Cognos Controller 10.3.1
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server
Cognos Analytics 11.0.8

After installation of a interim fix on top of a Cognos Controller 10.3 installation, some of the Cognos Controller windows services are missing.

Here instructions on how to install a upgrade, on top of Cognos Controller.

After the installation check that all Cognos windows services are in place.

If your are missing IBM Cognos Controller Java Proxy you should run this line from cmd:
sc create “IBM Cognos Controller Java Proxy” binpath= “d:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\CCRProxy.exe” DisplayName= “IBM Cognos Controller Java Proxy” depend= RpcSs start= demand

if you are missing IBM Cognos Controller User Manager you should run this line from cmd:
sc create frLicServer binpath= “d:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\server\FrLicServer.exe” DisplayName= “IBM Cognos Controller User Manager” depend= RpcSs start= auto

More Information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.3
IBM Cognos TM1 Applications
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When publishing a updated TM1 application in Performance Modeler to the TM1 Applications web (contributor web portal), the application is deleted.

Error can be:
[DeployApplicationThread:9b649fa9-1cf1-46f7-9bae-5f2fde393121] ERROR () – deployApplication Throwable An exception occurred on the server. Please contact your system administrator. TI_NODE_NOT_EXIST[CAMID(“CDS:u:uid=roger,ou=people,ou=eu”) | }tp_modify_application_attribute | }ElementAttributes_}tp_applications, BounceMode ] :EXCEPTION

There is a chance that there are “left-overs” from a old application with similar name in the portal, therefor the application is deleted before a new is created. The first time you publish a TM1 application to a new PMPSVC (contributor) web server, you need to ensure there is not a old application there since a previous crash.

Before republishing a old TM1 10.2.2 application to a new PA 2.0.3 server do this;
— stop the TM1 instance windows service.
— erase the log folder for the tm1 instance.
— copy a new fresh data folder from the TM1 10.2.2 application.
— surf to and remove the old application with the same name from the list of applications. You do this from the TM1 applications configuration page. You must be ADMIN in the TM1 instance you try to remove.
Check in the file TM1InstallRoot\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\configuration\fpmsvc_config.xml that the application is not listed any more.
— stop the IBM Cognos TM1 windows service (tm1web and pmpsvc service).
— surf to Cognos Analytics and go to Team Content – IBM Cognos TM1 Applications – My Applications. Remove the link to your published application. PM can not publish a application if there already exist on with the same name.
— start the IBM Cognos TM1 Windows service (pmpsvc service).
— start the TM1 instance, that you had issues with.
— Surf to and add the TM1 instance to the portal, and make it a application you can work with from PM tool.
— Log into Performance Modeler as a ADMIN in your TM1 application. Open up and see the application you have built before, validate the application first. Then try to publish it again.

If you have a working TM1 instance, then above should solve the issue, because you start from a fresh working data folder. There should not be any corrupt files you need to delete. Surf to to see if it worked.

More Information:

If you Run the }tp_admin_delete_all process from Architect, then all applications can be erased, and you may have to recreate them.

Planning Analytics 2.0.3
IBM Cognos TM1 Applications
Microsoft Windows 2016 server

When user inside Cognos TM1 Applications (contributor) are reporting there numbers. Then they click on X to close the window, they get a error message: 54: ObjectNameInvalid, when they press OK the application exits as it should.

Only when you use CAM authentication.

Suggested Solution:
You are using Internet Explorer in wrong emulation mode.

Press F12.
Select Emulation.
Change Document mode to Edge or 10, from 11.
Go into the node again and test.

To get to TM1 Applications you surf to

This error can also be found if the name of the TM1 application is to long, so the total length of the temp files BLB is more than 255 characters on the Windows server. During start of the Contributor session a blb file is created with the user name as filename in the datafiles folder, if this file is not created (due to its name is to long), when you exit your Planning Analytics Contributor application you get above error, because TM1 can not find the file and erase it.  All work, but you get a irritating error.

Solution is to have TM1 instances installed with short names like d:\tm1server\112\datafiles or similar.

You can also find in the tm1server.log error like this NAME INVALID error and that causes TM1.Blob FileCreateOpenDelete.

Cognos Controller 10.3.1
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server

Error when you try to login to Cognos Controller client, after you have selected the database to use, and you have been logged in as a CAM user.

Error message:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. —> System.Exception: invalid_user

at Cognos.Controller.Proxy.SoapExtension.ServerExtension.ValidateCAMUser(SoapMessage& message)

at Cognos.Controller.Proxy.SoapExtension.ServerExtension.ProcessMessage(SoapMessage message)

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapMessage.RunExtensions(SoapExtension[] extensions, Boolean throwOnException)

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapServerProtocol.CreateServerInstance()

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.Invoke()

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.CoreProcessRequest()

— End of inner exception stack trace —

at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)

at Cognos.Controller.Common.RaiseErrCli.RaiseError(Int32 lErrNo, String sErrSource, String sErrDesc, String sErrHelpFile, Int32 lErrHelpContext)

at Cognos.Controller.Direct.ServerInfoD.GetServerInfo()

at CCR.AppContext.InitServerInfo()

at CCR.AppContext.Login()

Login to your windows computer as a user who have rights to use Cognos Controller.
Then it will work. This user is not added inside Cognos controller, and therefor can not login.

Other solutions:

Cognos Controller 10.3.1
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server

An error occurred while trying to access the server when you start the Cognos Controller client and try to login.

Error message:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. —> System.ArgumentException: Requested registry access is not allowed.

at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)

at ControllerServerCommon.RaiseErrSrv.RaiseError(String sUser, Int32 lErrNo, String sErrSource, String sErrDesc, String sErrHelpFile, Int32 lErrHelpContext)

at FrServerB.LocalConnectionBusiness.SetSelectDb(String sGuid, String sUser, Boolean bSelectDb)

at FrServerB.ConnectionBusiness.SetSelectDb(String sGuid, String sUser, Boolean bSelectDb)

— End of inner exception stack trace —

at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)

at Cognos.Controller.Common.RaiseErrCli.RaiseError(Int32 lErrNo, String sErrSource, String sErrDesc, String sErrHelpFile, Int32 lErrHelpContext)

at Cognos.Controller.Direct.ConnectionDirect.SetSelectDb(Boolean bSelectDb)

at CCR.AppContext.SelectDb()

at CCR.AppContext.Login()

In the IIS manager change the user account used by the Application pool that Controllerserver is using.

Start Internet Information Servers Manager
Go to Application pools
Select NET v4.5
Click on Advance Settings
Change Application pool identity to LocalSystem from ApplicationPoolIdentity
Click OK
Restart IIS services.

More information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.3
Planning Analytics Workspace  (
Microsoft Windows 2016 server
Red Hat Linux server

When inside PAW, and you try to expand a node of a TM1 instance, you get a error message.

Session can not be established for server proven_techniques 500 (internal server error) “code” “explorer” “refID” “message” .”Failed to get children for server cubes”. “cause”.” No route to host”.

In one case this is because of DNS and routing problems in network. The PAW server and PA server have both two network cards, and can only communication on one of them.
You must in TM1S.CFG tell Tm1 instance what network card it should use.

Add the line
in TM1S.CFG and restart the TM1 instance.

Replace the ip number with the correct ip address of your Planning Analytics server.
Important that the IP address are inside ” double quotation mark.

Planning Analytics Workspace
Planning Analytics 2.0.3
Microsoft Windows 2016 Server

When user surf to the PAW, they are not administrator and can not add other users.
Surf to
Click on the user — and see there is not a option for Administration.
This is a new PAW setup with CAM authentications.

The first users that you add in a TM1 instance as ADMIN will be admin in paw when you login to paw. Therefor you must add CAM users to a native TM1 instance first.

