TM1 10.1 Perspective
Windows 2008 R2 Server
Citrix Server

When you start TM1 Perspective (Excel 2010) from Citrix portal you get a error message.

Error message:
Run-time error ‘429’: ActiveX component can’t create object

After you have installed TM1 Perspective on the server,
you need to start the application once to create some registry values before other can run it.

Log in as local administrator on the server
Start TM1 Perspective.
Close TM1 Perspective (and Excel)
Log out from server.

Now other users should be able to login.

Cognos Planning 10.1.1 32 bit
Windows 2008 R2 server 64 bit
Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 64 bit

Error when starting cognos analyst after new install of Cognos Planning 10.1.1
There are different errors in the applications.

If cognos planning service is run as local system then the planningerrorlog.csv file is found under \windows\temp, but if the plannig service is run as a service account, then the planningerrorlog.csv file is found under C:\Users\service_account\AppData\Local\Temp folder.

Error message:
Database Errors: Source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 Description: Invalid object name ‘cognos_planningstore..P_PAD’. Number: -2147217865 SQLState: 42S02 NativeError: 208
found in ..\windows\temp\planningerrorlog.csv file

Planning – Analyst:
There was a problem login on. Please ensure you can access IBM Cognos Connection using Gateway URI specified in IBM Cognos Configuration.

Planning – Contributor Administration:

An error has occurred while starting IBM Cognos Planning – Administrator.
Main form failed to initialize.
Error Details:
ActiveX component can’t create object.

Install Cognos Planning 10.1.1 Fix Pack 2 from IBM

Log on to Windows 2008 server as administrator
Start Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager from Administrative Tools
Expand Application Pools
Create a new application pool called COGNOS
Click on Advanced Settings for application pool COGNOS
Set “enable 32-bit applications” to true
Set “process model identity” to ApplicationPoolIdentity
(if it does not work try next time with LocalSystem)
Set “Idle time-out (minutes)” to 60

If the cognos plannig program is installed to non default folder , like d:\, then you need to check and ensure that the IIS and Cognos service account have access to that folder.

Go to Windows Explorer to see the file system.
Right click on cognos folder and select properties.
Select security tab.
Add local group IIS_IUSRS and give it read and execute rights.
Click OK and close the dialog.

Right click on inetpub folder and select properties.
Select security tab.
Add local group IIS_IUSRS and give it read and execute rights.
Click OK and close the dialog.

Right click on your Computer icon and select Manage
Expand Configuration and local users and groups
Click on group IIS_IUSRS
Click add
Add the service account that will run the cognos services

Click on group administrators
Add the service account used for cognos services.

Ensure that you have the cognos planning servern name is part of local intranet zone in Internet Explorer on the server.

Then restart the iis with iisreset command in cmd.
And test again.

If that does not help also check below:

Ensure that you have installed the following roles on the Microsoft 2008 server before you install Cognos Planning:
+Application Server
+File Server
+Web Server (IIS)

Add “COM+Network Access” under select Role Services is not needed, cognos planning 10.1.l does not create a COM+ object anymore.

Also ensure that you have Data Execution Prevention off on the Windows 2008 Server.
Cognos planning requires that the option “Turn on DEP for essential windows programs and services only” is selected
And that any anti-virus software is turned off during installation.

Reinstall cognos planning 10.1.1

Cognos Planning 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 server
Microsoft SQL 2008 R2

Error when starting cognos service after new install of Cognos Planning 10.1.1
No errors in windows event log or cogserver.log file are created.

Error message:


Register CFGAPICOM.dll from the /bin directory of Cognos 10 :
– In Windows Explorer, go to c:\windows\system32,
– Right-click “cmd.exe” and select “Run as Administrator”
– Go to folder ..\program files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\bin\
– Run the DOS command:
regsvr32.exe CFGAPICOM.dll

If that does not help, try below:

Log on to Windows server as local administrator
Go to folder ..\cognos\c10\bin
Create a text file and enter the following line:

FOR %%1 IN (*.DLL) DO REGSVR32 /S %%1

Save the file as regdll.cmd
Start a commando prompt by right click on command prompt and select run as administrator
change to the ..\bin folder
enter regdll to start the script
(it will now registered all the dll files in that folder again)
Wait a few minutes until it is finished.

Then try again to start the Cognos services.

Cognos Planning 10.1.1
Cognos BI 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 server

In your environment, you have installed Cognos product in VMWARE servers, and now you want to make a test environment from you working Cognos product environment.
You have copied the Cognos Windows server image to a new VMWARE image on other VMWARE host machine. You have renamed the Windows server that run the Cognos products and give it a new IP address. When you start Cognos Configuration you get a error.
When you press OK, Cognos configuration exit.

Error message:
CAM-CRP-1280 An error occurred while trying to decrypt using the system protection key. Reason: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded

Export a unencrypted cogstartup.xml file from the previous Cognos Configuration program in you original Cognos server.
Start Cognos Configuration on the old server.
Select File – Export As
Enter a name of the file e.g. backup_cogstartup.xml and save the file to d:\
Copy that backup_cogstartup.xml file to you new Cognos server, to folder c:\program files\ibm\cognos\c10\configuration.
Rename the none working the cogstartup.xml file to cogstartup_org.xml.
Replace it with the unencrypted cogstartup.xml file, by rename the backup_cogstartup.xml to cogstartup.xml
On the new Cognos Server, start Cognos Configuration.
When it start, you have to change server name to reflect the new server name inside Cognos Configuration. This to make it work in the new Cognos solution, and not point to old servers.
Also change Content Store connections, so they point to the new database server.

If above does not help to allow you to start Cognos Configuration, you can try this:
Delete the caSerial and cogconfig.prefs files in the configuration directory.
Also delete the three subdirectories: csk, encryptkeypair, and signkeypair.
Start IBM Cognos Configuration again.

If you copy a vmware image with Cognos installed, and change the name of the server, it is many places that need to be updated. So I recommend that you install a fresh Windows 2003 R2 server instead, and then if you have fast dedicated CPU and ram in your system, you install Cognos software again to the new server. That can be a fast way to setup a test environment.

Cognos Planning 10.1.1
Analyst on Microsoft Windows 7 64 bit

When you start ODBC Data source administrator to add ODBC connections to xls files you get a error on your brand new Windows 7 computer.

You need to add ODBC connection to be able to import xls files into Cognos Analyst for Planning. Inside Analyst how you selected New D-Link and then click on source, and selected ODBC (SQL) database. But then there are no connections to select, you have to create the connections in the ODBC tool.

The setup routines for the Microsoft Excel Driver (xls xlsx xlsm xlsb) ODBC driver could not be found. Please reinstall the driver.

In windows 7 the odbc icon in administrative tools are for 64 bit connections, and cognos planning use only 32 bit connections.

Create a shortcut to the file c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe

Use this icon to edit the ODBC connection for Excel to be used in Cognos Planning.

IBM Cognos Planning 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 server

When you start Cognos Analyst you get a login message from the IIS server.
You have setup to use SSO together with Active Directory in Cognos Configuration on the Cognos server.

You have created a global security group for you Cognos Planning users in your Microsoft Active Directory, that you call GlobalCognosUsers.
You have added the GlobalCognosUsers group to the Planning Rights Administrators group in Cognos Connection.
You have also try to add this GlobalCognosUsers group to the System Administrators group in Cognos Connection.

Windows Security
connecting to servername
domain: corp
remember my credentials

Possible Solution:
The cognos planning user does not have rights to the cognos planning folder on the windows IIS server. Do this steps to solve the issue.

Start Internet information Service Manager
Click on default web site in the left side
Click on authentication in the middle
Ensure only “Windows Authentication” and “Anonymous Authentication” are enabled.

Click on IBMCOGNOS in the left side in Internet Information Service Manager.
Click on authentication in the middle
Ensure only “Windows Authentication” are enabled.

Start Windows Explorer
Go to the INETPUB folder on the hard disk
Right click on the folder and select properties
Click on the Security tab
Click EDIT button
Click ADD button
Enter GlobalCognosUsers at “Enter the object names to select ” and click on check names
Click OK
Now you have added the ad group with cognos users to the folder
Click OK
Click OK

Go to the COGNOS folder on the hard disk (where the cognos planning program is installed)
Right click on the folder and select properties
Click on the Security tab
Click EDIT button
Click ADD button
Enter GlobalCognosUsers at “Enter the object names to select ” and click on check names
Click OK
Now you have added the ad group with cognos users to the folder
Click OK
Click OK

Try to start the analyst client again.

