In Cognos 8.1 and Reportnet it was possible to delete the group Everyone from the Systemadministrators role in the Cognos namespace. In Cognos 8.2 and higher, it is not possible to delete the group Everyone, before you add another user, group or role to the role Systemadministrators. If you are somehow not able to get Systemadministrator permissions in the content store use the following script:

select 27, (select cmid from cmobjprops1 where objid=’::System Administrators’),
coalesce((select max(ord) from CMREFORD1 where propid=27 and cmid=(select cmid from cmobjprops1 where objid=’::System Administrators’)), -1)+1,
from CMOBJPROPS1 where OBJID=’::Everyone’

This script is called AddSysAdminMember.sql and can be found for SQL, Oracle, DB2, Sybase and Derby in the directory C:\Program Files\COGNOS\c8\configuration\schemas\content\

Run this script in MS SQL Query Analyzer for your Content Store database and you can log in as SystemAdministrator to fix the security.

The cogserver.log file is a good source of information when troubleshooting. But default the cogserver.log file is a 10 MB file (set in Cognos Configuration Manager) in xml format and hard to read. 3048 2009-06-04 09:16:53.218 +1     stopper-logService LOGSV 2015 1 server.Audit.IPF StopService LogService  Success  <parameters><item name=”Port”><![CDATA[9362]]></item><item name=”Mode”><![CDATA[TCP]]></item><item name=”Secure”><![CDATA[FALSE]]></item></parameters> 1880 2009-06-05 10:07:53.187 +1     main LOGSV 2015 1 server.Audit.IPF StartService LogService  FAILED Log Server Database error <parameters><item name=”DB URL”><![CDATA[jdbc:JSQLConnect://localhost:1433/Audit]]></item><item name=”DB Error”><![CDATA[Failed Logon:com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLException: TCP/IP connection failed to host:localhost Connection refused: connect url:jdbc:JSQLConnect://localhost:1433/Audit]]></item></parameters> 1880 2009-06-05 10:07:53.234 +1     main LOGSV 2015 1 server.Audit.IPF StartService LogService  Success  <parameters><item name=”Port”><![CDATA[9362]]></item><item name=”Mode”><![CDATA[TCP]]></item><item name=”Secure”><![CDATA[FALSE]]></item></parameters>

Since Cognos 8.1 there is a handy tool called LogviewV2.exe and can be found in the c8\bin directory. Start LogviewV2.exe and load the cogserver.log file. Now all the messages and errors are formatted, can be read much better.

Transformer batch mode switches in Scheduler

Solution Description
Command line switches are required to run transformer in batch mode from Scheduler.

From the On-Line Help:

You can use command-line options to

? run Transformer in batch to create or update PowerCubes,
? run Transformer in batch and update the model with new categories generated during the category generation process,
? change the current date setting so that relative time calculations in batch cube creation are based on a specific date,
? use different preference settings or preference files,
? open or delete checkpoint files,
? supply database signon information, or

? change the degree of detail for log file messages.

The syntax is

trnsfrmr -<option> <model_file>|<MDL_file>


? The command-line syntax is not case-sensitive for Transformer running under Windows.
? Command-line options that take arguments cannot contain spaces between the switch and the argument. For example:

trnsfrmr -r 2 july.mdl is not valid, whereas
trnsfrmr -r2 july.mdl is valid.

? You can combine command-line options. For example:

trnsfrmr -n -i
trnsfrmr -i -t19932

The ? (question mark) in the extension .py? is replaced by the character that is used in your release of Transformer.

? The space character is used to separate multiple command-line options. Therefore, if any of the arguments contain spaces, you must enclose them in double quotes. For example:

trnsfrmr -n -kfield three=CarlosR/pw462 is not valid, whereas
trnsfrmr -n -k”field three=CarlosR/pw462″ is valid.

Related Topics

-d (Set Preference directory!!!)
-f (Set Preference File)
-i (Open Saved Model)
-k (Specify Database Signon)
-n (Run in Batch Mode)
-o (Do Not Create PowerCubes)
-p (Open Checkpoint File)
-r (Log Level Detail)
-s (Save Model)
-t (Set Current Period)
-u (Get Partition Status)

CognosScript programs (macros) can be written, run, debugged and tested in the CognosScript Editor which comes default with the installation of Cognos Impromptu or PowerPlay. The CognosScript editor can be started on edmacro32.exe in the \bin\ cognos installation folder to open mac files.

The Macros are saved to a text format and have a mac extension. When the file is run it is automatically compiled to a binary file, with a mcx extension.
To run the macros from the command line the runmac32.exe in the \bin\ cognos installation folder is used.

To run a cognos macro from the command line just type in the following at the command prompt:
“D:\Program Files\Cognos\cer3\bin\runmac32.exe” D:\myfirstmacro.mac

It is also possible to pass a parameter to the script (you’ll find an example on how to read the parameter in CognosScript on our pages). It can be done by adding the parameter simply at the end of the command: “D:\Program Files\Cognos\cer5\bin\runmac32.exe” D:\myfirstmacro.mac

Product: Cognos Express

When installing Cognos Express there are some things to remember when it comes to the location of the installation sofware

1.Special characters are not supported in the installation path
Certain extended characters are not supported when specifying the installation path for IBM Cognos Express and its components. Use only 7-bit ASCII characters when specifying the installation path for IBM Cognos Express as well as any of the client software applications provided with each of the IBM Cognos Express products.

