Cognos Controller 10.3 (
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server
Microsoft SQL server 2014
Microsoft Excel 2010 or newer

When start Excel from inside Cognos Controller client by press on the Excel icon or open data entry, you get a error message.

Cannot run the macro ‘cc.CompareDb’. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled.
at Microsoft VisualBasic.CompilerServices.LateBinding.LateGet (Object o, Type objType, String name, Object[] args, String[] paramnames, Boolean [] CopyBack) at Cognos Controller.Forms.Common. fFmFrangoFunc.RunExcelMacro…

Start Excel
Go to options in File menu
Go to add-ins
Click on Go at Excel Add-ins
UnMark a Adxloader.Controller.Excellink if it exists.
Click OK.
Exit Excel and Cognos Controller and try again.

Could not find c:\frangow\frangos.exe /automation. Check the file name is correct spelled and the path is correct…
at filename Object UpdateLinks, object ReadOnly, Object Format, Object Password…
at Cognos.Controller.Forms.Common.fFrmFrangoFunc.InitExcelLink at Cognos.Controller:Forms.ControllerMDI.DoAction…

Start Excel
Go to options in File menu
Go to add-ins
Click on Go at Excel Add-ins
UnMark a ControllerXL… line if it exists.
Click OK.
Should only be one line “Cognos Controller Link for Microsoft Excel”
Exit Excel and Cognos Controller and try again.

Cognos Analytics 11.0.7
kit_name=IBM Cognos Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server

Error message when try to install to C drive. This happens in the beginning of the installation when you try to select where to install the Cognos software. The C drive is hidden by a Group Policy. You can in file explorer enter C:\ to view the drive and the files, but this is not good enough for the Install software.

Error message:
Install Location
The specified drive in c:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics is invalid. Please specify a valid drive.

Possible solution:
Ask your IT department for Windows support to turn of the Group Policy that prevent the user from seeing the C drive.
The Install Anywhere program need to see the drive to allow that you select it in the installation dialog.

You can check the registry on the Windows server to see if there is a policy making this issue.
Start REGEDIT by type that on the START-RUN line.
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
If there is a NoDrives=4, then there is a policy for the logged in users to not see the C drive.
Right click on key Explorer and select “export” to get a backup of that registry part. Save to a file.
Change the value to 0 for NoDrives.
Exit Regedit.
Log out of Windows server.
Log in as the same user again.
Then you may be able to see the C drive direct, and the installation will work.

Otherwise you have to install it to a different drive (e.g. D:).

The value you can set at nodrives is a 26 Bit mask
A: 1
B: 2
C: 4
D: 8
E: 16
F: 32
G: 64
H: 128
add the numbers up to hide more than one drive.

Cognos Analytics 11.0.7
kit_name=IBM Cognos Analytics
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server

Silent installation of new Cognos Analytics does not work. No error message.

Possible solution:
Turn of the anti virus software on the server during installation.

The anti virus software on the Windows server have a rule that prevent EXE files to run from users TEMP folder.
When the Install Anywhere software start, after you click on the EXE, it will unpack a javaw.exe and a ANALYTICS_BI.EXE file, in the users temp folder. After unpack the Install Anywhere will try to start the JAVAW to continue with the installation of your cognos software, but here the antivirus will stop the action. Then the installation quits without error messages. There is also no log file from Install Anywhere.

If you click on your antivirus software (McAfee) and check the log file for it you will see message similar to this;
9/15/2017 3:00:31 PM Would be blocked by Access Protection rule (rule is currently not enforced) domain\username C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE C:\USERS\username\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\I1505480296\WINDOWS\RESOURCE\JRE\BIN\JAVA.EXE Common Standard Protection:Prevent common programs from running files from the Temp folder Action blocked : Read
or C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE C:\TEMP\I1505483120\WINDOWS\ANALYTICS_BI.EXE Common Standard Protection:Prevent common programs from running files from the Temp folder Action blocked : Read

How to do a silent installation:
Copy your install file ca_server_win64_11.0.7.exe to a folder like c:\install\media on the Windows server.
Run the installation with below command to create the response file, do the installation as you normally should do.
c:\install\media\ca_server_win64_11.0.7.exe  -r  c:\install\media\
Now there is a response file created.
Uninstall Cognos Analytics.
Create a CMD file and enter below line to make it possible to start the silent installation;
c:\install\media\ca_server_win64_11.0.7.exe -i silent -f c:\install\media\
Start the above CMD file from a administrative prompt.
This will run the installation with your choices as before.

