log in to TM1 application Web the session loops





IBM Cognos TM1 10.2.2


When log in to TM1 application Web the session loops in Internet Explorer 8.

Error message:

No error message.

The URL in Internet Explorer is something like this;




Erase values in file fpmsvc_config.xml to start over again. It points to wrong BI server.

fpmsvc_config.xml file is found in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\configuration on the server where IBM Cognos TM1 Application Server (TM1WEB) is installed.

You must only point to the BI Content Manager as <dispatcher uri=.

When setting up TM1 10.2.2 with Cognos BI 10.2.1 security you need to have this files updated;

TM1 server C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\configuration\ fpmsvc_config.xml

TM1 server C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\configuration\ pmpsvc_config.xml

Cognos BI Gateway server C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\ planning.html

Cognos BI Gateway server C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\ pmhub.html

Cognos BI Gateway server C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\tm1\web tm1web.html

Cognos BI report server C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\templates\ps\portal variables_TM1.xml

Cognos BI report server C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\templates\ps\portal variables_plan.xml

On Cognos BI report server open tm1_contribution.atom file in notepad from folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\configuration\icd\contributions\contrib\ tm1_contribution.atom to add the TM1 application.

On Cognos BI report server open tm1_en.properties file in notepad from folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\configuration\icd\contributions\contrib\ tm1_en.properties to add the Title of TM1 application to show in Cognos Workspace tool.


The files are updated with values like this;

In tm1web.html you need to add the TM1 Application Web server.

// Update the following to point to the location of the TM1Web service(s)

var tm1webServices = [“http://ServerName0015.CompanyDomainName.com:9510″];

In variables_TM1.xml you need to add the TM1 Application Web server.


<url is-regex=”true”>http://ServerName0015.CompanyDomainName.com:9510/TM1Web/TM1WebLogin.aspx</url>

<url is-regex=”true”>http://ServerName0015.CompanyDomainName.com:9510/TM1Web/TM1WebLoginHandler.aspx</url>

<url is-regex=”true”>http://ServerName0015.CompanyDomainName.com:9510/TM1Web/TM1WebMain.aspx</url>





In variables_plan.xml is not changed by you, but it is different than previous TM1 version.

In pmhub.html you need to add the TM1 Application Web server.

// Update the following to point to the location of the pmhub service(s)

var pmhubURLs = [“http://ServerName0015:9510″,”http://ServerName0015.CompanyDomainName.com:9510”];

In planning.html you need to add the TM1 Application Web server.

// Update the following to point to the location of the planning service(s)

var planningServices = [“http://ServerName0015.CompanyDomainName.com:9510”];


In fpmsvc_config.xml you normal not need to add anything as it is updated the first time you surf to http://tm1webservername:9510/pmpsvc, but it can look like this;


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?><fpm_config xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”fpmsvc_config.xsd”>


<service forceQualifiedPaths=”true”>


<businessViewpoint enabled=”false” uri=”http://ServerName0015.CompanyDomainName.com:9410/bv”/>


<scorecarding enabled=”true”/>



<provisioning allowInstalls=”false” allowUpdates=”false” uri=””/>


<resource path=””/>


<users path=””/>


<external uri=”http://ServerName0015.CompanyDomainName.com:9510″/>

<session timeout=”65″/>




<gateway uri=”http://ServerName3002.CompanyDomainName.com/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll”/>



<alternate_gateway uri=”*”/>


<dispatcher uri=”http://ServerName0014.CompanyDomainName.com:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch”/>

<admin_host name=”SERVERNAME0020.CompanyDomainName.com”>


<server name=”Tm1 application name …”/>






The Cognos Insight publish feature enforces a set of minimum system requirements that are required to perform a publish. These are requirements on the system running

the TM1 Applications service where the new TM1 servers will be created. To change these system requirement settings add the <insight_publish> element.

maximumCDDDataMB – The maximum amount of TM1 data that can be sent in a publish request

maximumTM1ServersAllowed – The maximum number of servers that can run on this machine. This is the maximum number of servers that are registered with the tm1Admin service.

minimumFreeDiskSpaceMbRequired – The amount of disk space that must be available on the drive where the Tm1 data is published.

minimumFreeDiskSpaceMbRequired – The amount of free memory that must be available on the publish server.



<insight_publish enabled=”true” maximumCDDDataMB=”100″>

<system_requirements maximumTM1ServersAllowed=”10″ minimumFreeDiskSpaceMbRequired=”5000″ minimumFreeMemoryMbRequired=”500″/>



<!– If low on disk space you can set a different drive for the published TM1 server data as an alternative to reducing minimumFreeDiskSpaceMbRequired –>


<insight_publish enabled=”true” maximumCDDDataMB=”100″>

<tm1Data path=”E:\PublishedServers”/>

<system_requirements maximumTM1ServersAllowed=”10″ minimumFreeDiskSpaceMbRequired=”5000″ minimumFreeMemoryMbRequired=”500″/>




<insight pmpsvcPingTime=”30″/>

<insight_publish enabled=”false”/>


You should only change <session timeout=”65″/> to a higher value than the timeout in Cognos BI server.