Cognos BI 8.4.1 32 bit version
Windows 2008 R2 server

After install of a second instance of Cognos BI on the same server, inside IBM Cognos administration the status for the servers are Partially available.
The Cognos BI service are up and running in Microsoft Windows.
It is only Cognos that reflect that the new BI services is not working, but say that the new Cognos dispatcher at port 9500 is unavailable.

Error message:
In the file cbs_cnfgtest_run.log or localhost_log.txt, you can see errors.

The local firewall on the Windows 2008 R2 server is blocking the new port you configured for the new Cognos 8 instance, so the Cognos Content Manager can not establish a contact to it.

More information from IBM:

More Information on How to install a second instance of Cognos BI:

Logon as local administrator on the Windows server.
Run NETSTAT from a command (CMD) prompt to see what ports are being used on the server.

Use this command to find if a practical port is in use:
netstat -an|find “9300”

Ensure that port 9500 is not used, because that is the port we will use in the example.

Go to Windows Firewall and Advanced Security from the control panel.
Click on inbound rules.
Open a existing rule or create a Cognos rule.
Ensure under protocols and ports tab, that TCP local port 9500 is open for all remote ports.
Ensure that “Allow the connection” is enabled.
Click OK.
Restart the Firewall function to get the change to be implemented.

Run iisetup.exe from the install share for the Cognos BI server.
(Right click and select Run as Administrator, this need to be done on Windows 2008 servers)
Click next for English as language during installation.
Agree to license agreement and click next.
Agree to non IBM license agreement and click next.
Change install directory to d:\program files (x86)\cognos\c8extra2 and click next.
Click yes to the dialog about installation folder “do you want to create it during installation”.
Only select “Application Tier Components” in the Components Selection, and click next.
(Gateway and content manager should not be selected, on a extra BI report service install).
Change program folder name to : IBM Cognos 8 (extra2) and click next.
Click next on summary.
Wait during the install of the 244 components.
Click OK.
Click Finish.

Repeat above steps for the install of Cognos BI Samples, and Cognos BI model (framework manager). Ensure you install to same folder (c8extra2).

Install TM1 portlets (if you are running reports from TM1 data) to the d:\program files (x86)\cognos\c8extra2 folder, from the C8_TM1_Portlets_win32_8.4.102.23.tar folder.
Update the varibales_TM1.xml file in folder d:\program files (x86)\cognos\c8extra2\templates\ps\portal to include the URL to the TM1 server.
(you can copy the file from the previous working installation of Cognos BI)

Rename cogstartup.xml in folder d:\program files (x86)\cognos\c8extra2\configuration to cogstartup_org.xml.
From old working Cognos BI Cognos Configuration program export the configuration to a text file in your c:\temp folder, named the file to cogstartup.xml.
Copy that file to the d:\program files (x86)\cognos\c8extra2\configuration folder.
Then go to start menu and under All programs – IBM Cognos 8 (extra2) – select IBM Cognos Configuration (right click and open with “Run as Administrator”)
Now you should get the configuration for content store pre-entered, same configuration as the old Cognos Bi installation. This can save you some time in configuration.
You must now change all the port numbers and rename the Cognos BI service.

Click on environment and change;
external dispatcher URI to have port 9500 instead of 9300
internal dispatcher URI to have port 9500 instead of 9300
dispatcher URI for external applications to have port 9500 instead of 9300

Click on logging and change local log server port number from 9362 to 9562.
Right click on IBM Cognos 8 under IBM Cognos 8 services, and select rename;
Enter new name: IBM Cognos 8 Extra2
Click on IBM Cognos 8 Extra2 and change shutdown port number from 9399 to 9599.
Click on Portal Service and change port number from 9300 to 9500 at Location of “applications.xml”.

Click on local configuration in top left corner and Click on save icon.
Click on Start icon to start the service.

Stop the service to install any additional service packs that have been installed on the previous installed Cognos bi 8 services. All Cognos BI servers must use the same service packs to work best. After install of service pack, open Cognos Configuration and click save, before start of the service. This to ensure the Service pack is correct applied.

After the new Cognos 8 BI service is up, in Cognos connection go to IBM Cognos Administration – Configuration tab – Dispatchers and click on more.
Click on set properties.
Click on Settings tab.
Change value for Logging to be the same as the other Cognos BI service, e.g. Basic.
Change any other values to be as the old service, for instance check that value for “Queue time limit of the report service (seconds)” are the same as the old installed Cognos 8 server.
If there are different values on the installed instances you can get odd behavior.

To use the new Cognos BI service better, you can consider to use advance routing:

Cognos Controller 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 server

Error when you try to import a deployment package to the Content Store from Cognos Connection website in Internet Explorer.

This can happen when you try to import a old deployment file from Cognos 8 to Cognos 10.

