Planning Analytics 2.0.5 TM1
Microsoft Windows 2016 terminal server
TM1 package connector version 10.2.6100.8-0

Inside TM1 architect you get a error when you run a TI process that uses the Package connector. Error happens when you start to import data to TM1 with the process.

Error Message:
Error: MetaData procedure line (0): CCognosPackage::BuildDataSource Exception: (TR3117) Unable to retrieve security objects. Please verify credentials.
– CCL-BIT-0005 A socket reported a communication error.
– CAM_Connect=0xffffffff -2113929065CAM-CRP-0321 The GSKit function ‘gsk_environment_init’ failed with the error code ‘9’

Ensure that on the Planning Analytics server, where the TM1 applications are, that you have the GSK*.dll files that come with the TM1 package connector version. If they have been replace to solve other issues, you need to copy them back.

A clean new install of TM1 Package Connector on the PA 2.0.5 server can also help.

More information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.5 TM1 Perspective version
Microsoft Windows 2016 terminal server
TM1 package connector version 10.2.6100.8-0

When you start TM1 Perspective you get a error, if TM1 Package Connector is installed on the same computer. If you remove TM1 Package connector – then TM1 perspective works fine.

Error message:
Microsoft Excel
Missing Library c:\program files\ibm\cognos\tm1_perspective\bin\gsk8ssl.dll
C:\program files\ibm\cognos\tm1_perspective\bin\gsk8km.dll

Suggested solution:
After install of TM1 Perspective, copy the gsk8*.dll files from the c:\program files\ibm\cognos\tm1_perspective\bin folder to the package connector folder c:\program files(x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\bin folder. Overwrite the existing files.

Test to start TM1 perspective again.

If you use a older TM1 Package Connector version, then above error is also gone.

Planning Analytics 2.0.5
Planning Analytics for Office
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When you connect to PAW server from PAX inside Excel you get a error.

Error message:
System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server —> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at Cognos.Office.Reporting.Common.ImageBalloon.ShowAnimation()

Possible solution:
That a proxy server is setup inside IE – Internet options that is preventing the communication to happen.

Go to Control panel on your laptop
Click on Internet Options
Click Connections tab
Click LAN settings button
Unmark Proxy server
Click OK and test again.

More information:

Setup of SSL at TM1WEB

Planning Analytics 2.0.5
Cognos Analytics 11.0.12
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When starting Excel and selecting Planning Analytics for Excel (TM1) you get a error after the login dialog.

Error message:
Cognos.Office.Tm1.Connections.Tm1WebException: The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable. —> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Connections.Tm1Request.GetResponse()
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Connections.Tm1Connection.HandleWebException(Tm1WebException x, Uri path)
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Connections.Tm1Connection.GetResponse(Tm1Request request)
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Connections.Tm1Connection.SendRequest(Tm1Request webRequest, AcceptReturnEnum returns)
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Connections.Tm1Connection.SendRequest(String method, String path, String postData, AcceptReturnEnum returns, Int32 timeout)
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Connections.Tm1Connection.Get(String path, AcceptReturnEnum file, Int32 timeout)
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Rest.Tm1RestCapabilities..ctor(Tm1Connection connection, String server, Int32 timeout)
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Rest.Tm1RestConnection.RefreshCapabilities(String server, String path)
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Rest.Tm1RestServer.UpdateCapabilities(String serverName)
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Rest.Tm1RestDataSource.UpdateCapabilities(String serverName)
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Tm1DataSource.On_LogOn(String server)
at Cognos.Office.Tm1.Tm1DataSource.Logon(LogonType logonType, DataSourcePropertiesCollection properties)
at Cognos.Office.Framework.Communications.DataSourceManager.LogOn(String dsType, String connectionString, String serverName, IDataSource& source)

Check the values in PAW Admintool, special for the TM1 Application Server gateway URI. If that is wrong, like use HTTP instead of HTTPS when you have switch TM1WEB to use SSL, you will get above error inside PAX. To surf to PAW will still work fine.

When a user start Excel and PAX, the first connection is to the PAW server.
Then the PAW server will check the TM1S.CFG for value ClientCAMURI=
this URL will be used by PAX to log you in. After you login, the PMHUB.HTML file need to list the URL to PAW to allow you to get back.
You need to check the pmhub.html file in folder c:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent and c:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\bi.
Open it in notepad++ and check that the PAW servers name or DNS alias at var pmhubURLs = [“” , “https://centospaw.lab.local”];
When you are back at PAW server in the communication route – pax will use the PAW ADMINTOOLS value in TM1 Application Server gateway URI before it show you are connected. If that value does not point to the CA11 server you get above error.