Open up a Tm1 application in Native mode. Like Proven_Techniques.
Open C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\Proven_Techniques\tm1s.cfg in notepad++.
Add the lines;
Close TM1 architect.
Update the C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Applix\tm1\tm1p.ini file with
AllowImportCAMClients = T
CognosGatewayURI =

Start PAW administration console and surf to
Setup like this (change to your servers name);
TM1 Admin Server URI:
TM1 Application Server Gateway URI:
Authentication Mode: TM1
TM1 Login Server URI:
Click validate and update.

(This TM1 instance you point out with the HTTPport number is the instance that will define the first ADMIN in paw, even if you use security mode 5).

Start TM1 Architect and login to Proven_Techniques as Admin.
Go to Security – Client/Groups. From menu Clients select Add New Client.
Add your CAM user from your AD domain, that you want to be ADMIN in paw.
Mark the user to be ADMIN in TM1 Architect. Click OK.
Exit Tm1 Architect.

Open C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\samples\tm1\Proven_Techniques\tm1s.cfg in notepad++.
Change; IntegratedSecurityMode=5
Save the file and restart the TM1 instance.
Now TM1 instance is using CAM authentication.

Update PAW admin console by surf to
TM1 Admin Server URI:
TM1 Application Server Gateway URI:
Change to Authentication Mode: CAM
Set IBM Cognos BI Gateway URI:
Set IBM Cognos BI Dispatcher URI:
Set IBM Cognos BI Authentication Namespace ID: AD
Click Validate and update.
Click on status tab – wait until CPU usage is below 1%.

Surf to
Login as the CAM user you have given ADMIN rights in Proven_Techniques.
This user should now have a ADMINISTRATOR option under its name.

The list will only show name for people who have already try to login.

More Information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.3 (Tm1)
Cognos Analytics 11.0.9 (Cognos BI)
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server

When a user is added to a AD group, that then is added to Cognos group, and the Cognos Group is added in the TM1 application as a group. And that group is given access to cubes and dimensions inside TM1. When user login to TM1WEB, he can not see the cubes.
If you look inside TM1 Architect, there is no X for him under the Cognos\group. So Cognos have not understand that he belongs to a AD group.

IBM Cognos service run as local system in Windows server.
The Active Directory is setup to allow user to login but not to see other users details, like groups.


You need to at Namespace – Resource Properties – Binding credentials enter the name and password of a user that have the rights to READ the Active Directory and see what groups a user belongs to.


When you right click on namespace in cognos configuration and select test, you will first validate the user and there after try to get a list of the groups the user belongs to.


You need the binding credentials if AD is not configured to allow anonymous bind.


In TM1 you can add the Cognos group or the AD group direct into TM1 Architect under security – client/groups. Click on Groups and Add New Group. Click on your namespace and search for the group you want to add. When it is added it will look similar, as in the picture above.
If a user is successful to login and belongs to a group, there will be a X under that group for that user. User AD/roger can we see belongs to the Cognos group “TM1 users”.


Then you have to, inside your TM1 application, give the groups the access they need to the different cubes and dimensions.

More Information:

Cognos Analytics 11.0.9
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server

Does Cognos BI send a mail when you click on TEST of notifications i Cognos Configuration?

Yes, cognos configuration test mail function, will send a mail to the default sender with the default sender as sender.
If you enter a valid mail address at the company as the default sender, and click test, that person will have a mail.

Under Data Access – Notifications set it up like this:
SMTP mail server:
Account and password: (can be blank if the SMTP server allow resend of anonymous mail)
Default sender: (use the mail address to a person at the company)
SSL Encryption Enabled: False

More information:

Planning Analytics 2.0.5
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server

How to avoid the time out for users of TM1?