Try to surf to the windows server (Http://servername) from Internet Explorer to find if that connection is working at all first. This need to be working before Planning Analyst will work.

Cognos Controller 10.1
Windows 2008 Server

How do I list all the members that are part of a Microsoft Active Directory group ?

Log on to a Microsoft Windows 2008 server in the domain.
Start a CMD prompt
Create a temp folder
Go to the temp folder
Enter following command to get a list of users in a AD group:

dsquery group -domain EU -samid citrix_app_cognoscontroller | dsget group -members > cognoscontrollerusers.txt

Replace above EU with your domain name
Replace above citrix_app_cognoscontroller with the AD group you want to list
Replace above cognoscontrollerusers.txt with the name of the text file you want created.

The file is crated in the temp folder, you are standing inside.

To find out if a group exist in your domain you can enter:
dsquery group -samid citrix_app_cognoscontroller

If the group exist in the domain you are, it will print the CN string in AD for that group.

To find out what groups a user are member of you can enter:
dsquery user -samid roger | dsget user -memberof -expand

This will list all Active Domain groups the user “roger” is part of.
Replace above roger with the username you want to check.

Cognos Controller 10
Windows 2008 R2 server

How do i add a new user to a local group on the server from the command line ?

Can be needed in testing purpose on a new installation of Cognos software, to see if the issue is because of the windows profiles temp files. Test with a new user can be good.

Start CMD as administrator on the Server ( or client computer).

Enter ; to create user mike

Enter ; to set his password to password

Enter ; to add mike to the local administrator group

Enter ; to list users in the local group

Enter ; to start a remote desktop session
MSTSC /v: /w:1024 /h:768

/v enter the name of the server or IP
/w set the width of the window
/h set the height of the window

More Information:

Cognos Controller 10.1.1
Windows 2008 server

Can not send mail from inside Cognos Controller client.

Error message:
Email server reported an error, some or all messages could not be sent. Please check with your local administrator that the email server is operational and that the system configuration is correct (connection details can be found in details and or log file).


The value for General Configuration – Server Preferences are not filled in for
variable name: C4_EMAIL_SERVER
variable value:

Start Cognos Controller client
Log in as administrator
Go to Maintain – General Configuration – Server Preferences
Add new variable name C4_EMAIL_SERVER
Add new variable value to your mail server name (FQDN) and include the port number (:25)
Click Save.
All users need to log off Cognos controller to make the change take affect.

Above is for the new dialog boxes in Cognos controller like Group – Command Center.
Where after you have listed the status for a group/company’s on the right side have a icon to send notification email.
To get this to work, the user you logged in with to Cognos Controller must have a valid email address added to its user account information in Cognos controller.

To add email address to user in Cognos Controller client, go to
Maintain – Rights – Users dialog
Click on the user in the list on left side, and add a email address on the right side for the user.
The email address must be allowed by the company email server to send email, often a address that exist inside the company.

If the sending users email address is wrong, you get a error message like this:
Unable to proceed, please address errors listed below.
Cannot send without email address for sender (ADM). Please check system configuration.

The mail setting inside Maintain – Configuration – General Configuration
tab general 3 is for all the old mail functions in old controller dialogs.
Here you should also specify the mail server at SMTP server line:
and select the email format you want to use, recommend CSV.

To test this you can go to Transfer – Export Structures.
Mark E-mail and enter an email address to receive the mail on the line at the right.
Mark what to send, for example Country Structure.
Click RUN icon.
Click CLOSE on message that temp file is created.
Enter the message text and click OK to send the email.

You need to logout from Cognos Controller client, to make any changes take affect from the General Configuration dialog.

Cognos Controller 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 server

Limit memory on Cognos Controller server, how do I tune Cognos Controller system to use less RAM ?

Possible Solution:
The Cognos Controller standard reports use the old CQM report engine, so you can turn off the new DQM report engine in the new Cognos BI that is shipped with Cognos Controller.
This will save you one JAVA session.

Go to Cognos Configuration on your Controller Application server.
Go to Environment
Go to IBM Cognos services
Under Component Properties – set “Query Service Enabled?” to false.
Save settings and restart the Cognos BI services.

In windows task manager you should now only see one JAVA.EXE*32 process instead of two that you had before.
Will save around 343 Mb of RAM from the Controller application server.