IBM Cognos Controller 11.1
Microsoft Windows 2022 server
After a new install of IBM Cognos Controller 11.1, the reports give a error inside the client, something like this
Even the documentation say, The installation of IBM® Cognos Analytics is needed only for using the Cognos Access Management authentication. You must enable the embedded report system to make it not ask for CA11 support.
Go to the Windows server where you have installed Cognos Controller 11.1
Go to folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\ControllerProxyServer
Open file web.config in notepad++
Add the line <add key=”ccrReports” value=”” />
Save the file.
Open file server.env from folder C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\ccr_64\ControllerProxyServer
Add the line JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/IBM/cognos/ccr_64/fcmweb/jre
Adjust the paths to your setup, like if you have installed on d: drive it should be JAVA_HOME=D:/Program Files/IBM/cognos/ccr_64/fcmweb/jre
Save the file.
Restart the windows server.
Now the cognos controller client does not need the CA11 services, as long you use NATIVE security mode.
Looks like you can leave this at default values, when you use NATIVE security mode:
Then you need to setup the client distribution server correct.
Next issue you will have is to configure EDGE on the client to open inside the cognos controller program, and not outside as a separate PDF reader.
You can try this (but it may not work):
To make Microsoft Edge open PDFs in an external application instead of the browser, follow these steps:
Method 1: Change Edge PDF Settings
- Open Edge and go to
- You can also navigate manually:
- Click the three-dot menu (⋯)
- Select Settings
- Go to Cookies and Site Permissions → PDF documents
- You can also navigate manually:
- Enable “Always download PDF files”
- This forces Edge to download PDFs instead of opening them in the browser.
- Set a Default PDF Viewer in Windows
- Right-click any PDF file in File Explorer
- Click Open with → Choose another app
- Select your preferred PDF viewer (Adobe Acrobat, Foxit, etc.)
- Check “Always use this app to open .pdf files”
- Click OK
Now, when you click on a PDF in Edge, it will download and open in your default PDF viewer.
More information: