Planning Analytics TM1 Architect
Microsoft Windows 2019 server
When open a cube view in TM1 Explorer from TM1 Perspective on my laptop, and click on the dimension to get the subset editor, A beep hears but no dialog is shown. The cube view is frozzen, and only way out is to exit TM1 architect.
When moveing your laptop between desks at the office, and connect it to diffrent displays with diffrent resultions, this error will be more common.
Turn of Tm1 Architect.
Start Windows file explorer.
Go to folder C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Applix\TM1
Open file tm1p.ini in notepad
Remove the line with the text: SubsetWindowLayoutInfo
Save the file.
Start Tm1 Architect/Tm1Perspective and test again to open the subset editor.
More information:
TM1 Perspectives subset editor missing when opened on remote desktop system with multiple displays