Cognos Controller 10.3
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 standard server

When click start inside Batch Service tab for Cognos Controller configuration of Batch services settings. You get a error message
“Service CCRBatchService was not found on computer”

During the installation of Cognos Controller 10.3 there was a error message that something went wrong. If you look in file C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\instlog\isconfig-CNTRL-20170327_0136.log then you find this text:
Step: #12
Executing command “cmd.exe /C “”C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\bin\wct\batchsrvreg.bat” “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\CCRBatch.exe””” successstatus = 0 windowstyle = HIDDEN waitforexit = YES…
Successfully executed system command: “cmd.exe /C “”C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\bin\wct\batchsrvreg.bat” “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\CCRBatch.exe”””
Warning: Application has returned exit code 1, Expecting return code 0.

If you look in to Services under Administrative tools in control panel you see that the “IBM Cognos Controller Batch Service” is missing.

Start a CMD prompt as administrator
Enter this line:
cmd.exe /C “”C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\bin\wct\batchsrvreg.bat” “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\CCRBatch.exe

and run it. Will show text similar to this;
Installing service CCRBatchService…
Service CCRBatchService has been successfully installed.
Creating EventLog source CCRBatchService in log Application…

The Install phase completed successfully, and the Commit phase is beginning.
See the contents of the log file for the C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\serv
er\CCRBatch.exe assembly’s progress.
The file is located at .
Committing assembly ‘C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\CCRBatch.exe’.
Affected parameters are:
logtoconsole =
assemblypath = C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\CCRBatch.exe
logfile =

The Commit phase completed successfully.

The transacted install has completed.


Cognos TM1 10.2.2 Fix Pack 6

Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server


What is a recommended starting point for settings in the TM1S.CFG file?


In the TM1S.CFG file that you use for new TM1 applications instances, the settings vary with the server capacity and the need of the application. Please note that the TM1S.CFG values change with different version of TM1. You need to consult the manual for the valid values for your version of TM1. Here is a suggestion:  (do not use values you do not need).


If you have Microsoft Windows server with 8 CPU cores, and on that server, you run other TM1 instances or the TM1 Application web, you should not utilize all cores. I would recommend to start with MTQ=4 and then adjust it to MTQ=6 if the load allows it.

Query caching behavior is configured per cube via the VMM value in the }CubeProperties cube, where the VMM value defines the maximum amount of memory to be used for caching per cube. If memory permits on server a new start value could be 512 kb.

If VMM cache is set too low, even queries that were cached without MTQ use may not be cached anymore once MTQ is enabled. In such cases – to avoid unnecessary re-execution of MTQs – increase the VMM value until repeated query execution will not trigger MTQ activity anymore (indicating the cache is used).


To enable multi-threaded start-up, a configuration parameter must be added to tm1s.cfg file: MaximumCubeLoadThreads=<#ofThreads>.

IBM recommends starting with 50% of the number of available processor cores for your server and testing the trade-off of additional memory consumption and start-up time to determine the optimal setting for this configuration parameter.

When MaximumCubeLoadThreads is set to 0, cube loading and feeder processing is NOT multi-threaded. This is the default behavior when MaximumCubeLoadThreads is not explicitly set in the Tm1s.cfg file.

If your Cognos TM1 model uses conditional feeders where the condition clause contains a fed value, you should set MaximumCubeLoadThreads=0 or exclude the parameter from the Tm1s.cfg file to disable the use of multiple threads at load time.



To improve reload time of cubes with feeders, set the PersistentFeeders configuration parameter to true (T) to store the calculated feeders to a .feeders file. The feeders will be saved to a *.feeders file (per cube) when the data is saved or rules are edited. On Startup and with PersistentFeeders=T, TM1 will load feeders from the saved feeders file which reduces the time normally taken to recalculate those feeders.



the tm1s.cfg parameter ViewConsolidationOptimizationMethod defines the method used to achieve view consolidation optimization. Recommended to have it to TREE.  For example, in the uncommon circumstance when dimensions have just a few leaf elements rolling up to many consolidations, ViewConsolidationOptimizationMethod should be set to ARRAY .


