OK button to select language in the dialog exist in top right corner.
There should be buttons or menu options on the left side of the dialog, but there are none.
When you click on the OK button at the language, you are only brought back to the same dialog as before.

Instruction say to start LANCHPAD.EXE from the unzipped file.
But that does not seem to work in some computer environments.

Run the INSTALL.EXE instead.
Go to the folder \ibm_ds4110_win\disk1\installerimage_win64\
Right click on INSTALL.EXE and select “Run as Administrator”
This will first install the IBM Installation Manager
When that is done it will automatically start installation of Data Studio.

More Information:

IBM DB2 Data Studio 4.1.1
Windows 2012 R2 Server
DB2 database

Get a error when I start the program Data Studio 4.1.1 Client

Error Message:
Locking is not possible in the directory “D:\xxxx…. ” A common reason is that the file system or Runtime Environment does not support file locking for that location. Please choose a different location, or disable file locking passing “-Dosgi.locking=none” as a VM argument. ….

Possible Solution:
Right click on the icon for Data Studio 4.1.1 Client and start the program “Run As Administrator”.

During installation the Windows environment was not setup to run in a “multiuser environment”.

Cognos BI 10.1.x
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server

Random error when running reports, run GO OFFICE reports, or try to open the report in Report studio. 4 of 5 times you try it fails. It looks like it is only reports with charts that fails most.
This is a multi-server setup with 4 Cognos BI servers on Microsoft Windows machines.

Error message:
Failure RSV-SRV-0066 A soap fault has been returned.
DPR-ERR-2014 Unable to load balance the request because no nodes in the cluster are available, or no nodes are configured for the service: null
The expected response was not returned by IBM Cognos 8

Ensure that all the Cognos BI servers are healthy.
Surf to the system tab in Cognos Connection, and check that all servers are Available.
Go to System Administration.
Click on System in left column.
In the middle all Cognos BI server should be listed.
If one is shown as UNKNOWN – you probably need to do a restart of all servers.

Perform a restart of all the Cognos BI servers in correct order;

Primary Cognos Content Manager server. (Wait until the Cognos service is up before you do the next step. It is not enough to see that the Windows server answers on ping.)
Cognos Gateway server.
Cognos Reporting server.

More information

IBM Cognos BI 10.2.2
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server
Microsoft SQL database 2012 server

When testing a data source, for like Audit database, you get a “logon Failed” after an upgrade to new version of Cognos BI.(where you also have installed on new Windows servers for BI and database.)
You have changed the signon to have the new SQL password to the data source, still you get an error.

If you create a test.udl file and connect with same user and password it works when using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL server.

Error Message:
Microsoft SQL Server (SQL 2008 Native Client) / Compatible Failed
QE-DEF-0285 The Logon failed.
Microsoft SQL server (JDBC) / Dynamic Succeeded
XQE-DS-0015 getDatabaseProductName: “Microsoft SQL Server”

UDA-SQL-0031 Unable to access the “testDataSourceConnection” database.
UDA-SQL-0534 Invalid connection string.

The driver for Microsoft SQL is missing.
Download from Microsoft Web site, and install sqlncli.msi for SQL 2012.

Then you can look into Windows Control panel on server, and check programs, there in the list of installed programs should be;
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client – Version: 11.2.5058.0

Best if you install both 2005, 2008 and 2012 SQLNCLI files so any old Data connection in Cognos BI will work as is.

If you in Cognos Connection use Microsoft SQL Server (ODBC) instead of Microsoft SQL Server (SQL 2008 Native Client) it will also work. When you use “native client” then it must be installed on the Windows Server for Cognos BI to work.

Download SQL 2008 driver from here:

Cognos BI 10.1.1 Transformer
Windows 2008 R2 server

Error when try to create with Cognos Transformer on a Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server.

You may also get errors when working in Cognos Framework Manager on the server.

Error message:
“UT-DEF-0114 Cannot open lock file /./bin/../configuration/qeclRTMFilelock.xml”

Possible Cause:
The windows user and the service account that run the IBMCOGNOS service have lost rights to the folders, specially the \program files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\configuration folder.

Even due the user is part of a Windows domain group that is included in the Windows 2008 servers local administrators group, do this on the server:

Right click on the server icon and click manage
Expand the Local User and Groups
Select Groups
Open Administrator group properties
Click on ADD
Enter the name of the user that you want to be able to run transformer
Click Check names to ensure they exist in the domain
Click OK

Log out of the server,
and let the user login and test if transformer works now.

If there is still is same error, add the user direct to the configuration folder

Right click on folder \c10\configuration and select properties
Select security tab
Click on EDIT
Click on ADD
Enter the name of the user that you want to be able to run transformer
Click Check names to ensure they exist in the domain
Click OK
Repeat the above step for that windows user account that is used to run the Cognos BI service, to ensure that reports and transformer will work when scheduled.
When the new user is marked in the list of Groups and user names
(Read & execute, list, read should also be marked)
Click OK

Log out of the server,
and let the user login and test if transformer works now.

You may need to do the same for the folders used by Framework manager, e.g. the folder where you create and save your framework projects.

More Information:

The list of recent used files in Cognos Transformer is stored in the file \program files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\configuration\cogtr.xml

Windows settings for Cognos Transformer program is stored in the file \users\%username%\cogtrwin.ini

The list of recent used files in Cognos Framework Manager is stored in the file \program files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\configuration\bmt.ini

In configuration folder file fm.ini also exist, if you do not have access to above files you get errors inside Cognos framework manager.