You can include in your CMD file, that you copy the database drivers (sqljdbc4.jar) you need to the drivers folder.
Create a folder c:\install\media\drivers and place the jar file in there. Then add below line to you CMD file.
copy /Y /V c:\install\media\drivers\*.* “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\drivers\”
Also you can include in your CMD file that you copy any pre-adjusted XML (cogstartup.xml) files to configuration folder.
copy /Y /V c:\install\media\configuration\*.* “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration\”
When the installation is done, you start Cognos Configuration on server, adjust the values for your environment and click save.
Then start the Cognos service. (please note there is more steps to get CA11 up to run, this is only the silent installation).

Below example on a file.
# Tue Sep 05 09:27:57 CEST 2017
# Replay feature output
# ———————
# This file was built by the Replay feature of InstallAnywhere.
# It contains variables that were set by Panels, Consoles or Custom Code.

USER_INSTALL_DIR=C:\\Program Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics

-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\Uninstall_IBM_Cognos_Analytics.lax=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\resource\\iawin64_x64.dll=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\resource\\iawin32.dll=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\resource\\win64_32_x64.exe=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\resource\\remove.exe=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\resource\\invoker.exe=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\configuration\\preserve\\preserve.txt=Yes
-fileOverwrite_C\:\\Program\ Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics\\configuration\\preserve\\.ca_base_preserve.txt=Yes

More Information:

Cognos Controller 10.3 version (Integration Version Install/Udater Kit Version
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server
Microsoft SQL 2014 database server

When running a excel report or updating a excel form you get a error message. If you turn off ERO by remove the “Optimise2” name on cell A1 in the spreadsheet then it works. This is a upgrade installation from Cognos Controller 10.2.1 where it was no problem to run a ERO report in old version of Cognos Controller.

Error message:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. — System.Exception: Cannot bulk load because the file “xxx\xxx.tbl” could not be opened. Operating system error code 3(The system cannot find the path specified.). at Cognos.Controller.Proxy.CCRWS.ExcelLinkB_FetchValuesBulk(String sGuid, String sKeys, String sMcurr, Boolean bLocLang, string sUser, String sRep, Boolean bIsLnk, String sSortOrd, String sParams)
—End of inner exception stack trace—

Ensure you leave the “server directory” field blank at Enhanced Reporting Optimizations tab in Controller Configuration.
With SQL databases the use of a directory folder in ERO, is not longer supported.

For Cognos Controller 10.3, there is less need to use ERO with SQL databases. But you still need to set it up for upgrading customers, so they can run there old Excel reports.

How setup ERO for SQL database:
Ensure that the SQL account used to access the Cognos Controller databases have Server Roles “bulkadmin” and “public”.
Ensure the SQL services is run by a windows domain account and not as LocalSystem.
Create a folder on your controller Windows server called d:\ero
Right click on the ERO folder and select Properties.
Click on Sharing tab.
Click on Advanced Sharing button.
Mark “Share this folder”
Enter the share name to be: ERO$
(The dollar sign make the share invisible for browsing users)
Click on Permissions button.
Click “Allow” at Full Control for user “Everyone” (or add the service account that should have access here).
Click Apply and OK.
Click Apply and OK.
Click on Security tab.
Click on Edit button.
Click Add button.
Enter the name of the service account and press Check Names button.
Click OK.
Click “Allow” at Full Control for the service account you just added.
Click Apply and OK.
By default members of the servers local Administrator group have full control to a folder. You can remove the users group to ensure other have no access.
Click Apply and OK.
Click Close. The share is created.