Error message:
Illegal InvalidCacheEntry method was called

Possible Solution:
If you click the OK button, it will came up to the results of the import
which was completely successful with no apparent errors produced.

The import choices made were all standard, and “Upgrade all report
specifications” was selected on the last prompt of the import process.

Restart the Internet Explorer browser, and clear the IE cache, will help solve the issue.
The next time you may not have the same issue.

Can also be specific for some web browsers, so try Firefox instead of internet Explorer if that is possible on your client computer.

Cognos BI 10.1.1
Cognos Controller 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 Server
Internet Explorer 10

When user surf to Cognos connection and try to login they get a error message.
You have more than one Cognos System that you work with at the same time, so you surf to Cognos Connection in one Internet Explorer session, and work with the other Cognos environment in a different tab of Internet Explorer.

Error message:
DPR-ERR-2107 – The User Capabilities Cache cookie cannot be decoded

Possible Solution:
For Each Cognos Environment do the following:
Logon to server as local administrator
Check the URL the users use to surf to the Cognos connection.
Open IBM Cognos Configuration on the server, right click and select “run as administrator”.

Open Actions menu, then click on Edit Global Settings

Click the General tab

Under Cookie Settings, enter the details for “Domain” and “Path”
Domain = (this should be unique for each environment)
Path = ibmcognos
Click save from inside Cognos configuration.
Restart the Service.

Do this for each environment.
One for Cognos BI and one for Cognos Controller, if they do not share Cognos BI server.

Test that Cognos Framework manager works to login after the change.


IBM Cognos BI 10.1.1 or 10.2

Windows 2008 R2 Server


How do I change the color on the banner in Cognos Connection ?


The logo type and color in the Cognos Connection start page are controlled from the file system.xml found in folder c:\program files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\templates\ps\portal.

Create a PNG picture that is a line of Grey, shaded if you want, and place it in folder c:\program files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\skins\NIPPON\branding.

Add below section for NIPPON to system.xml below the lines;

<!– Custom OEM headers –>

<param name=”OEM”>


Specify custom Cognos Connection / Cognos Viewer left side header here in the form of XHTML snippets.  Custom headers can be style-specific.



<customHeader showContext=”true” contextDelimiter=” – “>





<style styleFolderName=”NIPPON”>

<table tyle=”background-color:#ffffff;background-image:url(‘../skins/NIPPON/branding/105-background.png’);background-repeat:repeat-y;”>


<td><img src=”../skins/NIPPON/branding/105-logo-generic.png”/></td>

<td class=”headerTitle” style=”padding-right:2px;white-space:nowrap”></td>





Above section will display picture 105-background.png as the color in the back, repeat it for the page, and the picture 105-logo-generic.png will show the company logo in left side of the Cognos Connection.

Of course do you need to create a new SKIN first, by adding the NIPPON skin:

  1. Copy one of the default skins folders and rename it
  2. From Cognos Connection, go to Portal Administration
  3. Select the Styles tab
  4. Click on the New Style icon at top right
  5. Give the new custom skin a name
  6. In the field Style Location name type the new name of the custom skin
  7. In the field Preview resource URL enter ../skins/name of new custom skin/preview.htm

To change the color of the text in Cognos Connection you need to edit the file banner.css found in folder c:\program files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\skins\NIPPON\shared.


Change the number in this section to the color of text for the user name, that are shown as logged in to Cognos Connection.

.userNameContainer  {

padding-right: 8px;

font-weight: bold;

font-size: 70%;

color: #336699;

white-space: nowrap;


The value color: #336699; give a blue color.

color: #ffffff; is white, the default color.

color: #669911; give a light green text.

You do not need to restart Cognos BI for changes in banner.css should take affect, only refresh your Internet Explorer, to see the color change of the text.

.headerTitle {

font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;

padding-left: 16px;

font-weight: normal;

font-size: 0.95em;

color: #669911;

vertical-align: middle;

white-space: nowrap;

width: 100%;


Above section change the color of the IBM Cognos Connection text to the left in Cognos Connection to green.

If you do not want to change the system.xml you can add a logo in the banner.css file by edit the logo section.

.logo {

width: 45px;

height: 16px;

display: ;

background-image: url(../branding/your_logo_here.gif);

background-position: top left;

background-repeat: no-repeat;


Above section will show a logo to the left of the IBM Cognos Connection text, you need to remove the word NONE at the display: none; section. Then you replace the file your_logo_here.gif with you logo in a small gif file.

The gif file for the logo is in the folder C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\skins\NIPPON\branding

To add a different background image, you edit this section in banner.css file

.mainHeader1 {

background: url(../shared/images/banner-swoosh.png) no-repeat;

background-position: 220px 0;

max-height: 35px;

height: 35px;

min-width: 838px;

width: 100%;



Make a copy of the file banner-swoosh.png and name it banner-swoosh1.png in the folder C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\c10_64\webcontent\skins\NIPPON\shared\images

Edit the banner-swoosh1.png in a paint program to your like and save the picture.

Update the banner.css file to use background: url(../shared/images/banner-swoosh1.png) no-repeat;  instead of background: url(../shared/images/banner-swoosh.png) no-repeat;

Save the banner.css file and go to your Internet Explorer and press F5 to update the display.

#headerBack {

background: url(../shared/images/banner-background.png) repeat-x 0 0;

background-color: #336699;

min-height: 35px;


Above section in banner.css file give the right side color, it is a small picture banner-background.png that is repeated all the way to the end.

#headerBack {

/background: url(../shared/images/banner-background.png) repeat-x 0 0;/

background-color: #336699;

min-height: 35px;


You should NOT remove the background.png, as we have done above, because then it will only be white before and after your banner-swoosh.png picture. That is not readable.

#headerBack {

background: url(../shared/images/banner-background.png) repeat-x 0 0;

background-color: #336699;

min-height: 65px;


Change of the min-height, will make a space below the IBM Cognos Connection text and your tabs for public folders and so on. This space will have the blue color defined by the background-color: #336699; line above.

If you change it to background-color: #336600; you will have a 30 pixel high dark green border above Public Folder tabs.

#headerBack {

background: url(../shared/images/banner-background.png) repeat-x 0 40;

background-color: #336600;

min-height: 35px;


If you change the last 0 to 40 you will replace the background.png with you background-color, in above case dark green. Ugly.


More information:

Cognos BI 8.4.1
Windows 2008 R2 server
Microsoft SQL server 2005

Error during start of cognos service from cognos configuration.
EventService StartService Failure

This is on a second Cognos BI report server installed to add to a existing Cognos BI server installation to get more report processing power.

If you run a test from inside cognos configuration you get error like this:
Testing the database connection
No JDBC driver could be found in classpath

Error message:
In the cogserver.log file you will find errors like these;
CNC-SDS-0256 Unable to connect to the database using
DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error
problem initializing handler monitorServiceHandler
CNC-SDS-0322 Database update failed with error code ACCESS_FAILURE_UNKNOWN.
The JSM service will be aborted.

The default configuration for Cognos is to use DB2, you need to change the notification store to be using SQL server.

The Event service need access to the content store database.

Go to Cognos Configuration
Go to Data Access – Notification
Right click on Notification store and select Delete
Right click on Notification and select New Resource – Database
Enter name Notification store
Select Microsoft SQL Server database
Enter database server and port number to be the same as content store connection on first Cognos BI server.
Enter user id and password to access content store database
Enter Database name to be same as content store name.
Go to top in cognos configuration
Click on save
Click on start the cognos bi service.

Cognos BI 10.1.1
AIX 6.1

When you create a schedule of a Cognos BI Report, you get a error icon, but no error message.

There is no error message, only a blank screen after you press OK for the schedule report to get created.

Possible Cause:
When you have not setup SSO with Cognos BI then you should not use Use External Identity, it should be True only when you have SSO enabled.

Possible Solution:
Start Cognos configuration
Go to security – authentication dialog
Under the LDAP connection change Use External Identity from True to False.
Save the settings
Restart the Cognos BI services.

Can also be security settings that is after you changed LDAP source.
Revert back to old Authentication settings, and restart the server and see if that solves the issue.
It can be that you have changed the host and port for the authentication source in Cognos configuration that have created this issue.

IBM Cognos BI 10.1.1
AIX server
Oracle database

You run cognos BI reports, but they do not show names that contain local characters like åäö.
The åäö is replaced with blank, or the product name is not show at all in the report.

Only exist on AIX server with Oracle database using Cognos BI 10.1.1
Can be because of how the Oracle database regions settings are configured.

Possible Solution:
In the profile for the service user account running the Cognos BI service, you need to set a variable to tell Cognos to use a different language for data it fetch from the database.

On AIX this is set by parameters in the .profile file for the user running the Cognos service.
Log in as root user on AIX server.
Go to the HOME folder of the user account.
Open the .profile file in text editor.
Add this line below # Cognos specific configuration line:

export NLS_LANG

Save the file.
Restart the Cognos service.

More information

Cognos TM1 9.5.2
Windows 2008 R2 server
Microsoft Excel 2003 (11.5612.5606)

When from TM1WEB select to slice to excel or snapshot to excel, you select “export rows in current page” and “plan_version” for dimensions titles to export. That give a total of 5 new sheets to be generated. You get a error message after some time.

Error message:
Export in process. Please wait…
A problem occurred while resetting culture settings : Old format or invalid type library. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028018 (TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD))

Possible Solution:
Stop all TM1 services on the Windows server, including the TM1 Excel Service.
For Office 2003 users you must Create a 1033 directory under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11. Then, copy excel.exe to the 1033 directory, and rename it as xllex.dll.
For Office 2007 users you must copy (DO NOT CUT) the “xllex.dll” that is in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12\1033 into the following directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12.
For Office 2010 users you must copy (DO NOT CUT) the “xllex.dll” that is in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE14\1033 into the following directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14.
Ensure that all TM1 service use the same Windows domain service account.
Start all TM1 service on the Windows server.
Check that your version of Excel is English.
Ensure that Internet explorer uses English (United States) [en-US] as Language Preference,
set in Internet Explorer under TOOLS – INTERNET OPTIONS – GENERAL – LANGUAGES.
Click on ADD to add the English language.
Click on MOVE UP to place English as first language in the list.
Click OK
Close Internet Explorer

In some cases you need to ensure that Regional settings on the TM1 server for the Windows service account is set to English.
Go to control panel and click on “region and language” settings.
Select format to be English (United States)

If you get a new error after above changes that say
“There was a problem sending the command to the program”
when you start TM1 perspective with Excel 2003 then you must in excel do this;
clear the checkbox for “Ignore other applications”
Click OK.

For Excel 2007 you need to Bring up the Excel options, go to advanced and then scroll down to the “General” section. Make sure that
“Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)” is not checked.

Now TM1 perspective will work.

More information
The additional workaround for Office 2007 & Office 2010 is slightly different for Office 2003 which is listed in the “KB 320369” article.

Cognos TM1 9.5.2
Windows 2008 R2 server

When you are inside TM1 Contributor web site and click on “update application” icon you get a error message. You can start the TM1 application, it is only the Admin dialog that does not work.

Error message:
Connecting to server application error
Could not open specified application

The TM1 application have not been successfully installed to the new TM1 contributor server

You need to do this steps if you want to move a complete TM1 application between servers.

How to export a TM1 contributor application from PROD server:

Open the TM1 Contributor Portal.
1. Mark the application to export.
2. Click Export button.
3. Click Save on the File Download dialog box.
4. Navigate to the directory where you want to save the export file.
5. Click Save.
This create a zip file of your TM1 Contributor application.

Go into TM1 Architect and open you TM1 application – select SAVEALL.
Exit TM1 Architect.
Stop the TM1 windows service.

Zip the datafolder for your TM1 application on the PROD server.

Copy the ZIP files over to the other TM1 server.

How to import a TM1 contributor application to DEV server:

We assume you already have a TM1 application here, that you only want to update with data from the other TM1 server.

If you allready have a application in the TM1 Contributor application with the same name, you need to delete it first as Administrator in the TM1 Contributor Portal on the DEV server.

Stop the TM1 windows service.
Unzip the datafolder files to the TM1 application folder on the DEV server.
Make any changes needed to tm1s.cfg file ( e.g. change server name)
Start the TM1 windows service.

1. Open TM1 server from architect.
2. Run the following TM1 control TI Process: “}tp_admin_delete_all”
3. Click OK on Provide Parameters Values dialog.
4. Exit TM1 Architect program.

Import the TM1 Contributor application as an Administrator in the TM1
Contributor Portal

1. Open the TM1 Contributor Portal.
2. Click import button.
3. The Application Import window opens.
4. Select the TM1 Server onto which you want to import the application.
5. Click Browse next to the Application file field.
6. Navigate to the application (.zip) file, then click Open.
7. Select the Import application security option if you want to import security
settings with the application.
8. Select the Import application properties option if you want to import
property settings with the application.
9. Click Import.

Now you should be able to click on the UPDATE APPLICATION icon.

Any status indicators of the TM1 contributor nodes can be lost during the process.

Cognos Planning 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 server

You want to move Cognos planning deployment files (macro) from one server in test to another server in prod environment. You have copied the macro folder to the new servers deployment folder. When you have many Cognos servers in the same environment it is recommended to have them all point to the same file share for deployment files.
When you run the Cognos planning deployment wizard get error when you select import.

Error message:
There was a problem running the Deployment Wizard.

There was a problem running the Planning Network Transfer Wizard. Please see the error log for more information.

Strange characters like – and space are not allowed in server name or share name (folder name) for the deployment folder.

You can test if the servername is bad, by change in Cognos Configuration to use the IP address instead of the servername in the field for deployment.

E.g. \\\deployment

If the IP address works, then you know it is the planning server name that make the deployment not to work.

Go in to Cognos Configuration
Select Environment
Go to value for Deployment files location in Environment – Group Properties.
Change from \\server-name\deployment to

(default value is ../deployment)
(default value will look for the cognos planning files in folder c:\program files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\deployment.)

Click on Save
Click Stop on services
Click Start on services (check Details for error messages, should not be any).
Exit Cognos Configuration

or place the share on a windows server that have a short name with only letters in it.