A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time

Planning Analytics Workspace 53
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

Blank report in paw or not loading.


Error message in error.log file under pa-gateway folder

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond……. AH00898: Error reading from remote server returned by /tm1web/dwr/engine.js, referer: ….

Suggested Solution:

On your Windows 2016 server where PAW is installed.
Go to the config folder e.g. d:\ibm\paw\config and update the file paw.ps1 in notepad++

add last to file


Save the file.

Restart the Planning Analytics Workspace.

Open a Powershell window (with “Run as Administrator”) on the machine you have installed PAW
change into the installation directory of your PAW installation
move into the “scripts” folder: cd scripts
– to stop PAW execute the command: ./paw.ps1 stop
– to start PAW execute the command: ./paw.ps1 start


Some views of PAW is dependent on settings in TM1WEB, so you can also update the webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\configuration\tm1web_config.xml file to get it to work.

add values like

<add key=”WorkbookMaxCellCount” value=”500000” />

More information:




For linux https://blog.octanesolutions.com.au/session-timeout-for-tm1web-paw-and-pax