Open Controller Configuration.
Go to the Enhanced Reporting Optimizations tab.
Select the controller database from the connection drop down list.
Fill in for each database;
File Mode: File Copy
Server: the name of the server where the ERO share is — normally the controller server or the SQL server.
Share: the name of your share (e.g. “ERO$”)
Server Directory: Must be blank (empty). (if using Oracle you need to fill this in).
User ID: AD\service_account (the windows account that you have given read/write permission to the ERO network share)
Password: password for the above user — it is encrypted when you press enter.
Click on Save icon in Controller Configuration.

Ensure that the EXCEL spreadsheet that will use ERO does not have a space in there spreadsheets tab-name.
In the excel report that should use ERO , go to cell A1.
Click on Name Manager icon.
Enter the name to be Optimise2.
Save the change and spreadsheet.

Update the Controller values by pressing F9 in Excel, when you are logged in to the Controller database through the Controller Excel Link.

Other error messages:
Server was unable to process request. —- System.IO.IOException: The network name cannot be found.
Possible cause:
The ERO share does not exist, check that the folder is shared out and not misspelled in controller configuration.
Other error messages:
Server was unable to process request. —- System.ArgumentException: Access to the path “xxx\xxx\xxx.tbl” is denied.
Possible cause:
The user have only READ access to the share, make sure you have full access for the user doing the request.
Other error messages:
Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.)
Possible cause:
The user account doing the request have not the full access to the folder on hard disk. Check the NTFS rights on the ERO folder.

You define the Active Directory user to access the Windows file share in Cognos Controller Configuration. If this is left blank, the user running the COM object is used – in most cases it is “Local System” account on Windows server.

More Information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.2
Centos Linux to install PAW (ipa_workspace_local_2.0.22.832.2)
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server for the TM1 main install.
Docker version docker-1.12.6-32.git88a4867.el7.centos.x86_64
Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core).

How install Planning Analytics Workplace on Linux?

This is a suggestion on how to do it in your lab – please follow official documentation in first place. You must have a Linux expert with you when you do the installation at a company production site.

Download products;
IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.22
with file (2.06 GB)
from here

Download Linux Centos file CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso from here

Different versions of Linux and Docker can give you other issues.
Download PUTTY from here
Download WINSCP from here

For TEST purpose you can setup a VMWARE image on your laptop, select New Virtual Machine Wizard. Point to your ISO file at Installer disc image file (iso) and click next.
Select Linux (version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64-bit) at Guest Operating System and click next.
Enter a name like CentOS and point to a empty folder on your harddisk and click next.
Set maximum disk size to 200 GB and mark “Store virtual disk as a single file” and click next.
cent 2
Click on Customize hardware and set memory to 10088 MB, set Number of cores per processor to 2, Remove USB and Sound Card and Printer.
Leave network at NAT. Click close and Finish.
cent 3
Click on “power on this virtual machine” in WMware Workstation.
Click in the black area with your mouse to get the focus inside the VMware session, go with arrow up to select Install CentOS Linux 7 and press ENTER.
cent 4
This acpi error is nothing to be concern about – let the installation start.
cent 5
Let English be your choice and click Continue.
Fill in date and time and keyboard for your country.
cent 6
cent 7
Then scroll down and click on Network.
cent 8
cent 9
Change the HOST name to something better – like centospaw.lab.domain and activate the network to see what ip you get from the DHCP. Enter the host name in small letters.
cent 10
Note down the IP address, and click on the Configure button at lower right corner. Click on IPv4 Settings tab and select Method to Manual (you must use manual ip on your PAW server) and click on Add button to fill in the IP values.
cent 11
Enter the ip address you had on the screen before.
Click Save and then click Done in the top left corner.

cent 12

cent 13
Click on Begin installation.
Click on ROOT Password to set it to Cognos17 (or something better)
Using this weak password will demand that you click on Done twice to move forward.
cent 14
cent 15
Click on USER Creator and enter your name. Mark “make this user administrator” (this will make it possible for him to use SUDO command in linux)
and set password to Cognos17 (or something better)
click Done twice.
Click on Finish Configuration.
cent 16
Wait until it is complete installed and click on Reboot button.
cent 17
Enter your name and your password, as you set it up before.
Now you are inside your Linux OS.

Linux is case sensitive – so enter all commands in lower case. They are only shown in capitals letters in this text to stand out.
Best is to add a text editor, so because this is CENTOS you need to enter YUM SEARCH NANO to see if the text editor NANO exist for installing. If this had been Ubuntu you have to enter APT-GET

Install NANO

cent 18
cent 19
Enter SUDO YUM INSTALL NANO to install the editor. You need to provide your password for it to act on the command.
cent 20
First it will list what it will download, so you must click Y to allow it to download and install your selected program.
cent 21
Enter Y to other warnings.
cent 22
Now the program is installed.

Now you have setup the VMWARE to have 10 GB of ram and 200 GB of hard disk and installed Linux CentOS version. You have also tested to install a program into Linux. This may require that you have access to Internet from your Linux machine.

Install DOCKER
Enter SUDO YUM INSTALL DOCKER to install docker into your machine.
cent 23
Enter Y to install the DOCKER program.
cent 24
Enter SUDO YUM UPDATE to update the Linux OS to latest fix pack.
(Note that Linux is case sensitive, you must enter program commands in lowercase).
cent 25
After the installation it is best to reboot the Linux server, enter SUDO INIT 6 or REBOOT NOW.
cent 26

Install Docker-Compose
Before you install Docker-Compose you need to create a folder to store it in.
Enter PWD  (in lower case) to see what folder you are in.
cent 27
The Linux disk is build up of several folders, recommendation is to install all cognos to folder OPT. Change to folder with commando CD /OPT (the / tell it to start from the top).
cent 28
Enter LS to see if there are any files in the folder.
Enter SUDO MKDIR COMP to create the folder comp.
Enter LS to see the folder now (in blue text).
cent 29
Enter LS
This is a new folder so it should not have any content.
Enter CD .. to go up one folder in the file structure.
Enter LS -L COMP to see the rights on the folder.
Enter SUDO CHMOD A+X COMP to set full rights for all users on folder COMP.
cent 30

Now you need to enter this line to download Docker-Compose.
curl -L “ -$(uname -s) -$(uname -m)” -o /opt/comp/docker-compose
cent 31
cent 32
Enter SUDO CHMOD A+X DOCKER-COMPOSE to make the file executable.

Sometimes the download of Docker-Compose only give you the HTML page — you can check your download by open it in your text editor, in our case NANO.

start nano to check docker file

nano docker compose only html

If it show readable text, you have not downloaded the program.  Remove your download with the RM DOCKER-COMPOSE command.

Then you should try this URL instead;
curl -L “” -o /opt/comp/docker-compose

cent 55

new download of dockercompose
Note the size of the received bytes, if to small then you did not download the correct file.

Now you need on your Windows laptop, install below program to access the Linux virtual machine
Install PUTTY
Install WINSCP

Install PAW
Create the folder /opt/apps/ibm/paw to store it in.
cent 33
Enter SUDO CHOWN ROGER: PAW to set owner on the folder paw
cent 34b
install unzip in your linux OS
cent 34
Enter Y to download and install the unzip program.

To check that you have access to Linux server from you laptop open a CMD prompt and enter PING, this should give a good reply.
Copy the PAW files to your linux server, start the WINSCP program.
Click New Site
Enter the Host name to the ip address and enter the user name to your name in linux and the password you have set there.
cent 35
Click save and login
cent 36
Click Yes to the question about adding the host key.
Navigate on the left side to the folder on your laptop where you have the ipa file you have downloaded.
cent 37
Navigate on the right side on the linux box to your new created folder /opt/apps/ibm/paw.
Drag the ipa file from the left windows to the right window, and the copy starts. You can also click on UPLOAD.
cent 38
When done exit WINSCP program.
In CentOS linux go to the /opt/apps/ibm/paw folder.
cent 39
cent 40
Remove the large ipa file with commando SUDO RM -F filename
cent 41

Start Notepad++ and enter below in a new file.
###### begin of file ##########

# This script exports required environment variables needed
# set to autostart docker program with linux os
systemctl enable docker

