Cognos BI 10.1.1
AIX server

After you have apply Cognos BI fix pack 1 the Cognos BI service does not start.

More information:
Instlog folder show version tl-BISRVR-10.1-6235.144
cmplst.txt file contain line:

You have installed from media bisrvr_aix64h_10.1.1_ml.tar.gz

The fixpack you have downloaded and try to install on AIX is
file CBI_10.1.1_AIX64_FP001.tar.gz from

Copy the file bootstrap_aix64.xml from a clean RTM installation of Cognos BI 10.1.1
and replace the new file in the server where you have installed the fix pack.

The file are in folder /opt/IBM/cognos/c10_64/bin64

After you have replaced the bootstrap_aix64.xml file with the old one, then the Cognos BI service should start.

The bootstrap_aix64.xml you should use are 2971 bytes in size.

This is only a issue on AIX, on Microsoft Windows the Cognos BI fix pack works.


Cognos TM1 10.2.2

Microsoft Windows 7


How update several workstations with the new TM1 certificates?


If the users are allowed to run a POWERSHELL script, then something like this may solve the issue:

(you need to adjust PATH for your environment)

# the new certs need to be unziped in folder C:\NewSSLCerts
$strPath = “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\ssl\”
$strFile = “applixca.pem”

$strFileName= $strPath + $strFile
If (Test-Path $strFileName){
    Copy-Item -Path C:\NewSSLCerts\*.* -Destination $strPath

     $CMD = $strPath + ‘importsslcert.exe’
     $arg1 = ‘-remove’
       & $CMD $arg1
     & $CMD

  # // File does not exist

#  only copy the files to other folders
$strPath = “C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin\ssl\”
$strFile = “applixca.pem”

$strFileName= $strPath + $strFile
If (Test-Path $strFileName){
    Copy-Item -Path C:\NewSSLCerts\*.* -Destination $strPath
  # // File does not exist

#  only copy the files to other folders like 32 bit version
$strPath = “C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\tm1\bin\ssl\”
$strFile = “applixca.pem”

$strFileName= $strPath + $strFile
If (Test-Path $strFileName){
    Copy-Item -Path C:\NewSSLCerts\*.* -Destination $strPath
  # // File does not exist

#  only copy the files to other folders like other drive
$strPath = “d:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\tm1\bin\ssl\”
$strFile = “applixca.pem”

$strFileName= $strPath + $strFile
If (Test-Path $strFileName){
    Copy-Item -Path C:\NewSSLCerts\*.* -Destination $strPath
  # // File does not exist


More Information:

IBM Cognos Controller 10.2.1 FAP
C8BISRVR_UPDATE_name=IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server Update
CONTRL_UPDATE_name=IBM Cognos Controller Update
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server

After update of certificate on TM1 server, the FAP will not work.

Error message:
2016-10-15 13:36:58,382 [schedulerThread] INFO Scheduler – FAP service started
2016-10-15 13:37:31,251 [schedulerThread] ERROR Scheduler – Could not logon to TM1 SystemServerNotFound
at Method)

You have the FAP service installed on the Cognos Controller server, and not the TM1 10.2.2 server.
Then there is a TM1 client installed on the Cognos Controller server that also need to have the certifikate updated.

Stop the Cognos services.
Backup the folder D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin64\ssl and D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\bin\ssl

Download the updated TM1 SSL Certificates from the following location:

Extract the downloaded file/archive and extract it to any directory. For the purpose of this document, our files will be extracted in to <tm1_client_install_dir>\tm1_64\NewSSLCerts\

Copy the contents of the folder you extracted earlier <tm1_client_install_dir>\tm1_64\NewSSLCerts\ , and place them inside of the 2 directories listed above in Step 4. During this process, you will be required to REPLACE all conflicting files as we must replace the old certificate files with new ones.


After all files have been copied successfully, navigate to <tm1_client_install_dir>\tm1_64\bin\ssl\

Execute the uninstallSSL.bat file, to uninstall old keys from the Windows Keystore

If uninstallSSL.bat does not exist, run importsslcert.exe -remove from Command Line

Execute the importsslcert.exe file, to install the new keys in to the Windows Keystore
Start the Cognos services.

Start IBM Cognos FAP service.

Login to IBM Cognos Controller Financial Analytics Publisher and do a initial publish by click on START in the Data Marts tab.

If it works, then the certificate it replaced good.

Cognos Controller FAP 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 Server
Cognos TM1 10.2.2
Oracle database

In a multi server setup, when you try to connect to the TM1 server from a terminal server where Cognos TM1 Architect is installed, you get the list of TM1 servers, but when you click on ONE TM1 server ( for example the one called FAP ) then there is no login. Only a not responding message for some time, and then you are back inside TM1 Architect.
If you use TM1 Architect on the same server as where TM1 is installed, then it works fine.

Possible Solution:
There are two networks cards in the TM1 server machine. One network card for access by clients, and the other network card for the company backup routines.
TM1 server will bind and only use the first network card found on the Microsoft Windows 2008 server. And if that is not the card used by clients, you will get this issue.
Go to Control Panel
Go to Network and Sharing Center
Click Change adapter settings
Press the ALT key to get menus on top in the dialog
Select Advance – advance settings from the menu
In adaptor and bindings dialog for connections you see two networks listed
Mark the one that belongs to the client network ( it may start with ip 10 ) and click on the up arrow icon on the right.
Click OK
Close the dialog.
Restart the TM1 services, and test again from TM1 Architect on the Terminal server or client computer.

Cognos Controller FAP 10.1.1
Cognos TM1 10.2.2
Windows 2008 R2 Server

When starting the FAP service, where we use Cognos BI CAM authentication, we get a error in the logs that say:
“Could not login to TM1, host: , server name: , user name: <namespace\username>”
C8ITKShared (C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\TM1_64\bin64\ C8ITKShared.dll is not a valid Win32 application.)

TM1 10.2.2 64 bit server installed to same Windows server as the Controller FAP Service.
The Windows FAP Service are 32 bit and uses 32 bit dll.
The new FAP client is 64 bit and uses the 64 bit dll and database drivers.
Default install of TM1 10.2.2 only install 64 bit dll files for TM1.

Install TM1 Architect in 32 bit version to the server.
Add the path to the C8ITKShared.dll to the system path e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\cognos\TM1\bin.
Right click on My Computer and select properties
Click on Advance System Settings
Click Environment Variables
Select PATH and click Edit
Update the path and save.
Click OK to exit dialog.
Restart the Server.

More Information:

Cognos TM1 10.2.2
Windows 2008 R2 Server

How do I copy a cube from on TM1 server to another TM1 server in a different environment? The 2 TM1 servers are part of two different BI installations, they use the same Active Directory for authentication, and there are no firewall issues between the servers.

Possible Solution:
Use a ODBO connection in Cognos TM1 Architect to create the copy.
Start TM1 Architect and log in to the receiving TM1 server.
Right click and select to create a new process.
Select Datasource type: ODBO – cube.
In connection you need to enter this information:
ODBO Provider: IBM Cognos TM1 OLE DB MD Provider
ODBO Location: (servername of the windows host that have TM1 admin service)
ODBO Datasource: FAP (name of the TM1 server where you want to get data from)
ODBO Catalog:
ODBO UserID: username (name of the admin user in TM1 application)
ODBO Password: password
Additional Connection Parameters: Provider String=”CAMNamespace=CDS”
The additional Connection Parameters is only if you have a TM1 application that use CAM/BI authentication – enter the name of the Cognos BI namespace, in our example CDS.
Click on CONNECT button – if no errors then you wrote the correct values above.
Go to Load ODBO Cube dialog tab
Select ODBO Cube to load from: FAPMonthlyCompanyDetails (or any other cube you want to import)
Select TM1 Cube to load to: FAPMonth (or any other name you have for it)
Cube Type: Physical Cube
TM1 Cube Action: Create Cube
Data Action: Store Values
Click on Cube Dimensions dialog tab
Here you can change what dimensions the values should connect to, or let the import create the new dimensions in your TM1 receiving server.
Click on MDX Query tab
Here you should be possible to adjust the MDX if you need to.
Click SAVE icon to save the process, give it a name like: FAP import from external server
Run the process.
Depending on the size of the TM1 Cube this can take some time.
When done you should have a copy of the cube and the dimensions.

More Information:

Cognos Planning 10.1.1
Windows 2008 R2 Server
Oracle database

When a user inside Cognos Planning Administration Console ( CAC ) click on the Monitoring Console tab he get a error message and when he click OK the CAC program exits (crash).

Error message:
Run time error 13 – type mismatch

Truncate two tables inside the Cognos Planning Store.

and p_pnrequest

Start SQL developer
Login to the database as COGPLAN (the schema that have access as the planning and planning store databases)

truncate p_pnrequestprogress
truncate p_pnrequest

And test again from inside Cognos Planning Administrator to click on Monitoring Console.

Cognos Controller FAP 10.1.1
Cognos TM1 10.2.2
Windows 2008 R2
Oracle Database
FAP process stops when it founds a user in Controller that does not exist in CAM source (LDAP or AD)
Error in FAP log:
2015-01-07 12:36:03,673 [IP:FAP] ERROR RetryInterceptor – Trial 3 failed for method addCAMUser
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by: Could not add CAM user AD\username1 with CAMID
… 12 more
Caused by: ObjectRegistrationFailed
… 12 more

Possible Solution:
Go into the Cognos Controller client, and erase all users that should not be there. That has left the company and does not exist in the Active Directory.
Different solution is to run SQL script to erase all users that have no CAMID in the table XCAMUSER inside the Cognos Controller database.
Start SQL developer and connect to the Cognos Controller database
Enter below to list the free rows:
Select * from frango.xcamuser where camid = ‘ ‘;
Enter below to make a copy of the table before deleting its contents:
create table xcamuser_backup as select * from xcamuser;
Enter below to delete the empty rows:
Delete from frango.xcamuser where camid = ‘ ‘;

Cognos BI 10.2.1
Windows 2008 R2 server

When run a report and then click on link to drill down to other report (or same report with other parameters) you get an error message.
Error Message:
Unable to load balance the request because no nodes in the cluster are available, or no nodes are configured for the service: reportService.

Possible solution:
Check the report in Report studio.
The link is pointing to a report that does not exist, probably have you changed the name of the report, and not updated the links inside the report to this new name.
The error is misleading that there is a platform issue, first check that the report exist with the name that is requested.

IBM Cognos Planning 10.1.1 Fix Pack 3
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server
Oracle Database

When user in CAC (Cognos Planning Administration Console) click on Monitoring Console tab to Monitor a Deployment they get a error message. When they click OK on error message the CAC is closed down.

Error message:
‘Runtime Error 13’
‘Type Mismatch’

Stop the Cognos BI and Cognos Planning services in Windows on all Planning servers.
Log into the Planning Store database with SQL developer ( or TOAD ).
Ensure you have a backup of the oracle database.
Run this commands to truncate the two tables:

truncate table p_pnrequestprogress;
truncate table p_pnrequest;

Start Cognos Configuration for the server that contain Content Manager first.
Start the Cognos services here first – both BI and Cognos Planning.
After they are up, then go to next server – the Cognos Planning Job server.
Start Cognos Configuration for the Planning Job server and start that as second.
When all the Planning services are up, go into CAC and test again.

The start order of the Cognos BI and Planning servers are important.