PAX is not using the PAW ADMINTOOLS value for IBM Cognos BI Gateway URI, instead you have the value  export TM1LoginServerURL=”https://tm1serverhost:12345″ in the paw.env file. The TM1 application that use the HTTPPortNumber = 12345, that value in its tm1s.cfg file is used.

If the value in PMHUB.HTML is wrong you get a error like “Cannot redirect back to planning analytics because the host URL (http://centospaw.lab.local) has not been whitelisted.”

Do not enter the port number for paw server in the PMHUB.HTML file.

Cognos Analytics 11.0.12 Framework Manager
Microsoft Windows 2012 server

When connecting to the Cognos Gateway from Framework Manager, you get an error after login.

Error message:
Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on this page
Line: 43
Char: 3
Error: ‘requirejs’ is undefined
Code: 0
URL: https// close.xts
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?

Possible solution:
If SSO is enabled, and the client computer is in a different domain than the server computer, you can get similar errors. Turn off SSO on the IIS server and try again.

If SSO was enabled while running the script tool to setup IIS for CA11, you can disabled it again in IIS Manager. During the execution of the tool, SSO is configured. To disabled it, perform the following:
1. Open IIS Manager.
2. Expand the web site and alias that was created.
3. Single click on the bi folder.
4. Click on URL Rewrite.
5. Find SSO Login. Single click on it and on the right hand action pane, click on disabled Rule.
6. Find Legacy SSO. Single click on it and on the right hand action pane, click on disabled Rule.

Can also be that you have enter the wrong URI for the gateway inside Cognos Configuration for Framework Manager.
Update Gateway URI to be
Save and try again.

More information:

Cognos Analytics 10.0.12 Framework Manager
Microsoft Windows 2012 server

Error when importing certificate file to cognos keystore with IKEYMAN.EXE.

You have setup SSL to the IIS server for the Cognos gateway. To be able to connect with client tools you import certs to cognos keystore.

Go to folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\model\jre\bin
Click on IKEYMAN.EXE to start the program
Open the certificate store file from folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\model\configuration\certs
Enter the password
Click Import to import your certificate file

Error message:
An IO exception has occurred
DER input, integer tag error

The format of the certificate is wrong, please try a pfx file instead.

Error message:
An IO exception has occurred
invalid keystore format

Wrong format selected when you open the file, please try PKSC12 instead.

More information:

Cognos Controller 10.3.1
CONTRL_name=IBM Cognos Controller
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server
Microsoft SQL 2012 database server

How setup a dedicated server that will only run the schedules consolidation jobs?

Suggested solution:
Install complete CA11 (Cognos Bi) on the main server, and get it working.
Install complete Cognos Controller 10.3.1 on the main server and get it working.
Instructions on how

On the secondary server, that should only do controller schedule jobs.
Install the prerequisite components like IIS and SQL drivers.
Download SQLNCLI from here

Install main Cognos Controller 10.3.1 on this secondary server.
Copy the SQL driver sqljdbc42.jar file to folder c:\program files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64.
Configure Controller Configuration to have one database connection to your main controller database. This will create the DATA folder.
Copy the UDL files from the main controller server to the consolidation server in folder c:\program files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\data.
Configure Controller Configuration to COM+ server setup, as of documentation.
Start the Batch Service in Controller Configuration.
Enter the url to the first server, as Report Server values;
Report server:
Dispatcher URI:

Check that all the Cognos Controller services are installed.
Set IBM Cognos FAP Service and IBM Cognos Controller User Manager to Disabled.


Disable the IBM Cognos Controller Batch Service on the main controller server.
Check that IBM Cognos Controller Consolidation in Component Services is running when you do a scheduled consolidation.

If you do not have “IBM Cognos Controller User Manager” running on the same server where you have “IBM Cognos Controller Batch Service running”, then you can not schedule optimization of the Controller database – only schedule consolidation jobs.

Load balance as describe below, is not used in above setup;

IBM Cognos Controller Web is manually installed in above picture, on this consolidation server.