Recommend to have a ClientMessagePortNumber set to ensure good performance on TM1 Architect in Citrix environments.  If you are running more than one TM1 server on a machine, each must have a unique port number noted.

ClientMessagePortNumber=<your port number>

RuleStatusIncludeConditionalCheck=F , can improve performance in TM1 10.2.2

LockPagesInMemory= F (False to allow windows to handled memory)

In rare circumstances, should this be set to T. Recommendation is to set it at F.

If a Cognos TM1 server running on a Windows 64-bit operating system is idle for a long period of time, physical memory taken up by the Cognos TM1 server will page out to disk. This is a function of the Windows 64-bit operating system and not Cognos TM1 . This can cause performance degradation in large Cognos TM1 databases when trying to access data after an idle period.

To maximize performance when running a large Cognos TM1 database on 64-bit Windows, set LockPagesInMemory=T in the Tm1s.cfg file.

When this parameter is enabled, Windows still trims pages from the Cognos TM1 process space, but does not page them to disk. This benefits Cognos TM1 server performance because objects are no longer placed in virtual memory, but instead remain in physical RAM.


For Performance Modeler to work you need:

AllowSeparateNandCRules = T




For SSO with CAM you need:




Indicates the interval, in seconds, that a client should ping the CAM server to keep their passport alive. If an error occurs or the passport expires the user will be disconnected from the Cognos® TM1® server.



CAMPortalVariableFile parameter needed only when variables_tm1.xml file name changes.


How to setup Cognos Access Manager authentication


Other information:

The IBM® Cognos® TM1® server may crash when Parallel Interaction is turned on and Bulk Load mode is used. In version 10.2.0 of Cognos TM1, Parallel Interaction is turned on by default.

Text is copied from different guidelines by IBM


Cognos Controller 10.3

Oracle 12c database server

Virtual Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server


How install Cognos Controller 10.3?


Check that the Controller users have only this excel versions installed;

MS Excel 2010 (32-bit), 2013 (32 or 64-bit) or 2016 (32 or 64-bit)


Ensure that the user doing the installation is local administrator on the Windows server and have access to the c drive.


Create a DNS alias to the server, so it is easy for the user to later access the Webserver.


In case of ORACLE you need to create two instance for Cognos Controller, one for the Content store database that need a different collation setting than the Cognos Controller database.

This Cognos Controller database must be NON-Unicode

The supported Oracle character set is:

‘Database character set’ is ‘WE8MSWIN1252’

‘National Character Set’ is ‘AL16UTF16’


Increase the Oracle server’s ‘OPEN_CURSORS’ parameter.


Increase the maximum number of possible processes by increasing the value for PROCESSES on the Oracle database server to a sensibly larger value.


Ask the Oracle DBA to create a schema for Content Store and for Controller data.

Ensure that the schema have the correct rights, you may need to run SQL command in oracle like;

grant execute on dbms_lob to FRANGO


Ensure that Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 is installed on the Windows Controller server.

You need to have both 64 and 32 bit versions installed.

They are used by both Cognos Controller and the Oracle driver program.


Ensure that Microsoft NET framework 461 is installed on the Windows server from “program and features” in the control panel.


Ensure that Power Options in control panel are set to HIGH PERFORMANCE.


Set the “Data Execution Prevention” (DEP) to be “Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only”, from inside Performance Options in System Properties.


From Control panel inside Internet Options set “Disable Internet Explorer’s publisher certificate revocation checking”.

Add the Cognos Controller servers to Trusted Sites in Internet Options.


Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration from inside Server manager – local server. Click on Configure IE ESC at the right side of Server Manager to get there.


From the start menu – enter GPEDIT.MSC to start the windows policy program.

Go to “Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System-> UserProfiles”.

Double-click on “Do not forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff”.

Change the setting from “Not Configured” to “Enabled”.


Ensure that UAC is turned off during installation of Cognos Controller.

Start – Settings – Control Panel

Click “User Accounts- User Accounts”

Click “Change User Account Control settings”

Change slider setting to “Never notify”

Click OK


Recommended that any Anti-virus software on server is turned off during installation.


Oracle Database Client ( for Microsoft Windows (x64) (64-bit) (925,039,944 bytes)

Oracle Database Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (32-bit) (902,922,170 bytes)


Install the Oracle 12c 64 bit full client to the Microsoft Windows server.

