Cognos Enterprise Planning PLANSRVR_version=PLANSRVR-AW32-ML-RTM-10.2.1000.1-0
Cognos Analytics BI kit_version=
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server
The IBM Cognos service is restarting and people can not work. Error users can get are;
The server did something wrong</faultstring><detail><bus:exception><severity>error</severity><errorCode>DISPATCHER_NOT_YET</errorCode><bus:message><messageString>DPR-ERR-2109 The dispatcher cannot service the request at this time. The dispatcher is still initializing. Contact your administrator if this problem persists.
Suggested solution:
Stop all services.
Export all configuration.
Recreate the internal Cognos certificates. Follow instructions at the links below.
Open Cognos Configuration and start the service in correct order. The order is very important. CA content manager must be started first.
Please note that the steps are different for different version of Cognos.
More Information: