Planning Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2019 server
How export a cube to file?
Suggested solution:
If you have a cube that looks like this, in planning sample, you can export it with a TM1 TI process.
You can write a process to export it that should look like this:
#Section Prolog # -- get the time -- LastProcessStart = TIMST(NOW, '\Y-\m-\D \h:\i:\s'); # -- set the process as a subset name -- sName = GetProcessName(); ViewName = sName ; SubName = sName ; # -- check the folder to save the environment file DimName1='SYS_ServerParameters'; Element1 = 'ServerName' ; Element2 = 'LastUpdated' ; # -- find the data folder from the path of the logs folders--- sLogDirName1 = LOWER ('Logfiles\' ) ; sLogDirName2 = LOWER ('Logs\' ) ; sDataDirName = LOWER ( 'Data\' ) ; sBackupDirName = LOWER ( 'Config\' ); sENvFileName = 'environment.txt' ; sLogDirPath = LOWER( GetProcessErrorFileDirectory ); nLyckadScan1 = SCAN (sLogDirName1, sLogDirPath) ; nLyckadScan2 = SCAN (sLogDirName2, sLogDirPath) ; IF ( nLyckadScan1 <> 0 ); sDataDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLyckadScan1, LONG (sLogDirName1)) | sDataDirName; sEnvDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLyckadScan1, LONG (sLogDirName1)) | sENvFileName; ELSEIF ( nLyckadScan2 <> 0 ); sDataDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLyckadScan2, LONG (sLogDirName2)) | sDataDirName; sEnvDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLyckadScan2, LONG (sLogDirName2)) | sENvFileName; ELSE; # the log folder does not have this name use this then -- sEnvDirPath = 'D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\PlanSamp\' | sEnvFileName ; ENDIF; # -- check that the cube exist cube = 'Systemparameters'; DimName3 = 'Sysparameters' ; DimName4 = 'Measure Parameter'; DimName5= 'Text' ; IF ( CubeExists( Cube ) = 0 ) ; # -- if cube does not exist - stop the process -- ProcessQuit ; ENDIF; # build the view - but first destroy it ViewDestroy ( Cube, ViewName ); SubsetDestroy ( DimName3, SubName ); SubsetDestroy ( DimName4, SubName ); #-- create a view -- ViewCreate ( Cube, ViewName ); #-- create the subsets -- SubsetCreateByMDX ( SubName, '{TM1FILTERBYLEVEL( {TM1SUBSETALL( [' | DimName3 | '] )}, 0)}' ); SubsetCreateByMDX ( SubName, '{TM1FILTERBYLEVEL( {TM1SUBSETALL( [' | DimName4 | '] )}, 0)}' ); ViewSubsetAssign ( Cube, ViewName, DimName3, SubName ); ViewSubsetAssign ( Cube, ViewName, DimName4, SubName ); # -- set the source to skip calculated values -- ViewExtractSkipCalcsSet ( Cube, ViewName, 1); ViewExtractSkipRuleValuesSet ( Cube, ViewName, 0 ); ViewExtractSkipZeroesSet ( Cube, ViewName, 1 ); # -- Set source -- DataSourceType='VIEW'; DataSourceNameForServer=Cube; DataSourceCubeview=ViewName; # -- Change to get comma in the text file DatasourceASCIIQuoteCharacter='"'; DatasourceASCIIDelimiter = ','; #Section Metadata # -- get the servername from dimension -- aServerName = ATTRS( DimName1, Element1 , 'value') ; vApplication = aServerName | ':' | DimName3 ; # -- export the values to file -- ASCIIOutput( sEnvDirPath, vApplication ,v1,v2,v3 ); #Section Data #Section Epilog ViewDestroy ( Cube, ViewName ); SubsetDestroy ( DimName3, SubName ); SubsetDestroy ( DimName4, SubName );
The TI process need to have a data source like this:
The file will look like below;
You can write a process to import the csv file that can look like this (you have to adjust the code to your environment) :
#Section Prolog # -- get the time -- LastProcessStart = TIMST(NOW, '\Y-\m-\D \h:\i:\s'); # -- check the folder to load the environment file from DimName1='SYS_ServerParameters'; Element1 = 'ServerName' ; Element2 = 'LastUpdated' ; # -- try to find the data folder from the logs folder --- sLogDirName1 = LOWER ('Logfiles\' ) ; sLogDirName2 = LOWER ('Logs\' ) ; sDataDirName = LOWER ( 'Data\' ) ; sBackupDirName = LOWER ( 'Config\' ); sEnvFileName = 'environment.txt' ; sLogDirPath = LOWER( GetProcessErrorFileDirectory ); nLyckadScan1 = SCAN (sLogDirName1, sLogDirPath) ; nLyckadScan2 = SCAN (sLogDirName2, sLogDirPath) ; IF ( nLyckadScan1 <> 0 ); sDataDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLyckadScan1, LONG (sLogDirName1)) | sDataDirName; sEnvDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLyckadScan1, LONG (sLogDirName1)) | sEnvFileName; ELSEIF ( nLyckadScan2 <> 0 ); sDataDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLyckadScan2, LONG (sLogDirName2)) | sDataDirName; sEnvDirPath = DELET (sLogDirPath, nLyckadScan2, LONG (sLogDirName2)) | sEnvFileName; ELSE; # we chance that the log and data folder are the same sEnvDirPath = 'D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\PlanSamp\' | sEnvFileName ; ENDIF; # -- setup the parameter cube -- cube2 = 'Systemparameters'; DimName3 = 'Sysparameters' ; DimName4 = 'Measure Parameter'; Element5= 'Text' ; # -- check that that the cube exist IF ( CubeExists( Cube2 ) = 0 ) ; IF (DimensionExists( DimName3 ) = 0 ) ; DimensionCreate (DimName3 ) ; ENDIF; IF (DimensionExists( DimName4 ) = 0 ) ; DimensionCreate (DimName4 ) ; ENDIF; # -- create a cube CubeCreate(Cube2, DimName3 , DimName4 ); ENDIF; DimensionElementInsertDirect (DimName4, '', Element5 ,'S') ; # -- set the source to be the file DatasourceNameForServer = sEnvDirPath ; DatasourceNameForClient = sEnvDirPath ; #Section Metadata #-- check that the application is correct from the file # SCAN(substring, string) vLocation = SCAN(':',vApplication ) ; vServerName = SUBST( vApplication, 1, vlocation - 1 ) ; aServerName = ATTRS( DimName1, Element1 , 'value') ; IF (aServerName @<> vServerName); ProcessQuit; ENDIF; # -- add the dimension element from vParameter # DimensionElementInsertDirect(DimName, InsertionPoint, ElName,ElType); DimensionElementInsertDirect (DimName3, '', vParameter ,'S') ; # -- add the lastupdated parameter DimensionElementInsertDirect (DimName3, '', Element2 ,'S') ; #Section Data # -- load the data to the cube CellPutS( vValue, cube2, vParameter, vColumn ); #Section Epilog # -- write the time to cube CellPutS( LastProcessStart, cube2, Element2, vColumn );
The import TI process need to have a file as data source, similar to this:
Both process demand that you have a dimension (SYS_ServerParameters) that have the name of the application.
This can be done with the process SYS.GET_ServerParameters.
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