# set ip address – change to address of your server

# set area to path where docker-compose is
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/comp

# create docker group
groupadd docker
usermod -a -G docker roger
usermod -a -G docker root

#create folder
mkdir /root/bin

# set rights on the folder to be able to run files
chmod -R a+x /root/bin

# map (link) docker to the a root area
ln -s /opt/comp/docker-compose /root/bin/docker-compose

# lower security
setenforce permissive

# open port in firewall
firewall-cmd –add-port=8888/tcp
firewall-cmd –add-port=8888/tcp –permanent

###### end of file #######
Save the file as on your laptop.
Use WINSCP to copy the file to your linux paw folder.

Start putty on you laptop.
Enter the ip address at Host Name, and enter a name at Saved Sessions and click on Save.
cent 42
Click on Open to connect.
cent 43
Click on Yes to add the server key to your local machine.
Enter your username and password
Enter PWD to see where you are.
Enter CD /opt/apps/ibm/paw to change to the paw folder.
cent 44
Change so you can run the files in the paw folder by enter SUDO CHMOD A+X *
cent 45
Enter SUDO ./ to run the script
Run it as Root will work best.
cent 46

Let your Linux expert validate your steps before you run them.

cent 48 run as none root
Above when you run the script without correct user permissions.

cent 50
Set execute rights on the script files with command SUDO CHMOD A+X *

If the script does not work, then you have to enter this values manually before you run the script.

cent 49

Or better is to add this lines to start of the script;
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/comp

..then when is run this is executed as the correct user.

Check if they are set with command ENV.

cent 56

cent 47 docker error1

Above when the folder where docker-compose file is not part of the PATH.

Run paw
Go to the paw folder on your CentOS linux server
Enter SUDO ./
(Note that linux are case sensitive, you must enter

cent 52 Press Y

cent 54 The second run will ask if you want to update the images.

cent 57
DOCKER PS -A will list the running services. Here only the admintool.

Start a Internet Explorer and surf to

cent 58

Scroll down and press Accept

cent 59

Press OK, and select the other tab

cent 60

Scroll down and press Accept and OK.

cent 61

Change the servername to point to your TM1 server.

cent 62

In our example we use the IP address of the TM1 server.

The TM1 Login Server URI port number is to the TM1 instance that will control the access to the PAW (in native mode).

The port number is found in the TM1S.CFG file.

cent 63

cent 64

Press validate – this will also show the TM1 applications on that server.
Click on Update button to start the PAW services.

cent 65

Click on Status tab to see the process start. Press Refresh to get a update of the status. When the CPU% is low the PAW is started. Then you should be able to browse to it on address

cent 66

cent 67

Enter Admin and apple to login to your sample application.

cent 68

If you have a terminal to the linux server, you can there enter DOCKER PS -A to see a similar list of status on how the PAW all services are working.

cent 69

Now you are in PAW. If you are missing options in PAW, please try a different browser – like Chrome instead.

Command to see the running docker images;


Command to see list of installed images;


Command to see content of file;


cent 72 If you enter ctrl-c here, you only stop the AdminTool – the paw will still run.

How run a backup of the instance

From a terminal windows – check that the process are running by enter DOCKER PS -A

Then move to the script folder of your PAW start folder.

CD /opt/apps/ibm/paw/script

Here you can run the SUDO ./ command to create the backup of the databases in folder /opt/apps/ibm/paw/backup

cent 70 will stop the services, take a backup and start the services again. Recommended to run this every week at least.

cent 71

Please check the other scripts files in Notepad++ to learn more.


cent 53 - error admintool
/opt/comp/docker-compose: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline’
/opt/comp/docker-compose: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>’

Download Docker-Compose again, you did not get the right file.

ERROR: for admintool  Cannot start service admintool: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint admintool (81344b5025415739036ed6be09366f4f76076d1ce835733547889d727cc77a5c): exec: “docker-proxy”: executable file not found in $PATH
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

The docker file does not exist, in this version of docker it have a different name. Make a link in the folder from the new name to the old name, so the program can find the file. Enter a command like this:

ln -s docker-proxy-current docker-proxy

ERROR: for admintool  Cannot start service admintool: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint admintool (52dcfb86a67c6f953074c223aefe27e5a85aca9b250df6e5c5d2fa34acb4ce7f): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

Restart the server, the last try made the ports to be allocated, but no service started.

