How check cube from python

Planning Analytics 2.0.9.x TM1_version=TM1-AW64-ML-RTM-11.0.913.10-0
Microsoft Windows 2019 server
Python 3.11

How tell a outside application that a TM1 TI process is finished?

Suggested solution:

Use TM1PY and a python script that checks a cube, where you write when the process have finished.

Create a cube for the flags

You have dimension FlagDimension and FlagValue, as shown above.

Create a TI process that you call from the epilog in your other process, to create the value in the cube. Looks like this:

When above TI process is run the value in the cell will increase with ONE, then you can see if the process has run more than once.

You have to come up with the pFlagName for each process, and use the same name in the Python code.

Install Python, and tm1py.

Create a python script similar to below ( you need to change values to point to your tm1 server instance ):

# import the modules needed

import os

from TM1py.Services import TM1Service

# Parameters for connection - python is case sensitive

USER = "admin"

PWD = "apple"

namespace = ""


gateway = ""

PORT = 12354

SSL =  True

#Connect to the TM1 instance

tm1 = TM1Service(address=ADDRESS, port=PORT, user=USER, password=PWD, ssl=SSL)

# where to check in cube

cube_name = 'CubeOfFlags'

elementname1 = "FlagName"

elementname2 = "FValue"

elementstr = elementname1 + "," + elementname2

values2 = tm1.cubes.cells.get_value (cube_name=cube_name, elements = elementstr, element_separator = ',')

# only to debug the code - it will show the value in terminal window


# in our example we use a bat file to run

# you need to use \\ in paths with python

testfilename = "c:\\temp\\testrun.cmd"

# execute the process if larger than zero

if values2 != None :

   if values2 > 0 :

      print ("this is more than zero")

      # get the process to run

      os.system (testfilename)

      # set the value to zero in the cube

      # so we do not run this process again

      # cellset to store the new data

      cellset = {}

      # Populate cellset with coordinates and value

      cellset[( elementname1 , elementname2 )] = 0  


      # send the cellset to TM1

      tm1.cubes.cells.write_values( cube_name , cellset)


# end of code

The line indent is important in python, that tells what code to run when the if statement is true.

To test we created a cmd file with this code – will create a txt file with the time in it.
When run it will create a txt file with this content:
You should be able to replace above with a cmd file that does what you want.
There are better ways to do this – please try out yourself.
Schedule the python script to check the cube every five minutes with a schedule program like:
IBM Cognos Command Center provides self-service process automation. Through a single interface, it enables you to view and run automated processes on an ad hoc basis, and diagnose and address issues much more quickly. The solution reduces the complexity of working in diverse software environments and brings you greater simplicity and control….
More Information:


If you use the command

time /T

that will print the time. (without the /T, it will try to set the time)

tm1.cubes.cells.get_value(cube_name: str, elements: str | Iterable = None, dimensions: List[str] = None, sandbox_name:

str = None, element_separator: str = ‘,’, hierarchy_separator: str = ‘&&’, hierarchy_element_separator: str = ‘::’, **kwargs) → str | float
Returns cube value from specified coordinates
• cube_name – Name of the cube
• elements – Describes the Dimension-Hierarchy-Element arrangement – Example: “Hierarchy1::Element1 && Hierarchy2::Element4, Element9, Element2” – Dimensions are not specified! They are derived from the position. – The , separates the element-selections

• dimensions – List of dimension names in correct order
• sandbox_name – str
• element_separator – Alternative separator for the element selections
• hierarchy_separator – Alternative separator for multiple hierarchies
• hierarchy_element_separator – Alternative separator between hierarchy name and
element name

tm1.cubes.cells.write_value(value: str | float, cube_name: str, element_tuple: Iterable, dimensions: Iterable[str] = None, sandbox_name: str = None, **kwargs) → Response

Write value into cube at specified coordinates
• value – the actual value
• cube_name – name of the target cube
• element_tuple – target coordinates
• dimensions – optional. Dimension names in their natural order. Will speed up the execution!
• sandbox_name – str