
Planning Analytics

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


How move data folder from server A to server B and keep the tm1websheets that are created in applications?



The TM1WEBsheets you publish from TM1 Perspective, are stored under the data folder, in a folder named }Externals.

Take a backup of that folder ( D:\TM1 Data\tm1instancename\Data\}Externals )

Copy the data folder from server A to server B.

Put back the }Externals folder, and you will have your previous websheets the same as before.

More Information:

  • TM1 copies and saves uploaded files to the TM1 server in the following directory: <server_data_dir>\}Externals directory.
  • When a file is uploaded to the TM1 server, the file name is appended with a time/date stamp.For example, if you upload the file US Budget.xls to the TM1 server, the file is saved as US Budget.xls_20040702193054.xls.
  • When you delete an uploaded file from a TM1 application, TM1 deletes the copy of the uploaded file from the }Externals directory. The original file, outside of TM1, that the uploaded file was copied from, is not deleted. 



Planning Analytics Workspace 75

Microsoft Windows 2019 server


When in PAW administration, and you click on the databases and select one to see the treads – you get a error message.

“There has been an issue processing this request. Please try again later.”

Possible solution:

Change the httpportnumber in use in the tm1s.cfg file to a port that is open in the network firewall between the tm1 server and the paw server.


If the Tm1s.cfg file does not contain the PortNumber parameter, the TM1 server uses port 5000.

When you install a new TM1 server, the default HTTP port number is 12354. Valid port values are between 5000 and 49151.

If the Tm1s.cfg file does not contain the HTTPPortNumber parameter, then you can not use the OData v4 Compliant REST API.

Or open more ports in the firewall, between the servers.


More information:

Cognos Controller 10.4.2
Microsoft Windows 2022 server


Users are prompted with the native login dialog, instead of the SSO (single sign on), that should be using the CAM (Cognos Analytics login).

This happens after the Cognos Controller Windows server was restarted last night.


Ensure that the Component service (found under Administrative Tools) have the COM+ component IBM Cognos Controller Consolidation running. Right click on IBM Cognos Controller Consolidation and select Start, if they are not running.

Ensure that the Cognos Controller Configuration, is set to CAM Authentication in the Server Authentication dialog. Even if it is correct set, change to native, and then back to CAM authentication. Then click on save icon in Controller Configuration.

If above works, then it can be that when the Windows server was restarted, and some of the controller configuration values was not picked up by the system.



More information: