How show standard report in HTML?

Cognos Controller 10.4.2 fix pack 2
CONTRL_UPDATE_name=IBM Cognos Controller Update
Microsoft Windows 2019 server


After the upgrade to the controller fix pack, how do i change to get standard reports to show in HTML as they did before?

Before it looked like this:

after upgrade it look like this:


You don’t. As the use of WebView2 from Cognos Controller 10.4.2 fp1 there is only possible to see reports in PDF or XLS.


Other information:

Change to use Cognos Controller own pdf viewer:

1. Obtain a short amount of downtime (nobody logged onto Controller)
2. Logon to the Controller application server
3. Browse to the folder ‘ControllerProxyServer’
  • TIP: By default this is located here: C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\ControllerProxyServer
4. As a precaution, create a backup copy of the file:  web.config
5. Use Notepad to edit the file   web.config
6. Locate the section   <appSettings>
7. Add the following line into that section:
    <add key=”useInternalPdfViewer” value=”true” />
To change the order of report generation in Cognos Controller client:
The following must be done on a per-user basis:

  1. Launch Controller
  2. Click ‘Maintain – Installation – Local Preferences
  3. Add a new key called ‘StandardReportPreviewFormat‘, with a value of either ‘html‘ or ‘pdf‘ or ‘xls‘ or ‘xml
  4. Click ‘save’

NOTE: If you change the setting so that the default report is ‘pdf’, then be aware that the report will take longer to view (longer to initially display). This is because there is more workload that the Controller application/report server must perform, in order to generate a ‘pdf’ report (compared with the default ‘html’ format). In other words, the end user(s) may perceive this as a performance loss.

Use the undocumented local preference ‘StandardReportBackProc‘ which will stop the PDF rendition in Cognos Controller client.

Each individual end user must perform the following themselves:

1. Launch Controller and logon as normal
2. Click ‘Maintain – Installation – Local Preferences
3. Inside the ‘key‘ column, create a new entry called: StandardReportBackProc
4. Click ‘Save’
5. Exit Controller
6. Re-launch Controller and test
  • Inside the corresponding ‘value‘ column, create a new entry: false

Adobe Reader X . to make the pdf show up inside the cognos controller report window:

1. Launch Adobe Reader
2. Click “Edit – Preferences”
3. Click on “Internet” section
4. TICK “Display PDF in browser

The Adobe Reader client installs both the ‘main’ PDF reader tool (the full client application) and also a smaller ‘web client’.

  • This Adobe Reader web client is installed as a plugin in Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • By default, this ‘web client’ is what gets activated inside the Cognos report display box.

Unfortunately, in some environments this ‘web client’ suffers from an inability to save more than one PDF file.