How install TM1 clients

Cognos TM1 10.2.2
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2

How install TM1 clients to client computers at Enterprise Company?

Only supported way to install Cognos Program is by the provide software, manually or scripted. Cognos support is not valid if you create your own installation package.
You can run a silent installation of Cognos programs by supplying an ATS text file that contain the result from a previous installation.
On a workstation at the company, run the installation of your Cognos Client manually answering all questions, for example about folder to install to.
After installation there is an ATS file in folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\instlog. Copy that ATS file and the Cognos media to a separate folder on a share.
Open the ATS file and change the License from NO to YES, like this:
Title=IBM License Agreement
;Failure to accept the license agreement and non-IBM terms, if any, will abort the installation.
;Please return the software to the point of acquisition and obtain a refund, if applicable.
I Agree=y
Title=Non IBM License Agreement
;Failure to accept the license agreement and non-IBM terms, if any, will abort the installation.
;Please return the software to the point of acquisition and obtain a refund, if applicable.
I Agree=y
Save the ATS file.
To make the installation, create an install.cmd file. Create a folder c:\install on the client computer. Under the c:\install create a folder called media. Copy the ATS file and a install.cmd file to a folder called c:\install\media on your computer.
Then copy the media for the client you want install to a suitable folder, example c:\install\media\tm1_10.2.2\ga\tm1_clt_10.2.2_32b_ml. Create separate folders for each client software.
The name of the ATS file tell the version that is installed, you can change the name.
cd /D %~dp0 move the focus in windows to the current folder.
Place any extra needed files in the c:\install\media folder as listed below;

TM1 Architect
The install.cmd should contain this:
@echo off
cd /D %~dp0
call .\tm1_10.2.2\ga\tm1_clt_10.2.2_32b_ml\win32\issetup.exe -s 01-TM1CLIENT-10.2-5200.235.ats
copy /Y /V msmask32.ocx “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\”
regsvr32 /s C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msmask32.ocx
The file msmask32.ocx is sometimes not there; therefore add it in the script.

TM1 Perspective
The install.cmd should contain this:
@echo off
cd /D %~dp0
call .\tm1_10.2.2\ga\tm1_clt_10.2.2_32b_ml\win32\issetup.exe -s 01-TM1CLIENT-10.2-5200.235.ats
regsvr32 /s /u C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mscomctl.ocx
regsvr32 /s C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mscomctl.ocx
The file mscomctl.ocx is sometimes not registered, so we unregister it and register it again.
TM1 Performance Modeller
The install.cmd should contain this:
@echo off
cd /D %~dp0
call .\tm1_10.2.2\PerformanceModeler64.msi ALLUSERS=1 TARGETDIR=”C:\Program Files” NOUPDATE=Yes
TM1 client media is found on the TM1 server you have installed in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\rcp_installs, copy the MSI file to your folder c:\install\media\tm1_10.2.2\.
TM1 Cognos Insight
The install.cmd should contain this:
@echo off
cd /D %~dp0
call .\tm1_10.2.2\CognosInsight64.msi ALLUSERS=1 TARGETDIR=”C:\Program Files” NOUPDATE=Yes
TM1 client media is found on the TM1 server you have installed in folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\rcp_installs, copy the MSI file to your folder c:\install\media\tm1_10.2.2\.
TM1 10.2.0 Package Connector
The install.cmd should contain this:
@echo off
cd /D %~dp0
call .\bi_10.2.1\ga\tm1pc_10.1.1_bi_10.2.1_win_ml\win32\issetup.exe -s 01-TM1PKGCTOR-10.2-5000.14.ats
The Package connector is needed on both Tm1 server and the client using TM1 architect, if you need to import data thru Cognos BI framework manager package.
CAFE 10.2.2
The install.cmd should contain this:
@echo off
cd /D %~dp0
call .\anl_ms_xls_32b_10.2.2_win_ml\win32\issetup.exe -s 02-COR-10.2-5200.150.ats
You can in Cognos Configuration on the TM1 server, turn off that Cognos Insight is automatic installed to clients from TM1 Application Web when they click on the icon.
Go to environment – TM1 application server – TM1 Clients – Allow provision installs – set to False.
TM1 Application Web (contributor) or TM1 Operations Console does not need a client installation.
You surf from client Internet Explorer to http://tm1server:9510/tm1web
You also need to install any database drivers e.g. oracle, at the client that run TM1 Architect.
More information:!/SS9RXT_10.2.2/