To ensure you get a new log file, you can erase the old log file with the commando;

rm admintool/up.log

Error response from daemon: Container 81344b5025415739036ed6be09366f4f76076d1ce835733547889d727cc77a5c is not running.

The user that run the service (root) does not have docker files in its path.

Make symbolic links to the folder for all files, from the USR/BIN folder, that normally is in the ROOTs path.
cd /usr/bin
ln -s /usr/libexec/docker/* .

More info about setup of CAM with PAW:

#CognosAnalytics and #PlanningAnalytics Integration – Walkthrough – Part 3

More Information about PAW versions:

How to install DOCKER CE for Centos on a RED HAT Linux

Recommendation is to only use supported environments.

Cognos TM1 10.2.2 Fix Pack 7 (or Planning Analytics 2.0.2)
TM1_name=IBM Cognos TM1
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server

How write and debug TI code more easy?

Use the free TI debugger tool.
You download it from here

On your TM1 server create a empty folder c:\debugger
Save the 20161214_TurboDebugger [v6].zip file in that folder.
Unzip it in this folder so you get 3 files.
Open TurboDebugger.bat file in notepad.
Add the path to your java folder to the first line, then it can look like this;
start “TM1 Turbo Integrator Debugger” “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\jre\7.0\bin\javaw.exe” -jar TurboDebugger.jar
Save the file.
Create a Shortcut on the desktop to your TurboDebugger.bat file.

In your TM1S.CFG file you need to add EnableTIDebugging=True and then restart the TM1 instance.
For Planning Sample you find the file in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\PlanSamp.
# TM1 Server HTTP Port
# Sets the server port number for HTTP access. Like PortNumber above, it is used to distinguish between multiple servers running on the same computer. When multiple TM1 servers are installed on a single computer, each server must use unique values for port number and HTTP port number.
# Type: Optional, Static
# When you install a TM1 server, the default HTTP port number is 12354. Valid port values are between 5000 and 49151
# If the Tm1s.cfg file does not contain the HTTPPortNumber parameter, then you can not use the OData v4 Compliant REST API.

Click on the bat file in Windows explorer to start the debugger.
At the login enter the TM1 windows server name and the HTTPportnumber for the application you want to connect to.
You find the HTTPS port number in the TM1S.CFG file for your TM1 application.
Enter the username and password to connect to your TM1 application.

This give you a improved TI editor.
You can search and replace text, and more easy update the TI processes.
On the right side you will see the TM1 variables values when you step though the TI process.

Changes you make to the code can be save with the save button on the top right side.

More Information:

Cognos Analytics 11.0.6
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server

In a new setup, we created a data source to a TM1 server, but when doing test in Cognos connection we get a error.
Test of SQL server data source is working.

This is in a SSO CAM security setup with Active Directory.

Error message:
XQE-CM-0008 Unable to retrieve credentials for namespace “CAMID(“AD”)”: java.lang.NullPointerException

In some cases the test of data source does not work when using external authentication.
Set to NO AUTHENTICATION and test again.
If the test works, set it back to you AD External Namespace authentication.
Create a report and use that to test that you can get some data from the TM1 data source.

As per the IBM Cognos documentation, you are not able to test a data source which is configured to use an external namespace for authentication.

Cognos Analytics 11.0.6
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server

When start Cube Designer we get a log on dialog – even do Cognos BI is setup with Single Sign On (SSO) to the Active Directory (AD).

This is by design.
This version of Cube Designer does not support SSO.

Only the BI developers should be using the tool, so there is a few persons who should need to enter the windows password.

More Information:

Cognos Analytic 11.0.6
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server

Error when publish a dynamic cube from cube designer.

Error message:
BMT-MD-6629 Unable to find a running Query Service at the configured dispatcher: servername

Possible solution:
Check the server name in Cognos Configuration.
They must be in lower case, so they match the server name you see in Cognos Connection – Administration – status tab – System view.