2. Installation from a UNC path is not supported
You may be lucky and Congos Express will install and confiure properly. But when you try to install the Cognos Express modules, they all fail. Just uninstall Cognos Express, copy the installation software to a local disk of your server and install Cognos Express again. Now the Cognos Express modules will install properly

Product: Cognos TM1 9.x

1)  Open a DOS box / command prompt:  Start -> Run -> cmd
2)  Navigate to the TM1 bin directory using the cd command. Go to the TM1 bin directory, the default installation path is “C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\bin”.
3)  Type the following command:
tm1sd.exe -install -n”NameOfTM1Server” -z”PathtoTm1s.cfgFile”
Where the “NameOfTM1Server” (after the -n) is the name you want to give to this TM1 Server service.  If the name you are going to use contains any spaces, this value must be specified in double quotes.
Where the “PathtoTm1s.cfgFile” (after the -z) is the path to the tm1s.cfg file for this the TM1 Server you are setting up.
For example:
tm1sd.exe -install -n”TM1 Production Server” -z”C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\Custom\TM1Data\PData”

If the command is successful, it will return the following message:

TM1 Server / tm1 production server installed.

4)  You can then go into the services listing, and you will see the new TM1 Server service you setup.  Following the above example, the service would be listed as:
TM1 Server / tm1 production server
You can then configure the service to run automatically, and to run under a specific domain user.
NOTE:  If you are setting up a completely new TM1 Server for which you don’t already have a tm1s.cfg file, you can copy the tm1s.cfg from the Planning Sample TM1 Server and modify it accordingly.  At a minimum, you will need to modify the ServerName, DataBaseDirectory, and PortNumber parameter values.
If the service does not start (error message stating the service cannot be started), starting the same TM1 Logical server as a desktop application will usually provide more detailed information on the error.

Removal of the TM1 service

To remove a TM1 Server service (again, following the example above), follow steps 1 and 2, then type the following command:
tm1sd.exe -remove -n”NameOfTM1Server”

Where the “NameOfTM1Server” (after the -n) is the name of the TM1 Server service you wish to remove.
For example:
  tm1sd.exe -remove -n”TM1 Production Server”


Schedule a Planning job to run but it stays pending.
Schedule a Planning Job to run a macro. The job stays in pending status. The macro by itself can be set to run later. This occurs mostly in a multi server environment.
Monitor service is set to False
Change the monitor service to true on the Application server and Web Server, restart services.

Product: Cognos BI 10

Restrict access to Business Insight and Business Insight Advanced

Steps to deny users from using the Business Insight tool using capabilities:
1. Go the IBM Cognos Administration page and click on Security tab
2. Under the Capabilities link, click the ‘Set Properties’ on the Executive Dashboard capability. To deny access to a user, deny the execute and traverse rights.

Steps to deny users access to the Business Insight Advanced tool:

Note: Business Insight Advanced tools permissions are linked to Report Studio. So denying access to Business Insight Advanced also denies access to Report Studio

1. Go the IBM Cognos Administration page and click on Security tab
2. Under the Capabilities link, click the Set Properties on the Report Studio capability. To deny access to a user, deny the execute and traverse rights.


Product : Cognos Controller

Screen error:
The installed version of the Cognos Controller Link add-in doesn’t match the server file version and the add-in might not work as expected. Contact your system administrator for an upgrade of the add-in files.
The installed version of the IBM Cognos 8 Controller Link doesn’t match the server file version

User launches any functionality in Controller which uses the Excel link. User receives the error message.

There are several potential causes for this error message:

Option 1
Invalid registry entry from third-party software
The Controller Excel-link is checking which version is installed by looking at the uninstall key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall) in the registry. If a subkey name on the uninstall key contains a trailing space character, the check fails resulting in this error.

Option 2
Controller registry key from older Controller client version was not successfully uninstalled before the new client version was installed

Option 1:
Locate the registry entry (under the uninstall key) which contains a trailing space. Then rename it so that the key name does not end with a space (‘ ‘) character.
Warning: Always backup registry before editing! Incorrect modifications can cause serious problems to your system.

For example, third party software ‘Altiris Carbon Copy Solution’ leaves an invalid registry key.

1. Launch REGEDIT
2. Navigate to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
3. Create export from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall structure to a “.REG” file
4. Locate the subkey “Altiris Carbon Copy Solution Agent ”
5. Rename this to “Altiris Carbon Copy Solution Agent”
6. Close Regedit
Option 2:
Uninstall any Controller Excel link client version (from the client PC)
1. Logon to the client PC as an administrator
2. Open ‘Control Panel’, and launch ‘Add/Remove Programs’
3. Search for an entry relating to ‘Cognos Controller link add-in’
4. Highlight this entry, and click ‘Add/Remove’ and follow the wizard to uninstall the client

Re-install the ‘correct’ client version
1. Launch Internet Explorer
2. Launch http://controllerserver/cognos8/controllerbin/controllerclient.MSI
3. Choose to ‘save’ this file on your desktop
4. Close Internet Explorer
5. Double-click on the file ‘ControllerClient.MSI’ on your desktop
6. Follow the install wizard to perform a default install
7. Test by launching Controller

Product:  Cognos BI 8

How to determine the version of an Oracle JDBC driver?

1.  Locate the classes12.jar file being used. This is located in: <Cognos Installation Location>\c8\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib
2.  Make a copy of the classes12.jar file.
3.  Rename the classes12.jar to
4.  Use Winzip or some other file compression tool, extract the content of the to a temporary location.
5.  In the temporary location, locate the file called MANIFEST.MF
6.  Open the MANIFEST.MF file with notepad
7.  Look for the line Specification-Version: “Oracle JDBC Driver version –” indicates that the version of this JDBC classes12 driver is

This Oracle JDBC Driver version, must be exactly same as the version of the Oracle database server were you want to create a metric or content store. Ask the Oracle DBA how to obtain the correct JDBC version is necessary.