You need to select Installation Type to be Administrator (1.5 Gb).

Before continuing, due to a bug in Oracle ( you will probably need to rename the registry key “HKLM\Software\Oracle” to “HKLM\Software\Oracle.OLD”.

Install the Oracle 12c 32 bit full client to the Microsoft Windows server.

Rename the registry key “HKLM\Software\Oracle.OLD” to “HKLM\Software\Oracle”.


Update the TNSNAMES.ORA file to have this format:







Download and unzip the Cognos Controller 10.3 media (cntrl_10.3_win_ml.tar.gz.tar) to the server. Download the latest fix pack from here


Run setup of Cognos Controller and select all options, even if you do not need them. Check that the needed IBM Cognos Controller services are created in the Windows server, if they are not, uninstall Controller and run the installation again.


Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager program from Administrative Tools.

Click on ISAPI and CGI restrictions icon.

At the right side click on “Edit Feature Settings”.

Mark “Allow unspecified CGI modules” and Mark “Allow unspecified ISAPI modules”

Click OK


Mark Applications Pools, and right click and select “add application pool”

Name it to IBMCOGNOS.

Open Advance Settings for application pool IBMCOGNOS.

Set Enable 32-Bit applications to FALSE

Set Identity to LocalSystem

Set Idle time-out (minutes) to 600.

Open Basic Settings for application pool IBMCOGNOS.

Set NET Framework version to .NET Framework v4.0.30319.


If there does not exist a “Default web site”, create one by right click and select “add Web site”.

Name it Default Web Site and set the physical path to D:\Data\inetpub\wwwroot (you need adjust the path to your environment).


Right click on Default Web Site and select Add Virtual Directory.

Create this alias that use this paths, there ccr_location is C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\

Alias Location
ibmcognos ccr_location/webcontent
ibmcognos/cgi-bin ccr_location/cgi-bin
ibmcognos/controller ccr_location/ccrvdir
ibmcognos/controllerbin ccr_location/webcontent/ccr
ibmcognos/controllerhelp ccr_location/webcontent


Select the cgi-bin virtual directory you created.

Double-click Handler Mappings.

Under Actions, click Add Module Mapping.


In Request Path, type *.cgi.

In Module, type CgiModule.

Leave Executable (optional) blank.

In Name, enter a name for the entry, such as IBMCognosCGI.

Click OK.


Also, add support for ISAPI, click Add Module Mapping.


In Request Path, type cognosisapi.dll.

In Module, type IsapiModule.

Point Executable to the path C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\cgi-bin\cognosisapi.dll.

In Name, enter a name for the entry, such as IBMCognosISAPI.

Click OK.


Right-click the ibmcognos virtual directory, and click Add Application.


In the Alias box, type controllerserver.

In the Physical path box, enter ccr_location/ControllerProxyServer

Change application pool to be IBMCOGNOS.


Select the controller virtual directory.


Double-click HTTP Redirect.

Select Redirect requests to this destination, and enter the following path:



Click Apply and click OK.


Add the text allowPathInfo=”true” after the entry: resourceType=”xxxxx” in file C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\cgi-bin\web.config. The file should look like this;


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>




<add name=”IBMCOGNOSISAPI” path=”cognosisapi.dll” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule” scriptProcessor=”C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\cgi-bin\cognosisapi.dll” resourceType=”Unspecified” preCondition=”bitness64″ allowPathInfo=”true” />

<add name=”IBMCOGNOSCGI” path=”*.cgi” verb=”*” modules=”CgiModule” resourceType=”Unspecified” allowPathInfo=”true” />





Ensure that the ¨ is of the right format.

Save the web.config file.


Open the folder C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config

  • Launch Notepad.exe and edit the file applicationHost.config
  • Search for ‘requestFiltering’ section
  • Modify the value for ‘.config’ to ‘true’.


Copy the ojdbc5.jar file to these folders

C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\Integration

C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\FAP\lib

C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64

Copy the ojdbc7.jar file to these folders

C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib


There are several different possible file names/versions (for example ojdbc5.jar). For full

details, see:


Update the file ‘’ in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\integration to point to the TNSNAMES.ORA files folder.



# =====================================================================

# OCO Source Materials


# BI and PM: ccr


# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2009. All Rights Reserved


# The source code for this program is not published or

# otherwise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of

# what has been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.

# =====================================================================


# User defined System properties


# Oracle Network admin directory path, the location of the TNSNAMES.ORA file



Add the last line to the file with your path to the TNSNAMES.ORA file and save it.


Set a system variable in Windows that is TNS_ADMIN that also point to the folder where you have your TNSNAMES.ORA file.  This is done from the control panel – system.


Create the file CCRProxy.options and place it in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server

It should contain this values on a 16 Gb ram Windows server



You get the file from here


Start Cognos Configuration as “run as administrator”

At environment tab change the localhost value to server name value, so for example should

Gateway uri be


Dispatcher uri for gateway be


Controller uri for gateway would be in a proxy setup


External dispatcher uri be


Content manager uris



Change Environment – Logging – file, Maximum number of full log file to 3.

Change Environment – IBM Cognos Service – IBM Cognos, Maximum memory for Websphere Liberty Profile in MB to 2048.

Change Security – Authentication, Inactivity timeout in seconds to 9600.


At Security – Authentication, add a New Resource – namespace, select what you need.

In our example, we use LDAP – General default values.

Set the namespace and resource name to the same word.

This is unique to every customer, you need to specify the values for

Host and port.

Base Distinguished Name.

User Lookup.

Use external identity.

External identity mapping.

Please look in your other documentation on what this values should be.


Under IBM Cognos Application Firewall, set “Enable CAF validation” to False.


Delete the DB2 content store, and create a new Content Store under “data access – content manager – content store” for Oracle Database (advance).

Set user id to schema name and password to the schema password.

Set database specifier to a line of the TNSNAMES.ORA value like this;




In data access – notification set the SMTP mail server to value you got from the IT department. Should be similar to SMTP-GW.COMPANY.COM:25

Enter a default sender that people do not reply back to.


Save and start the Cognos service.


Surf to Cognos Connection

And add the standard reports.

Click Administer IBM Cognos content

Click the Configuration tab

Click Content Administration

Click New Import button

Select the “Controller” entry, then click Next then Next

Tick the box next to the Controller entry, and click Next

Click Next, then Next then Finish

Click Run, then OK


In Cognos Connection go to “administer IBM Cognos Content”

Click on Security

Click on Cognos

Click on MORE for Controller Administrators group

Click on Set members

Click on add

Click on the company namespace

Click Search in the right top corner

Enter the name of the Cognos controller user group from your LDAP/AD system

Change Find text in to “Name or description field”

Click on Search button.

Select your “controller users group” from the list and click the Arrow button to copy it over to the selected entries list.

Click OK.


Repeat the steps above for the Controller Users group, or add the Controller Administrators group into the Controller Users group.


To make Cognos Controller standard reports (BI reports) work, you must add the Controller Administrators and Controller Users group to the Cognos System Administrators group.

There should not be a license penalty for this in a Cognos Controller environment where only the limited Cognos BI, that is included in the Controller media, is used.


Update the index.html and default.htm files in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\webcontent

To use cognosisapi.dll instead of Cognos.cgi.

Open the file in notepad and do a search and replace from Cognos.cgi to cognosisapi.dll.

Save the file in same folder.

Restart the IIS server with the command iisreset.


Start Cognos Controller Configuration as “run as administrator”

Under COM+ server ensure “Local System Account” is set for Identity Account.

(this need to be changed if the Cognos windows service run under a service account)

Click on save button.


Select Database connection in Cognos Controller Configuration and click NEW button.

Enter the values for the controller database:


DataBaseType: Oracle

Name: default

Provider: OraOLEDB.Oracle.1

User ID: The user ID e.g the oracle schema

Password: The Password used for the schema

Data source: The name of the database server, without periods. This is the alias in TNSNAMES.ORA file.

Click the save button.


Go to the Report server tab and replace localhost with the server name for Report server and Dispatcher URI.

Report server should then have a value similar to this:

Dispatcher should have a value similar to this:

Click on the save button.

This take some time, now it connects to Cognos connection and check that the controller database exists as data sources inside Cognos connection. If they do not, you will see a Repair button.

Press the repair button to create the controller data sources in Cognos connection.

The user running Controller Configuration must be system administrator in Cognos BI for this to work.


On client distribution Server configuration, fill in the values to what you need.

SelectDb is often true.

Language is often English.


WSSURL is often

for a proxy controller setup (where you have a separate gateway server)

HELPURL should be left at default value

InstallExcelLink is often False.

Click on Save.


Go to Batch Service in “IBM Cognos Controller Configuration” and click on Start.

Most company should have max number of concurrent batch jobs to 1, but some large company’s should try the value 2. This mean they can run two consolidations at the same time.

Click on save.


On the Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server go to the windows services under administration tools, and check that you have this services registered.

IBM Cognos (the Cognos BI service, can be on a separate server)

IBM Cognos Controller Batch Service (CCRBatchService)

IBM Cognos Controller Consolidation

IBM Cognos Controller Java Proxy

IBM Cognos Controller User Manager (frLicServer)


You need to change them to all be set to “automatic” startup type, to make the program work in a proxy configuration where there is a separate gateway server in use.

IBM Cognos FAP Service should be set to disable on the Cognos Controller server, and installed on the TM1 server if this functions is used.  Check other documentation on how to setup FAP.


Datamart setup, if used, is that in Cognos controller configuration go to “database connections for publish to datamart”, select the source controller database in the dropdown list.

Enter provider to be: OraOLEDB.Oracle.1

Enter User ID to be the schema name of the datamart database in oracle.

Enter Password to be the schema password for the datamart.

Enter the data source to be the alias in TNSNAMES.ORA.

Click on the Save button and exit the Cognos Controller configuration.


Then you may need with SQL Developer update the connection string in the controller database to make it work for a “export to DataMart”, e.g. publish called.

Do this commands (you need to edit the connection for your environment) from SQL developer.




CONNECT TO schemaname









) ‘ ;


Then reboot the server and you should have a Cognos Controller 10.3 system.


There can be mistakes in these instructions, you should follow this as a primary guide.


Install the new Cognos Controller client with a bat file on a Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Citrix server. The bat file can look something like this:


msiexec /qb /i CCRLocalClient64.Msi IBM_COGNOS_CONTROLLER=”C:\Program Files\IBM\IBM Cognos Controller Local Client” WSSURL=  HELPURL=


Setup of Cognos Controller new web client is described here:


Create Single Sign On (SSO) by these steps;


On the IIS manager go to the cgi-bin folder and click on Authentication.

Set Enable on Windows Authentication.

Set Disable on Anonymous Authentication.

Close the dialog and restart the IIS with the dos command IISRESET.


If the authentication source is Active Directory and not LDAP, then you need to go into Cognos Configuration and make some more changes.

In the Explorer window, under Security, Authentication, click the Active Directory namespace.

Click in the Value column for advanced properties and then click the edit button

In the Value – Advanced properties window, click Add.

In the Name column, type singleSignonOption (Case sensitive)

In the Value column, type IdentityMapping (Case sensitive)

Click OK.

Save configuration and restart Service for the setting to take effect


Go into Cognos Configuration and at Security – Authentication – Cognos set Allow anonymous access to False.  Click on save. You must restart the Cognos BI service to make the change take effect.


In Controller Configuration, you need to change from Native security to CAM by this change;

Go to Server Authentication, change select authentication method to CAM Authentication.

Click on save button.

Restart the Microsoft Windows server to ensure the change take effect.


To revert back to native login in Cognos Controller you only need to change;

Controller configuration Server authentication to use Native selection instead and

In Cognos Configuration set Allow anonymous access to True.

And restart the services.


Cognos Controller 10.3

Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server

Oracle 12c database drivers install issue


Cognos Controller demands that you install both 64 and 32 bit oracle client on the controller application server. When you install the Oracle 32 bit client you get an error.

Error message:

[INS-20802] Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed.


The full 32-bit oracle client installation needs to have Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 32 bit installed.


Oracle client is downloaded from here:

Oracle Database Client ( for Microsoft Windows (x64) (64-bit) (925,039,944 bytes)

Oracle Database Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (32-bit) (902,922,170 bytes)



Download and install MVCPP 2010 from Microsoft

Reinstall the Oracle drivers.


IBM Cognos Controller 10.3

Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server

Oracle 12c database



When click on connect inside DBCONV program to upgrade a database you get an error.

On the windows server, you have installed both 64 bit and 32 bit oracle 12c admin clients.


You get same error if you start DBCONV.EXE direct from here C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\ and try to connect to a database.


Error message:

** ERROR: java.sql.SQLException: IO Error: Invalid connection string format, a valid format is: “host:port:sid”


Possible Cause:

The jar file in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64 is wrong.

You may be using a ojdbc5.jar file.

or change to use only SID name as data source.


Copy the ojdbc6.jar file to get it to work.

Then you will get this error;

** ERROR: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: could not resolve the connect identifier  “”


That is because your TNSNAME.ORA file is in wrong format.


Maybe like this, that does not work with DBCONV.EXE =



Below format is the valid one to use for Cognos Controller. =






But if you change Cognos Controller to call the database with name only and not FQDN it will work fine with the OJDBC5.JAR file.

In Cognos Controller configuration for the database connection go to the last line for Data Source and change from to pp1140 only and click save.

Then the DBCONV will also work with the ojdbc5.jar file (that is 2043 Kb in size).

You need to update the TNSNAMES.ORA to contain


PP1140 =






The JAVA menus in Cognos Controller 10.3 can only handle data source of a name, no periods are allowed in the connection string to the oracle database.


Cognos Controller 10.3

Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server

Oracle database 12c



Error when starting the new java menus in a new installation.


User clicks one of the following JAVA-based menu items:

* Company – Command Center

* Group – Command Center

* Maintain-System Audit Log – Overview and data

* Maintain – Configuration – Automatic Journals – Control Tables – Allocations.

* Maintain – Jobs – Define…


You need to test all five – they may call the oracle database different.

The problem does not occur in all environments. In other words, keeping the default (unmodified) file “” will work in most environments.

  • By enabling the path in this file, then Controller’s Java-based functionality will try to connect using the ‘thin‘ protocol for oracle.
  • If the file/path is unmodified (the default settings), then those components will try to use the ‘OCI’ oracle client. This mean the full oracle client must be installed.

Error message:

Below from Cognos Controller client error dialog org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter failed!



Caused by: Failed to launch!

at Source)


at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(

at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(



… 1 more

Caused by: Unable to find instance of model of type: configproperty[ConfigPropertyModel]

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

… 7 more

Caused by: exceptionId=ERR.ANY.WEBSERVICECONNECTIONEXCEPTION.SERVICE_FAILED, argument(s)=[url=, passport=MTsxMTA6MzlkZDS05ODc0LTMwYTMjAxOTU1OjM3NDk3OTY4NzM7MDszOzE7, request=executeTask( beanID=inConfigpropertyModelDAO, methodName=load, args.length=1, args=[$InstanceData@123a963])]

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

… 10 more

Caused by: Failed to rollback transaction

at<init>(Unknown Source)

… 19 more org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter failed!



Caused by: Failed to launch!

at Source)


at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(

at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(



… 1 more

Caused by: Unable to find instance of model of type: configproperty[ConfigPropertyModel]

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

… 7 more

Caused by: exceptionId=ERR.ANY.WEBSERVICECONNECTIONEXCEPTION.SERVICE_FAILED, argument(s)=[url=, passport=MTsxMDE6ZGIwYTFiN2UtNTZY3ODEtYmEyNGJhYOjAwNzE5ODMyNDI7MDszOzA7, request=executeTask( beanID=inConfigpropertyModelDAO, methodName=load, args.length=1, args=[$InstanceData@880de732])]

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

… 10 more

Caused by: FAIL:Failed to load mapping in {0} for entity type {2} (connection details: {1}),,%2=EntityType=configproperty,%3={SELECT id. code. entityTypeName FROM XMAPPING WHERE entityTypeName = ‘com.cognos.ccr.models.configproperty.ConfigProperty’}

at<init>(Unknown Source)

… 19 more org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter failed!



Caused by: Failed to launch!

at Source)


at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(

at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(



… 1 more

Caused by: Unable to find instance of model of type: configproperty[ConfigPropertyModel]

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

… 7 more

Caused by: exceptionId=ERR.ANY.WEBSERVICECONNECTIONEXCEPTION.SERVICE_FAILED, argument(s)=[url=, passport=MTsxMDE6N2MyNTdkYzctNjc4Yy1kZWNlMWJmN2Y5OjE4MTMzU1NDU7MDszOzA7, request=executeTask( beanID=inConfigpropertyModelDAO, methodName=load, args.length=1, args=[$InstanceData@9d8fd360])]

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

at Source)

… 10 more

Caused by: FAIL:org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘hidProvider’ defined in class path resource [com/ibm/cognos/ccr/common/bto-db-dao-config.xml]: Error setting property values; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.PropertyBatchUpdateException; nested PropertyAccessExceptions (1) are:

PropertyAccessException 1: org.springframework.beans.MethodInvocationException: Property ‘mappingDao’ threw exception; nested exception is Could not load the Entity in the MappingImportDAO

at<init>(Unknown Source)

… 19 more


Below from the CCR.LOG file

17:00:22,547 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Executing inConfigpropertyModelDAO.load…

17:00:26,587 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Model context setup for user ROOST5: 4 040 ms

17:00:26,587 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Prepared context with shared models: 0 ms

17:00:26,993 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Operation execution time: 406 ms

17:00:26,993 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Finished inConfigpropertyModelDAO.load (16 212 bytes): 4 446 ms, memory usage [kb]: max=524 288 | total=10 560 | free=3 034 | total free=516 762

17:00:29,926 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Executing inJobModelDAO.getLatestSequenceNumber…

17:00:29,926 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Model context setup for user ROOST5: 0 ms

17:00:29,926 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Prepared context with shared models: 0 ms

17:00:29,941 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Operation execution time: 15 ms

17:00:29,941 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Finished inJobModelDAO.getLatestSequenceNumber (108 bytes): 15 ms, memory usage [kb]: max=524 288 | total=10 560 | free=3 644 | total free=517 372

17:00:30,300 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Executing inAccountModelDAO.getLatestSequenceNumber…

17:00:30,300 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Model context setup for user ROOST5: 0 ms

17:00:30,300 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Prepared context with shared models: 0 ms

17:00:30,316 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Operation execution time: 16 ms

17:00:30,316 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Finished inAccountModelDAO.getLatestSequenceNumber (108 bytes): 16 ms, memory usage [kb]: max=524 288 | total=10 560 | free=3 226 | total free=516 954

17:00:30,394 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Executing inAccountModelDAO.load…

17:00:30,394 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Model context setup for user ROOST5: 0 ms

17:00:30,394 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Prepared context with shared models: 0 ms

17:00:30,955 ERROR [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Failed when invoking operation: beanID=inAccountModelDAO, methodName=load, args.length=1, args=[$InstanceData@aefe9f8e] Failed to rollback transaction















at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(







Caused by:

java.sql.SQLException: Could not commit with auto-commit set on

at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.commit(

at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.commit(

at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingConnection.commit(

at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.commit(


… 23 more

17:00:30,987 INFO  [cognos.ccr.integration.ServerIntegrationFacade] Finished inAccountModelDAO.load (83 bytes): 593 ms, memory usage [kb]: max=524 288 | total=15 424 | free=5 253 | total free=514 117








Select the cause by row and search the google internet to find a solution from IBM support;

“Caused by: FAIL:org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘hidProvider’ defined in class path resource”



First things to check:

Check that oracle client is working by enter TNSPING FRANGO.DOMAIN.COM in a Command prompt to see that you have access to the database for Cognos Controller.

Replace FRANGO.DOMAIN.COM with database value in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.

Check that file C:\orarun\tnsadmin\sqlnet.ora contain TNSNAMES first like this


Check TNSNAMES.ORA that the file is not too big, try with only 2 entries in the file.

In add/remove program ensure that the oracle driver installed for both 64 and 32-bit version.