Change all server name references for dispatcher URI for external applications to be in lower case. Save the configuration and retry the publish in Cube Designer.

More information:

Cognos Analytics 11.0.6
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server
Microsoft SQL 2014 database server

How setup IIS for SSO with CA 11.0.6?

This solution is using the tool provided by IBM for configuration of the IIS.

In this example, everything is setup on the same Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server. You may need to check that the web server you use, have Trusted Delegation on the Domain Controller. Enter GPEDIT or SETSPN -L  ServerName at CMD prompt to see some information. More instructions here for Windows Kerberos;

On the Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server;

– turn off DEP
– turn off UAC
– turn off ‘On access scan’ of anti-virus software
– turn off IEESC (internet explorer enhanced security configuration)
– Set Power Option to ‘High Performance’
– in Folder Options – view – untick ‘Hide extensions for known file types’
– Internet Options, under General – Settings, mark ‘Every time I start Internet Explorer’
– Internet Options, under Security – Local Intranet – sites, Advanced, add the CA 11 servers to the zone.

Create a empty database named “contentstore” on the Microsoft SQL server. Create a SQL login name cognos with password cognos204. Set the SQL user cognos to be DBOWNER of the database “contentstore”.

Setup CA 11
Download the CA 11.0.6 files from here

Run installation of all tools, including IBM Cognos Software Development Kit 11, on the server. Start with the IBM Cognos Analytics Server Microsoft Windows Multilingual (CNIN2ML). The new license, allow the administrator to use all tools.


Right click on ca_srv_win64_11.0.6.17031315.exe file and select “run as administrator”.
Click next to run the installation in English.
Select IBM Cognos Analytics, and click Next.
Select to Accept the license agreement, and click Next.
Enter the installation directory to d:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics and click Next.
Select the Custom installation type, and click Next.
Select the First Install option and click Next.
Select all components and click Next.
Click on Install.
If you get a warning from the Windows firewall, check all and click on “Allow access” to continue the program installation.
When finish, click on Done

In later versions of CA11 you must copy file sqljdbc42.jar into folder d:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics\drivers before configuration.

Start up Cognos Configuration by right click and select “run as administrator”
Check that the CAservername is already filled in at all the fields, at Environment.


The Content store need to be change from IBM DB2 to a SQL Server database. Under Data Access – Content manager, right click ‘Content Store’. Select ‘Delete’ and confirm deletion.
Right-click New Resources -Database. Name the database ‘Content Store’ and select the type ‘Microsoft SQL Server database’.
In the right-hand pane at ‘Resource Properties’, fill in;
Database server name with port number (the sql servernamn:1433)
User ID and password (in our example cognos and Cognos204)
Database name (in our example contentstore)
Click on save icon and wait.


Above the default values for CA11 WebSphere Liberty Profile. Ensure the server have enough memory.

To enable login to Active Directory, you need under Security and Authentication,
Right-click New Resource – Namespace. Provide a name of the domain ‘AD’ and select ‘Active Directory’. Click OK.
Enter the Namespace ID to be the same as the namespace properties ‘AD’.
Enter the host and port to the domain:
Click the save icon.
Right click and test to see that the AD connection works, you must provide an existing AD users name and password for the test.

Click save and click on start (triangle) to start the CA 11 service.
Surf to http://BIservername:9300/bi/v1/disp to test the program.
You should get to the page without the need to login.

In Cognos Configuration – namespace “Change allow anonymous access” to ‘False’.
Save the change and restart the Cognos services from the restart icon.
Test to surf again to http://servername:9300/bi, this time you should get a login dialog.

When installing the developer tools, you must enter the server name in lower case in Cognos Configuration for Cognos Cube Designer, otherwise it will not work to publish a cube.


You can “pin to start”, your most used programs, to make them easy to find.

Install IIS
Ensure that IIS is installed on the Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 server.
Click on Server Manager icon, normally in lower left corner of screen.
Click on Local Server, on the left in the Server Manager.
Scroll down to Roles And Features, click on Tasks icon and select Add Role and Features.
Click Next 3 times to you get to “Select Server Roles”.