CA11 (Cognos BI) should have the lowest time out, e.g. 3600 seconds as default. This gives
CA Session timeout  < PAW Session Time-Out , should then have SessionTimeout= 60m and ProxyTimeoutSeconds=900 (15 min)
< TM1 Web in \tm1_64\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\web.xml at <session-timeout>70</session-timeout> & TM1 Web Applications timeout in Cognos Configuration > TM1 Applications set to 70 for Session timeout (default is 60 min).
< TM1 Database timeouts (tm1s.cfg settings IdleConnectionTimeOutSeconds= 4800, and a Rest-API connection HttpSessionTimeout= 80.)
< IIS timeout settings on the Windows server for CA gateway.

(below text copied from the web)

IIS server:
HTTP Response Headers at the ibmcognos/samples/images level – set common headers to Expire Web Content to After 5 days.
At the Default Web Site – Limits – set Connection time-out (in seconds): to 900.


At Application Pools – ICAPool – Advanced Settings, change Idle Time-out (minutes) to 90.

Default: 900 seconds ( 15 minutes )
Location: tm1s.cfg
Setting: IdleConnectionTimeOutSeconds=900

Default: 20 minutes
Location: tm1s.cfg
Setting: HTTPSessionTimeoutMinutes=20

Default: 3600 seconds ( 60 minutes )
Location: Cognos Configuration > Security > Authentication
Setting: Inactivity timeout in seconds

TM1 WEB (version 10.2.x):
Default: 20 minutes
Location: D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\web.xml
Setting: <session-timeout>20</session-timeout>

TM1 WEB (2.0.5 and earlier):Default: 20 minutes
Location: \tm1_64\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\web.xml
Setting <session-timeout>20</session-timeout>Setting the TM1 Web session timeout

TM1 WEB (2.0.6 and later):Default: 20 minutes
Location: \tm1_64\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\configuration\tm1web_config.xml
Setting <add key="HttpSessionTimeout" value="60" />Setting the TM1 Web session timeout

Default: 60 minutes
Location: Cognos Configuration > TM1 Applications
Setting: Session timeout (min)
( this setting updates the \tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\configuration\fpmsvc_config.xml session-timeout )

Default: 3600 seconds ( 60 minutes )
Location: http://localhost:9510/pmhub/pm/admin , Configurations > PMHub Session
Setting: MaxInactivityTimeout

PAW (later versions only) on Windows:
Default: 120 seconds, how long paw waits for response on back end systems like tm1 instances.
Location: d:\ibm\paw\config\paw.ps1
Setting: $env:ProxyTimeoutSeconds=”900″

$env:SessionTimeout The amount of time a Planning Analytics Workspace login session can go unused before it is no longer valid. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. Default is 60 minutes.

Session timeout in TM1 portal
The TM1 Application Web session-timeout can be adjusted in the following file:
D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\web.xml
Scroll to the bottom of this file and modify the session-timeout to the minutes you desire:
<|– Default to 5 minute session timeouts –>
Save the files and restart the IBM TM1 Application Server Service.
Session timeout in Cognos Analytics

1. Launch Cognos Configuration and navigate to “Local configuration -> Security -> Authentication”

2. Modify the “Inactivity timeout in seconds” from the default 3600 to your desired time (for example 7200 = 2 hours”).

3. Save the configuration and restart the Cognos service for the changes to take effect


  • Most web server timeout settings will come into effect long before the 1 hour time limit, but in the even that no such timeouts exist, this setting acts as a backup.
  • Furthermore, if the web server hosts other sites that do not have such a timeout, the Cognos portal can be secured by setting this to a shorted time frame so that only Cognos users are affected
  • The Cognos timeout is set to a value that is less than the timeout set on in-built portal. Make sure you set the value of “Inactivity timeout in seconds” in Cognos configuration to a value which is greater than the Inactivity timeout of your in-house portal.

Unable to successfully log in to TM1Web: Session timed out. Please login again…
Whenever a user logs into TM1Web the session immediately (falsely) times out.
The web server has an underscore in the machine name.

More information:

3 Ways to Optimize Cognos Timeout Settings