IBM Cognos TM1 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 server
How do I start TM1TOP on the server?
There is different ways to start the TM1top application.
One is to start it direct from an CMD dialog.
Log on to TM1 server.
Right click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
Enter the following line (after you change the path to yours) and press enter
“d:\program files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\tm1top.exe” -servername “tm1planning”
Change tm1planning to the name of your tm1 application e.g. planning sample.
If you have made a TM1TOP.INI file you want to use and placed it in folder TOPTEMP you can use this command:
“d:\program files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\tm1top.exe” -i d:\toptemp\tm1top.ini
A different way to do it is to copy the TM1TOP.EXE and TM1TOP.INI files in a folder call d:\toptemp
Then you need to add path to TM1 bin folder in you path on the server.
Right click on Computer icon and select properties
Click on Advanced System Settings
Click on Environment Variables
Scroll down system variables and select PATH
Click on Edit
At the end of the variable value add;
;d:\program files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64
Click OK
Click OK
Click OK
Go to the d:\toptemp folder in windows explorer
Click on the tm1top.exe file to start tm1top application.
The TM1TOP.INI file should have this values
(Important to not have any spaces in above tm1top.ini file)
adminhost=the name of the windows server where tm1 admin service are
servername=the name of the tm1 application
logfile=the name of the logfile you want to create
logappend=True to add error messages to the file every time you start the tm1top
refresh=2 seconds between updates on the screen
Logperiod Specifies the time interval between updates being written to the log file, in seconds.
Setting this to zero disables logging.
For example, if the screen Refresh is set to 2 seconds, LogPeriod could be set to 10 seconds so that every fifth screen display will be output to decrease the amount of data written to the file.
The default value is 2 seconds.
The different commands in TM1TOP window:
N = Displays TM1 Top normal (thread status) mode.
S = Displays TM1 Top sandbox mode.
Q = Displays TM1 Top queue mode.
W = Writes the current TM1 Top information to a file.
X = Exits the TM1 Top utility.
H = Displays help text.
V = Verifies a TM1 Top administrator session.
Displays a user name and password prompt so the TM1 administrator can log into the current session of TM1 Top and enter commands to cancel processing in other threads.
C = Cancels processing in another thread.
Note: Before using the Cancel command, an administrator must first log into the current session of TM1 Top by using the V (Verify) command.
K = Cancels a sandbox submission in the job queue for a specific job ID number.
Requires administrator login with the V (Verify) command.
Up, Down arrow keys = Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll the status display if there are more lines in the status than the height of the console window.
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