Check the C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\integration\ file that it points to the folder where TNSNAMES.ORA is.

Check windows system variable TNS_NAMES point to the folder where TNSNAMES.ORA is.

This can be done by write SET in a CMD prompt.

Ensure that the correct OJDBC5.JAR file is in these folders;

C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\integration

C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\FAP\lib

C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64

Ensure the ORACLE drivers bin folder is first in the system variable PATH.

Any change requires a reboot of the Windows server before you test again in Cognos Controller.


For the Cognos BI 10.2.2 part you may want to check this;

Copy the appropriate file from the Oracle_installation directory of the database to be used for the connection to the c10_location\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib directory.

If your version of IBM Cognos BI uses Java™ version 1.5, copy the ojdbc5.jar file.

If your version of IBM Cognos BI uses Java version 1.6, copy the ojdbc6.jar file.

If your version of IBM Cognos BI uses Java version 1.7, copy the ojdbc7.jar file.

The path tells you what version you use C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\bin64\jre\7.0\bin.

Stop and restart the IBM Cognos service.


How create log files:

Stop the Cognos Controller services on the Windows server.

Rename the file C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\log\ccr.log

Start the Cognos Controller services.

Run the test to open a dialog again.

Copy the new ccr.log file to your Cognos support request.

JAVA errors are written to the ccr.log file, but many other errors are written to the windows event log.



Ensure that you refer to the Oracle data source in Cognos Controller configuration with name only.  SID name (like: it1051) , and not add to the line.


You need to ensure that the TNSNAMES.ORA have this setting and format:

it1051 =






Download the Oracle odbc6.jar drivers from here


Download the full Oracle client from here  see far below on site the download links for the client only;


Oracle Database Client ( for Microsoft Windows (x64) (64-bit) (925,039,944 bytes)

Oracle Database Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (32-bit) (902,922,170 bytes)


Follow the installation instructions from IBM here


More Information:


Cognos Controller 8

The form layout can not be saved unless a selection is made for which file format to use for the form.

When using Excel 2007, first time the user wants to save a new or updated form layout in Controller a pop up is displayed to select a ‘File format of report’. This selection will determine in which format the Controller form layout is saved.

As designed.

Select one of the formats available (depending on which Excel version the Controller users will be running):
.xls – Compatible with Excel 2003.
.xlsx – Excel 2007 format, not compatible with Excel 2003 or earlier.


Cognos Controller 8

System.NullreferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. At cognos.controller.appcontext.initConfig()

This error occurs when Cognos Controller is executed from Cognos Connection or when the URL http://servername/cognos8/controllerbin/ccr.exe is executed

.NET component is not correctly registered in IIS

Register .NET in IIS
1. Open a DOS box.
2. Browse to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 directory
3. Type aspnet_regiis.exe /i

Cognos Controller 8

When opening controller after migration of the controller databases from SQL2000 to SQL2005 the following error occurs after providing login credentials;

“—Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation”

In the event log of the controller application server the following entry can be found.

The VB Application identified by the event source logged this Application FrMiscST: Thread ID: 6108 ,Logged: Error occured at 9/14/2009 6:15:11 AM in FrMiscST, Error No=-2147217900, Source=Server Sub:Db_PushStruc(..) , Description=Cannot resolve the collation conflict between “Latin1_General_CI_AS” and “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS” in the equal to operation., HelpFile= HelpContext=0

The collation settings of the new server is different than the original one. For controller all the collation settings of the temp db and controller databases must be the same collation.

Create new SQL2005 instance or perform a complete new SQL2005 server installation with the correct collation. In this case “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS”

User launches Cognos Controller. User notices that the quick-link/shortcut icon to launch Excel is grayed out, and they cannot use it to launch Microsoft Excel.

User(s) belong to a security group which has the selection “Reports – Controller Link” configured. But its “Access Rights” are set to “Not Available”

1. Click “Maintain – Rights – Security Groups”
2. Select the tab ‘Menus’
3. In the ‘Code’ section, select the group which the user(s) belong to
4. Locate the entry for ‘Reports – Controller Link’
5. Change the setting ‘Access Rights’ from ‘Not Available’ to ‘Normal’.