Cognos Enterprise Planning 10.2.1 PLANSVR=10.2.1000.1-0
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

How move analyst folders from PROD to DEV server?

Locate where the files are on the server, normally in the same file share as the filesys.ini file.
Inside Analyst you find the path to filesys.ini from menu Tools – Options, read Active Filesys.ini file value.
Inside Analyst you find the path to your data from menu File – Administration – Maintain Libraries and Users, note down the path that is listed in this dialog.
Take a backup of the files in the BIN folder, that is mostly these files

From PROD copy the above files to DEV servers file share.
Rename folder containing any old planning analyst data files under folder \programs\ on the DEV server.
Copy all your planning data folders and files from PROD servers \\servername\planning$\programs\adaytum\… to your DEV server.
The path can be different in your setup.

Copy also the Locks.log and Logins.log files from the PROD to the DEV server in folder \\servername\planning$\bin\Locks.

On the DEV server open the filesys.ini file in NOTEPAD.
Edit the path to TAB and log files to match the new server.
change Libs=\\prodservername\planning$\bin\LIBS.TAB to Libs=\\devservername\planning$\bin\LIBS.TAB
change Locks=\\prodservername\planning$\bin\wct\..\Locks\Locks.log to Libs=\\devservername\planning$\bin\wct\..\Locks\Locks.log
change UGR=\\prodservername\planning$\bin\UGR.TAB to Libs=\\devservername\planning$\bin\UGR.TAB
Repeat for the top five lines to update.
Save your updated FILESYS.INI file on the DEV server.

Start Analyst against the DEV server and go into File – Administration – Maintain Libraries and Users dialog. Right click and select Change Library Path…
In dialog Replace Path Component enter below values:
Find String: \\prodservername\planning$
Replace with String: \\devservername\planning$
Click on Replace.

This will update the path to the data files in the LIBS.TAB file.
Click OK and exit Analyst.

Ask a different user to test Analyst in your DEV(test) environment to see that it worked.

User, Groups and Roles are stored in the UGR.TAB file.

In the Locks folder on the servers file share, you can see a USR00000.LOG file for each Planning Analyst user who have logged in.

More Information:

So, in order for users to see the expected set of libraries in Analyst, the Planning Store defined in Cognos Configuration needs to contain the correct filesys.ini path (this Planning Store entry can be viewed or updated via CAC, at: Tools>Update FileSys.Ini options); And the filesys.ini defined in Planning Store/CAC needs to point to the correct LIBS.TAB file, which in turn needs to contain the correct library location information.

Changes to library paths, and the adding or removal of a library from Analyst, are made in the ‘File’>’Maintain Libraries and Users’ dialog in Analyst, which writes these changes to the LIBS.TAB file at the location indicated in filesys.ini. Use of the ‘File’>’Maintain Libraries and Users’ dialog is the only supported way to modify LIBS.TAB.

Cognos Analytics 11.0.10
Microsoft Windows Server 2016

When you try to insert a picture in a report, I get a error that WebDAV is missing.

Possible Workaround:
Enter the path and name of the picture direct in the dialog.
Enter ../samples/images/alex_active.png

ca11 error3

The pictures have moved to C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\webcontent\bi\samples\images
from previous folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\samples\images.

Start File Manager and check where the pictures are stored on your server. Copy any company pictures to a common folder that is accessible from the web.

Install webdav:
More Information:
The webdav only works on the IIS server:

Cognos Analytics 11.0.x
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2

Before a upgrade, got a error, when doing a Export of Content in Cognos Connection.
This is in a multiserver Cognos BI setup, where there are more than one CM (Content Manager) server – that as best practice are setup to share a file share folder for deployments.

Error messages:
CM-CFG-5081 The deployment folder does not exist in the file system.

Possible solution:
Login to the active Content Manager server.

ca11 error2
Check in Cognos Configuration, that Environment – Deployment files location : point to ../deployment. If it points to a file share like \\servername\deployment, then you need to check that the windows services IBM Cognos is run by is a Windows user and not Local System.
Access to file shares is only possible when the IBM Cognos services is run by a Active Directory user account (a service account). If you use local system, then the cognos program can not access file shares on other servers.

Change to ../deployment.
Save and restart the services from inside Cognos Configuration.
Test to run the export again.

Check in folder c:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics\deployment that the file exists.