Select Web Server (iis) and click “Add features” to any question about installing additional features.
Click Next 3 times to you get to “Role Services”.
Scroll down and select

– Security – Request Filtering (already filled in) and Windows Authentication

– (expand) Application Development Features – CGI, ISAPI Extentions and Isapi Filters

Click Next and click Install.

Start a Administrative Power Shell

Enter this to make a backup of IIS settings
backup-webconfiguration -name MyIISbackup

Download ARR from here

Run ARRv3:0.exe


Click Install

Click I accept


Click Finish.

Run the script
Download the script from here

Unpack the file CA_IIS_Config(6.22.17).zip
Open the file CA_IIS_Config.bat in Notepad++


set ca_path Set the location of the Cognos Analytics gateway folder d:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\analytics
set ca_disp This section is where all application dispatcher(s) in entered. (Do not enter servers that are only Content Managers)

• set disp[x]=server_name is where you would put the fully qualified dispatcher name
ex. set disp[0]=

• set disp[x].port is where you would put the dispatcher port number.
ex. set disp[0].port= 9300

set enable_SSO To enable single sign-on capabilities in IIS, set this to True.

Save the BAT file.


In Windows Explorer, right click on CA_IIS_config.bat file and select Run as Administrator
A command windows will open with the variables that you have configured. If they are incorrect then press ‘n’ to exit and reopen the bat file to correct the issue. If everything is correct, then press ‘y’.


If all is well, there should not be any errors.

Surf to : Http://

If the SSO does not work after above script is run, check first that Windows Authentication is Enabled in IIS Manager. Open IIS Manager and go to the Default Web Site – ibmcognos. Click on Authentication. Mark Windows Authentication and click Enable. Ensure that Anonymous Authentication is Disabled on ibmcognos.


Then add singleSignOnOption=IdentityMapping in Cognos Configuration at Security – Authentication – AD – Namespace – Resource Properties. Click on Advanced properties above Account mappings (advanced) to enter the singleSignOnOption value. Save and restart the Cognos services.


Restart the server, if it still does not work then you need to manually check out all the steps to ensure it works.

Note: that for pictures to be displayed in PDF reports, you often have to in IIS manager set Authentication to allow (enabled) Anonymous Authentication on the picture folder like /ibmcognos/bi/samples/images.

Change of GateWay
Inside Cognos Configuration for Framework manager or other tools, or for Internet Shortcut you need to update to use this link
to get SSO
will give you the login without SSO.

The URI Gateway for Transformer or Framework Manager clients should be:

The URI external dispatcher for Transformer should be:

The URI external dispatcher for Framework Manager should be:

The URLs in Cognos Configuration for Cognos Analytics 11 can use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
The Gateway URL in Cognos Configuration for Cognos Analytics is configured as follows ( is the FQDN for the Cognos Analytics gateway server and is the alias that was set in CA_IIS_config.bat before running the script.)


If you examine the .\\webcontent\default.htm and .\\webcontent\index.html file. They have no reference to cgi as before.

Database Issues

With CA11.0.6 only database driver sqljdbc42.jar is in folder d:\program files\ibm\cognos\analytics\drivers, that should be good enough to connect to a Microsoft SQL database server. You should install a Microsoft SQL Server Native client (msncli.msi) to allow CQM reports to work.


Setup Audit database and import the deployment package.
Ensure Audit is configured in Cognos Configuration.
Create the data source connection to Audit database in Cognos Connection. Click on Test to test the data source link.

Click on the Success text (if possible) in test connection to see more information.

If you get a error XQE-DAT-0001, when you build a new report against the Audit database.
Then you may have forgotten to enter the database name, test will only check to the database server, not to the database you are going to query.

Ensure the JDBC connection have all fields filled out, for Microsoft SQL datasources.

When you test a data source to a TM1 server, you may get a error like below when you use AD authentication.
IBM Cognos TM1  / Dynamic  Failed   XQE-CM-0008
If you change to NO Authentication, then the data source test works. Set it back to AD external namespace authentication and build a report  and test that that works to get data from the TM1 cube.


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