Cognos TM1 9.5.2 portlets
Cognos BI 10.1

You can not get a TM1 cube viewer to show up in your Cognos Connection Page.

Error message:
The file “portal/variables_TM1.xml” could not be opened.

The variables_tm1.xml file is installed to the Cognos Gateway folder, should be installed to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\templates\ps\portal on the Cognos BI server.

Error message:
The forward URL does not exist or it has failed validation. Ensure that a valid forward URL is specified.

The URL in the variables_tm1.xml file is wrong. Ensure it is correct, by compare it to a variables_tm1.xml file from a working Cognos BI server.

Note that you must always restart the Cognos BI service, after changes to variables_tm1.xml file for the change to take affect.

The variables_TM1.xml file should look like this; replace SRV001 with your TM1 server name.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>


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OCO Source Materials

BI and PM: tm1fragments

(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2008, 2009

The source code for this program is not published or otherwise

divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been

deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.




<url is-regex=”true”>http://srv001/TM1Web/TM1WebLogin.aspx</url>

<url is-regex=”true”>http://srv001/TM1Web/TM1WebLoginHandler.aspx</url>

<url is-regex=”true”>http://srv001/TM1Web/TM1WebMain.aspx</url>



<param name=”cam_passport”/>



Cognos TM1 contributor version 9.5.1

Can not logon and access a previous working TM1 Contributor application.
User surf to http://tm1servername:8080/pmpsvc
Is prompted with TM1 Login dialog that ask for user name and password
No matter what you enter – you get a error message.

Error message:
Could not logon to any available servers with the provided credentials.

The TM1 Contributor is tie to a TM1 Application that use CAM security.
But the TM1 application was not using CAM security when you setup TOMCAT and TM1 Contributor – you have change the TM1 application later to use CAM (Cognos 8 logon) and therefore the TM1 Contributor ask for a TM1 login- but can not find any TM1 application that supports that logon method.

Suggested Solution:
(There may be other way to solve this)

You need to setup TM1 Contributor again.
Logon to your TM1 Contributor windows server.
Stop Apache Tomcat 6 service.
Remove the values for server name and admin_host in the pmpsvc_config.xml file.
Start the Apache Tomcat 6 service again.
Surf to http://localhost:8080/pmpsvc

You will be prompted with the TM1 Contributor Configuration page again.

Enter the TM1 server name at Admin Host:
(this can be a different server than the TM1WEB – it should be the server that runs the TM1 admin service)

The TM1 Web Client URL should be:
(this should point to the server that runs the tm1web portal – often the same server as the Cognos gateway server)

In the server drop down list you should select your previous selected tm1planning server.
Now you will get two new lines to enter information (for the CAM security)

IBM Cognos 8 Gateway URI: enter here a value like this;

IBM Cognos 8 Dispatcher URI: enter here a value like this;

Click OK to save.
Now you will be prompted with the Cognos 8 logon page.
Then you are back in the TM1 Contributor page with your application.

Cognos TM1 10.1
Microsoft Windows XP

The TM1 instance does not start – even do it is set too automatic in Windows services.

Error message in windows events:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: tm1sd
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 7/27/2016
Time: 10:06:50 AM
User: N/A
The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( tm1sd ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: tm1sd error: 0, Corrupt “tm1s.log” transaction log file. Server is coming down.

In tm1server log you find:
2728 [] FATAL 2016-07-27 08:06:50.687 TM1.Transaction TM1TransactionLog::ProcessTransactionLog: Bad transaction log record, line number 1.
2728 [] FATAL 2016-07-27 08:06:50.687 TM1.Server Server terminated

In tm1s.log file there is:
“”,”20160715135733″,”CubeSerialized: }CubeProperties: by Admin”
#””,”20160715135733″,”CubeSerialized: }DimensionProperties: by Admin”

Erase the tm1s.log file and then start the service.

Product: Cognos BI 8.4.1
C8BISRVRRS_name=Cognos 8 Business Intelligence Server Application Tier


Can not add a URL in Cognos Connection to direct users to other server or website. In this case we want to add a link to a TM1 server.

The TM1 link to be used by Contributors


The TM1 classic link looks like this


Problem: you get a error message, that will be this in Swedish

IBM Cognos 8
Det har uppstått ett fel

DPR-ERR-2079 Brandväggssäkerhet – avvisning. Begärn nekades av brandväggsskyddet

CAF-avvisningsinformation är tillgängliga i loggen. Kontaka administratören.


In Cognos BI 8.4 and later if the CAF is active – you must specify all HOST and SITES you are going to access via URL in Cognos Connection.


Ensure that every possible valid combination of hostname and port which your gateway requests could come from is specified in theValid domains or hosts property on each application-tier server. Steps:

  1. Open Cognos Configuration.
  2. In the left pane, click on the Cognos Application Firewall node.
  3. Select the Valid domains or hosts property and click the edit button.
  4. Add additional webserver “hostname:port” entries as required.
  5. Repeat for every application-tier server.

In our case we must use FQDN like to access the server,

Therefore the values added in Cognos Configuration for CAF are;



And the URL entered for the link are

(The port number can be different at your site depending on how you set TM1 up)




Product: Cognos Express

When installing Cognos Express there are some things to remember when it comes to the location of the installation sofware

1.Special characters are not supported in the installation path
Certain extended characters are not supported when specifying the installation path for IBM Cognos Express and its components. Use only 7-bit ASCII characters when specifying the installation path for IBM Cognos Express as well as any of the client software applications provided with each of the IBM Cognos Express products.

2. Installation from a UNC path is not supported
You may be lucky and Congos Express will install and confiure properly. But when you try to install the Cognos Express modules, they all fail. Just uninstall Cognos Express, copy the installation software to a local disk of your server and install Cognos Express again. Now the Cognos Express modules will install properly

Product: Cognos TM1 9.x

1)  Open a DOS box / command prompt:  Start -> Run -> cmd
2)  Navigate to the TM1 bin directory using the cd command. Go to the TM1 bin directory, the default installation path is “C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\bin”.
3)  Type the following command:
tm1sd.exe -install -n”NameOfTM1Server” -z”PathtoTm1s.cfgFile”
Where the “NameOfTM1Server” (after the -n) is the name you want to give to this TM1 Server service.  If the name you are going to use contains any spaces, this value must be specified in double quotes.
Where the “PathtoTm1s.cfgFile” (after the -z) is the path to the tm1s.cfg file for this the TM1 Server you are setting up.
For example:
tm1sd.exe -install -n”TM1 Production Server” -z”C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\Custom\TM1Data\PData”

If the command is successful, it will return the following message:

TM1 Server / tm1 production server installed.

4)  You can then go into the services listing, and you will see the new TM1 Server service you setup.  Following the above example, the service would be listed as:
TM1 Server / tm1 production server
You can then configure the service to run automatically, and to run under a specific domain user.
NOTE:  If you are setting up a completely new TM1 Server for which you don’t already have a tm1s.cfg file, you can copy the tm1s.cfg from the Planning Sample TM1 Server and modify it accordingly.  At a minimum, you will need to modify the ServerName, DataBaseDirectory, and PortNumber parameter values.
If the service does not start (error message stating the service cannot be started), starting the same TM1 Logical server as a desktop application will usually provide more detailed information on the error.

Removal of the TM1 service

To remove a TM1 Server service (again, following the example above), follow steps 1 and 2, then type the following command:
tm1sd.exe -remove -n”NameOfTM1Server”

Where the “NameOfTM1Server” (after the -n) is the name of the TM1 Server service you wish to remove.
For example:
  tm1sd.exe -remove -n”TM1 Production Server”