The specified server is not found


Cognos TM1 10.1

Windows 2008 R2 Server



Start a new TM1 server and try to connect to it with the TM1 Architect program.

You get a error after you have enter name and password.


Error message:

The specified server is not found



If the error message “The specified server is not found” is before the login dialog in TM1 Architect then the local firewall is blocking the TM1 port.


Go to Windows Firewall with Advanced Security

Go to Inbond rules

Create a rule to allow local TCP port “12346” to any ip address.

Enable it and restart the firewall.


If the error message “The specified server is not found” is after the login dialog in TM1 Architect then there is some other process using the same port.


Stop the TM1 service.

Open Tm1s.cfg in notepad

Check the port number used by TM1 application server at line PortNumber=12346

Start a commando prompt (cmd)

Enter netstat to find if that port is in use by enter below command:

netstat -a | find “12346”


If no row is shown, then the port is free to use.


If you see below row – then it is occupied, and you need to use other port.



Change if needed port in TM1S.CFG and start the TM1 service.


More Information:

If you move a TM1 application to a new server, you need to check this lines in the TM1s.cfg file to ensure they point to the correct value for the new environment.


IntegratedSecurityMode=5 You can try mode 1 if you have problems to login.

ServerName=  Should be the same, the name of the TM1 application in architect

DataBaseDirectory= Should be the folder path to the datafiles (often same as before)

LoggingDirectory= Should be the folder path to the logfiles (often same as before)

AdminHost= Should be the new TM1 admin servername

PortNumber= Should be the same number, if it is available on the new server

ServerCAMURI= Should be changed to the new Cognos BI server’s dispatch address

ClientCAMURI=  Should be changed to the new Cognos BI server’s gateway